GYG - Part IX

Getting Your Girl

A/N: Alright all you fluff loving readers who were once innocent, here’s the second to last part!



Readers: What?! I thought you said there was only one part left?

Me: Hai, I did.

Readers: Then shouldn’t this be the last part?

Me: Hai Hai, it should be.

Readers: So why is this the second to last part?

Me: Um...because I’m a troll and want to make you guys wait another half a year before I update the last part?

Readers: What?!

Me: Jkjk. Relax.

Readers: *glares* You better be...

Me: ^^ Yes, about the waiting another half a year part. No, about this being the second to last part.

Readers: So then when will we get the last part?

Me: Soon?

Readers: *takes out knife from nowhere*

Me: ^^;  Very soon?

Readers: *sharpens knife in hand*

Me: Okok *backs away with hands raised* two days from now.

Readers: *squints suspiciously with knife raised* You promise?

Me: *nods quickly* Hai hai, I promise ^^

Readers: *puts knife away and smiles happily* Great. We look forward to the last part! *disappears to read this update*

Me: *wipes sweat away* Scary~  T_T



Lol, but on a more serious note, I really am sorry for making you guys wait so long and being MIA. I appreciate all the love and support you guys have given to me and to the stories I write ^^


Also, I know you’re all wondering why this isn’t the end yet and it really is, but b/c it turned out so looonnnggggg (26+ pgs), I decided to just cut it off halfway and make this short story an even 10-parter. I’ll unhide the last part two days from now ^^ (cause I'm most likely not gonna be sober until then...)


That’s the end of my long author’s note lol. You can move on to the story now if you haven’t already ^^


p.s. Happy New Year to you all! (I know for some of you it has already passed, but it's still Jan 31st where I am so...yeah...) :D




Part IX




After agreeing to skip class with Key to drive down to the competition a few days early, the two of us spent the entire day exploring the city and eating food here and there. Everything was going fine until a few hours before dinner time, or more specifically, the end of Krystal’s training for the day. Key thought it would be more fun to scare the girl at the field house so he dragged me to hide behind some bushes near the pathway leading up to the female’s locker room. I, of course, protested, but it was useless. The two of us ended up crouched behind the bushes like some creepy stalkers for almost an hour before Krystal finally came by. Since I didn’t have the heart to scare the girl, I only stood up from the bushes while Key jumped out shouting ‘boo’ along the way. Krystal, who was in the process of taking a drink from her water bottle, screamed and threw the bottle at Key by reflex.








Key, who saw the incoming object at the last second, unfortunately could not duck fast enough and ended up being hit square between the eyes. He yelped from the impact and stumbled back a step as his hands came up to massage the painful area.




Luckily for us, Krystal’s coach was still down at the other end of the field talking to some other coaches to hear the commotion so we didn’t have to worry about hiding.




When Krystal had finally gotten over her initial shock from seeing both Key and I there and heard our explanation, the three of us went to a nearby restaurant to have dinner together. Of course this was after the girl washed up and convinced her coach that she was tired and would be heading back to the hotel to rest for the remainder of the night. The coach, fortunately, bought the lie and left with a few other people to dinner after dropping Krystal off at the lobby of the hotel where Key and I were waiting for her in disguise.




After dinner and Krystal’s kind agreement to let us stay at her hotel room, the three of us made our way back to the latter’s room.




The hotel room itself wasn’t small, but it wasn’t big either. There was a beige colored couch that seats up to three people, a beige chair next to the couch, a small rectangular coffee table, a nice 32” flat screen TV mounted on the wall, a moderate size closest, a big bathroom, and two full size beds - the size between a twin and a queen. 




After dueling it out with Key in an intense battle of rock-paper-scissors to see who gets the other bed and who gets the couch, I managed to pull through on the fifth set making it a 3-2 win.




“You cheated,” Key had complained.




“Don’t be a sore loser,” I laughed and threw my stuff on the bed. “I won fair and square.”




Though to be honest, at the time, I didn’t really care whether I got the bed or couch. I was just glad that there were two beds and not one. It would’ve been awkward and nerve-wrecking if I had to share a bed with Krystal. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t live to see another day. That, or I would’ve succumbed to inappropriate desires and impulses. After all, it’s not hard to be imaginative at night when one has already seen the girl wrapped in only a towel.




Aside from a few moments where I was sitting on the bed blushing by myself when Krystal came out of the shower wearing nothing but a tank top and shorts, nothing else really interesting happened for the rest of the night. Since Krystal had training early the following day, Key and I didn’t bother the girl so she could get the rest she needed.




The next day after Krystal left with her coach for practice, Key and I continued to roam the city and its many stores by ourselves. Around an hour before our scheduled time to go pick Krystal up from the hotel to get dinner together again, I received a text from the girl saying that the coach wanted her to go to dinner with them and the other runners tonight so she couldn’t eat with us. This brought my mood down but I didn’t let it show fearing Key would notice and badger me with endless questions.




After dinner, Key and I returned to the hotel for the night and since Krystal wasn’t back yet, we let ourselves in with the extra room key card Krystal had given us the night before. About ten minutes or so after Key had gone into the bathroom to take a shower, Krystal finally came back. Even though I appeared calm on the outside when I saw the girl walking into the room, I was ecstatic on the inside.




“Hey, you’re back. How was dinner?”




Krystal threw her duffel bag down on her bed. “Pretty boring actually.” She then proceeded to walk over and climb onto my bed, plopping herself down next to me. “They’re not as entertaining as you or Key.”




“Oh really?” I chuckled. “I guess I’ll happily accept this compliment of yours then. If I’m not wrong, I think this is your very first compliment to me?”




“That’s not true, I’ve complimented you plenty of times before.” Krystal reached over and grabbed the remote from my hand, her arm lightly grazing mine. She then sat back and started flipping through the channels.




Due to the almost nonexistent space between the younger girl and I, it took me a bit longer than normal  to respond. “W-was I present for these compliments? Because I definitely don’t remember hearing them from you.”




“That’s because you have a bad memory.”




“No I don’t.”




“Yes you do.”




“No, because I know I would’ve definitely remembered all your compliments to me.”




Krystal turned away from the TV to look at me. “Really? You would? Why?”




“It’s simple, because they’re from you.” I turned to meet the girl’s eyes only to shyly turn back to focus on the TV.




I might’ve sounded smooth when I said it, but honestly, that wasn’t supposed to be said aloud.




Unfortunately, in the heat of the moment, it slipped.




It would be easier on myself if I blamed Krystal’s long slender legs stretched out on the bed in front of her that caused me a moments haziness and fake-courage to say something like that, but what’s done is done. Maybe if I’m lucky, the girl won’t think too much on the intended meaning behind those words.




The only question left is, do I really want to be lucky this time around?




I don’t know how much time has passed since those words left my mouth, but from the corner of my eyes, I saw Krystal turn back to face the TV and started flipping through the channels again.




Perhaps she really didn’t think too much about what I said.




I guess when you really like someone, small things tend to get exaggerated in your mind. 




“Where’s Key? Is he in the bathroom?” Krystal suddenly asked.




I nodded. “Yeah, he’s taking a shower. But he should be done fairly soon, I think. Unless he went crazy with the facial products he bought today, then you might need to wait another 15-20 minutes.”




“Oh. Okay, that’s fine,” said Krystal as she scooted off the bed to grab her cell phone in her bag.




I couldn’t help but exhale in relief, silently thanking the momentary distance between the girl and I.




“So what did you guys do today?” Krystal asked as she crawled back onto the bed.




“Nothing much,” I shook my head. “We just shopped around. Key bought some clothes and a ton of skin products. The saleslady thought he was buying all of it for his girlfriend.”




Krystal laughed. “That’s so like Key. What about you? Did you buy anything?”




“Not really,” I lied.




While Key was busy chatting with the saleslady to try to figure out which brand of moisturizer he should buy, I had sneaked off to the jewelry and accessories store next door. Earlier when the two of us had walked by, a thin silver necklace on the display window caught my eye. At first glance, I immediately thought it would go nicely around Krystal’s neck. The design of the necklace was simple yet exquisite, just like the younger girl. Even though we were only friends and I harbor a one-sided crush, I couldn’t help but buy it. Though of course it should be okay to buy it because it’s totally normal for friends to give friends these kinds of things...right? There is nothing wrong with that, or at least that was what I told myself.




“Well, if he drags me around from store to store shopping for his things tomorrow, I’m going to ditch him,” Krystal stated matter-of-factly.




I turned to look at the girl, a bit confused by what she said. “Don’t you have practice tomorrow though?”




Krystal shook her head proudly. “Nope. I did so well today that my coach decided to give me the whole day off tomorrow to rest and explore the city if I wanted to.”




“Oh? Really?” I asked in pleasant surprise.




“Well, I had to do a little bit of begging, but yes, I am free all day tomorrow. We can go eat delicious food!”




I had to chuckle at the girl’s excited outburst about food. “Sure, we can go eat anything you want tomorrow.”




Krystal’s eyes immediately twinkled when I said that. “Really? Anything?”




I nodded. “Anything.”




“Whatever I want?”




“Sure, I don’t see why not.”




“And you’re paying for it all?”




“Woah, wait a minute there.  I didn’t say anything about paying. Now you’re just pushing it.”




Krystal pouted. “Aw, why not?”




I chuckled. “What do you mean why not? I’m not a bank nor am I a credit card you can freely spend, you know. There is limited supply of money in my wallet.”




“But I let you guys crash in my hotel room.”




“And we are forever grateful.”




“I didn’t tell coach about you guys being here either. The least you could do is cover the bill.” Krystal tried to reason and even attempted at blinking her eyes cutely at me for added effect.




Although my face looked impassive on the outside, I was grinning widely on the inside.




I was never a person who was fond of aegyo in general nor do I possess any myself. Usually when someone uses aegyo on me, it would just make me cringe and more keen on never succumbing to their wishes.




However, at the moment, witnessing Krystal’s unusual aegyo right next to me, I wanted to just throw my wallet at her and say, “Here, take it all – credit cards, cash, everything”.




But I didn’t. I kept this urge to myself and instead replied with a short, “Fine, I’ll think about it.”




Although I played it cool this time around, I know that when tomorrow comes, I’m going to most likely pay for all her meals and whatever else she wants. I can just see it, all the hard earned money I had saved up from my part-time job during the summer till now vanishing in a blink of an eye. Just like that, gone. But strangely, I was okay with that.




Krystal smiled to herself contently, seemingly satisfied with my reply for now and went back to watching the TV.




I chuckled and quietly sighed to myself.




I’m not even dating the girl and I’m already whipped.




This is just sad.




What’re you doing to me, Krystal Jung?




“You know, I still can’t believe you guys are actually here,” Krystal spoke up as she stopped on a famous drama that was currently being re-aired. “It’s a bit crazy.”




“To be honest, I still can’t either. It’s like one big fuzzy experience right now.”




“Are you sure you guys won’t get in trouble? I know you said your parents won’t find out but what if they do?”




“Well...then let’s just say I would be dead meat.”




Krystal laughed. “But you said your parents are nice people.”




“They are, but parents will be parents. Maybe they’ll roast me until I’m well-done before toning down the fire to let me simmer in agony.”




Krystal nudged me playfully. “Why are you talking like that? Now you’re making me hungry.”




“But you just came back from dinner.”




“And now I’m hungry again.”




I stared at Krystal in disbelief. “Are you serious? It hasn’t even been an hour since you came back.”




“Hey, I had a tough training session today so I’m hungrier than usual okay?” Krystal crossed her arms and pouted.




I chuckled at the cute expression. “Okay, okay. So what do you want to eat? I don’t have anything other than a bag of chips and some candy in my bag. I don’t think Key has anything in his either.”




Krystal pursed her lips, tapping her chin in thought. Her face was turned slightly towards me and her brows were furrowed in concentration.




The sight was a bit too much for me to handle and if it wasn’t for the bed sheet I was secretly gripping tightly underneath the covers, my hand would’ve reached out to touch the younger girl’s face.




It didn’t help that Krystal was only sitting centimeters away from me wearing nothing but her training shorts and a tank top that exposed her long, slender arms and legs for me to secretly gawk at. It was torture to just sit there quietly, acting like nothing was wrong.




Her attire was understandable since she had been training the whole day and just returned from dinner with her coach and the other runners competing in the race tomorrow, but still, it was hard, especially since my feelings for the girl has been itching to come out.




“Let’s go out.” Krystal suddenly sat up straight and stared right at me.




Because of the thoughts that were going through my head at the time, I misinterpreted the meaning behind her words and almost fell backwards in shock thinking she just confessed to me. “W-w-what?!”




“Let’s go out,” Krystal repeated, her face looking far more serious than it should in my opinion.




“G-g-go-go ou-out?” I stuttered, trying not to choke on my own spit.




Did she just ask me out?? She wants to date me?!?




OMG what?!?!?!




I might have started to hyperventilate if Krystal didn’t hop off the bed to put on her shoes.




“Come on, what are you waiting for?” asked the younger girl as she went to grab a jacket from her suitcase. “Let’s go.”




“G-go where?”




“Out to get some food, where else?”




The wheels in my brain started to spin and I finally understood what Krystal had meant when she said ‘Let’s go out’ earlier. She was talking about going out and getting food since she’s hungry.




“N-now?” I managed to ask as I silently died from embarrassment and stupidity.




Krystal nodded and came back over to switch off the TV. “It’s not that late yet and since it’s a Friday night, all the stores and restaurants will open later than usual.”




“O-oh...” I didn’t move.




“Come on~” Krystal whined and reached over to grab my arm. “I’m hungry. Let’s go~”




Before I could respond, I was pulled off the bed and pushed to put on my shoes then dragged towards the door.




“W-wait!” I pulled my arm free from Krystal’s grasp and quickly scrambled back towards the bed to get my wallet from my backpack. Considering my current awkward situation, I was surprised and amazed at myself for still remembering to bring my wallet. What is this sorcery?




Krystal waited by the door for me with a weird smile plastered on her face. When I returned, she raised her eyebrows cutely while still smiling at me. “Ready to go?”




I nodded and Krystal turned to open the door.




Right as the girl was about to step out of the room, I suddenly remembered something else.




“Wait!” I called out again.




Krystal turned to look at me, slightly impatient now. “What now?”




I awkwardly cleared my throat and pointed at the bathroom door. “Shouldn’t we wait for Key?”




“Is he still showering?” Krystal asked and I leaned my head towards the bathroom door to listen for the sound of running water.




“Yeah, it seems like it.” I straightened back up after confirming.




“Then no.” Krystal reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the room after her.




I guess Krystal must’ve been really hungry because she dragged me all the way out of the hotel and only then did she release my arm, not that I was complaining though. In fact, I was more than willing to be dragged by the younger girl and had a stupid smile plastered on my face all the way until we stepped out of the lobby.




“Where to?” I asked with a dorky grin, secretly labeling this as our first official date together even though it wasn’t.




Krystal looked around, checking the direction of where she wanted to go before grabbing my arm again and pulling me down the sidewalk.




I laughed and happily skipped alongside the girl as she guided us to our destination. “Wow, you must be really hungry,” I commented.




Krystal eyed me for a second before focusing back on the road in front of her without saying anything.




I didn’t mind the silence though because I was too busy being excited about our little late night outing and even failed to notice the small smile playing on the younger girl’s lips as I unconsciously swung our arms back and forth.




The night, amazingly, turned out far better than I could have ever imagined. It literally felt like an actual date between two people.




After Krystal had lead me to a Hanwoo restaurant with my wallet and I crying a little as we stepped inside, the two of us decided to stroll through one of the nearby night markets after eating before heading back to the hotel.




“To help our digestion,” Krystal explained after suggesting the idea.




If it meant more alone time with Krystal, I was, by all means, down with it.




Even though it was a bit late, there were still plenty of people around and at one point, due to the crowded area, Krystal had reached out and grabbed a hold of my hand, interlacing our fingers tightly together.




“So we don’t get separated!” the younger girl yelled above the noise.




My mind was too busy  trying to get over the fact that Krystal and I are holding hands, with fingers interlaced and everything, to reply. Not to mention my body had gone weak at the warmth that emitted from the younger girl’s soft hand.




Keep calm, my brain repeated over and over again as the two of us strolled from store to store, occasionally going in when Krystal saw something interesting, whether it’d be clothes, jewelry, or food.




When the two of us finally reached the other end of the night market area, Krystal casually released my hand and adjusted her jacket, much to my disappointment.




“Whew, that was fun, right?” the younger girl asked, turning her body to face me.




“Yeah, but it would’ve been more fun if I didn’t pay for everything,” I joked and earned a playful slap.




“Hey, you offered. I never forced you to.”




I chuckled. “That’s true. I did offer.”








“Then I should rephrase my response. It would’ve been more fun if you had offered to pay for some of the stuff,” I teased and earned another light slap to the arm.




“Come on, let’s go home. I need a shower,” Krystal said while sniffing herself and scrunched up her nose at the smell. “Yuck.”




I laughed at how cute she was and the two of us started making our way back to the hotel.




As we walked along in silence, I kept secretly glancing down at Krystal’s hand next to mine. We were walking rather close to one another and occasionally, the back of our hands would brush against each others. Every time her hand would lightly graze mine, a tiny jolting sensation would travel up my arm and down my body. There were many times where I wanted to reach over and hold her hand, but in the end, I just couldn’t work up the courage to do so.




I had almost lost hope on trying when a guy walking towards us suddenly gave me an idea.




Waiting for just the right moment, I took a deep breath and boldly reached over and took a hold of Krystal’s hand tightly, despite my hand and arm being stiff and tense.




From the corner of my eyes, I could see Krystal looking down at our joined hands and then back up at me, tilting her head curiously.




I watched as the guy walked past us before explaining my action. “The um...the guy...he looked kind of I um...” I was still in the process of trying to figure out how to word the rest of my explanation when Krystal finished it for me.




“Trying to protect me?”




I nodded shyly, keeping quiet about the part where I wanted to act like her boyfriend, or in this case, her girlfriend. She didn’t need to know that.




“That’s sweet of you,” Krystal smiled and tried to pull her hand away since the guy was now long gone, but when I didn’t let go, she looked up at me with raised brows.




I cleared my throat and kept my eyes on the road ahead. “I-it’s not safe at night...a-and we don’t know w-when someone else dangerous will come we s-should hold hands, j-just in c-case...”




What I said was the truth. It was dangerous for a pretty girl like her to be out late at night and since my outer appearance isn’t exactly feminine, why not just act like her “boyfriend” so people, or crazy ahjussi’s, will be more likely to leave us alone?




When I received no response from Krystal, I turned to look at her.




I wasn’t sure if my eyes were playing tricks on me or not but I could’ve sworn I saw a blushing Krystal biting her lower lip and trying to suppress a smile. Unfortunately, I could not confirm anything because the younger girl had turned her head away the very next second.




Thinking I was seeing things, I reluctantly loosened my grasp on Krystal’s hand. Since she didn’t respond, it must mean she didn’t like the idea of me holding her hand even though she held mine earlier.




At least I trie—




My thoughts were cut short when I felt Krystal tighten her hold on my hand before I had completely let go.




“Y-you’re right...” said the younger girl, her eyes focused on the road ahead, “it’s not really safe at night...w-we should hold hands, just in case...”




For a brief moment, I just stared at Krystal with my mouth agape. Was I hearing her right? Did she really just buy my lame attempt of an excuse to hold her hand?




A stupid grin started to spread across my face.




She did.




It was amazing how just holding hands could make my heart swell so happily. I almost felt like an innocent little kid again, crushing on someone secretly and dying of happiness just from a slight touch.




“Why are you smiling like that?” Krystal’s voice woke me up from my brief daze and I found the girl had turned to look at me.




“Ah,” I quickly turned away in embarrassment. “Nothing, I was just...” I trailed off. I couldn’t possibly tell the younger girl I was happy...




...Could I?




“Just...?” inquired Krystal.




Suddenly, my heart started to pound faster and louder against my chest.




Was this the time to finally confess my feelings?




With the almost empty streets, the stillness that had finally settled into the night, the overwhelming emotions suddenly coursing through my body, should I finally say those words that I have been wanting to say to the younger girl since a while back? Whether she accepts or rejects me, should I finally take that chance? Right now, it seems like the perfect moment.




“I was just...” I started, bravely turning back to look at the girl straight in the eyes.




“Just...?” Krystal breathed out, seemingly sensing a change in the atmosphere.




Here goes nothing.




“Just happy,” I let the words roll off my tongue.




Something immediately flickered behind Krystal’s eyes and the girl suddenly stopped walking, causing me to stop as well.




In the quietness of the night the two of us stood there facing each other, motionless.




“Just happy,” Krystal repeated my words, her dark orbs boring into mine as if trying to read my mind.




I nodded slowly, suddenly aware that the space between us was quite small.




“Why?” the younger girl asked, as if wanting me to confirm something in her mind.




I squeezed my free hand into a fist and took a deep breath.




This is it.




I’m going to tell her how I really feel.




“Because I —”




No. Wait.




“I —”




You can't. Stop.




And just like the waves crashing to shore and retreating as soon as it came, the words I wanted to say died on the tip of my tongue. All because of a familiar face flashing across my mind for one brief millisecond, my confession ceased to exist.





End of part 9.
One more part to go! (seriously) lol
I will keep my word and unhide the last chapter 2 days from now. ^^
How about a teaser for now? Yes? No? You'll hate me if I post an exciting teaser, right? Since you'll have to wait another 2
Well, here you go anyway ^^ hehe
Part X Teaser

“Do you think he’s asleep?” Krystal whispered next to me, both of us slightly hunched over in front of the door.


“I hope so.” I quietly swiped the room card to unlock the door.


“What if he’s not?”


“Then make a run for the bathroom. I’ll cover you,” I whispered before gently pushing the heavy wooden door open.






“Um...” Krystal cleared shyly.


Turning my head slowly towards the girl, I inhaled sharply when I realized just how close her face was to mine. The dark orbs that were staring intently back at me was mesmerizing and I couldn’t look away. It was so mysterious yet revealing at the same time.


“K-Krys…” I breathed out, my heart beating out of control as I desperately fought the urge to look down at the younger girl’s lips. 


So many thoughts were running wild in my mind at the moment and the close proximity of our faces was tempting me to do things that I really shouldn’t.


But as if reading my mind, Krystal suddenly started leaning in towards me.






“No I’m not! She really was waving at me!”


“She doesn’t even know you,” I argued and this made Minho immediately turn towards me.


“Which reminds me, how’s the plan going...? Have know...” Minho leaned down and whispered, taking care to be discreet to prevent Sulli from hearing.


The reminder immediately made me even more tense and I swallowed the lump in my throat before replying. “Let’s uh...let’s talk later. There’s something I need to tell you.”






“Minho...” I started. “...there’s something you should know...”


But before I had a chance to continue, Minho’s gaze suddenly shifted away from me and his eyes grew wide in surprise. “Oh-!”


“Wha—” I turned around to look only to feel my whole body freeze up and my heart stopping. “K-Krystal...”


“Is this true?” Krystal stood a short distance away from me, her gym bag slung over her shoulder.






Alright, that's the end of Part 10 teasers. I think most of you already know the major events that will happen in the last part, but until then,

Ramen out~

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snackplate #1
Chapter 11: You know… it’s too bad to make Key waiting for the ice cream for too long… hahahahaha… I had fun reading this. Thank you so much author! <3
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 11: Awww sweet ending :)
Bluekkkmt #3
Wow,I love this story!!!! I love the way you built in every characters. But I wish to see more fluffy part though lol. Thanks for writing this great story author.
mikait0 #4
Chapter 11: Hahahah Key didn't really forgot about the icecream :D
llamavan #5
Chapter 11: Hahahahhaha Key missed out on the ice cream again, he ain't happy about it :P
Hello author...
Actually this is my 1st time read kryber fanfic heheh, usually kryber just minor shows in ff...
But i find this pair are really cute! So why not read it, and turns out this ff are indeed make me laugh and feel the cheesiness (thank God im not allergyc to cheesy - fluff slash aegyo wkwkwk)
Hahaha the one part of the epilogue that make me snap an instant memory because the "blondie" things hahaha,, key still want his ice creaammmm.. Poor him,, but im laugh because of it (sorry key) XD
Any way, thanks for the great story author,, have a nice day!^^
WhatsUrColor #7
Chapter 11: Creepy Key at the end had me bursting with laughter!!! He wants that ice cream yo! The best ending!
babySavie #8
Chapter 11:!! This is really cute ,funny,sweet,crazy,and cheesy story i ever read...even i laughed while i reading ..i know im exxagerated now..but you must to be my favorite author..yassss
iluveunji #9
Chapter 11: HAHAHA the ending is just too funny love this story!!
TwinTurtles #10
Chapter 10: OH MAN! This story is daebak! Amber and Krystal were so sweet and this definitely satisifed my kryber feels! Thank you so much for writing!