GYG - Part IV

Getting Your Girl

Part IV


“I thought I told you I had better not see you again.”

I gulped and laughed nervously.

“T-that’s kind of hard don’t you think?”

“How so?”

“Uh…well, you see, I’m the tutor for this class…so uh…I have to be here…and since you’re in this class as well…it’s only normal if we run into each other…right?”




Aish! I’m not a ert so why does she keep calling me one?

Okay, so maybe I did check her out in the shower stall after I accidentally walked into one I thought was empty, but that’s only because she was wrapped in a small towel.

It’s not like I didn’t try not to look at her because believe me, I did. My mind kept telling me to just back away slowly with my eyes closed and say sorry before going to another stall, but my eyes wouldn’t listen. And maybe I did look at her a little longer than I should, but again, she was wrapped in only a small towel. You can’t blame me if my hormones get a little out of control from time to time…right?

Plus, her body was practically screaming out ‘Look at me!’

Being a dutiful citizen of the country and a student of this school, I should oblige to what it was telling me to do.

Besides, how can she keep calling me a ert when all I did was look? People have eyes for a reason, and mine were fulfilling those reasons.

“Look, I already said I was sorry. Moreover, it was an accident so can you stop calling me a ert?”


“…why not?”

“Because you are one.”

“Aish, it was an accident, how many times do I need to say it? I mean, you even slapped and hit me for the accident so the way I see it, we should be even.”

No response.

“Look, I’m really not a ert okay? I didn’t know anyone was in the stall at the time so I was just as surprised as you. And if you look at it this way, I’m a girl too so it shouldn’t be that big of a deal.”

Technically, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal….

“…you do know I’m a girl…don’t you?”

Krystal laughed at my question. “If I had thought you were a guy, you would already be dead.”

“...that’s…” I said stiffening in my seat, “…not very comforting to hear…”

Smiling to herself, Krystal turned the page of her textbook.

I like her smile.

If I had met her like this, then I would’ve thought she was a nice and pretty girl.

Too bad ‘violent’ and ‘scary’ has to be added into her description.

“So uh…are we good now? Can you stop calling me a ert…?” I asked hopefully.

Before I received a response from Krystal, Suzy came back.

“Sorry I took so long. Did I miss anything?”

I sighed before smiling at Suzy. “Nope.”

I started tutoring the two again.

25 minutes later.

“Wow, you’re pretty good at this. How come you need tutoring?” I asked Suzy.

“Huh? Oh...well…you know…” Suzy shyly answered.

I arched an eyebrow at her weird behavior all of a sudden. “Are you okay?”

Suzy’s face turned even redder and she quickly replied. “I’m okay.”


I have come to the conclusion that all girls in this school are weird…

“Alright, since I’ve covered everything that needed to be covered today for your first tutoring session, you guys can go back in.” I said gesturing to the classroom.

I got up to stretch while Suzy was gathering her stuff.

While stretching my arms, I noticed that Krystal wasn’t moving.

Before I could call out to the younger girl, Suzy came over and gave me a quick hug, startling me.

“…that was for…um…tutoring me…thank you.”

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out but a puff of air.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that, Suzy hurried back inside the classroom quietly.

After a few minutes of standing there in shock, I regained my senses and lowered my arms.

I shook my head and turned to look at Krystal.

She was still sitting there.

What is she doing…?

I walked over next to her and bent down.

I moved her hair slightly so I can see her face.



Sighing, I stood back up, contemplating whether I should wake her up or not.

I rubbed my chin in thought.

Now that I know her violent behavior, I think it would be better if I didn’t wake her up.

But what if she gets mad at me for NOT waking her up…?

I paced around behind Krystal.

If I wake her up, she might hit me and continue calling me a ert.

If I don’t wake her up, she might hit me and continue calling me a ert.

That won’t do.


Why is this so hard?!

I stopped my pacing for a moment to look at the back of Krystal’s head.

She’s sleeping in such an awkward position though…

If I let her keep sleeping, she might wake up with a sore neck and be pissed at me for not waking her up.

If I wake her up now, she might already have a sore neck and will be pissed at me for not letting her sleep longer.

I ruffled my hair in frustration.

Why does it seem like nothing will end positively for me?!

I walked around her desk and observed the latter some more.


From what I’ve gather, this girl doesn’t have a good impression of me right now, and I need to get on her good side because I promised Minho I would help him...but how do I do that without dying in her hands first?

I continued staring at the latter.

Her necks definitely going to be sore if she keeps sleeping like this.

Sighing, I quietly pulled the desk next to Krystal’s closer to the girl so that there was barely any gap in between the two desks.

I sat down and gently adjusted Krystal’s head so that it was lying on my shoulder making sure as to not wake the latter up.

I wonder how long she’s going to sleep…

I stared at the wall in front of me.

Well…this is boring…

I picked up my pencil on the desk and twirled it around my fingers.

While I was twirling the pencil absentmindedly, Krystal suddenly shifted next to me.

I froze, causing the pencil in my hands to fall onto the desk.

I felt Krystal nudge her head closer to my neck, the tip of her head tickling my chin.

I sat very still, holding my breath in.

When I was sure Krystal didn’t wake up, I took a peek at her from the corner of my eyes.

Even though I couldn’t see her face, the scent of her hair wafted up into my nose.

Is that…citrus?



No, maybe mango…?

Wait, do they even make mango scented shampoos?

All I can say is, whatever the scent is, it smelled really nice.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep thinking about how nice Krystal’s hair smelled…in a not erted way of course.




I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes.

“Holy shessus!” I screamed in shock as I was met with a bunch of curious eyes looking back at me.

“I told you Amber wasn’t dead.” One of the students commented upon seeing me awake.

I placed a hand over my chest from my almost heart attack.

“Hi Amber!” The student standing the closest to me waved.

“Move it. I want to say hi to Amber too!” A female student in the back shouted.

“Stop pushing!” A boy caught in between replied.

I looked around and realized that Krystal wasn’t next to me anymore.

Where did she…when did…

“Amber, will you marry me?”

“What? No!” I replied and got up.

I checked the time and realized that I slept through the rest of the math class and was already late to my next class which was gym.

Why didn’t she wake me up!?

Though in all honesty, I was angrier at myself for not waking up on my own. I must’ve been really tired to not have heard the first round of bells.


I went inside the classroom to get my stuff and quickly made my way to the track.

When I got there, everyone was already warming up and stretching, ready to do their jogging.

“Yo, where were you?” Key asked coming up to me.

I completely ignored him and searched the track for Krystal.

“Hello?” Key said waving a hand in front of me. “Are you listening to me?”

I spotted Krystal already jogging near the far end of the track.

“Amber! YO!” Key shouted near my ear but I simply walked past him towards Krystal’s direction.

I caught up to the latter and ran beside her.

Krystal didn’t even turn her head to look at me.

How rude.

“Excuse me.” I said.


“Excuse me.”


“Excuse me!”


“Yah Jung Soojung!” I screamed and the latter finally slowed down and stopped, turning to glare at me.


Okay, I definitely regret what I just did. I don’t even know where the courage came from.

I started taking tiny steps away from her, fearing she might suddenly karate chop me or something. However, to my surprise, she didn’t. Instead, she crossed her arms and said, “What...?”

I blinked a couple of times and patted my ears to make sure I didn’t have any hearing problems.

Did she just respond in a non-violent manner?

I scratched my head. “Uh….”

Krystal looked impatiently at me. “Well?”

Panicking, I blurted out the first thing on my mind. “What shampoo do you use?”

I mentally face palmed myself as soon as the words left my mouth.

Why did I just ask her that?!

Krystal furrowed her brows. “What?”


Think Amber think!

Hurry before she finds out you smelled her hair and thinks you’re even more erted!

“Um…yeah…I’ve been trying to find a good shampoo to use but haven’t been able to and I figured…since you’re a girl, you would have more knowledge in that area so…….” I trailed off and laughed awkwardly.

“Aren’t you a girl too?” Krystal stated questioningly.

“Huh? Of course!” I felt like I should just dig a hole and bury myself in it. “It’s just…I…well…I tend to hang with the guys more so my knowledge on these things is limited….”

“And who says guys don’t have knowledge in this area that you’re speaking of? Why would you ask me when you can ask one of your other friends? Aren’t you friends with Key? I’m sure he would know this sort of stuff.”


"You're weird."

Krystal uncrossed her arms and turned around to leave, but before she started jogging again, she turned her head back around to look at me. “Thanks…”

I gave her a confused look because I didn’t know what she was thanking me for, especially with what just happened.

“For earlier….for letting me sleep on your shoulder…” Krystal said quietly as if reading my mind.

My shocked face from seeing this side of Krystal slowly turned into a grin.

So this girl does have a nice side to her…

Krystal rolled her eyes and started jogging away.

Wait...does this mean I just made progress with her?

I quickly ran to catch up with Krystal. “So does this mean we’re friends? You don’t see me as a ert anymore?” I asked hopefully.

end of part IV.
okay, so i apologize on how poorly written this part was. most of you were probably waiting for an awesome update for part IV but got this instead... -__-"
so even though this chap turned out like this..hope to still read your comments...
i'm gonna go hide and wallow in my failed update now...

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snackplate #1
Chapter 11: You know… it’s too bad to make Key waiting for the ice cream for too long… hahahahaha… I had fun reading this. Thank you so much author! <3
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 11: Awww sweet ending :)
Bluekkkmt #3
Wow,I love this story!!!! I love the way you built in every characters. But I wish to see more fluffy part though lol. Thanks for writing this great story author.
mikait0 #4
Chapter 11: Hahahah Key didn't really forgot about the icecream :D
llamavan #5
Chapter 11: Hahahahhaha Key missed out on the ice cream again, he ain't happy about it :P
Hello author...
Actually this is my 1st time read kryber fanfic heheh, usually kryber just minor shows in ff...
But i find this pair are really cute! So why not read it, and turns out this ff are indeed make me laugh and feel the cheesiness (thank God im not allergyc to cheesy - fluff slash aegyo wkwkwk)
Hahaha the one part of the epilogue that make me snap an instant memory because the "blondie" things hahaha,, key still want his ice creaammmm.. Poor him,, but im laugh because of it (sorry key) XD
Any way, thanks for the great story author,, have a nice day!^^
WhatsUrColor #7
Chapter 11: Creepy Key at the end had me bursting with laughter!!! He wants that ice cream yo! The best ending!
babySavie #8
Chapter 11:!! This is really cute ,funny,sweet,crazy,and cheesy story i ever read...even i laughed while i reading ..i know im exxagerated now..but you must to be my favorite author..yassss
iluveunji #9
Chapter 11: HAHAHA the ending is just too funny love this story!!
TwinTurtles #10
Chapter 10: OH MAN! This story is daebak! Amber and Krystal were so sweet and this definitely satisifed my kryber feels! Thank you so much for writing!