GYG - Part VI

Getting Your Girl

Part VI


“Alright students, I know you’ve all heard the rumor about a few 3rd year classes going on a camping trip next week and that we are among one of those classes. The good news is, you heard right. Our class will be going.”

The students cheered happily.

“However, bad news is, you have to pass the upcoming exam with a 75% or higher to be allowed to go on the camping trip.”

Boo’s and aww’s immediately echoed throughout the room.

“Sorry, that’s just the condition.” The teacher said shrugging her shoulders. “I suggest you guys who are still having trouble either review the materials on your own or get help from Amber. She is after all making up the test questions.”

Everyone in the room simultaneously turned their heads to look at me.

Then the whispering began.

Student #1: OMG! I’m so going to get Amber’s help before the test. We’re going to have a one on one session. *giggling*

Student #2: Me too! Me too!

Student #3: Yah! You’re good at math, why are you getting help? Don’t waste Amber’s precious time.

Student #2: I am not good at math. *looks offended*  

Student #4: Did you just downgrade yourself?

Student #5: Psssttt! Guys! Guys!

Student #1,2,3,4: What?

Student #5: ………Krystal’s glaring at you guys………

The whispering died away in an instant and everyone lowered their heads down seemingly working on something.

“Alright, since the test is this Thursday, I will make today, tomorrow, and Wednesday review days in class. I won’t be in class myself but Amber will be here to take any questions or help you on anything you don’t understand. This doesn’t mean attendance is not required. You all still have to come to class. If any of you miss class before the test you will automatically not be allowed to go on the camping trip, got it?”

“Dae.” The students replied in unison.

“Good, now I need to go take care of some stuff so please start reviewing for the exam.” The teacher instructed before looking at me and telling me to go over to her.

I got up from my seat and walked to the front.

“Amber, have you started making the questions for the exam?”

“Dae. It’s almost done.”

“Great, give me the final version Wednesday morning before class so I can look over it and make copies for Thursday.”


“If you need anything, I’ll be in my office okay?”


The teacher gave me a contented smile before gathering up her stuff on the desk.

As much as I didn’t want to, I still politely bowed to the teacher as she left the room.

I then turned around to face the class.

All of them were looking at me and to be honest, it gave me a weird scary feeling inside.

I cleared my throat. “Uh…so…does anyone need help…?”

In less than a second, all of the students’ hands shot up in the air, all except for three.

I shouldn’t have asked…..stupid….

The three that didn’t raise their hands were Daniel, Sulli, and Krystal.

Daniel was still wrapped in his blanket napping on his pillow in the back.

Krystal had her face turned towards the window with her eyes closed so I assume she was sleeping too.

Sulli had her head down and was………busy knitting……

“Can you help me first Amber?” A female student sitting near the door asked.

I looked at her and smiled. “Sure—”

“No! Help me first Amber! I raised my hand before she did!” Another student shouted cutting me off.

“What? No! I raised my hand first!”

“Amber! Over here! Me me!”

“All of you back off! Amber’s mine!”


Uh…when did I become yours…..whoever you are…?

And just like that, everyone in the room started shouting at each other about who I should help first and who I belonged to.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead as I felt a headache coming on.

I really hate you Minho….

While I was sighing to myself, a female’s soft voice caught my attention.


I looked up to see Suzy standing in front of me nervously.

“Oh….uh…Suzy right? What’s up?” I asked looking at the girl curiously.

I still remember her because of how she randomly hugged me last time. I unconsciously smiled at the memory.

“Why don’t you just take questions as a class? Do the problems on the board? That way, you don’t have to pick who you help first and no one will be complaining as much or fighting over it…”

“Hmm…” I nodded rubbing my chin. “That’s a good idea… life will be spared as well…”

Suzy laughed and I widened my smile.

And Key always says I’m not funny.

“Anyways, thanks Suzy, I think that’s what I’ll do.”

Suzy smiled shyly but didn’t go back to her seat.

“Is there something else?” I asked looking at the girl.

She’s kind of cute acting all shy in front of me.

“Oh, um…I was just thinking…if you want…I could help you tutor some of the students too. That is…if you want.”

“That would be great!” I said happily as I placed an arm around her shoulder although she was slightly taller than me. “I remember you were good at picking up all the things I taught you.”

Suzy blushed causing me to laugh.

I was about to walk her back to her seat when I noticed the classroom was completely silent.

I turned my head to look at the class and they were all staring at Suzy and me intently. Even Suzy was slightly surprised…or scared?

For some reason, I felt so violated from being stared at by them so I brought my free hand up to kind of cover myself.

“Um…” I cleared my throat and slowly took my hand off Suzy’s shoulder. “Is something wrong? Does someone have a question?”

Right after I said that, the students started spewing out a bunch of questions all together.

Student #1: Amber, are you cheating on me with Suzy!?!

Student #2: When did you start dating Suzy?! Why didn’t you tell me?!

Student #3: I hate you!!

Student #4: I can’t believe you! You were two-timing on me all this time?!?!

Student #5: I love you!! Marry me!!

Student #1: That’s it, WE ARE OVER!!

Student #5: Yay! Now Amber’s all mine!!

Student #2: Do you love her Amber? Is it the deep kind of love?

Student #4: If you apologize right now, I’ll forgive you and take you back. Now hurry up and apologize.


These people are beyond delusional!

“People. Calm down.” I tried saying but was completely ignored.

“Guys, seriously, stop.” I tried again but no luck.

“Aish! All of you just SHUT UP!!”

The class fell silent.

My chest heaved up and down as I tried to calm myself from my explosion just now.

I didn’t want to have to lose my temper but they were seriously getting on my last nerve.

Just when I thought my shouting got the students to be quiet, they started back up, this time, even louder than before.

Student #1: OMG! Angry Amber is so HOT!

Student #2: And Y! DAMN!

Student #5: Marry me Amber!! My body is ready!!

Student #3: I don’t hate you anymore!!

Student #4: How can you be so fine looking even when you’re angry and yelling?

Student #6: My eyes have never witnessed such a handsome angry person before! I will forever idolize you Amber!

I facepalmed myself and cried inwardly.

Why why why why why  4fd9f2d3.gif

How can these people act like this?

Have they no shame!?

“Yah!” An angrier voice suddenly yelled and it felt like an ice storm hit.

The room fell silent once again, but this time, a deathly aura could be felt within the classroom.

Even my thoughts froze halfway, if possible.

The students all lowered their heads and peeked from the corner of their eyes towards the voice.

“I better not hear another word out of any of your mouths unless it’s a math question for Amber, got it?!”

The students quickly nodded their heads up and down in understanding. Suzy took this time to hurry back to her seat.

I stood there in disbelief, seeing the students all taking out their math books and notebooks.

After a few minutes, a hand in the middle of the room went up shakily. “…C-can you d-do number 5 on p-page 162 p-please?”

I stared at the student surprised and blinked a couple of times.

I then shifted my eyes over towards a certain girl sitting by the window. When we made eye contact, I smiled at the latter to thank her, but she huffed and looked away.

I chuckled before looking back over at the student who asked the question earlier.

“Sure.” I said picking up a chalk. “Come write the problem on the board and I’ll work it out for you guys step by step.”

The rest of the class time went by very smoothly. Not one single student dared to say anything that was unrelated to math.

I was truly amazed.

After class ended, the students filed out of the room to their next class.

I quickly went to the back to gather my stuff as I saw Krystal heading for the door.

“Yah! Daniel! Wake up!” I said hitting him on the head with my bag.

Daniel slowly lifted his head and rubbed his eyes before looking up at me yawning. “What time is it? Has class started yet?”

I smacked him again on the head. “Get your sleepy up and to your next class before you’re late.”

With that said, I turned around and headed out of the classroom.

I looked down the hallway and saw Krystal in the distant.

“Hey! Krystal! Wait up!” I yelled catching up to the girl.

Krystal turned around to look at me. “What?”

I smiled when Krystal didn’t ignore me and actually answered.

“Nothing.” I replied still smiling. “I just wanted to walk with you.”

Krystal stared at me for a few minutes in silence before turning around to continue walking.

I quickly followed beside her.

“I want to say thanks, for earlier.” I said turning my head to look at Krystal. “You really saved me from having a mental breakdown back there.”

Krystal turned her head slightly to look at me before looking back to the front. “I didn’t do it for you. They were disturbing my sleep time.”

“Oh…well that’s okay, I still want to thank you.” I said smiling at the latter.

“Whatever.” Krystal mumbled picking up her pace.

I shrugged and continued on next to the girl.

We went our separate ways when we reached the locker rooms and met up again after coming out to the field.

“Alright guys!” The coach shouted when everyone gathered around him. “We’re going to have a little friendly competition today!”

Everyone groaned loudly.

“It’ll be fun!” The coach insisted but everyone groaned even louder.

I was standing next to Krystal so I stole a peek at the girl to see what she thought of this. All I got was a bored expression.

“You will all be put into pairs and compete in the one-legged race and piggy back race.” The coach continued.

Once in a month, the coach likes to have some silly competition amongst the students. It was his idea of fun. At least for some students, it’s better than running laps. For me, I don’t really care. I enjoy competition just as much as I enjoy exercising and running.

“Alright then, shall I let you guys choose your own partners or shall I pair you up myself?” The coach asked looking around.

A few wanted to choose their own partners, a few wanted the coach to randomly pair everyone up, and the rest didn’t bother to answer.

“This’ll be fun!” Key said popping up next to me excitedly.

Surprised at Key’s sudden appearance out of nowhere, I took a step to my right, bumping into Krystal.

“Sorry.” I apologized when Krystal momentarily switched out of her bored expression to shoot me a glare.

“Yah, where’d you come from?” I asked looking at a happy Key.

“My mom’s belly.” Key answered and I gave him an ‘are you serious’ look.

“What, you asked where I came from so I told you.” Key said shrugging.

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

“Yeah, I know.” Key laughed. “But that’s not important. The important thing right now is how we’re going to cream everyone else in this competition!”

I chuckled and crossed my arms. “And who says I want to pair up with you?”

Key gave me a shocked expression. “Yah! You know there’s no pair better than us!”

“I don’t know~” I teased rubbing my chin in thought.

“Yah!” Key said slapping my arm angrily.

I quickly went around to the other side of Krystal to hide behind her.

Just as Key was about to ask Krystal to move, the coach came up to us.

“Let’s see here…ah, Amber and Krystal.”

Krystal and I looked over at the coach upon hearing our names being called.

“You two shall be a pair.” The coach said before continuing on to pairing the others, also pairing Key to a girl standing near him in the process.

Key looked back and forth between me and his new partner. “Wait, what? No!”

I laughed and stuck my tongue out at Key.

Before Key could protest any further, the coach announced for us to get into line for our first race, the piggy back race.

“We will have two pairs competing against each other every round so if the first two pairs could step up to this line here, we can get started.”

The first two pairs stepped up and were given a few minutes to talk about who will be the one carrying his/her partner.

While the four at the starting line were talking, the coach came around and told us to discuss our own plans while we wait so we can move along faster when it gets to our turn.

I looked over at Krystal.

“What?” Krystal asked raising an eyebrow at me.

“Uh…the coach wanted us to decide who’s gonna carry who so...” I started to say but felt this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach slowly emerging.

Before I could continue, Krystal cut me off.

“There’s no need to decide. It’s obviously not going to be me.” Krystal said crossing her arms in front of her.


“Got a problem?”



I swallowed back my words and shook my head. “No no. No problem at all.”

“Good.” Krystal said walking away.

I stared at the latter’s retrieving back. I’m starting to not look forward to this race anymore.

Just then, Key came up to me giving me his angry dramatic look.

“What?” I asked looking back at him.

Key squinted his eyes at me. “”

“Why?” I laughed before looking over his shoulder at the girl a few feet behind him. “So how’s your partner? She looks kind of pretty.”

“Then you be her partner. She’s a fan of yours anyways.” Key huffed crossing his arms.

The said girl saw me looking at her and waved her hand at me frantically. “Hi Amber!”

I gave her a polite smile before looking back at Key.

“See.” Key said rolling his eyes. “Every word coming out of is either about you or in some way related to you. Do you know how annoying that is?”

“I can’t help it that I’m adored.” I joked earning a jab in the rib from Key. “Ow~”

Key stuck his tongue out at me before strutting away.

“Alright, next!” The coach yelled after a winner was decided for the first round.

After two more rounds, it was finally mine and Krystal’s turn.

My competitor was, not a surprise, Key and his partner.

I walked towards the line where Krystal was already waiting for me.

“Alright then, please get into your positions and I will count you off.” The coach said and I whimpered, already feeling the pain I’m going to experience.

I bent down and leaned forward as I held my hands towards the back. I took deep breaths and steady myself for the impact that was about to occur. Good thing Krystal looks a lot lighter than the girl Key’s going to have to carry.

A few seconds later, I felt Krystal place her hands on my shoulders and the moment she hopped onto my back, I swear I heard a loud cracking sound.

“Oh my god, my back!!” I croaked out as I felt my knees wobble and my feet sinking a little into the dirt.

Why do I have to be the one who carries her?!  d33561e9.gif

“Excuse me?” I heard Krystal’s icy tone and although it was sunny outside, it felt like a snow storm just hit.

“I mean, oh my god, you’re so light!” I corrected as I tried to straighten up a little only to fall back to my hunched over position.

My head was already covered in sweat and the race hasn’t even started yet.

Why me~  0eeeff42.gif

I lifted my head to look straight only to groan when the finish line looked so far away.

“We better win.” I heard Krystal say but it sounded more like a command and threat.

I bit my lip and made a crying face as I looked over to my right at Key.

I felt a little better seeing as how I wasn’t the only one struggling. Key looked like he was having a hard time not falling down already.

Just to set the record straight, it’s not that Krystal or that girl Key’s carrying are heavy, it’s just that Key and I are rather skinny and not that strong. We’re good at sports because we’re skilled and talented, not because of our strength. Not to mention, I sustained an ankle injury before.

“Yah, what the hell do you eat!” I heard Key shout at the girl.

“Alright, are you guys ready?” The coach asked and got a nod from both teams. “Great! Now then, on your marks, get set, go!”

And we were off.

Krystal wrapped her arms around my neck and I felt her body press against my back. I could feel my face heating up at the contact.

This, unintentionally, led my mind back to the time of my encounter with Krystal in the shower stall. She was wrapped in only a small towel at the time, the small water droplets from her wet hair dripping down onto her porcelain skin and continuing its journey along the surfaces of her body until it hit the soft fabric of the towel.

I quickly shook my head to get those thoughts out of my mind.

“Concentrate on the race Amber.” I muttered underneath my breath as I focused on the finish line ahead.

“Come on, hurry up!” Krystal yelled on top of me and removed one of her arms around my neck to slap me repeatedly on top of my head.

“Ow!” I yelped in pain. “Yah! Ow! Stop that!”

“Hurry up! Hurry up!” Krystal chanted happily as we neared the finishing line first.

I’m definitely going to get brain trauma after this…

I could feel my knees growing weaker and weaker, and right when we passed the finish line, I immediately fell down on my knees, my hands falling to the ground to support myself.

Krystal hopped off me and grabbed me by the arm, pulling me up happily.

“Yay! We won!” The latter cheered excitedly.

My legs wobbled as Krystal semi danced around me.

For an instant, although I was tired, I was captured by the happy Krystal, smiling and cheering by herself.

She really is beautiful when she smiles. Her face really lights up.

My unconscious admiration was cut short when I noticed Key lying on the ground looking dead.

I worriedly wobbled my way over to him and sat down near where his head laid.

“Hey.” I said poking his head with a finger. “You dead?”

No response.

I kept poking his head until a low groan emitted from his mouth.

“So you’re not dead?” I asked as I continued to poke his head for my own amusement.

Key groaned again while bringing his hand up to swat at me blindly.

Just then, the coach made his way over. “Hey, you guys need to move so the others can compete. You’re in their path.”

“Dae.” I said and slowly pushed myself off the ground.

Key still laid there motionless.

“Yah,” I said nudging him lightly with my foot, “Get up.”

“I can’t.” Key mumbled into the dirt. “I think my spine broke.”

I laughed and grabbed onto Key’s hand with my own. With the energy left in me, I dragged him off to the side before plopping back down next to him.

“You need to work out more Key. You’re way too weak for a guy.” I said drawing on the dirt.

Key managed to slowly turn himself over so he was lying on his back. “It’s not my fault she’s as heavy as an elephant.”

“That’s not nice to say. She’s skinny for a girl.”

“Bleh.” Key said closing his eyes.

I laughed and threw some dirt at his face. “Bleh? Was that you trying to act cute just now?”

Key chuckled before throwing some dirt up at me. “Hey, don’t think I didn’t see you struggling either.”

“At least I made it over the finish line unlike someone.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me of the horror.”

Just then, Krystal shouted my name over by the starting line.

I looked up at the girl in the distant.

She motioned for me to go over.

“Good luck~” Key teased.

“Why?” I asked starting to get up.

“Because you have to go up against the winners of the other rounds.”


My face dropped. “What? I do?!”

“Duh, that’s how team races work. Don’t you even know the basics?”

“Ah stupid!” I said hitting my own head. “I forgot. I just wanted to pass the finish line so Krystal would stop hitting my head!”

“Ha, well, you better hope your competitors are as bad as me or else.”

“Or else what?” I asked feeling slightly afraid of what ‘or else’ means.

“For as long as I’ve known Krystal, let’s just say she’s extremely competitive.”

Before I could respond, Krystal shouted my name again, but this time, it sounded really angry.

“You better hurry over if you don’t want to die early.”

I rubbed my forehead and sighed. “I don’t think it’ll matter. If I don’t die now, I probably die during the race anyways.”

“Hmm…very true.” Key said before I made my way over towards Krystal.

As soon as I was within reach of the girl, the latter reached out and pulled me over.

“What took you so long?” Krystal said looking at me sternly.

“Uh…” I scratched my head. “I was talking to Key…”

“Why are you talking to him when we should be working on our plan?”

I furrow my brows. “Plan…?”

“Yes plan!”

“…plan for what?”

“See, if you were over here earlier, you would already know.”

I stared blankly at the girl.

“We need to make a plan for beating the others in this race.” Krystal continued.

Key was right when he said Krystal was competitive. A little too competitive it seems.


“What do you mean why? Don’t you want to win?”

“…well, yeah, but this is just a piggy back race…there really isn’t anything special about it to plan…I mean, all we do is you jump on my back and I run straight like hell. There’s no need to plan because I’m the one doing all the work…”

The temperature dropped below zero.

I cleared my throat. “I-I-I mean, y-yes, l-let’s m-make a plan. A p-plan is a g-good idea.”

The temperature rose back up.

“Great, let’s talk over there so no one hears us.” Krystal said grabbing me by the arm and pulling me off to the side.

After our discussion, we were up again.

“Ready?” The coach asked.

I nodded as did the other team.

“Alright then. On your mark, get set, GO!”

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me with Krystal on my back.

“That’s right! Take deep breathes. In, out, in, out.” Krystal shouted on top of me.

Easier said than done.

In the end, we managed to beat out all the other pairings in the piggy back race, much to my own amazement.

I sat on the ground staring at Krystal jumping around happily.

At least she’s happy.

“Hey, good job.” Key said walking over to congratulate me. “Didn’t think you had it in you.”

“I didn’t either.” I said staring at my limp legs lying on the ground. “And now I think I’ve lost all feelings in my legs.”

Key laughed and I could only give a crooked smile.

While we were relaxing, the coach came around to give each pairing a piece of thick rope.

“Tie this around you and your partner’s ankle. It’s for the one-legged race.” The coach announced. “I will give you all 5 minutes to rest before the second race starts.”

“What? Only 5?” I whined as I laid down on the ground, looking up at the blue sky above me. “I should’ve just asked Krystal to kill me earlier.”

I laid there for the rest of the time until someone kicked my foot.

I opened my eyes and saw a shadow hovering over me. Since the sun was shining above the person, I couldn’t make out who it was.

“Yah, get up.” The person said and I immediately recognized the voice.

I groaned and sat up.

“Let’s go.”

I pouted and shook my head left and right.

“Seriously, let’s go.”

I shook my head again.


I stuck my hands out like a little kid. “Help me then.”

I was seriously too tired to move or do anything. I didn’t even care if it was Krystal I was talking to and whether or not she’ll kill me for acting like this.

“Get up yourself.” Krystal said staring down at me with her arms crossed.

“I can’t.” I complained still holding my hands out.

Krystal stared at me for a few minutes in silence before finally uncrossing her arms and bending down a little to grab my hands.


I smiled as Krystal pulled me up but when I got on my feet, I tripped over air and stumbled forward into the latter.

“Ah!” Krystal yelped as she fell backwards herself but caught her footing in time to steady us both.

I looked up only to realize our faces were merely inches apart, our noses almost touching.

For a minute, I was lost in her eyes, unbeknownst to myself. Only when the latter pushed me back was I pulled out of my trance like state.

“S-sorry!” I quickly apologized, bowing my head slightly.

I looked up in time to see Krystal turn around to walk away but not before I noticed her slightly red-ish cheek.

Is she…blushing…?

Or is the heat getting to her too…?

After thinking to myself, I ruled it as probably just the heat getting to her. I would be surprised if it wasn’t. I mean, we’ve been out here under the sun competing against our classmates for a while now. Even I can feel my cheeks burning up.

I fanned myself a little with my hand before trailing after Krystal.

While we were tying the rope around our ankles, the coach decided that for this race, all pairs will compete at the same time. I was happy when I heard this because that meant I only had to run one last time.

“Alright, everyone please step up to the starting line!” The coach shouted.

Krystal and I wobbled over. We had a little bit of trouble because our steps weren’t in sync with one another.

“Come on, left right left right.” Krystal commanded sounding annoyed.

“Yah, it’s not my fault okay? Left right left right doesn’t work because your left leg is tied to my right. You’re basically pulling my right leg along when I’m trying to take a step with my left!” I explained but was completely ignored by the latter.

I guess when she yells left right left right, I’ll need to do the opposite, right left right left.

Standing by the starting line, I wanted to place my arm around Krystal’s waist so it would be easier to walk/hop together but I was afraid to ask her if I could because she might associate me as a ert again so I kept quiet.

After everyone came up to the starting line, the coach finally yelled “Go” and off we went.

Being an uncoordinated person that I am, I was having a hard time walking at Krystal’s pace. The whole left right – right left thing wasn’t working for me and my wobbly legs.

Krystal would constantly yell at me to get into sync with her but I think she fails to realize that being uncoordinated when my foot wasn’t tied to hers does not mean I’ll be any less uncoordinated when it actually is tied to hers. It just doesn’t work like that.

Somewhere into the middle of the race, my free foot that wasn’t tied to Krystal’s tripped over air again, but this time, instead of falling forward, I fell backwards, landing on my back with a loud thud.

“Oouff!” The air escaped my mouth and I winced in pain.

That’s gonna leave a bruise.

Krystal tried to help me back up but because it was hard for her to turn around completely since our ankles were tied together, she ended up leaving me on the ground and just dragging me behind her.

Her competitiveness in my mind was taken to a whole new level as I tried to get her to stop.

After a while, seeing as she was completely ignoring me on the ground, I just laid flat on my back as she dragged me along.

While lying on the ground, I saw other pairs passing us, one of them being Key and his partner.

Key pointed at me and laughed before passing Krystal and I.

I sighed and stared up at Krystal’s back. I don’t see why she’s still pulling with all her might even though we aren’t really moving and definitely in last place.

“Yah!” I yelled up, “Stop! You’re going to hurt your ankle if you keep on pulling me like this. Aren’t you on the track team?”

That seemed to finally get through to Krystal as she stopped pulling.

I used a hand to slightly cover my eyes from the sun as I stared up at the latter.

A few minutes later, loud cheers could be heard at the finish line.

“This is all your fault.” Krystal said as she plopped down next to me, pouting.

I blinked a couple of times, not used to this side of Krystal, a side I’ve never seen.

After getting over my slightly surprised state, I apologized to the latter. “Sorry…”

Krystal puffed out her cheeks a little. “Why’d you have to fall.”

It was more a statement then a question.

Looking at the latter’s puffy cheeks I couldn’t help but reach out and poke it. Even I was surprised by my own actions, quickly retrieving my hand back.


Krystal turned her head the other way before muttering “it’s ok.”

I sat there staring at my hand.

What the heck…

Why did I just do that??


I guess I made the atmosphere slightly awkward because Krystal leaned forward to untie the rope around our ankles and as soon as she got the rope off, she started to get up. However, as she got to her feet, she slightly flinched in pain.

Instincts taking over, I quickly scrambled up to support her. “Hey, are you okay?”

Krystal looked down at her left leg and I followed her gaze. There was a red line visible around her ankle area.

I bent down to examine it.

Rope burns…

I put my hands on her foot and looked up at her, asking with my eyes if I could lift her foot up. I wanted to make sure she didn’t also sprain her ankle in the process.

Supporting herself by placing a hand on my shoulder, Krystal nodded.

I gently lifted her left foot up and ever so softly rotated her ankle.

“Ah.” Krystal whimpered softly but my ears caught it.

Great, now she’s going to probably have a swollen ankle.

I sighed and placed her foot back down before standing up.

“See. I told you not to pull me like that.” I scolded before positioning myself in front of her, bending forward with my back facing her.

“What are you doing?” I heard Krystal ask me.

I turned my head sideways so I can look at her. “What else? Giving you a piggy back ride to the infirmary.”


“What do you mean why? You hurt your ankle and it should get taken care of as soon as possible.” I replied thinking about my own injury. “Especially since you’re a runner. You should always be careful about things like this.”

After hurting myself back then, I’ve become extremely cautious and self conscious about these things. I always try to keep myself and others around me safe. It was a bad experience to go through before and it really did take a toll on my sports dream. I would really hate to see others falling into the same path as me.

“You’re kidding right? You want to give me another piggy back ride? Are you sure you still have enough strength left to carry me from here all the way to the infirmary?”

I straightened up and turned around to face the latter. “Hmm…good point…”

Now what…

I scratched my head.

“I can walk to the infirmary myself you know.” Krystal said looking at me.

I shook my head. “I can’t let you do that.”

“Why not?”

Good question…why can’t I let her…?

I mean, we’re not even that close yet…

“I….just can’t let you…you’ll just make it worse.”

Yeah…that’s why…her ankle will probably swell up even more from the pressure…

Krystal looked down at her ankle. “It’s really not that bad. I’m sure I can make it there fine.”

“No no.” I said shaking my head again. “You won’t be able to.”

This caused Krystal to laugh. “Yah, it’s my foot. I’m pretty sure I’m a better judgment of whether I can or can’t.”

“Aha, I got it!” I snapped my fingers, failing to hear Krystal’s last comment.

I moved myself next to the latter, grabbing her left arm to place over my shoulder before placing my right arm around her waist.

“Hey, what are you doing?!” Krystal yelled in surprise and tried to move away but I held onto her firmly.

“Stop it, I’m not doing anything, I’m just trying to help you walk.” I replied.

Krystal stopped struggling and turned her head away before muttering, “Fine, let’s just go.”

With that, we were silent the rest of the way to the infirmary.




“Ms. Kim? Are you in there?”

“I don’t think she’s in.”

I slide open the door and peeked in.

“You’re right, no one’s here.” I said helping Krystal inside.

“Of course I’m right. I’m always right.”

I rolled my eyes and helped Krystal up onto one of the beds.

“Stay.” I ordered.

“Yah, I’m not a dog you know.” Krystal replied crossing her arms.

I chuckled before roaming around the room looking for an ice pack, ointment, and some bandages.

“Here we are.” I said as I walked back towards Krystal with the stuff in hand.

I pulled a chair in front of her and placed the stuff down on the bed before lifting her leg to place on my lap.

I uncapped the ointment and applied some on the rope burns around her ankle before using some bandages to wrap it up. Next, I applied a thin layer of ointment around her foot area before wrapping it up with one layer of bandage. Then I took the two small ice packs and placed them against either side of her foot before wrapping them securely around her foot.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Krystal asked as she watched me.

Nope.  th_059_.gif

“Of course!” I replied back and examined my master piece.

Just then, the school doctor walked in.

“Oh? What are you kids doing in here?”

“Hey Ms. Kim!” I called out happily as I went over to give the doctor a hug.

“As much as she likes your hugs Amber, please let go of her before you squeeze the living daylights out of her.” Another voice said walking into the room.

“Ms. Hwang!” I yelled pulling away from the shorter girl and going over to hug the person not far behind her. “What are you doing here? I thought you were taking time off?”

“Yeah, well, this midget over here kept complaining about how boring it is being here alone so I came back early to keep her company.”

“Yah Fany~~ don’t call me a midget~” The shorter girl whined and pouted.

“Stop pouting and whining, can’t you see there are other people in here?” The taller girl said but smiled and gave the shorter girl a peck on the lips which in return, earned her a wide smile and slap on the .

“Yah Kim Taeyeon!”

“Whoops, sorry, my hand slipped.”

I stood there smiling at the two until someone cleared their throat.

“Oh my, I’m sorry, did you need help?” Ms. Hwang said as she hurried over to Krystal.

I walked over and hopped up on the bed next to Krystal.

“I already fixed her up.” I stated proudly.

“What happened?” Ms. Kim asked examining Krystal’s wrapped up foot.

“She sprained her ankle during gym class earlier.” I replied.

“But why did you wrap her foot up like a gigantic fish bowl?” Ms. Kim said looking at the multiple layers of bandages.

“It’s only bulky because I put an ice pack on either side of her foot.” I responded.

“I see.” Ms. Kim said as she slowly unwrapped the bandages around Krystal’s foot.

“Hey, what are you doing?” I asked trying to stop Ms. Kim from messing with my work.

“Amber, come help me with something over there.” Ms. Hwang said pulling me to the other side of the room.

In the end, Ms. Kim re-did the bandages around Krystal’s foot.

“Bye, thank you again.” Krystal said as we exited the infirmary.

I was too upset at the ruining of my master piece to say a proper goodbye to the two and only limply waved at them.

The rest of the day, I stayed around Krystal, helping her even though she kept telling me to go away and that she didn’t need my help anymore, but I insisted.

Of course this caused a stir in the school at my sudden closeness with Krystal, but I ignored it.

After all, I’m only doing this because of Minho…………right?

“Yah, can’t you just leave me alone?” Krystal said with an annoyed expression after her last class of the day ended. “Don’t you have your own classes to go to? You can’t just skip them.”

“I have special privileges.” I replied.

Krystal rolled her eyes at me. “You think just because you’re smart, you can do whatever you want?”

I smiled. “Yep, pretty much. Plus, the teachers don’t care, they even said it themselves. I don’t have to come to school as long as I still ace my tests whenever we have them.”

Krystal huffed and threw her arm around me for support.

Even though she was still arguing with me, she still lets me help her. It kind of got into that routine after her 4th class when she realized I really wasn’t going to leave her side. So although she’s saying stuff to me, acting like she’s angry and annoyed, she still complies in the end. This was something new I discovered about Krystal.

“So, where to now?” I asked standing in the empty hallway with her.

“Gym.” Krystal replied and attempted at moving forward but I stood rooted to my spot which caused the latter to turn and look at me. “What? Let’s go.”

“No. Shouldn’t you be going home? Why do you want to go to the gym?”

“For practice of course. Now come on, I’m already late.” Krystal said and tried to move again but I wouldn’t budge.

Is this girl crazy? She thinks she can still run with a sprained ankle?

“You can’t practice, you have a sprained ankle or did you forget?”

“I can’t miss training.”

“You’re going to have to because you need to rest your foot until it gets better. Overworking it will only make it worse. It might even ruin your whole track career in the long run.”

Krystal stared at me in silence.

“I’m going.” The latter finally said.

“No you’re not.” I responded standing firm.

“Yes I am.”

“No you’re not.”







“Gah! You’re so weird! Why do you even care?!”

“I’m not weird, I’m limited edition! And I’m doing this for your own good!”

We stared at each other, neither willing to back down.

I might look fearless on the outside, but I’m actually freaking scared on the inside. I’m scared that Krystal will either pummel me into the ground where I stand or freeze me to death. Neither being a very pleasant way to die. However, I’m seriously doing this for her own good. She can’t run on a sprained ankle especially with how hard she trains herself. She’ll only make it worse.

After what seemed like forever staring at each other, Krystal finally threw her hands up in defeat.

“Fine, whatever!”

I smiled. “Great, I’ll take you home then.”

End of Part 6.
Long enough for an update right? lol. longest update yet ^^
I'll be ending this in about 2-3 more parts. Really didn't intend on dragging it out this long.

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snackplate #1
Chapter 11: You know… it’s too bad to make Key waiting for the ice cream for too long… hahahahaha… I had fun reading this. Thank you so much author! <3
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 11: Awww sweet ending :)
Bluekkkmt #3
Wow,I love this story!!!! I love the way you built in every characters. But I wish to see more fluffy part though lol. Thanks for writing this great story author.
mikait0 #4
Chapter 11: Hahahah Key didn't really forgot about the icecream :D
llamavan #5
Chapter 11: Hahahahhaha Key missed out on the ice cream again, he ain't happy about it :P
Hello author...
Actually this is my 1st time read kryber fanfic heheh, usually kryber just minor shows in ff...
But i find this pair are really cute! So why not read it, and turns out this ff are indeed make me laugh and feel the cheesiness (thank God im not allergyc to cheesy - fluff slash aegyo wkwkwk)
Hahaha the one part of the epilogue that make me snap an instant memory because the "blondie" things hahaha,, key still want his ice creaammmm.. Poor him,, but im laugh because of it (sorry key) XD
Any way, thanks for the great story author,, have a nice day!^^
WhatsUrColor #7
Chapter 11: Creepy Key at the end had me bursting with laughter!!! He wants that ice cream yo! The best ending!
babySavie #8
Chapter 11:!! This is really cute ,funny,sweet,crazy,and cheesy story i ever read...even i laughed while i reading ..i know im exxagerated now..but you must to be my favorite author..yassss
iluveunji #9
Chapter 11: HAHAHA the ending is just too funny love this story!!
TwinTurtles #10
Chapter 10: OH MAN! This story is daebak! Amber and Krystal were so sweet and this definitely satisifed my kryber feels! Thank you so much for writing!