Getting Your Girl

A/N: Busy for the next few weeks so thought I squeeze in an update for you guys. Don't have time to read over it right now so please ignore any grammatical errors. This is a long update so enjoy~




Camping Trip


“Is everyone here ready to go?” The teacher called out from the front of the charter bus as I lazily yawned from my seat.


“Dae!” The students cheered together.


I don’t understand how these people can be so loud and hyper at 5:30 in the morning. I wish I didn’t have to go on this trip. Why do they need me to chaperone anyways? I’m only a year or two older than everyone here. Plus, they have enough teachers and adults going so it should be fine. Can’t they just grant me a few days off from school and let me sleep in my warm, comfy bed?


“Tired?” Krystal asked next to me.


I nodded sluggishly. “Yeah.”


Since Krystal was the last one to arrive and board the bus, the only available seat left was the one next to me and the teacher’s, so that’s why she’s sitting beside me right now.


“Amber,” the teacher called for me.


I suppressed a groan and looked up. “Dae?”


“Are we missing anyone?”


Sighing miserably to myself, I reached into my bag and pulled out the attendance sheet.


After scanning through the list of names and not finding one without a checkmark next to it, I looked back at the teacher and shook my head, “No, everyone’s here.”


“Great, then we’re set to go. I’ll inform the other buses. Thanks,” the teacher said as she stepped off the bus.


“Yeah, sure,” I exhaled nosily and sunk lower in my seat, pulling my cap down to cover my eyes. I hate the fact that I’m being forced to help out when everyone else gets to enjoy this trip.


Why don’t I get a say in this?


“It’s not that bad is it?” Krystal asked with an amused expression.


“Well…at least I have you to keep me company so I guess not…”













“Hey! Ow!” I lifted my cap and rubbed my left arm. “What was that for?”


Krystal reached out and took my cap. “For what you just said.”


“But that was a compliment,” I replied still rubbing my arm in pain.


Krystal placed my cap on her head and smiled at me. “I know~”


Now I was even more confused. “Wait, what? Then why’d you hit me?”


My question, sadly, went unanswered as Krystal plugged her headphones into her ears and closed her eyes, a small smile gracing her lips.


I sat there and stared at the girl a bit dumbfounded for a good few minutes before readjusting in my seat to look out the window.


That was weird.


She hit me, took my cap, and then smiled cutely at me……after I complimented her…….


I scratched my cap-less head in thought.




…so does this mean I’ll get slapped every time I compliment her?






Camping Grounds


When we finally arrived at the camp site, the teacher got up from her seat and grabbed her clipboard. “Alright kids, I’ll be right back, please behave while I’m gone. No funny business got it?”


“Dae,” the students responded but giggles could be heard.


The teacher then looked over at me. “Amber, come with me please.”


I sighed as I got up from my seat next to Krystal who had just woken up and was still rubbing her sleepy eyes.


“I’ll see you later,” I said to the girl before following the teacher off the bus and towards the main cabin.


The two of us walked in and the teacher pointed at an office all the way in the back. “Amber, go into that office there and grab the cabin assignment sheets. I’m going to go find the counselors and staff members.”




Sighing, I walked into the office in the back and looked around the desk for the papers.


As I was searching, someone came into the room.


“Can I help you with something?”


Startled, I turned around.


“Omo! Amber?”


“Ms. Kim?” I asked surprised to see one of our school doctors here. “What are you doing here?”


“Huh? Ah, well, I came because they needed a doctor here for the camping trip in case something happens to one of the students. Why are you here? I didn’t see your name on the roster when I checked earlier.”


“Oh, that’s because I’m a tutor for one of the classes here so my name’s not officially on the student list.”


“I see, well what can I help you with?”


“I’m looking for the cabin assignment sheets. Do you know where they are by any chance?”


Ms. Kim nodded and proceeded to shuffle some papers around on the desk until she found what I was looking for. “Here you go.”


“Ah, great! Thanks Ms. Kim.”


“Of course.”


“By the way, is Ms. Hwang here?” I asked looking around the office for any sign of the other doctor’s belongings.


Ms. Kim shook her head sadly. “No, Fany—I mean Ms. Hwang – doesn’t like bugs so she didn’t come. Plus, they needed one of us to stay back at the school so...”

“Oh.” I tried to suppress my laughter at how depressed Ms. Kim suddenly became at the mention of Ms. Hwang.


The two of us ended up chatting with each other for a while longer until the teacher came to get me.


By the time we informed all the students of their cabin numbers, it was already around dinner time.


“Alright, listen up everyone!” The teacher called out. “You all have ten minutes to drop off your belongings in your respective cabins and to freshen up a bit before you are to regroup back in front of the cafeteria area with your cabin chaperone! Got it?”


“Dae!” The students responded in unison before dispersing.


“So, where to cabin leader?” Sulli happily skipped up next to me as soon as the teacher was done talking and everyone was dispersing.


“Cabin leader?” I asked the happy girl.


“Yeah! You’re too young to be called a chaperone, especially since we’re only a few years apart. Leader sounds better.”


I laughed and shouldered my bag. “If you say so.”


Just then, Suzy came over to us. “Hi Sulli,” the girl greeted.


“Oh! Hi cabin roomie!” Sulli happily greeted the other girl back.


Suzy then turned towards me and smiled shyly, “Hi Amber.”


I smiled back. “Hey Suzy. How are you?”


Suzy’s face grew a bit red. “I’m good, you?”


“That’s good to hear. I’m…” I tapped my chin in thought. “…tired.”


Suzy chuckled at my reply. “The teacher’s making you do a lot of work huh?”


“Yes she is,” I nodded my head in agreement, “finally, someone that understands me. I feel like I’m her slave.”


“It does seem that way doesn’t it?” Suzy laughed.


I sighed dramatically and shook my head, “and I was only supposed to be a math tutor.”


“But aren’t you happy you came on this trip? You, me, Suzy, and Krystal get to be cabin roomies! Isn’t that exciting?!” Sulli joined in.


I chuckled at the younger girl’s obvious excitement. “Speaking of Krystal, where is she?” I asked looking around for the dark haired girl. The last time I saw her, she was standing near the back of the crowd next to a boy named Taemin.


“I’m not sure. I’ve been looking around for her but haven’t seen her. Maybe she went ahead to the cabin?” Sulli furrowed her brows and squinted her eyes even more as she scanned our surrounding.


Coincidentally enough, it just so happens that the three people I am closest to from class was placed in my cabin under my supervision. The other cabins hold around 8 to 10 people while our cabin only holds four. Apparently, there was a miscount of the number of students going on the trip and so one of the cabins for counselors was cleaned out for us to stay in for a few days.


“Ah! There she is!” Sulli suddenly shouted, pointing towards the bus we arrived in.


I looked over just in time to see Krystal stepping off the bus with my cap in hand.


“Soojung-ah!” Sulli shouted and dragged her luggage over to the girl while Suzy and I followed closely behind.


“Yah! Where have you been?!” Sulli asked as Krystal went towards the foot of the bus to pick up her bag.


“Sorry, I was talking to L and Taemin, and then I remembered I left this on the bus,” Krystal said as she gestured to the cap in her hand.


Right as I was about to reach out and take the cap back, Krystal smoothly popped it back on her head.


I scrunched up my face and pouted.


That’s my favorite cap.


“Let’s go shall we?” Krystal smiled at me before turning around and walking away towards the cabin area with her luggage in hand.


Why do I get the feeling she did that on purpose?


I quickly followed after the girl and the four of us made our way to our cabin.


As we were walking there, I noticed Krystal struggling with her luggage a bit.


“Here,” I said as I stepped up next to the girl and took a hold of her luggage.


Krystal, surprised by my sudden action, politely declined my offer. “Ah, you don’t have to. I got it.”


Ignoring the latter, I pulled the luggage out of her hand and swung it over my shoulder. “Why didn’t you bring one with wheels?” I asked.


A slightly red faced Krystal placed her hands inside her jacket pocket. “I couldn’t find my small suitcase with wheels so I just used this one.”


“Ah, I see.” I nodded.


“Hey! My bag is heavy too!” Sulli pouted as she came up next to me. “How come you only help Krystal?”


I didn’t have time to react as Sulli pushed her bag at me. She didn’t even wait for my response as she happily skipped over and hooked her arms with Krystal. I was both a bit baffled and embarrassed at the same time.


Now that Sulli mentioned it, I hadn’t even realized I was only looking out for the younger girl. If I had to be totally honest, I think for a moment there when I was walking beside Krystal, I had forgotten Sulli and Suzy’s existence behind us. Why is that?


My train of thought was broken when I felt someone walking beside me. I turned my head to find that it was Suzy.


“Do you some need help?” She asked, smiling kindly at me.


“It’s cool. I can handle it,” I said as I swung the strap of Sulli’s bag over my shoulder. “Want me to carry yours too?” I asked half jokingly, half seriously. I felt the need to also carry Suzy’s bag just so I could convince myself that I cared about all three of them equally. They’re all my friends and I wasn’t giving anyone special treatment. Well, at least I don’t think I was…


“I’m fine. Mine’s not that heavy,” Suzy replied, but I reached out and grabbed her bag anyways.


The two of us ended up in a chaotic battle of bag snatching until I successfully grabbed her bag and fled all the way to the cabin by myself first, plopping down in front of the door breathless. Luckily my bag was a backpack so I only had to worry about three, surprisingly way heavier than they look, bags. I mean we’re only staying here for a few days, how much could these girls possibly bring?





Camp Cafeteria


“Alright kids, please follow me.” The teacher announced as she led all of us inside the dining area.


As soon as we entered, Sulli clasped her hands together in awe. “Woah, this place is huge!”


After everyone entered, the teacher divided the students up by cabin numbers to get food so as to avoid a big crowd at the entrance.


Luckily for us, we were allowed to get our food first.


As we exited the cafeteria line, I noticed Ms. Kim sitting at one of the tables near the windows.


“Hey, let’s go sit over there,” I called out over my shoulder before making my way over to Ms. Kim.


Sulli, Suzy, and Krystal didn’t object and followed quietly behind me.


“Yo Ms. Kim!” I happily greeted and sat down next to the short doctor who jumped in her seat and turned in our direction.


“Omo, you scared me.”


“Sorry,” I apologized before gesturing to the three girls still standing behind me to take a seat.


Since Krystal was standing closer to me, she ended up being the one to sit on the other side of me while Sulli and Suzy took the seats across from us.


“So who’re your pretty friends Amber?” Ms. Kim asked.


“Oh, right.” I quickly swallowed the half chewed fries in my mouth and cleared my throat. “This is Sulli, Suzy, and you’ve met Krystal before,” I said, pointing at each of them.


“Ah yes, it’s a pleasure to see you again Krystal, and it’s nice to meet you Sulli and Suzy.” Ms. Kim greeted, extending her arm for a handshake.


The three girls greeted Ms. Kim back politely and dinner continued on with small conversations here and there.


About halfway through our dinner, Suzy and Sulli excused themselves to go get more desserts for everyone at the table. While they were gone, Ms. Kim asked Krystal about her ankle. “So how’s your ankle doing Krystal? I presume it’s all healed now?”


Krystal leaned forwards in her seat and smiled at Ms. Kim. “Yes it is. Thank you for helping me last time Ms. Kim.”


“Ah, no need to thank me,” Ms. Kim waved her hand in the air and chuckled, “I didn’t do much. Amber was the one who went all out on the bandage wrapping.”


“And I did a good job~” I proudly complimented myself but received a slap on the arm from Krystal.


“You call wrapping my foot up like a giant fish bowl a good job?”


“You bet,” I replied, giving the girl a cheeky smile.


Krystal nudged my arm playfully in response and I stuck my tongue out at her cutely before taking a bite of my food.


I guess Ms. Kim interpreted our friendly, playful banter as something else because the next thing she said took the two of us by complete surprise.


“Fany—I mean Ms. Hwang was right. You two are such a cute couple. How long have you guys been dating?”


I was in the process of swallowing the food in my mouth and ended up choking on it from the sudden unexpected statement and question.


“Omo, Amber! Are you okay?!” Ms. Kim quickly patted my back as I coughed furiously in my seat.


A red faced Krystal helped as well.


After finally catching my breath, I cleared my throat and took a few sips of water.


“Better?” Ms. Kim asked worriedly next to me.


I turned and gave the doctor an awkward smile and nod before looking back down at my tray. I didn’t dare look at Krystal because I was afraid my blushing face would embarrass me even more.


I always thought Krystal was beautiful. From our first accidental encounter in the locker room till now, her beauty radiates even when she is mad and violent. But it never crossed my mind that we would ever be more than just friends. At least I haven’t really thought about her in that way.


However, I will admit that she has been invading my mind more so than before. Sometimes I would catch myself thinking about her and other times, I’m not even aware I am doing so. Just take what happened earlier with the luggages. If Sulli hadn’t pointed out that I had only offered to help Krystal, I would’ve probably never realized it.


Could I really be...


From the corner of my eyes, I stealthily took a peek over at the younger girl. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t the slightest bit curious about what she thought of Ms. Kim’s question. Unfortunately for me, I was not able to see Krystal’s face because she had her head down and was quietly playing with her food.


I looked back at my own tray and shook my head a little. This isn’t right. Those thoughts should not even be in my mind in the first place. Krystal is just a friend and nothing more. The possibility that I might’ve taken a liking to the younger girl seems farfetched and I refuse to believe that I have. There’s just no way I could’ve fallen for her. Perhaps I’ve just been too tired these past few days so I’m not thinking or functioning properly. That must be it.


My self-convincing time was cut short when the camp cooks came over to our table.


“Yo midget!” The taller of the two approaching the table first shouted.


“Yah, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that, broomstick.” Ms. Kim replied, flinging one of her napkins at the girl but was unsuccessful as the latter easily blew it back into the doctor’s face.


“Ha, in your face shortie. Literally.”


Ms. Kim swatted the napkin away and launched a grape as her second attack. “Let’s see you catch this, flagpole.”


The tall girl smiled and easily caught the lone grape in . “Don’t mind if I do tiny peas. Mind sending a couple more this way?”


Ms. Kim was about to retort when the other cook who had stopped to talk to some of the teachers finally approached our table.


“Hi Taeyeon unnie! Hi kids!” The similarly tall girl but with doe-like eyes greeted loudly. “What did you guys think about the food tonight? Really good right?”


Before anyone had a chance to reply, the girl continued happily. “I bet you’re all rendered speechless by the awesomeness that is the food you just ate. Admit it, I’m a great chef.”


“Yah, how many times do I have to tell you, I’m the chef and you’re just the assistant. Get it right will ya?” The taller of the two said as she adjusted her apron.


The doe-eyed girl pouted. “What? Why am I only an assistant? I cooked half of the food today!”




“So that makes me a chef too!”


“No it doesn’t.”


“Yes it does!”


“No it doesn’t!”


“Yes it does!”




“Unnies!” Another tall girl approached our table looking displeased. “Please lower your voices, you’re being too loud. I can hear you from across the cafeteria.”


The doe-eyed girl pointed an accusing finger at her arguing companion, “I’m innocent Hyunnie, Sooyoung unnie started it.”


“Hey, what? No I didn’t, you did!”


“Unnie!” The displeased girl sternly called out again. “Please use your inside voice and talk in a civilized manner.”


The one who goes by Sooyoung grumbled under her breath as she grabbed a fistful of grapes off Ms. Kim’s tray and shoved it all into .


The doe-eyed girl snickered off to the side but stopped when the displeased girl frowned angrily at her.


Ms. Kim who was silently enjoying the show finally spoke up. “Amber, Krystal, I would like you to meet my dongsaengs. This is Seohyun, Yoona, and Sooyoung.” The doctor gestured to the three in that order.


Krystal and I stood up and bowed to the three.


“Seohyun is currently here conducting some research for her doctoral degree and usually spends her free time helping the camp out.” Taeyeon continued. “Yoona and Sooyoung tagged along for the free food and because they have nothing else better to do.”


“Hey!” Yoona and Sooyoung interjected. “That’s not true! We’re doing research too!”


“Unnies.” Seohyun sternly looked at the two and held a finger up to her lips. This made the duo pout in response and grumpily shoved the rest of Ms. Kim’s grapes into their mouths.


I was a bit amused at how much power the girl who goes by Seohyun exerted over the other two. 


Seohyun then turned back to look at us. “Amber, Krystal, I would love to chat with you more, however, we still have some work to take care of so we will take our leave first. It was very nice to meet the two of you. I hope to see you around camp again before you leave.”


With that said, Seohyun excused herself and dragged the other two back towards the kitchen area, disappearing behind the double doors.


A few minutes later, Sulli and Suzy returned with a tray full of desserts.


“Look what we got guys!” Sulli excitedly started distributing the desserts to everyone.


“Wah, mangoes!” Krystal said, her eyes glittering at the sight of the contents in the bowl.


I have never seen the younger girl’s eyes twinkle with so much happiness before.


“I know how much you like mangoes so I asked the lady to put extra mangoes in just for you.” Sulli replied.


Krystal likes mangoes?


Is that her favorite type of fruit?


I guess I was staring at the younger girl a lot longer than I intended to because Sulli had to literally shout my name and shove the bowl in front of me to get my attention. Ms. Kim eyed me weirdly but didn’t say anything.


After dinner finally ended, the four of us made our way back to the cabin to get some rest. As soon as we stepped foot inside, I headed straight for the bathroom to take a shower first. I know I wasn’t exactly being considerate, but the confusion and migraine growing inside my head was too much for me to handle. I just wanted to take a hot shower and go to bed. I didn’t even bother bidding the other three goodnight when I came back out.


Sadly, the night’s rest did not help me at all as I woke up and the first thing I thought of was Krystal. It also didn’t help that she was the one sleeping on the bed next to me. Not to mention there was only a few feet of space between us.


I ruffled my hair in frustration.


This can’t be happening.


I can’t have fallen for her.


Is that even possible?


To make matters worse, the more I thought about it and try to convince myself that I couldn’t possibly like the girl as more than just a friend, the more I’m starting to believe that I really do.


Gah! Why did Sulli and Ms. Kim have to go and say something weird like that?!


My sudden dilemma didn’t go unnoticed by Ms. Kim during the next few days as I was hiding out in her office while the others were participating in the camp activities outside.


“Want to talk about it?” Ms. Kim asked one day.


I looked up from my sketchbook. “Talk about what?”


Ms. Kim took her glasses off and placed it down on her desk before making her way over to the couch I was sitting on.


“You and Krystal,” She stated as she sat down next to me.


“H-huh?” I was caught off guard.


“You really like her don’t you?”




“It’s ok, denial is the most common defense mechanism we all use. The first step is always acceptance.”


I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out except for a puff of air.


“Ok, I apologize about last time. I really thought you guys were a couple. I didn’t know you were still in the courting stage of the relationship.”


I stared at Ms. Kim in disbelief.


“What? Did I say something wrong again?” Ms. Kim asked.


“Wha—no—I mean yes—I mean I—she—” I tried to say but my jumbled up mind wouldn’t form any coherent sentences.


“No, yes, I, she? I’m not following,” Ms. Kim said, trying to understand what I was getting at.


“We’re not......we’re not in that kind of relationship...” I finally managed to say before looking down at my sketchbook shyly. “…we’re just friends.”


A few minutes of silence passed by before Ms. Kim suddenly burst out laughing.


I looked up at the doctor in confusion. “What’s so funny?”


Ms. Kim calmed herself down and reached out to pat my shoulders comfortingly. “It’s okay Amber. The time will come. You will realize your feelings eventually.”




Ms. Kim then got up and went back to her desk.


Confused even more, I followed after the doctor.


“Wait, what do you mean the time will come and that I will realize my feelings eventually? What feelings? Please explain?”


“Sorry, I can’t help you. You need to figure this out on your own.”


I furrowed my brows in thought.


“I can, however, give you a small piece of advice,” Ms. Kim said while putting her glasses back on.




“Just look at it this way, if you can’t get someone out of your head, maybe they’re supposed to be there.”


I pouted, not understanding what the latter meant.


If you can’t get someone out of your head, maybe they’re supposed to be there......?


What is that suppose to mean? How does that relate to ‘the time will come’ and that ‘I will eventually realize my feelings’?


“By the way, it’s almost dinner time. You might want to hurry back before your friends miss you too much,” Ms. Kim said and I slowly made my way back over to the couch to retrieve my sketchbook.


“Don’t worry about it too much. Just let it come naturally. It’s more fun that way!” Ms. Kim called out after me as I stepped out of the office and closed the door behind me.


The rest of the camping trip and the ride back consisted of me trying to figure out and piece together what Ms. Kim had said that day. Unfortunately for me, I ended up being too busy spending time with Krystal after we got back to even think much about it.


Krystal had a competition coming up and had asked me, in the cutest way possible I might add, to help her train and get ready. Although I wanted to refuse the request at first, I ended up agreeing. It’s not that I didn’t want to spend time with Krystal because I did. In fact, when she first asked me, I felt a weird excitement and happiness course through my body. The only reason I hesitated was because I wanted to give myself some time alone to figure out what has been going on lately. But seeing as I hadn’t been getting anywhere, I gave up and decided to just spend my days with Krystal like how friends do.


As each day passes, Krystal and I got closer and closer to each other. We would run together during gym class and find ways to tease Key, train together before and after school, and learned about each other’s interests, hobbies, favorite food, and all those other good stuff. If I liked her before, I’m practically head over heels for her now. Everything about her, the way she smiles, the way she laughs, the way she pouts, the way she glares, the way she hits, the way she breathes, the way she looks, her entire being is simply perfect.


And that’s when I finally realized it - what Ms. Kim was talking about.


The pieces in my head clicked and the fog cleared.


I was now fully aware of my own feelings.


The extremely beautiful, y, and cute girl suddenly became a million times more so in my eyes and just thinking about her increases my heart rate and warms my body.


I think I might have it bad for the younger girl.


Today was no different as I slowly made my way to the rooftop for some quiet time.


Krystal had to leave early this morning with her coach for the competition taking place this Sunday in order to register and prepare. This meant I wouldn’t get to see her for the next two days until the others and I drive down there Saturday night or Sunday morning to watch the competition.


Inhaling deeply as I sat on the ledge of the roof, I stared down at the empty track.


“I wonder what you’re doing right now? Training?” I muttered to myself.


One thing I haven’t been able to figure out is how all this actually happened. How and when exactly did my feelings for the younger girl grow beyond mere friendship? Because that definitely wasn’t my intention to begin with. Never would I have foreseen this outcome.


Just then, my phone vibrated inside my pocket.


Curious as to who would be texting me so early in the morning, I pulled out my phone and looked at who the sender was.


It was Minho.


I groaned and clicked open the message.


Minho: Hey buddy! How’s it going?


Amber: Pretty good until you texted.


Minho: I missed you too! <3


Amber: ..........that’s.........just


Minho: You don’t like my heart?


Amber: I don’t like you overall.


Minho: :O Why~~?


Amber: I’m going to stop responding to you now.


Minho: Aw, don’t be like that buddy~


Minho: Amber?


Minho: Hello?



I stared at the last text and suddenly felt a heavy heart.


This all started because I agreed to help Minho get a girl he likes, a girl I had never talked to before.


The plan was for me to become friends with her, introduce Minho to her, and let the two live happily ever after. So how did I end up liking the very girl I was supposed to help set my friend up with? Not to mention we didn’t even get off on a good start.


I pocketed my phone and buried my face into my hands.


What am I supposed to do now?


Should I still follow through with the plan?


Except there’s no way my heart would allow that…


But I did promise to help Minho…


And he is still my friend no matter how annoying he gets sometimes…


But this is the first time I’ve ever felt this way about anyone…



Bzzttt. Bzzttt.


I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Thinking it was another text from Minho, I ignored it.


However, when the phone kept on vibrating, I finally reached into my pocket and pulled it out.


The screen flashed Krystal’s name at me.


In an instant, my worries were pushed aside and I smiled to myself as I pressed the talk button.






My smile grew wider. “Aren’t you supposed to be training right now?”


“Hmm, maybe~” Krystal hummed into the phone.


“Maybe?” I chuckled. “Is it because you miss me too much?”


Krystal laughed. “Ha, you wish. If anyone should be missing anyone, you should be missing me.”


I’m sure Krystal meant this as a joke, but before I knew it, I unconsciously blurted out what was only supposed to stay on my mind.


“I do miss you.”


As soon as the words left my mouth, I quickly covered it in shock.


Oh my god, I did not just say that!?!


The other line went quiet and I mentally bricked myself.


You fool! Why the heck did you have to go and blurt out something like that in a serious voice? Now she’s gonna think you’re weird!


“I um…I meant—”I tried to come up with an excuse but Krystal cut me off before I could.


“Hey Amber, sorry, coach is calling for me so I gotta go.”


“O-oh, y-yeah, of course.”


Great, she probably thinks I’m a creep now…


“Um…ok…well, I’ll talk to you later…”


“S-sure, talk to you later…”


An awkward silence set in as neither of us hung up or said goodbye.


I wanted to say something else but every time I opened my mouth to, nothing came out.


When I finally decided to just bid the girl goodbye, Krystal beat me to it.




“Y-yeah, b—”


“And I miss you too.”


The words followed by the dial tone came so fast I didn’t have time to react until minutes after.


Did she just…..


I hopped up from the ledge and stared down at my phone with the stupidest grin growing on my face when it finally processed in my brain.


“She just said she missed me too!” I squealed excitedly a few seconds later, my voice reaching an ultimate feminine high.


Not able to contain my happiness, I did a little celebratory dance while singing “She missed me too~” over and over again.


My dance, however, was interrupted when a thought suddenly crossed my mind.


Wait a minute, why am I so happy? It’s not like she likes me back.


She probably just said that to be nice or meant it in a friendly manner…


My swaying hips slowed to a stop.


But she could’ve meant it in the same context as me…


Maybe there’s a chance that she likes me back too….right?


I pouted and sat back down, legs dangling off the side of the ledge. “Ah, who am I kidding? There’s no way she would ever like me back as more than a friend...”


“Who would never like you back as more than a friend?” A voice suddenly asked, startling me.


Fumbling with the phone in my hand after almost dropping it to its death on the ground below, I turned around and was met with Key’s raised eyebrows.


“Y-yah, don’t scare me like that! You almost made me drop my phone!” I said and quickly scooted off the ledge. “What’re you doing up here anyways?”


“Saw you sitting up here when I was walking into the building,” Key answered before repeating his question from earlier. “So who would never like you back as more than a friend?”


“A-ah…no one…” I replied a bit flustered and started making my way for the door to go back downstairs but Key immediately blocked my path.


“W-what’s wrong?” I asked looking up at him uneasily.


“I should be asking you that. Is there something you need to tell me?” Key replied, observing me with squinted eyes.


I faked a laugh. “W-what are you talking about? And why are you looking at me like that – as if I’m hiding something from you?”


“Are you?”


“Wha—no, of course not!” I replied, trying to keep my act up although I was panicking on the inside. I wasn’t exactly ready to share to the world my new found feelings for a certain dark-haired girl yet.


A few minutes of what seemed like the longest, nerve-wrecking silence passed between us before Key’s impassive face finally broke out into a smile.


“Ha, I’m just messing with you,” the blond slapped the side of my arm playfully before hooking his arm around my neck. “I actually came up here to ask if you wanted to skip school with me.”


I let out a relieved yet nervous laugh. “S-skip school?”


“Yeah, I was thinking we drive down to Krystal’s competition a few days early,” said Key.


My body tensed back up at the mention of Krystal.




Key shrugged. “I don't know. I kind of want to take a small break from school and since we were planning on driving down there this weekend anyways, why not go a few days early and have some fun? Maybe tour the city and eat some delicious food? Doesn’t that sound more fun than sitting in a boring classroom?”


I peeked at the blond from the corner of my eyes, trying to decipher if this was some sort of a trick or if he genuinely wanted to skip class to go on an adventure.


“Jonghyun said he'll cover for me and since you're a smarty-pants and all the teachers love you, they won't care if you don't show up to class for two days. It's not like you haven't skipped classes before anyways.” Key continued.


“That's true...” I finally said when it didn’t seem like Key knew of my feelings for Krystal.


“So come with me! It’ll be fun! I’m sure Krystal has some free time after her training to join us!”


Although I was still a bit hesitant about the whole idea, I must admit the part about spending time with Krystal intrigued me.


“Is it just the two of us going?” I asked.


“Yep, Jonghyun and Minho have a test tomorrow so they can’t go, and Daniel…Daniel has personal tutoring sessions with his math teacher since well……you know why.”


“I told him to study,” I replied shaking my head. “I couldn’t even give him partial points because he was completely off on all the questions.”


“Yep, so it’s just the two of us and Krystal.”


Honestly, I didn’t mind the sound of that at all. Maybe I would’ve liked it more if it was just Krystal and I but with Key around, it won’t be as awkward.


“Alright then, I’ll go with you,” I said.


Key pulled away and looked at me excitedly. “Really?”


I chuckled. “Yeah, sounds fun. I need a break anyways.”


And to see Krystal.


I really do miss her even though I saw her yesterday and just talked to her briefly moments ago.


“Great! Let’s go then, I parked my car about a block away from school. We’ll drive to your house and get your stuff before we head down there,” said Key as we made our way downstairs.


“Wait, you already packed your stuff?” I asked.


Key nodded. “Yep, my stuff is already in the trunk.”


After the two of us made our way out of the building and into Key’s car, the latter drove us to my house to grab some clothes before we headed for Krystal’s direction. Luckily my parents were already at work so no one was home. I left them a note on the kitchen counter saying that I would be staying over at a friend’s house to work on a project for the next two days and would head down for the competition right after so they shouldn’t worry.


“By the way, where are we going to stay when we get there?” I asked when the thought suddenly crossed my mind.


“Um, I don’t know. Maybe we can share Krystal’s hotel room? I’m sure it’s big enough for the two of us to crash in.”


“Wait, what?” I looked at Key with wide eyes.


“Yeah, why? What’s wrong?” Key glanced over at me briefly before focusing back on the road.


I quickly shook my head. “Ah, n-nothing. Nothing's wrong.”


The last time I shared a room with Krystal was when we went on that camping trip. I barely survived her choice of pajamas then and I wasn’t even fully aware of my feelings for the girl.


Now that I am aware of my feelings and whatnot, how am I supposed to keep myself under control if we’re sleeping in the same room? 






End of Part 8 - one more part to go~~

After dragging it out for way longer then I intended to, this story is finally coming to an end. You guys have really funny comments. 

Like I said in How to get Krystal Jung 101 author's note at the end, I will be focusing on continuing and finishing up SMB and EP first before I post the next chapters of MCT and MPA.

I will finish up the final part of GYG before anything else though so please look forward to it.

The only bad news is I won't be posting anything at all in the next 2-3 weeks since I'll be extremely busy. Sigh.

Anyways, I have already written the ending to GYG (a long time ago actually) but I was wondering if it would be more realistic to have a not happy ending versus a happy one? Or do you guys just all love fluffy endings? Lol.

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snackplate #1
Chapter 11: You know… it’s too bad to make Key waiting for the ice cream for too long… hahahahaha… I had fun reading this. Thank you so much author! <3
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 11: Awww sweet ending :)
Bluekkkmt #3
Wow,I love this story!!!! I love the way you built in every characters. But I wish to see more fluffy part though lol. Thanks for writing this great story author.
mikait0 #4
Chapter 11: Hahahah Key didn't really forgot about the icecream :D
llamavan #5
Chapter 11: Hahahahhaha Key missed out on the ice cream again, he ain't happy about it :P
Hello author...
Actually this is my 1st time read kryber fanfic heheh, usually kryber just minor shows in ff...
But i find this pair are really cute! So why not read it, and turns out this ff are indeed make me laugh and feel the cheesiness (thank God im not allergyc to cheesy - fluff slash aegyo wkwkwk)
Hahaha the one part of the epilogue that make me snap an instant memory because the "blondie" things hahaha,, key still want his ice creaammmm.. Poor him,, but im laugh because of it (sorry key) XD
Any way, thanks for the great story author,, have a nice day!^^
WhatsUrColor #7
Chapter 11: Creepy Key at the end had me bursting with laughter!!! He wants that ice cream yo! The best ending!
babySavie #8
Chapter 11:!! This is really cute ,funny,sweet,crazy,and cheesy story i ever read...even i laughed while i reading ..i know im exxagerated now..but you must to be my favorite author..yassss
iluveunji #9
Chapter 11: HAHAHA the ending is just too funny love this story!!
TwinTurtles #10
Chapter 10: OH MAN! This story is daebak! Amber and Krystal were so sweet and this definitely satisifed my kryber feels! Thank you so much for writing!