Chapter 8

My Billion Dollar Man {HIATUS}

Sungjong was sleeping on his mathematics notebook after Myungsoo left him to do his homework alone because both were getting pissed off of each other- Myungsoo because the younger man couldn’t seem to concentrate enough when he was teaching him and Sungjong because he thought the older man should’ve put in more effort to make the tutoring fun or something-

‘Spoiled brat!’ Myungsoo inwardly cursed as he slammed the door of Sungjong’s room an hour earlier. He spent the time talking with D.O whose real name was actually Kyungsoo. He learnt a whole lot of new information too.

“Not all of us work in the house. Like Chen, your roommate, he actually works in one of Mrs Lee’s company. There are many of them you see,”

“Oh, then why is he in the employee’s house?”

“Because some of us are trained specialists,” the way D.O answered it was cryptic but Myungsoo noted his usage of ‘us’ “or we have nowhere to go,” this made Myungsoo suddenly sad

“I’m one of them huh?” Myungsoo asked rhetorically

“No, no I…” Kyungsoo looked guilty and Myungsoo just laughed, calming the other man.

“I know you don’t mean it that way. So what actually do you do here Kyungsoo?” he asked

“Please call me D.O; Mrs Lee insisted that we all go by our nicknames. I do whatever here, usually I take care of the flowers…emm gardening and all, oh and cooking too,” D.O answered

“So Kai, Lay and Chen are not their real names too?” to his nod “even Kris?” D.O nodded again. Myungsoo frowned he sensed something really not right “and that personal logo…,”

“Myungsoo, when we trust you we’ll tell you everything,” D.O kindly said but it didn’t comfort him at all.


“The Mrs, all new employees are actually under observation,” which made a lot of sense, I mean who in their right mind would take in a homeless-nearly homeless-person without any background without at least taking some extra precautions. “…until you’re deemed trustworthy, then we’ll open up though some will remain secrets forever, understandably,”

“It sounds like something I shouldn’t be meddling with,”

“It’s better if you remain oblivious my friend because when there’s a lot of money involved, there’s bound to be something within the grey area. The line between right and wrong,” He said with a small mysterious smile.

Kyungsoo!” someone harshly shouted making both men jumped and turned to an irritated Kai with his helmet in his black gloved hand. “What are you doing with him?” his tone was accusatory as he jerked his head to Myungsoo who was assessing him with cool, calculating eyes. D.O stood up and frowned

“Jongin-ah, we’re just talking,” The man explained, a little worried at Kai’s lividness. Myungsoo watched them both, realizing that they used their real names, Kai must have been really mad…with jealousy. Myungsoo couldn’t help the pull of a little smirk and ever the eagle eye, Kai snapped at him next.

Without even replying to Kai, Myungsoo went back where he was supposed to be. To Sungjong’s room. When he opened the door, the first thing he saw was Sungjong with his head on the table in a very awkward angle, snoring lightly, his silky hair covering his face.

He slowly walked towards the young man and sat by his side without making any noise at all. He carefully moved the hair that was covering the sleeping beauty’s face and tucked it back behind his ear. After a few seconds of contemplating, Myungsoo gently put his arm around Sungjong’s shoulders and lifted his head off the table slowly before he proceeded to put his other arm around the back of the young man’s knees and brought him close to his chest.

He stared at the boy in his arm, having the strong urge to hold him tighter in his embrace; he lifted him up and carried him to his bed without much difficulty, struggling only when he had to take off the comforter from the bed with one foot

‘This completely ruins the romantic drama scene’ was his thought as he uncooly tried to balance them both. When he succeeded, he laid the young man down with a huff and wriggled his eyebrows at the sleeping man “Remind me to pull off the comforter first next time,” he told him in a low tone and as expected the other man did not answer “…carrying you with one arm is hell,”

Suddenly a hand shot out and grabbed Myungsoo downwards harshly, with a loud ‘wuff’ the handsome man landed on Sungjong chest ungracefully and came face to face with a wide awake  Sungjong who was glaring at him “Are you implying that I’m heavy?” he demanded but received no answer from his tutor who just stared at him open-mouthed. Sungjong frowned and began to push him off “Yah hyung, I can’t breathe!”

To his surprise, Myungsoo only lifted his weight a bit by leaning on his arm to one side but still mostly covering his body. With a finger, his tutor twirled a few pieces of Sungjong’s hair, eyes twinkling with barely concealed wonder but he remained quiet. Myungsoo saw Sungjong was about to speak again so he slowly trailed down his finger on the man’s smooth and fair skin, he heard the Lee’s heir breath hitched when he made a deliberate and leisurely trip to the soft, plump lips of Sungjong, tracing them with barely hidden admiration.

“Sungjongie…,” Myungsoo whispered, he saw his eyes widened and he felt Sungjong froze, his intense gaze never left his. He could feel the magnetic pull as he went closer and closer until their lips brushed against each other so tenderly. He felt the familiar deep pull from his heart started again “…did you finish your homework?” he asked huskily.

YAH!” the question snapped Sungjong out of his Myungsoo induced trance and he roughly pushed him with surprising strength. Sungjong sat up and glared furiously at him, biting his lips and crossing his arms “You left me!” he screamed and Myungsoo smirked

“Well I’ am waiting here if you want to continue,” Myungsoo smiled and sat on the floor beside Sungjong’s low table where he was trying to finish his homework awhile ago “Though, it’d be a waste of my energy carrying you to the bed,” Sungjong whined from the bed as expected but seeing he didn’t progress much without Myungsoo, he stomped to where Myungsoo was and started to flip his notebook

Myungsoo secretly let out a sly smirk and began teaching him his summer holiday homework. Occasionally, he caught Sungjong placing his finger against his lips probably a habit but every time he did that he would look up and met Myungsoo’s eyes and he would blushed and looked away. Myungsoo bite his lower lip hard when that happened because he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t affected.

‘It still tingles,’ he balled his fist and closed his eyes trying to chase the vivid feel of his lips on Sungjong. Neither he nor Sungjong could actually concentrate properly for the rest of the evening until he was sent back to the other house with his washed clothes from the beach in tow-yes, who could resist that Woohyun again?-


A/N: To those who have managed to read through all these chapters, thank you ^^ I appreciate it very much.

so here's one of the unfinished chapter preview :

WooYeol :

Y-yah Nam Woohyun!” Myungsoo heard the choding’s voice crack as he shouted at Woohyun who continued to eat even though both could see that he was not alright. His forehead was beaded with sweats. He just looked dead at Sungyeol as he ate yet another one of the chocolate chili cookie without stopping.

“It’s for me right?” he asked softly. Sungyeol stood up and angrily slapped Woohyun’s hand as he reached for another one of the cookie.


“Is this what you really want?” for the first time, Myungsoo waited patiently until Sungjong relaxed his curled fist and dared to meet Myungsoo’s smoldering eyes dead on.

“I…think you know the answer,” He told him, voice husky. Myungsoo slowly touched his gorgeous jaw line, fascinated by the determined look on his face

Hehe in 3 months right LOL hopefully :D if you're still interested anyway

bye bye

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Chapter 14: This is really good so far and cute!
redmarkify #2
Chapter 22: I'm very curious about Chanyeol's relation to Sungjong and I wonder how Myungsoo-Sungjong-Sungyeol-Woohyun love square will go:). Zelo and Sungjong is so cute and what does Zelo means by "will you help zelo?" what was the favor he asked sungjong? mhmm...
Chapter 22: Finally you're back! I miss it so much~
and... It's just me or the story is getting more complicated?
I mean, for Myungsoo-Sungjong-Sungyeol-Woohyun's love story, the secret has finally revealed!!
Honestly, I'm so confused and curious at the same time. What will Sungyeol do to solve this problem?
He loves Woohyun so much, but he is Sungjong's fiancee. Poor Woohyunnie~
Woohyunnie, you must feel so hurt right now.. Let me hug you :p
And what's the relationship between Chanyeol and Zelo?

Ok, let me wipe my tears first..
So, I'm concern at their feelings especially for Myungsoo and Woohyun. They must feel so hurt and betrayed right now, because it affects to me too :p
I even didn't know that Woohyun is a rich person, until I read this chapter..
And I think, it's getting more interesting, hahahahaha :D
Anyway, good luck for your exam.. Author-nim ^^
JuzzMee #4
Chapter 22: i miss this story sooooooooooo much
glad you decide to update
Chapter 22: Jello! Oh adorable Jello! So cute. Ok, I'll tell you this, I feel like killing myself, then being reborn and killing myself all over again. I can't believe Sungjong's fiancee is actually Sungyeol. I feel betrayed, ok Myungie should feel betrayed but in case he's incapable of the feeling, I'll feel betrayed for him. Sungjong shouldn't have led him on. Oh Sungjong, what have you done? Now your only escape is leaving everyone and everything and marrying me-yes, that's your only option.
Wait I'm confused about Chanyeol-where does he come in? Why does Chaneyol's ICU voyage remind Sungjong of Zelo?
Goku Gohan? Dragon Ball Z all the way! I wish you included Vegeta as well. Haha.
Back to feeling betrayed and miserable for Myungie. And the WooYeol mess-how did Sungyeol fall in love twice? Or maybe he doesn't love Sungjong?
Chapter 3: I saw MyungJong, YeolJong, MyungYeol, MyungJongYeol!
This is so much me~ my heartvwull explode! And I'm still on chapter 3! gawd! And I love the way how EXO is here~ tbh, I'm an EXOtic but when I saw INFINITE (yes, I'm a kind of new Inspirit), my attention was focused to them xD

Loving this, I swear, even though, no love and what not yet, I'm loving the pairings already~

Author-nim, my dear oenni, THIS. IS. REALLY. JJANG!
let me crey~
Chapter 2: Must refrain myself from going to chapter 3 TT TT
If I start reading it now I might not get any school work done again TT TT
Oenni! Why didn't you tell me that you have an awesome story? I could have read it over my holiday~ TT TT
School is pretty busy right now, tbh, I shouldn't be here xD
but, I just love fanfics xD

Anyways oenni! Jjang!! Gotta read this when I finish my work~
Chapter 20: I NEED SOME ANSWERS!!!!!!! LOL i cant wait to figure out what the hell is going on hehehehe usually i catch onto plots real fast and can perdict wats up but damn I'm do cunfuddled! (Lol my new word) with this story! i have a few explanations but aish! love the updates btw
Chapter 20: Two chapters in a row? You're the best!
I'll tell you what's a sin-not letting Myunsoo have quality time with Sungjong. Poor Myungsoo, how can he let Sungjong go? He has fallen so hard this time, I can tell...And Hoya-why do you torture him so much? Take your lips off Myungsoo's Sungjong right now! Go kiss your Gyubear.
Gyu wants to give Hobaby a present? Something purple I suggest. Ooooooh the drama!
Oh no my poor baby had a nightmare. What's up with Sungyeol though? Aaaargh you're killing me with the unanswered questions. If I die now authornim, I'll surely haunt you forever.
JuzzMee #10
Chapter 20: so much questions... what make Sungyeol really scare? who Sunggyu like? what really happened?
Your story really good!!!