Fall Breeze

Kissing Kris Wu

I rolled up the sleeves of my white blouse, and tucked the hem into my black pants. I looked into the mirror with a slight smile. It has been a while since I last stepped foot into Bom's cafe, especially since I was dragged around to places by Kris for the past week or so. I fixed my hair and reached out for the door knob. Time for work


The door slammed open. I shrieked and jumped back. No, I wasn't scared of having a door hit me. I'm pretty sure I ran into enough doors that my face no longer felt pain. What-- or rather, who I was afraid of stood in front of me. It was the devil herself. The darkest hole of all black holes. Her glares would put Kris Wu's to shame. It was... Park freakin' Bom. I cursed under my breath.


Bom raised a finely shaped brow, and crossed her arms over her petite chest. She opened to speak. My body stood rigid. “Well, well. Look who finally showed up for work. You probably love your boyfriend a lot to have the guts to ditch work for him.


I wanted to argue with the fact that he was not my boyfriend, and that I didn't show up for work because of a certain jerk. However, Bom shut me up with her glare. Before she could continue to nag, I covered my ears with my palm. I spoke in a sing-songy tone, “Going back to work now~ The customers are impatient~” I pushed her aside gently and made my way into the cafe.


Bom sighed and shook her head. “I still can't believe a careless, and big-mouthed girl like Jae Hee found herself a boyfriend before I did.”




I sighed as I slumped down in my seat. I had forgotten how hard being a waitress was, especially on a Friday evening. I frowned slightly and glanced around the cafe. Something felt different. No, it wasn't the customers. They either chatted cheerfully amongst themselves, tapped away on their laptops, or sipped and ate in silence as they read books or newspapers.


I looked around one more time. This time, my eyes stopped to stare at a certain table. The table at the corner of the cafe was empty. Chanyeol and I had always sat at that table after school. It was at that table where we joked and laughed together, made fun of Bom together. I had met Chanyeol at that table. It was our table; we were the only two that sat there.


I felt a slight pang in my chest. Where was Chanyeol? He always goes to the cafe after school. Then, I swallowed the knot in my throat. I had been ignoring him, and hanged out with Kris instead. I canceled my plans with him for Kris. I made promises that I wasn't able to keep. I turned my head away from the table's direction and stared at my hands. Crap, Park Jae Hee, you're a horrible friend.


My thoughts were interrupted when the chair across from me made a skidding sound against the floor. Was it Chanyeol? Maybe he came late today. Maybe he doesn't hate me. Will he talk to me? My hopes dropped when I looked up. It was none other than Kris Wu.


“Yah,” he raised his brow slightly and reached out to cup my jaw. He smiled teasingly. Her eyes are red... but Park Jae Hee would never cry. “Are you crying? Are your eyes stinging because they can't take my perfection?”


“Shut up,” I muttered coldly. Why is this here? “Why are you here anyways? Shouldn't you be at home moping about your videos?”


Kris rolled his eyes. “Why would I mope about those types of things? In fact, I should thank you for deleting them. There's more space on my phone for storing embarrassing pictures of you now.” He gave me his signature cocky smirk. “I came here because my girlfriend makes the best strawberry smoothie ever.”


I rubbed my eye with the back of my hand. “You're asking me to spill it on you again, right? You are so annoying. You're like a little puppy that follows me around everywhere I g–”




I sighed and got up from my seat. “I'll argue with you later, annoying puppy.”


As I made my way towards the kitchen, Kris shouted at me in an awfully too cheerful tone, “One strawberry smoothie please!”


I narrowed my eyes and stabbed the tip of my pen against my note pad. I hate Kris Wu so much. I can't wait until the bet ends. But at least a strawberry smoothie will shut him up... For now.




It was a past closing time, and as always, I was last one out and that made me responsible for locking the cafe up. But tonight, I wasn't alone. Kris Wu had stayed the entire evening to wait for me. I couldn't help but smile a little. Maybe Kris wasn't completely inconsiderate after all.


“And that lady just continued to stare and smile at me the entire time!” Kris continued his complaining. “I don't know whether she was trying to be creepy, or if it was because of my handsome face.” He then either sides of his jaw with his thumb and index finger. He looked as if he was in deep thought.


I couldn't help but break out into laughter. “Or maybe she pitied you for sitting all alone.”


Kris narrowed his eyes at me. “Yah! I wasn't alone! Kris Wu is never alone!”


I raised my brows at him. “You looked pretty lonely to me.” Just then, I felt an extremely chilly breeze. I shivered slightly and pulled my cardigan tighter around my body.


“Are you cold?” Kris looked down at me, and noted my shivering. He stuck out his tongue and blew a raspberry at me. God, he was immature. “You should have worn a jacket instead of that...” He eyed my cardigan for a moment, and inspected it. “...thin thing.”


Cardigan. It's a cardigan.” I rolled my eyes and quickened my pace. “You're pretty stupid when it comes to clothing for a person who knows how to dress nicely.”


“Yah! I knew it was called a cardigan from the start!” He continued to walk at his leisurely pace, which was fast enough considering his long legs. He looked down at me again. “Stop for a moment.” He took off his jacket and placed it around my shoulders. I gave him a confused look. He cleared his throat and crossed his arms over his chest. He mumbled softly under his breath, “I'm just worried you'll catch a cold, and then I'll be blamed for being the bad boyfriend.”


A smile tugged at the corner of my lips. “Th-thanks.” I glanced down at my feet as I continued to walk, then back up at him. “Aren't you cold though? You're only wearing a t-shirt.”


He smirked cockily again. Goosebumps were visible on his skin, even in the dark. “Oh please, Jae Hee. Real men don't get cold just because of some silly, small breeze.”


“Says the one that has goosebumps.” I sighed and reached out for his hand. I intertwined our fingers and shoved our hands into the pocket of his jacket. I felt a slight heated feeling on my cheeks despite the cold. I mumbled, “Originally, I was going to let you freeze to death... But I'm nice... So, I'll at least keep your hand warm...”


Kris Wu broke out into a grin. “My girlfriend is so cute~” He cooed and reached his other hand over to pinch my cheek.






Q: Why are you smiling so widely?

K: Because... She actually wanted to hold hands with me for once! This is progress, I tell you! I didn't even have to force her! See, I told you since the beginning that she would fall for me.

J: You sick jerk. Who's falling for who? I just didn't want you to... to... to... To get frostbite on your hand! Yeah, that's it!

K: If that was the only reason, you could have just gave me back my jacket. Don't deny our beautiful love, baby. It hurts me... Right in my kokoro.

J: Our love? OUR love? I only love three people in this world: me, myself, and I.

K: BEEEEEP~ Wrong! You only love: Kris Wu, Wu Fan, and me.


author's note;

I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes, guys~ I typed this up in a hurry cus I have to go to sleep.

OTL, it's almost 12am. ; n ; I wanted to update on Wednesday, but I got lazy huhuhu.

But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and the interview part. Don't you guys just love the interviews at the end? keke. c:

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I'm so sorry for disappointing you guys ;___; I can't believe I've been procrastinating on updating this fic for over a year omg.


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baby_violet #1
Dear author, your forward description on this story gained my interest so I have subscribed it. Since the story seems not yet completed, I'm not reading it for this moment..However, myself with a big hope please update it soon *puppy eyes
MariHatake #2
Chapter 18: Please update soon as possible!!
Chapter 18: PLS PLS PLS Update!!!!!!!
I beg you.
I love the story.
taleen #4
Please update soon this one of my favorite stories ♥
taeyeon222222 #5
plzzzzzzzzzzzz update ;'(
wupew21 #6
Chapter 3: I love this story from long long long time ago, and still waiting for any update while re-read it again and again idk how many time already^^
swoonnie #7
Chapter 18: update please...
pretty please
Chapter 11: Kris watching ?!
taeyeon222222 #9
Chapter 18: plzzzzz where is the new chapter ???!!
unie !!! plz tell me :'(