GYG - Part VII

Getting Your Girl


A/N: I apologize for my absence for this short story. This file is placed in a different folder than my ongoings and since I've only been updating those, I kinda um..forgot I still needed to update this...mianhe~ But you guys, my awesome readers, reminded me so here you go. Enjoy~

Part VII

“Great, I’ll take you home then.” I said smiling.

Krystal rolled her eyes at me and pulled me along as we left school grounds.

The weather this afternoon was nice but hotter than usual. Walking side by side only made us sweat more. I could feel the stickiness on my skin as well as Krystal’s.

“Hey, want to stop by the convenience store over there real quick?” I asked pointing to a small store on the other side of the street.

Krystal didn’t answer.

“Come on, I’m buying.” I said patting my pocket where my wallet was.

Krystal still didn’t say anything but she started pulling me in the direction of the store which made me laugh.

“Why does it always seem like people like my wallet more than they like me?”

As we entered the store, a middle-aged woman standing behind the counter smiled at us. “Welcome.”

I smiled back and bowed my head in acknowledgement.

“So, what do you want?” I asked Krystal as we strolled down the aisle.

“Hmm…I don’t know.” Krystal replied tapping her chin as she scanned the different items on the shelves.

After what seemed like forever, I decided to make a suggestion, fearing the girl will never make up her mind.

“Hey, how about some ice cream?” I asked.

At the mention of ice cream, the latter’s face immediately lit up happily. “Ah, ice cream sounds good!”

I smiled and we made our way over towards the freezers.

After grabbing two popsicles, we went over to the counter.

“Hi, we would like to buy these please.” I said and handed the middle aged woman the ice cream.

After paying for them, I handed Krystal her ice cream while I kept mine.

“Your boyfriend is so sweet.” The woman suddenly said which caused me to almost drop my ice cream in surprise.

“Oh, I’m not her boy—”

“You two look very cute together~” The woman continued, oblivious to my widened eyes.

I almost dropped my ice cream a second time.

“Thank you for the ice cream, we’ll be going now.” Krystal spoke up, bowing politely to the woman before half-dragging me out of the store.

“Yah, why didn’t you correct her?” I asked when we were outside.

“Does it matter?” Krystal nonchalantly replied as she focused all her attention on peeling the wrapper off her ice cream.

I stared at her in disbelief. “Of course it matters! For one, I’m not your boyfriend, and two, I’m not even a guy…”

“So? What’s the problem?”


I watched as Krystal happily munched on her ice cream.

“You’re going to get brain freeze if you eat so fast.” I warned but instead of slowing down, Krystal stuck her tongue out at me for a few seconds before going back to eating her ice cream.

I chuckled.

So childish.

We ended up walking over to a park nearby and sat down on one of the benches there.

I then proceeded to opening the wrapper containing my slightly melted ice cream.

I took a bite, chewing happily and enjoying the scenery in front of me until I noticed Krystal seemingly staring at me out of the corner of my eyes.

Turning my head to look at the latter, I found that she was actually staring at my ice cream instead of me.

“ something wrong...?”

“Are you going to finish that?” Krystal asked pointing a finger at my ice cream.

I looked down at my ice cream then up at her.


“Huh? Oh, no reason.” Krystal said and looked away.

Does she want my ice cream?

I shrugged and was about to continue eating again when I noticed the lonely wooden popsicle stick in Krystal’s hand and the latter sneaking glances over at me.

I couldn’t help but smile at the girl’s behavior.

“Do you want this?” I asked holding out my ice cream in front of Krystal.

Krystal shook her head. “No, you’re eating it.”

“It’s okay, you can have it if you want.” I offered.

“No, you eat it. It’s yours.”

“Are you sure you don’t want it?”


I laughed. “You don’t sound sure.”

Krystal pushed my hand holding the ice cream back towards me. “I’m sure.”

Must you pretend you don’t want it when it’s written all over your face that you do?

“Here, take it.” I said offering my ice cream to her again.

“No, it’s yours.”

“I’m giving it to you.”

“No, it’s okay, you eat it.”

“Well, I don’t feel like eating it anymore so I’m giving it to you. Take it.”

“No, I don’t want it.”

“Will you just take it already? It’s starting to melt onto my hand.” I said pushing the ice cream closer to Krystal but the latter was too stubborn to take it.

I have never gone through so much trouble in offering someone something they want before.

“Seriously, just take it Krystal.” I said getting kind of tired of having the ice cream in my hand pushed back and forth. I really didn’t mind her taking it.

“No, I told you, I don’t want it. Eat it yourself.”


“Fine, if you don’t want it then I’m throwing it away.” I lied and pointed towards a distant trash can.

“What?! Don’t throw it away that would be a waste!”

I shrugged. “It’s up to you whether it goes into your tummy or the trash can…although it really would be such a waste to throw it away considering I paid good money for it.”

I wasn’t really intending on throwing my ice cream away, it’s the only way I could think of in getting Krystal to take it. It was either tricking her into thinking I was throwing it away or forcefully shoving the ice cream into . Now, knowing Krystal’s violent side, I don’t think forcefully shoving the ice cream into would be a safe choice for me.

“So? Do you want to eat the rest of it or not?” I asked starting to get up off the bench until Krystal’s hand shot out and pulled me back down.

I smiled knowing my plan had worked.

“Here you go.” I said handing the ice cream over to Krystal.

I watched in amusement as Krystal ate the rest of my ice cream happily like a little kid opening up her Christmas present.

I guess she really likes ice cream.

That, or she’s really hungry.

Krystal suddenly looked over at me, giving me a funny look.

“What?” I asked.

“Were you really going to throw the ice cream away if I didn’t eat it?” Krystal asked eyeing me suspiciously.


“Then why do I get the feeling you weren’t really going to…”

“Wha-what? Of course I was.”

“...You tricked me didn't you...”

“Psshh no way.” I dismissed Krystal's accusation with a wave of a hand.

Krystal stared at me.

I stared back, trying to look unfazed.

However, a few minutes into the staring contest and I deflated.

“Aright alright, fine, I did okay? Now stop trying to stare a hole through me.” I said giving up. “I only tricked you because you wouldn't take the ice cream I offered even though you obviously really wanted to. I was just trying to get you to take it without feeling guilty about eating my ice cream or anything like that. Plus, you seem to really like ice cream.”

There was a brief moment of silence between us before Krystal spoke up.

“…Why are you so nice to me?”

“Eh?” I was caught off guard by Krystal’s sudden out-of-the-blue question.

“Why have you been so nice to me?” Krystal repeated and this time, she stopped eating her ice cream to look at me.

“Uh…” I scratched my head. “Well……it’s because we’re friends. You’re my friend so of course I treat you nicely.”

What I said wasn’t technically a lie. I do consider her as a friend and I always treat my friends nicely…with the exception of Minho that is, but even so, I still treat him nicely as well. I just tend to tease and ignore him more.

“I see.”

We fell into silence. It wasn't really an awkward silence per say, but more of a nice, peaceful silence between us.

This moment, to me, seemed like a good real start to our friendship. I hope that when/if we do become really close friends in the near future that if ever Krystal found out about my helping Minho, we can still keep our close friendship. After all, we would have worked hard to get to where we are and to lose a valuable friend is not something I want to experience, no matter what led us to meet each other in the first place.

Noticing that it was getting kind of late, I stood up and held out my hand for Krystal to take. “It's getting kind of late. I should help you back before your parents worry or something.”

Krystal got up and took my outstretched hand which I then guided to place around my shoulder to support her.

“Thank you.” Krystal muttered softly and if I wasn't right next to her, I probably wouldn't have heard.

I smiled. “No problem. After all, I am partially responsible for your swollen ankle so –”

“No, I don't mean that.”

I gave her a curious look. “Oh…then what did you mean?”

“For what you've done, your kindness, even after how I treated you...I was cold to you yet you still tried to befriend me. Most people would usually just leave me alone and talk badly behind my back, but you didn' stuck around...”

Although I'm glad to hear Krystal say that, I couldn't help but feel guilty about why I had to stick around. I kind of wish now I didn't agree to help Minho, not because of how much hassle the whole plan is, but because Krystal doesn't deserve to be lied to and deceived. No one should be.

Feeling ashamed of how I ended up in this situation, having Krystal open up and saying something so genuine to me, I only managed to nod my head quietly before helping the girl home.

The rest of the way to Krystal's house was silent. It may have been a comfortable silence for Krystal, but for me, it wasn't. The longer I was next to her, the guiltier I felt. Although nothing too bad has happened yet, my conscience was already eating me alive.

“So did you always have short hair?” Krystal suddenly asked, breaking the silence.


“Have you always kept your hair short like right now?” Krystal repeated.

“Oh, uh, no. I had long hair before.” I answered ruffling my hair a little. “I actually lost a bet and had to chop off my hair as a result. After that, I just kept it short because I think short hair actually suits me better.”

“It does.” Krystal replied and I couldn’t help but blush a little.


“But I would like to see you with long hair too. I think you would look just as nice.”

I laughed. “Then you might have to wait a long time before that happens because I don’t plan on growing out my hair anytime soon.”

“Haha, I guess I’ll have to wait then.”

“You can wait together with Key. He wants to see me with long hair too.”

“Haha, does he really?”

“Yep, has been asking ever since he found out I was a girl.”

“How long have you guys known each other?”

“Hmm,” I tapped my chin in thought, “About 5 years?”

“No wonder you guys seem close.”

“We are.” I laughed but couldn’t help to think that Krystal actually paid attention to us during gym class.

We walked for another five minutes or so before finally reaching Krystal’s house. After helping the latter inside, I bid her goodnight and left.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing loudly on my night stand.

I groaned and flipped over in bed, reaching out to grab my phone.



I grimaced at the loud voice. “Yah, can you please refrain from deafening me so early in the morning?”

“Oh, sorry, but it’s noon already Amber and you’ve missed half of math class. Everybody’s wondering where you are.”

I squinted at the clock on my night stand.

Aish, why didn’t I hear the alarm?

“Alright alright, I’m on my way.”

I hung up and reluctantly rolled off my bed. Normally, I would’ve just skipped the rest of the day, but since I was put in charge of Krystal’s math class, I had no choice but to hurry over.

It took me less than five minutes to freshen up and get dressed, a new record for me.

After grabbing my bag, I ran out of the house and all the way to school.

Just as I reached the floor where the math class was located at, the bell rang signaling the end of the class period, and in less than five seconds, the empty hallway became filled with students.

As I was trying to maneuver my way through the sea of students, I ran into Daniel heading in the opposite direction.

“Amber! There you are. What happened to you?” Daniel asked stopping in front of me.

“I accidentally overslept.” I answered.

Daniel then pulled me off to the side. “Well, please don’t oversleep anymore because your fangirls will go crazy again. Do you know how scary they are? Try sleeping in class in that kind of atmosphere, it’s a total nightmare.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yah, I’m being serious here! They forced me to call you to make sure you were okay then they stole my phone! By the way, if you get any calls from me, it’s not actually me and if any unknown numbers call you, it’s not my fault either.”

I stopped laughing. “…………”

“Well, gotta go. Need to set up my pillow and stuff before the next class starts. See ya later~” Daniel said as he headed off down the hall.

I sighed and shook my head at the guy. I don’t know what to do with him.

After adjusting the strap on my bag, I headed off to the locker rooms to change.

“Yo Amber!” Key shouted as soon as I came out onto the field.

Krystal was standing next to him.

“Hey guys~” I tiredly said as I came up to the two. The rush to get to school this morning made me use up most of my energy. Plus, I feel really sluggish today for some reason.

“Hey Amber.” Krystal greeted which weirdly made me smile.

She said hi to me. ^^

“Here.” Krystal said as she pulled out a cell phone from her pocket and handed it to me.

I looked at it and recognized it as Daniel’s.

Why does Krystal have Daniel’s cell phone…?

“I got it back from the girls who took it from Daniel today after class. They really caused a ruckus from your absence.” Krystal continued, answering the question in my head.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I took the phone. “Thanks. You most likely saved me from having to get a new number. Just thinking about all those weird text messages and phone calls I would’ve gotten gives me chills…Daniel is really useless sometimes.”

Krystal laughed. “I bet.”

“No really, I mean it. That’s happened before and till now, I still get nightmares.” I said shivering at the thought of all those disturbing text messages and voice mails I had gotten in the past.

“Well, just think of it as a thank you for the ice cream yesterday.” Krystal replied smiling at me and I smiled back.

It gave me a nice, warm feeling inside.

Too bad that feeling didn’t last long between us when Key suddenly spoke up.

“Uh yeah….sorry to interrupt…but if you two are done smiling weirdly at each other now, I would like to know what happened.” Key said and it made me look away from Krystal slightly embarrassed.

“O-oh, it was nothing. I just overslept by accident today.” I explained.

“That’s it? Man, I thought something dramatic happened. How boring~.” Key said as he waved a hand in the air.

I looked back at Krystal and gave an awkward smile.

“So how’s your ankle? Feeling better?” I asked trying to change the topic and Krystal lifted her foot up for me to look at.

“I’m all healed, it doesn’t hurt anymore. See.”

“That’s good. I was worried it might still hurt today.” I replied while examining her foot.

“It’s really not that serious. You worry too much.”

I chuckled as Krystal placed her foot back down. “Well, it’s better to be cautious then to have your career ruined in the long run.”

“Hmm, I guess. Anyways, I’m going to run now.” Krystal said as she stretched a little. “You guys want to join me?”

I raised an eyebrow at the invitation. “Really? You're asking me to join you?”

“Yeah, why? You don’t want to?”

“No no, it’s not that, I was just surprised that you asked me to when you never liked me running beside you before.”

Krystal laughed. “That’s because I thought you were a ert then, but since we’re friends now and I know you’re not, it’s okay.”

I didn’t know whether to laugh or not.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to –”

“I’ll run with you.” I quickly cut in.

Krystal smiled. “Great, what about you Key?” Krystal asked turning to look at Key.

“Oh, so you remembered to ask me huh? For a moment there, I thought you two forgot about my existence.” Key replied with his arms crossed. “But since you asked, I guess I can run with you guys.”

I chuckled and pushed Key ahead of us as we made our way towards the track. “Don’t be so dramatic will you?”

“I wasn’t.” Key huffed.

I rolled my eyes and turned to look at Krystal who was smiling to herself.

“So how many laps are we running today?” I asked.

“Well…I want to get at least twenty laps in before class is over.” Krystal replied after a moment of thinking.

My face went pale.

T-t-twenty laps?!?!

Key stopped walking and turned around to look at us. “Uh…on second thought…why don’t I just wait over here for –”

“What? Come on, you can’t back out now. Plus, it’ll be fun.” Krystal said as she grabbed my arm and Key’s shirt, and pulled us towards the track with her. “You guys weren’t that good on those races the other day so this’ll also help strengthen the muscles in your legs.”

Key and I looked at each other before trying to wiggle our way out of Krystal’s tight grip, but no matter how hard we wiggled, we weren't able to free ourselves in the end.

Twenty laps later and end of gym class.

“Amber? Key? Are you guys coming?” Krystal asked a few feet away from where we laid out of breath.

Gym class had just ended and people were heading back to the locker rooms to change.

I laid on the ground staring blankly up at the clouds, sweat drenching my whole body.

“Yeah uh…why don’t you go ahead first, we’ll catch up in a minute…” I said as I motioned for the girl to go ahead without us.

I’m just going to lay here….forever…

Krystal shrugged and jogged up towards the building while Key and I just watched in amazement. Even after twenty laps, this girl still has the energy to run. Simply incredible. Maybe I should get back into the habit of working out more.


“Man, I don’t think I can feel my legs anymore.” Key said as he tried to get up but failed miserably.

“Don’t worry, I can’t either.”

“I didn't think I would be able to run even five laps let alone twenty.”

“Yeah, I didn't think you could either.” I replied and Key smacked my arm.

“Yah, I might not be able to move my legs, but my arms and hands are still perfectly functional.”

“Yes, of course they are. I can still feel the numbing pain spreading across my arm where you hit me just now.”


“Ok ok, I was kidding.” I said chuckling.

For the next few minutes, the two of us laid there in silence until Key struck up a conversation.

“So how are you and Krystal coming along? It seems like she doesn’t hate you anymore. She even said you guys are friends now and that she doesn’t think you’re a ert anymore. What happened?”

“It’s a long story, but the good news is, we are getting closer to each other.”

“That’s good to hear.”

“Yeah…it is…” I said staring up at the clouds floating above. “Krystal’s really not that bad once you get to know her…”

“Of course she isn’t.” Key said before turning on his side to look at me seriously while clearing his throat. “Now then, to a more serious matter.”

“What?” I asked shifting my gaze over to the blond.

“I would like to know why you two ate ice cream without inviting me yesterday. What’s that about hmm?”

“Oh wow, will you look at the time. We’re going to be late to our next class.” I said, quickly getting up and heading for the building.

“Yah! Where do you think you’re going? Where’s the ‘all the ice cream I can eat’ you promised me last time?!” Key yelled behind me and I picked up my pace until I was in a sprint.

“Yah Liu! Get back here! I’m talking to you!”

The rest of Tuesday went by without too much happening. Well, except for the constant text messages from Key saying stuff like, ‘you owe me more ice cream’, ‘I can't believe you didn't invite me’, ‘what kind of friend are you?’ and things like that.

Wednesday was basically the same with nothing too eventful happening. I woke up early in the morning to go give the math teacher the test I wrote up for Thursday so she can look over it and make copies.

Then when classes started, I worked out questions on the board for the students who were having trouble solving the problems. In gym class, I ignored Key and ran laps with Krystal. Then the rest of the day consisted of me hiding out on the roof top to catch a nap.

Thursday. Test day.

I walked into a nervous filled classroom of students.

Looking around, some students were skimming through the book for any last minute cramming, some students were nervously tapping their pencils against the desk waiting for class to officially start, and the rest were either praying silently or staring at me. The only two that weren’t doing any of the above were Daniel and Krystal. Instead, they were sleeping away at their seats.

I sighed and shook my head at Daniel. Typical.

I would be surprised if he actually passed the test today.

“Alright class. Today is the day.” The teacher said as she walked into the classroom holding the test packets in her arm. “Please put away everything on your desk except for a pencil.”

The shuffling of books and papers could be heard as the students put their stuff away into their bags.

Right as I sat down in my seat, the teacher called me up to help her hand out the tests.

As much as I didn’t want to, I dragged myself to the front.

After handing everyone a test packet, the teacher walked back to the front.

“When you’re done, please bring your test up to me then sit down quietly and wait for everyone else to finish. If there are no questions, you may begin.”

I leaned back in my seat as I watched everyone begin their tests.

The test itself doesn’t actually contain a lot of questions, only about 20 or so. Most of the problems require a series of steps to solve it which is why the test is several pages long. I left a good amount of blank space underneath the problems so the students have a place they can work it out. This way, they don’t have to cram all their work into a small space and I won’t have to go blind trying to figure out what they wrote. Plus, the test is also partially graded on the solving process so it’s required that they show their work.

“Man, this is so hard.” I heard Daniel muttering to himself next to me and couldn’t help but chuckle quietly.

You should’ve paid attention instead of sleeping then. Maybe you would’ve learned a thing or two.

Sitting there with nothing to do, my eyes wandered around the room until it finally settled itself on Krystal.

I watched as she tucked her hair behind her left ear and creased her forehead in concentration.

It amused me how her face goes from a stern, serious look to a happy and delighted one whenever she solves a problem.

Thinking about it, I think I can see why Minho is attracted to Krystal now. Overlooking her cold exterior front, Krystal is indeed a beauty. Her silky hair coupled with her creamy skin and slender body along with her cute smile screams nothing but perfection, especially when she smiles. I have to say, I find her smile extremely attractive for some reason. When she smiles, I feel like smiling as well and I don’t know why. My mouth just curves up on its own without my consent. It’s rather strange if you ask me.

“Amber.” I heard my name being called by the teacher and looked up.

“You can start grading these if you like.” The teacher said pointing to the finished tests on her desk.

I guess I was too engrossed in watching Krystal that I failed to see some of the students get up to turn in their tests.

“Ne.” I said as I got up from my seat and made my way up front.

“Also, when you finish grading them, please record the grades in the grade book and make a list of who will be going on the camping trip. Then bring the list to me when you’re done, okay?” The teacher said as I came up front.

“Ne.” I replied again before reaching for the finished tests.

Just as I turned around, I bumped into someone.

“Sorry.” We both said at the same time and I looked up to see that it was Krystal.

I gave the latter a smile. “You done?”

Krystal nodded and smiled back at me.

“Here, I’ll take it.” I said as I reached out for her test.

“I think I did really well.” Krystal said as she handed me her test.

I chuckled. “Really? You always sleep in class though.”

“What? I do not.” Krystal replied with a cute pout.

Just as I was about to respond with a tease, the teacher cleared behind me.

I turned around and bowed apologetically before hurrying back to my seat as did Krystal.

After sitting down, I snuck a peek over at Krystal and found her sneaking a peek at me as well. We both smiled and looked down at our desks. A few seconds later, I looked over at Krystal again just as she was looking up at me. Before I could see her lips turn into a full smile, she turned her head away towards the window, but from the reflection, I could tell she was smiling. I bit my lower lip and smiled to myself. I don’t know what’s happening to me lately. It’s like I said, every time I see her smile, my mouth just curves up on its own.

(Students sitting in between Amber and Krystal)


Student #1: Omo! Did you guys see that?! Amber totally just smiled at me!! ♥♥♥ *giggles crazily to herself*

Student #3: What? No way! She was smiling at me!

Student #1: Are you kidding me? Amber was totally flashing her cute grin in my direction.

Student #3: No, it was for me.

Student #1: Pssshhh. You wish. You are not worthy of Amber’s smile.

Student #3: What? Of course I am!

Student #1: Whatever you say.

Student #3: If I’m not, then neither are you! Don’t act like you’re worthy because Amber would never like you!

Student #1: Yes she would!

Student #3: No she wouldn’t!

Student #1: Yes she would!

Student #3: No she wouldn’t!

Student #2: Neither of you are worthy so SHUT THE HECK UP! Aish! Can’t you see I’m trying to ace this test for my beloved Amber here?! Gosh, delusional people these days are so annoying!

Student #1&3: ………What did you say?

Cough. Cough.

The teacher cleared up front and gave the students a warning glare before going back to her paperwork. The students lowered their heads and were quiet for the rest of the class period.

I didn’t hear any of the commotions around me because I was too engrossed in grading the math tests.

When class finally ended and all the tests were turned in, Krystal and I walked towards the locker room together.

Along the way, Krystal kept bugging me to tell her what she made on the test because she really wanted to know if she can go on the camping trip next week or not, but I kept refusing to tell her. When asked why not, I told her it was because I hadn’t graded her test yet. Though, to be honest, Krystal’s test was the first one I graded. I guess I just liked watching Krystal whine and pout at me though I don’t know why.

“Hey Key.” Krystal called out when the two of us walked towards the field.

As soon as Key saw us, or mainly Krystal, he darted away in the opposite direction screaming something along the lines of, “No! I don’t want to run with you! Leave me and my legs alone!”

Krystal looked at me and I could only shrug while chuckling at a tiny Key in the distance.

For the rest of gym class, the only thing that happened was more running, except this time, there was no Key. Since I had mentally and physically prepared myself for running with Krystal today, it didn’t turn out as bad as last time though my legs were exhausted by the time we were done with the laps.

After changing out of my sweaty clothes, I parted ways with Krystal by the locker room. Even till the last second where we turned in opposite directions, Krystal was still insistent on finding out her grade, but I only smiled before disappearing around the corner. I found it fun to tease Krystal.

The next day. Friday.

I walked into math class and sat down in my usual seat in the back.

Since class wasn’t for another twenty or so minutes no one else was in the room except for me.

Bored, I leaned back in my seat and stared up at the ceiling.

The reason why I was so early to class today is because I had to come in early to hand in the test scores as well as the camping trip list to the teacher. Otherwise, I would probably still be home in my warm and comfy bed.

As I zoning out in my seat, the classroom door suddenly rattled. I lowered my head and saw Krystal and Sulli walking in. Since they were busy talking to each other, they didn’t notice me sitting there and looking at them.

It wasn’t until Sulli finally shifted her gaze over did she see me.

“Omo!” Sulli said covering in surprise.

“What’s wrong?” Krystal, who had her back to me, asked and turned her head around to look.

When Krystal and I made eye contact, I waved at the latter. “Good morning~”

Krystal smiled. “Oh, hey Amber, what’re you doing here so early?”

“Secret.” I said smiling back.

“Why a secret? Are you doing something bad?” Krystal joked and I chuckled.

Sulli, who was quiet this whole time, pulled on Krystal’s arm. “Yah, I didn’t know you were this close with Amber. How come you didn’t tell me?”

“Was I suppose to?” Krystal asked and Sulli looked shocked.

“Of course you are! This is Amber we’re talking about here! It’s every girl’s dream to be able to talk to Amber Liu~”

Krystal sighed and pulled Sulli over to where I was sitting.

“Sulli, this is Amber. Amber, this is Sulli. It’s Sulli’s dream to be able to talk to you.” Krystal said and Sulli smacked her friend on the arm.

“Yah~ I never said that.” Sulli whispered in embarrassment.

“But you just said, and I quote, ‘This is Amber we’re talking about here! It’s every girl’s dream to be able to talk to Amber Liu~’. I assumed you were including yourself in that statement, were you not?”

“But you didn’t have to tell her that~” Sulli whined before smiling shyly at me. “H-hi.”

I laughed at how cute the girl was. “Hey Sulli. We already met actually. Don’t you remember?” I asked and the girl thought for a moment before shyly nodding.

I sat up straighter in my seat and extended a hand out towards Sulli. “Well, it’s nice to meet you again Sulli. I hope we can be good friends.”

Sulli grinned happily and took my hand in hers. “Of course! I would love to be friends with you!!”

Krystal rolled her eyes and walked away from us. “Well, while you two go be friendly with each other, I’m going to go take a nap.” She said as she made her way over to her own desk, sat down, and closed her eyes.

Watching the now motionless girl, I could only chuckle.


End of Part VII!
2 more parts to go?
Lol, sry about the long wait, I've been really stressed lately, but I guess that's a good thing for you guys cause I tend to write when I'm stressed...T.T
Anyways, as requested, there will be more taeny as well as an appearance of 'to-remain-nameless-for-now' ppl in the next update.
That aside, I do have some bad news, but I will refrain from saying it right now.
Hope you enjoyed reading this part.

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snackplate #1
Chapter 11: You know… it’s too bad to make Key waiting for the ice cream for too long… hahahahaha… I had fun reading this. Thank you so much author! <3
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 11: Awww sweet ending :)
Bluekkkmt #3
Wow,I love this story!!!! I love the way you built in every characters. But I wish to see more fluffy part though lol. Thanks for writing this great story author.
mikait0 #4
Chapter 11: Hahahah Key didn't really forgot about the icecream :D
llamavan #5
Chapter 11: Hahahahhaha Key missed out on the ice cream again, he ain't happy about it :P
Hello author...
Actually this is my 1st time read kryber fanfic heheh, usually kryber just minor shows in ff...
But i find this pair are really cute! So why not read it, and turns out this ff are indeed make me laugh and feel the cheesiness (thank God im not allergyc to cheesy - fluff slash aegyo wkwkwk)
Hahaha the one part of the epilogue that make me snap an instant memory because the "blondie" things hahaha,, key still want his ice creaammmm.. Poor him,, but im laugh because of it (sorry key) XD
Any way, thanks for the great story author,, have a nice day!^^
WhatsUrColor #7
Chapter 11: Creepy Key at the end had me bursting with laughter!!! He wants that ice cream yo! The best ending!
babySavie #8
Chapter 11:!! This is really cute ,funny,sweet,crazy,and cheesy story i ever read...even i laughed while i reading ..i know im exxagerated now..but you must to be my favorite author..yassss
iluveunji #9
Chapter 11: HAHAHA the ending is just too funny love this story!!
TwinTurtles #10
Chapter 10: OH MAN! This story is daebak! Amber and Krystal were so sweet and this definitely satisifed my kryber feels! Thank you so much for writing!