GYG - Part I

Getting Your Girl

Getting Your Girl


Part I


“So will you help me court her?”

“Why do you need me to help you get some girl? I thought you were fully capable of doing that yourself...or perhaps you’ve lost your touch?”

“What? No way dude! For your information, my touch is still on!”

“.......I'm going to pretend what you just said made sense.”

“Whatever, are you going to help me or not?”




“Yah Amber!”

“Yah Minho.”

“I'm being serious here!”

“And I'm not? You just offended me, now my answer is final.”

“Yah, just help me already. I really like this girl.”

“Well that's a first, good for you.”

“So you'll help me?”



“Minho...........can we stop shouting each other's name in class? Our classmates are starting to give us weird looks.”

“Then help me.”


“I thought you were my friend?”

“I never said I wasn't.”

“So help me.”

“How many times do I have to tell you NO before it gets through your gigantic head full of air?”


“Oh, sorry, correction. Full of nothingness. Can't give you credit for having air up there.”



“Just help me.”

“What part of NO don't you understand? The N or the O?”

“Can't you just help me this once? It's not like I ask you for a lot of favors.”

“Correction, you always ask me for favors.”

“Fine, but I really need you to help me get this girl.”

“Did your prince charming ways not work on her?”

“Yeah, she completely ignored me when I tried talking to her.”

“Then find another girl. If she doesn't like you, then she doesn't like you. Sorry to tell you this, but not everyone in the world is head over heels in love with you or your charming ways. Believe it or not, there are actually people out there who are not attracted to your looks. Take me for example.”


“Minho…Seriously, you’ve got to stop this name shouting thing.”




“Now that is just plain gross, you are definitely not suited for acting cute..stop...just stop.”

“Please~help me out. Everyone always likes you. You can introduce me once you become friends with her.”

“You want me to be friends with her? What happened to the usual tell me what to do and help me set up romantic dinners?”

“She's a different girl, I need to approach her differently.”

“So what if she doesn't want to be friends with me?”

“Work your charms, I'm sure you can do it.”

“And what if she falls for me? What am I suppose to do then?”

“She won't.”

“Oh? Looking down on me now are we? Did you already forget what happened to all your past girlfriends?”

“That's because you were too nice to them. You shouldn't have hung around them so much.”

“I didn't. They kept hanging around me even after I made it clear I was not interested.”

“I know. I guess they just couldn't see what a great guy I am. It's their loss.”

“ just keep telling yourself that.”

“So are you going to help me? You have to help me.”


“Come on dude! We’re best buddies! Do me a favor!”

“One, I’m not a dude, two, your use of adjective before buddies to describe our relationship is slightly wrong, and three, no.”

“You know what I mean! And we are best buddies! We always hang out! Please! Just this last time, help me out this one last time!”

“You always say this is the last time yet I haven’t really experienced this ‘last time’ you speak of.”

“All I’m asking you to do is to be friends with her, then introduce me to her as your friend. If I’m your friend, she won’t brush me off like last time. Then I can just get close to her like that. You can help set up dates for us afterwards so everything will seem natural.”

“Why is it that I’m always the one doing the ‘behind the scenes’ work?”

“Because you’re good at that stuff! You are like the most romantic person I’ve ever met. I don’t understand why you aren’t dating anyone. All the girls in the school have a crush on you. Aside from me of course, you are like the second most popular person here. You even attract the guys.”

“Well, I’m not a player like you. I don’t try to date every girl out there. For your information, I’m actually waiting for the right person.”

“But you could have anyone you want at this school! There are so many pretty girls here! Just take your pick; I’ll help you if you need—”

“If you stop talking, I will help you this one last time.”

“Really? You well?”

“Yes, but it’s the last time. Seriously.”

“Great! Thanks Amber! You’re the best!”

“Now leave me alone. I would like to enjoy some peace and quiet while reading my book please.”

“Of course! Anything for my best buddy! I’ll go over the plans with you later today, okay?”

After Minho finally left, I opened my book to continue my reading. I was sitting at my desk by the window and had only finished reading one sentence when more distractions came.

Girl #1: Amber! Amber! I heard you were helping Minho with another girl?

Girl #2: Yah! Leave Amber alone! Can’t you see she’s reading right now? You’re bothering her!

Girl #3: Amber! I love you! Please go out with me!

Girl #2: What the hell? Where did you come from? Who are you to ask Amber out?

Girl #3: I’m Amber’s girlfriend!

Girl #4: Eh? No you aren’t! I am!

Girl #1: Amber, who’s the girl Minho is after now? What’s her name?

Girl #2: Yah! I told you to leave Amber alone! Do you want to die?

Girl #4: Yeah! Leave Amber alone! She doesn’t want to talk to you!

Girl #1: Excuse me?! I think it’s you she doesn’t want to talk to.

Girl #3: You guys are all DELUSIONAL! Amber doesn’t want to be bothered by any of you! She only wants to talk to me so if you guys can leave her alone, I would really appreciate it.

Guy #1: All of you just shut up!

Guy #2: Woah dude, what’s gotten into you?

Guy #1: These girls are so annoying!

Girl #1: Excuse me?! Who are you calling annoying?

Guy #1: You! All of you!

Girl #4: What is wrong with you? We aren’t even doing anything to you so why are you butting in?

Guy #1: Yes you are!

Girl #3: Amber! I love you! Go out with me!

Girl #4: No we aren’t! This is none of your business. Who are you to tell us what to do?

Guy #1: I’m Amber’s boyfriend! Of course I can get into her business!

Girl #3: What? Amber doesn’t have a boyfriend! Stop making up lies! You are DELUSIONAL!
Amber I love you!

Guy #3: Dude, I didn’t know you like Amber?

Guy #1: Shut up.

Guy #2: It’s a sensitive topic for him.

Guy #3: Ah, no worries, I like Amber too.

Girl #3: Oh My God! Amber I love you so much!

Girl #4: Amber, when will you get a girlfriend? Can I be your first?

Girl #2: What the heck? What is wrong with you? Are you even in this class?

Girl #4: No. Is there a problem?

I shut my book and looked up at everyone. They all stopped talking. One of the girls fainted when I made eye contact with her (Girl #3).

“Can someone please take this girl to the infirmary?” I asked and one of the female students volunteered.

After that, I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the classroom. I made my way down the hall as the students secretly followed me. Since I am so used to this, I just take them around the school and then ditch them at one of the staircases that lead up to the roof around the corner.

“Finally, some peace and quiet.” I said before taking a seat near the edge of the roof.

I took out my book from earlier and opened it to the last page I was on. As I was reading, I happened to glance down for a split second only to have my attention caught by a lone girl running around the track outside. I couldn’t see her clearly as I was quite up high, but I could make out that it was a girl due to her slim body features and her ponytail at the back.

I’ve always been interested in all kinds of sports, track being one of them. But after injuring my ankle playing basketball three years ago, I haven’t really done much sport from then on. I still play basketball now and then, but I’m not on a team anymore. I still jog and run on tread mills, but not as often either.

After a few more minutes of watching the girl run around, I went back to reading my book. I spent the rest of the day on the roof reading my book and just relaxing. I missed all of my afternoon classes, but it didn’t really bother me. If I go, it would just be like a moment ago, every free time I have, I would be swarmed by people or mostly girls. Even during class when the teacher is teaching, I would get love notes asked to be passed to me. The teacher doesn’t really mind whether I go to class or not either because I have been the top of my class since forever so I kind of get special treatment. That and I almost always help them out when they need it so it’s only normal I get some kind of exemption.

While I was enjoying the fresh air and watching the calm sky above me, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out and it was none other than Minho.

Minho: Hey, where are you? I don’t see you in your class.

Amber: Not near you.

Minho: Seriously, where are you?  I need to talk to you about that girl.

While I started to reply to Minho’s text, I received a text from someone else.

Key: Hey, café after class as usual! I’ve got stuff to tell you! Don’t ditch this time.

Amber: Sure, I’ll be there in a few.

Minho: Are you ignoring me? You already agreed to help, you can’t back out now~

Amber: Just go to the café.

I got up and stretched for a few minutes before grabbing my stuff on the ground and making my way over to the door to go back inside the building.

While I was making my way down the stairs, my mind wandered off to who Minho’s new love interest is. To be honest, the reason I agreed to help Minho this time is because of what he said about the girl not being interested in him and how she ignored him. If I’m not mistaken, she’s probably the first one to reject Minho’s advances. That alone caught my attention.

Not watching where I was going, I bumped into someone going up the stairs. The girl that I bumped into fell backwards but luckily I was quick enough to catch her before she tumbled down the stairs. My right hand was gripping the railing while my left hand was around her waist. My right foot was on the step above where my left foot was standing. It’s a rather awkward position if you ask me. It sort of reminds me of a move when dancing to Tango where the girl is tilted backwards by the guy.

“I’m sorry, are you okay miss?”

The girl straightened herself, making sure she had proper footing on the steps before looking over at me. I removed my hands from around her waist.

“Pay attention to where you’re going next time.” The girl said before walking away.

“…uh…okay…” I said scratching my head.

It’s not like I did it on purpose. Plus, it was also partly her fault for not looking at where she was going either.

Shrugging away what just happened, I adjusted my bag on my shoulders and made my way down the rest of the stairs and out of the building. It only took me a few minutes before I arrived at the café.

“Hey guys.” I said taking a seat.

“Amber~I thought you changed your mind about helping me.”

“If you don’t stop with that gross aegyo voice of yours, I really will.”


“What’s he talking about Amber?” Key asked from across the table.

I pointed a finger at Minho. “Ask him, he’s the one trying to get the girl.”

“Another one? Didn’t you just get one recently?” Daniel asked.

“Yeah, what happened to her?” Jonghyun added.

Minho played with the straw in his glass. “I didn’t like her anymore.”

“What is the excuse this time?” Key asked shaking his head.

“There’s no excuse, I just didn’t like her anymore.”

“I bet you it’s because the girl fell for Amber again.” Daniel laughed.

“Probably.” Jonghyun chuckled.

Minho looked over at Daniel and Jonghyun angrily. “Yah! No she didn’t! I just didn’t want to date her anymore!”

“Dude, chill. No need to over react.” Jonghyun said.

“So tell us, who is this girl?” Key asked as he took a bite of his cake. “Did you ask Amber to help you again?”

“He probably did.”

“This time is different. This girl is different from all the other ones. She’s special.”

Daniel crossed his arms and smiled. “What did you ask Amber to do?”

“He asked me to become friends with this girl,” I answered for Minho, “and then introduce him to her.”

The table became quiet. All eyes were on Minho. A few minutes of silence went by.




“Yah, are you stupid or something?”

“What? Why am I stupid!”

“Key’s right, did you accidentally hit your head somewhere?”

“Dude, what are you thinking? That’s like the worst plan ever. It’s like you’re openly giving the girl to Amber without even trying.”

“What? Why? It took me a long time to come up with that plan!”

I watched on silently in amusement as Minho became more and more flustered.

“…I’ll admit, you have the looks, but I think you’re lacking in the brains area.”


“Are you sure he even has a brain area to lack in?”

“Yeah, there’s probably nothing up there.”


A waiter appeared at our table. “Sir, can you please lower your voice? The other customers are complaining about how loud you are.”

“s-sorry.” Minho muttered and the waiter bowed before leaving.

Everyone sitting at the table, except for Minho, burst out laughing.

Minho’s face was bright red as he sat lower in his seat. “I hate you guys.”

“We love you too lover boy.” Jonghyun said after finally calming down.

Seeing that we teased Minho enough, I decided to give him a break. “Alright alright, so tell us in detail about your plan to get this girl. You said for me to become friends with her, but won’t that take awhile?”

Minho sat up in his seat and looked over at me happily. “It shouldn’t. At the most, it should only take the first half of the semester for you to become close with her and for her to trust you. Once you guys are good friends, we can have a get together where she brings her friends and you bring yours. Then you can introduce me to her. After that, help me get more chances alone with her and set us up on some dates.”

“Do you really think this is going to work?” Key asked.

“Of course! It has to. She’ll definitely fall in love with me.”

“Why don’t you just talk to her like a normal person would? Maybe she won’t ignore you if you don’t throw yourself at her while flaunting your looks and what not.” Jonghyun commented while swirling the ice around in his cup.

“Because it won’t work. She won’t talk to me.”

“How do you know? What makes you so sure that she’ll talk to you if Amber introduces you to her?”

“Look, I just know okay? You guys just don’t get it.”

“So how am I suppose to even run into her? I think she’ll be scared off by me as well if I just randomly start talking to her in the hallways.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk with you about. I asked your teacher earlier about letting you switch into two of her classes.”

“You what?”

“Well, it’s not like you attend those classes anyways.”

I sighed. “So what classes am I switching into?”

“You’re switching into her math class as a tutor.”

“Why the heck am I switching into her class as a tutor?”

“Because you’ve already taken that class before so I had to come up with a good reason for you to be in that class. The teacher agreed because she knows your strongest subject is math.”

“That doesn’t mean I want to be a tutor.”

“Too late, the teacher already made the changes so you’re all set to go from tomorrow till the end of the year.”

“…is it too late to strangle you?”

“Come on, it’s not that bad. Plus, you love math.”

“What’s the second class you switched Amber into?” Key piped up.



“Yeah, it was easy to convince the teacher to switch Amber into her gym class because everyone does the same thing in gym class anyways.”

“Remind me why I agreed to help you?”

“Because you’re my best buddy, that’s why~”

“…I really want to strangle you right now…”

The rest of our stay at the café consisted of me banging my head against the wooden table while Key patted my back. Minho kept on talking about this not so brilliant plan of his while Jonghyun and Daniel fell asleep listening to it.

The next day…

Girl #3: OMG! Did you guys hear?

Girl #4: Hear what?

Girl #2: What are you talking about? Wait…You’re that same girl from yesterday, what are you doing here? You’re not even in our class!

Girl #3: Amber switched classes!

Guy #1: She what?

Girl #4: Where did you hear that from?

Girl #3: It’s spreading across the school like wild fire!

Girl #2: What!? When did this happen?

Girl #4: Oh no! That means I won’t get to see Amber anymore! T.T

Girl #3: Don’t worry though; I think she only switched two of her classes.

Girl #1: I heard Minho asked the teacher to switch Amber.

Guy #2: Woah, where did you come from?

Guy #1: Where do you guys hear all these things from? Are you stalking my Amber?

Girl #2: What the hell? When did she become your Amber?

Guy #1: Since the first time I saw her. Got a problem?

Girl #4: Nooooo! Amberrrrrr~

Guy #3: Guys! Guys! Amber’s coming down the hall!

Girl #4: Amber!!!! I love you!!!

I walked into class only to find everyone looking at me. Am I missing something here?

I made my way over to my desk to get my materials. My first class of the day just so happens to be her math class for which I am now a tutor for.

After getting my stuff, I walked back out of class. I could feel everyone’s eyes following me out of the door. So weird. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before, but today just feels different from those other days.

Shrugging it off, I made my way down the hall to look for my new class. As I was making my way up the stairs, something struck me. I never asked Minho what her name was.

“Aish.” I mumbled before searching my pocket for my phone.

I sent Minho a text message asking what the girl’s name was before continuing to the room.

After arriving at the new classroom, I opened the door and looked in. The chattering inside the room immediately died down. Gasps were heard.

Student #1: OMG!! It’s Amber~

Student #2: *Gasp* Amber!

Student #3: Wahhh!! Amber’s in our class!!

Student #4: So she’s the new tutor?

Student #5: Amber!! I heart you! I heart you!!

Student #1: Amber!! Go out with me!! Please! I will buy you anything you want!

Student #6: I think I’m going to faint!

Just then, my phone vibrated in my hand. I looked away from the commotion in the room down at my phone. It was a reply from Minho.

Minho: Krystal. Her name is Krystal. I’m counting on you. Fighting!

End of Part I.
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snackplate #1
Chapter 11: You know… it’s too bad to make Key waiting for the ice cream for too long… hahahahaha… I had fun reading this. Thank you so much author! <3
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 11: Awww sweet ending :)
Bluekkkmt #3
Wow,I love this story!!!! I love the way you built in every characters. But I wish to see more fluffy part though lol. Thanks for writing this great story author.
mikait0 #4
Chapter 11: Hahahah Key didn't really forgot about the icecream :D
llamavan #5
Chapter 11: Hahahahhaha Key missed out on the ice cream again, he ain't happy about it :P
Hello author...
Actually this is my 1st time read kryber fanfic heheh, usually kryber just minor shows in ff...
But i find this pair are really cute! So why not read it, and turns out this ff are indeed make me laugh and feel the cheesiness (thank God im not allergyc to cheesy - fluff slash aegyo wkwkwk)
Hahaha the one part of the epilogue that make me snap an instant memory because the "blondie" things hahaha,, key still want his ice creaammmm.. Poor him,, but im laugh because of it (sorry key) XD
Any way, thanks for the great story author,, have a nice day!^^
WhatsUrColor #7
Chapter 11: Creepy Key at the end had me bursting with laughter!!! He wants that ice cream yo! The best ending!
babySavie #8
Chapter 11:!! This is really cute ,funny,sweet,crazy,and cheesy story i ever read...even i laughed while i reading ..i know im exxagerated now..but you must to be my favorite author..yassss
iluveunji #9
Chapter 11: HAHAHA the ending is just too funny love this story!!
TwinTurtles #10
Chapter 10: OH MAN! This story is daebak! Amber and Krystal were so sweet and this definitely satisifed my kryber feels! Thank you so much for writing!