‘Is Hyun joong the ghost?’


‘That is my question too’


‘You’re really hopeless mind!’


‘Are you scared? What if Hyun joong is really a ghost?’


‘Are you stupid? How can Hyun joong be the ghost! I know his real’


‘How can you be sure that he isn’t the ghost?’


So min was hopeless. She can’t find Hyun joong everywhere. After searching all over the school she decided to go to the park. She sits on the bench where they used to chat and eat ice cream.


‘Hyun joong, where are you?’


‘How could you leave me so suddenly?’


She cries…


When she finally gains the courage to face her life, the only person she owes was gone.


All of the sudden she heard a voice. She looks at her side and saw a “girl”. She knew the girl, even if its dark, she knew that it was the girl that she bumped into, the girl in the picture with Hyun joong.


So min braced her and stops herself from crying. Maybe she could ask her where Hyun joong is. She is the only way to know the real mystery behind his disappearance.


“Sorry for disturbing you”


“No, no, it’s alright”


“Did you and your boyfriend have a fight?’


“Huh? No, no, it’s not like that! And he is not my boyfriend, he is my friend”


“I see, so your friend must be really lucky”




“She made a beautiful girl like you cry for him”


So min didn’t know how to react. She remembers the picture. She get it on her pocket and hand it over to the girl


“Sorry for not returning it immediately”


“ohh, it’s alright”


A second of complete silence…


“This picture reminds of the past”


“Can I ask something?” So min said with courage


“Is he your boyfriend?”


“Boyfriend? You mean this guy?”


So min nodded


“What do you think?”


So min didn’t answer, she knew that Hyun joong and that girl must be in a relationship but she really hope that they are only friend


“By any chance, is he your friend?”


“hmm..yes, he is my friend”


“He must be really lucky”


“Huh?” So min didn’t get what she meant


The girl smiled again. This time, So min feel a bit unease. She looked closely to the girl. Closer and closer


“Your eyes” So min said nervously “It’s exactly the same as mine”


“If you really wanted to see him, its time for you to wake up




Sorry for keeping this chapter short :c

(my mind is not yet settled)


This is all I can do.. .

Do you like it or not?

Should I change the plot?

Arghh..i’m really hopeless right now

Can you guys give me some suggestion please…

I will love to here from all of you!


This chapter is dedicate to my first ever friend ailee (Lulu123) who pushed me to write a story and to khjloverdover who really love this story, I hope I didn’t disappoint you.. .

I’ll update my other stories..maybe later?


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my chapter is ON, wanna read it? please.. it will my pleasure if you read it. kamsahamnida!


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jasminekachhap #1
Chapter 7: Short,sweet!
Spy_spy #2
Chapter 5: Who's that girl anyway?
Rani16 #3
Chapter 7: sweet story, and happy ending :D . I love your story author-ssi :)
lavi018 #4
Chapter 7: It is not a lame story..!!! It is a refreshing new love story for me atleast.... :-) I loved very much.... :-)
Chapter 7: loved it! it was ver sweet, i didnt know what would happen.... thank you <3
lespapillons #6
Chapter 7: congratulation for ur story :) i like it
michily #7
i want again again again! hahaha crazy me right!
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ellabanaanaa #8
I knew it! I have a hunch that years have already passed and still she's in coma/dreamland. :) great update! I wonder how they will meet? :)) Keep it up! :)