GYG - Part III

Getting Your Girl

Part III


“Uh…s-sorry.” I said and was about to leave and find another stall when a hand came in contact with my right cheek, really hard.


A few seconds later.




“There you are! What took you so long? I almost thought you fell into the toilet again.” Key said getting up from the ground outside the locker rooms.

“Sorry.” I mumbled.

“Just so you know, because you were so slow, Krystal left already.”

I nodded silently and started walking down the hall.

“Yah, what’s wrong with you?” Key asked catching up to me. “And why is your face red?”

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

“By the way, did you happen to run into Krystal while you were in the locker room? She came out a few minutes after I came out. I was going to ask her if she saw you but she looked really upset about something. She talked to me for a little while but said she has something to do later so she needed to leave.”

“…..oh…..” Was all I managed to say.

When our next class was about to begin, I parted ways with Key.

“So I’ll see you later?” Key asked stopping in the middle of the hallway.

I furrowed my brows. “For what?”

“What else?”


“To introduce you to Krystal of course.”

“Oh…………..wait, you’re doing what?!”

“What do you mean what am I doing? I thought you wanted me to introduce you to her.”


Well, technically I did. I’m just not sure about whether today is a good day to do that or not. Especially with what happened in the locker room. My face still hurts, a lot. Not to mention my sore body.

“Just come over to my house when school ends.” Key said before walking away without waiting for my response.

I massaged my forehead to ease the headache.

Have I mentioned how much I wanted to strangle Minho?

Sighing, I made my way into the classroom. Not even a few seconds after I walked into my original class, the students greeted me excitedly.

Girl #1: Amber! Your back!

Girl #2: I missed you Amber!

Girl #4: I love you Amber!

Girl #2: Eh? What are you doing here again?

Girl #4: Is there a problem with me being here?

Girl #2: Yes! You’re not in this class! Stop coming in here all the time!

Girl #4:  *ignores girl #2 and waves happily at Amber*

Girl #3:  *whispers*  guys! Psssttt, guys!

girl #1,2,4 turns to look at girl #3

Girl #2:  *whispers back annoyed*  what?!

Girl #3:  *continues to whisper*  look at Amber’s face!

Girl #1:  *whispers*  what about it!?

girl #1,2,3,4/guy #1,2,3 turn to examine Amber’s face closely.

Girl #2: OMG! Amber! What happened to your face!?!

Girl #4:  *extremely worried expression*  What happened Amber!?

Guy #1: Why is your face red?!?

Guy #2:  *whispers to guy #1*  purplish! It’s purplish!

Girl #1: Did you get a rash Amber?! I have some ointment if you need it.

I made my way to my seat and sat down quietly. I ignored the other students and took out my book.

Just as I was about to begin reading, Minho appeared in front of my desk.

The chattering in the room got even louder than it already was.

I pretended not to see Minho as I focused back on the book, until a hand covered the page I was trying to read.

I grunted in frustration and looked up.

“So?” Minho asked looking at me happily.

“So what?” I asked back.

“How’d it go?”

“How’d what go?”

“You know~~”

“No, I don’t know.”

That’s a lie, but if I have to suffer because of Minho, then I’m going to make him suffer as well. It’s only fair that way.

“How did gym class go?”

“Ah, gym class. It went very well, thank you for asking.”




“Please stop calling my name like that, it’s rather disturbing.”

“Then tell me~~”

“Tell you what? I already told you my gym class went well. Did you not hear me?”

“The girl~~How’d it go with the girl~~?”

“Girl? What girl?”

“You know, THE girl.”

“I’m sorry, but there are a lot of girls in that class. You need to be more specific.”

“The girl I asked you to help me with~”

“You’ve asked me to help you with a lot of girls.”

“Aish,” Minho grunted then leaned forward and whispered, “Krystal. How’d it go with Krystal?”

“Oh, that girl. Okay I guess.”

“Really? So are you close friends with her now?”





“What do you mean why? I’ve only just met her today.”


“You don’t just become close friends with someone in less than 6 hours.”


“You were the one who came up with this stupi— elaborate idea in the first place. You even said it would take at least half a semester before she and I become close friends. Don’t tell me you’re impatient already?”


“If you’re going to rush me, then I’m going to have to back out—”

“No no!!” Minho quickly waved his hands in front of me. “I was just asking, that’s all. Anyways, class is starting so I’m going to go. I’ll be waiting for the good news! Bye Amber!”

With that, Minho left to go next door to his own class.

Before the teacher came in, I decided to skip class and go up to the roof. I need some peace and quiet. Today hasn’t exactly been that great of a day. My body is sore, my face hurts, and I have a headache. I just want to be alone.

I made my way to my usual spot on the roof and sat down. I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air.

“…much better.”

I opened my eyes and looked up at the sky. After enjoying the clear skies for a few minutes, I adjusted my posture and laid down on the ledge for a much needed nap.


I slowly opened my eyes, only to close them again when I was momentarily blinded by the sunlight.

After adjusting to the bright sunlight, I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

“What time is it?” I asked aloud to myself.


I yawned and looked down to where the shouting was coming from.


A girl was flailing her arms in the air and seems to be chasing after another girl walking up front towards the school gate.

I yawned again as I watched the distance between the two girls decrease until the one running caught up with the other girl.

I scratched my head aimlessly and stared down blankly at the two girls.

The girl walking in front stopped and turned around, taking out her headphones in the process.

I yawned for a third time and sat there motionless. I continued to watch the two girls. They seem to be talking to each other.

However, the more I watched the two, the more I felt like I’ve seen one of them before. I leaned forward a little and squinted to try to see the girl’s face more clearly. That’s when the girl suddenly looked up in my direction. I almost fell backwards on the ledge when I realized who the girl was.

I quickly looked away and hopped off the ledge. I grabbed my stuff off the ground and hastily made my way for the door.

As I was making my way down the stairs, it occurred to me that I had no reason to be in such a hurry.

“What am I doing?....Am I running away from something?” I asked myself.

I sighed and shook my head a little to clear my mind.

I looked at the time. The last class of the day just ended 10 minutes ago.

After standing on the steps for a few minutes, I decided to go shoot some hoops.

While I was doing some layups, my phone by the bleachers suddenly rang. I ran over and looked at the caller id.

Then it hit me, how could I forget?

I reluctantly answered the phone. “Hello…?”

“Amber! Where are you?”


“What? Stop joking around and get over here.”

“About that…you see…uh, I’m kind of busy so I don’t—”

“You know I don’t like waiting on people so get over here, NOW.”

“…okay okay….I’m on my way.” I said and Key hung up.

I sighed and placed my phone into my pocket.

I grabbed my stuff and exited the gym.

I can’t believe I forgot, and to think I would’ve remembered when I saw her by the school gate when I was on the roof.

I arrived at Key’s house in less than 10 minutes since I ran most of the way.

“Amber! There you are!” Key yelled angrily while making his way down the front steps. “How can you forget?!”


Key sighed before pulling me inside the house.

We both made our way to the living room. For some reason, my palms started sweating.

“Krystal! My friend’s here.”Key said pushing me into the room.

The girl sitting on the couch facing the television got up and turned around to face us.

Krystal’s eyes widen and she pointed a finger at me. “You…!”


“…h-hi.” I awkwardly said before backing up behind Key.

“What are you doing here?!”

“This is the friend I wanted to introduce you to.” Key said happily, oblivious to the glares Krystal was sending my way.

This is the person you were talking about?” Krystal asked taking a step forward.

My hands shot up and I shielded my face and part of my body.

“Yeah. Anyways, let me introduce you two to each other. Amber, this is Krystal. Krystal this is Amber.” Key said.

I was about to wave from behind Key when Krystal shouted out angrily. “Did you know that your friend here is a ert?!”

What?! Me? I pointed at myself. A ERT?! NEVER!

“Yah! Who are you calling a ert! I am NO ert!” I defended, taking a bold step towards the latter.

“Yes you are!”

“No I’m not!”

Krystal took another step forward. “Yah! Do you want to die!!?!!”

“No I don’t want to die!” I answered retreating back behind Key.

“I can’t believe you are associated with this ert Key.” Krystal said crossing her arms.

Key looked back and forth between Krystal and me, confused about what was going on.

“What the heck is going on here?” Key asked then added, “Amber’s not a ert Krystal.”

Krystal scoffed. “Didn’t know erts can have names besides ‘ert’.”


I scrunched up my nose and squinted at the younger girl.

Krystal arched an eyebrow at me and took another step forward.


I quickly ‘unscrunched’ my nose and looked away.

Krystal sneered and walked over to grab her bag on the couch. “I’m leaving.”

“What? Why?” Key asked walking over next to Krystal, leaving me standing there by myself.

“I have other stuff to do.”

“But we didn’t even hang out and get to know each other better.”

“I already hang out with you a lot and we already know each other plenty.” Krystal replied as she started walking in my direction.

I gulped.

“I meant you and Amber.” Key said trailing behind Krystal.

Krystal stopped beside me and turned to look at me.

I shrunk my head a little.

“I better not see you again.” Krystal said in a very sharp tone.


I stared blankly at her.

How is that possible? Even if I want to avoid her, I can’t. We have two classes together now thanks to Minho and his stupid idea.

“Don’t be like this Krystal. Amber’s very nice once you get to know her.” Key said hoping to lighten the intense mood in the room.

Krystal laughed and shot me a glare before walking out of the living room.

Key looked at me and sighed before following after Krystal.

When both were out, I exhaled loudly.

I walked limply over to the couch and plopped myself down.

I relaxed my body into the comforting couch.

Things are not going well. How the heck did Minho fall for this violent girl?

As I was massaging my forehead, Key came back into the living room.


“What?” I lazily responded with my eyes closed.

“What was that about!?”

“What was what about?”

Key sat down on the couch and slapped my arm.

“Ow! What!?” I angrily replied opening my eyes and turning to look at a not so pleased Key.

“Why does Krystal seem to hate you?”

I laughed. “Dude, she doesn’t seem to hate me. She hates me. Period.”

“What did you do to her?”

“I didn’t do anything to her. I’m innocent. Don’t accuse if you don’t know what happened.”

“Then tell me what happened. Why does Krystal keep calling you a ert?”

I sighed and sat up straighter on the couch.

“How am I suppose to know why she keeps on insisting I’m a ert? Why don’t you ask her?”

Key threw his hands up in the air frustratingly.

I chuckled at his behavior. “It’s not even your problem so why are you worrying about it?”

“Because you guys are suppose to become friends. That’s why I set today up, so you can get to know more about Krystal. How are you suppose to do that now if she hates you? Minho’s not going to be happy about this.”

I got up and made my way into the kitchen.

Key came in shortly after. “So what are you going to do?”

“About?” I asked before taking a sip of water.


“I don’t know.” I answered truthfully.

This girl is definitely something new.

“I’ll think of something. I did promise Minho after all. I always keep my promises.”

Key nodded silently.

“Plus,” I said placing the cup into the sink, “She can’t hate me forever.”

Key laughed at my comment. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. You don’t know Krystal like I do.”

“Well, if all else fails,” I said placing my arm around Key’s shoulder, “then you can help me set Minho and Krystal up.”


The next day

I reluctantly walked into my ‘new’ math class and sat down in the back.

Squealing and gossiping could be heard while I was looking through some papers the teacher handed me this morning.

Apparently, from today onwards, while the teacher is teaching, I will be tutoring three students at a time outside in the hallway. It will be three different students every day until I’ve gone through everybody in class and start over again. I don’t get to pick which three. The teacher already placed everybody together so I just have to call them out when class starts.

I quietly and quickly checked for attendance before calling the names of the three students I will be tutoring today.

I was not particularly looking forward to today’s tutoring session after seeing a certain name of the person I really didn’t want to face at the moment let alone teach.

Sighing, I walked over to the door. “Bae Suzy, Jung Soojung, and Chae Daniel—ah, forgot he’s not here. Suzy and Soojung, please come outside with me. Bring your materials for class with you.”

I walked outside and sat down at one of the four desks already placed there.

“At least there’s still Suzy, it won’t just be us.” I muttered to myself.

Even though I don’t know this Suzy girl, but with her here, I will most likely not get attacked or killed by Minho’s girl.

I whimpered quietly as I hugged myself, thinking of what happened the other day.

Soon, the two girls came out with their stuff.

Suzy took the seat next to me as Krystal took the seat next to her, of course not forgetting to shoot me deadly glares before taking her seat.

I coughed and rubbed my neck. “Okay then, let’s get started shall we?”

Halfway through our tutoring session, which thankfully was going well thanks to Suzy, the said girl asked if she could go to the bathroom due to a stomach ache.

I couldn’t really say no so I nodded my head sadly.

The latter walked away, leaving myself and Krystal alone, in the hallway, with no one else around.

This . I can see it. My life is coming to an end.

I adjusted myself in my seat and tried to proceed with the tutoring when Krystal suddenly spoke up, catching me off guard with her statement.

“I thought I told you I had better not see you again.”

End of Part III.
So umm...this is turning out to be more of a on-going than just a few shots...T.T
Well, I'll try to finish it after two or three more parts.
Comments and criticisms are welcomed/appreciated :)

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snackplate #1
Chapter 11: You know… it’s too bad to make Key waiting for the ice cream for too long… hahahahaha… I had fun reading this. Thank you so much author! <3
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 11: Awww sweet ending :)
Bluekkkmt #3
Wow,I love this story!!!! I love the way you built in every characters. But I wish to see more fluffy part though lol. Thanks for writing this great story author.
mikait0 #4
Chapter 11: Hahahah Key didn't really forgot about the icecream :D
llamavan #5
Chapter 11: Hahahahhaha Key missed out on the ice cream again, he ain't happy about it :P
Hello author...
Actually this is my 1st time read kryber fanfic heheh, usually kryber just minor shows in ff...
But i find this pair are really cute! So why not read it, and turns out this ff are indeed make me laugh and feel the cheesiness (thank God im not allergyc to cheesy - fluff slash aegyo wkwkwk)
Hahaha the one part of the epilogue that make me snap an instant memory because the "blondie" things hahaha,, key still want his ice creaammmm.. Poor him,, but im laugh because of it (sorry key) XD
Any way, thanks for the great story author,, have a nice day!^^
WhatsUrColor #7
Chapter 11: Creepy Key at the end had me bursting with laughter!!! He wants that ice cream yo! The best ending!
babySavie #8
Chapter 11:!! This is really cute ,funny,sweet,crazy,and cheesy story i ever read...even i laughed while i reading ..i know im exxagerated now..but you must to be my favorite author..yassss
iluveunji #9
Chapter 11: HAHAHA the ending is just too funny love this story!!
TwinTurtles #10
Chapter 10: OH MAN! This story is daebak! Amber and Krystal were so sweet and this definitely satisifed my kryber feels! Thank you so much for writing!