not going to cry

fix you


        i was done with crying i didnt want to mope anymore but yenni headed to korea for the summer, lia down south and lacie well her grandma came from england and wanted quality time so i was stuck with guy's. i heard a knock at the door "come in" i called the door swung open revealing chanyeol and his stuck in one place smile. "hello" he said like a wierdo "hi" i said back unsure of his ways "what you doing" he asked sitting next to me "just looking through my art notebook" i told him. he reached picking it up "not bad" he said carry on the ad in bad. i smiled at how weird he was "ah you smiled" once he said that i dropped the smile "yah dont drop it" he said setting aside the notebook i stood to leave but he caught my wrist pulling me back. i fell into his lap.

        "hey" i whined frowning he just smirked "what" i asked him he then lifted his hands and began to tickle me "stop" i said laughing "smile than" he said "dont you see me laughing" i yelled at him "dosent count" he sang tickling me even more i felt tears come in from laughing "ok ok" i said stopping him. "see" i said pointing to a smile "ah there it is" he said smiling i hit his arm as i stood up "stupid" i mumbled standing to my feet "what" he asked in his low voice i knew he would tickle again "nothing" i told him.

      "you guys break fast" bacon said walking through my room door "yay" chanyeol said "such a dork" i laught as i watched him stand up walking toward the door "what" he asked "nothing~" i sung walking out the room. i locked arms with bacon pulling him down stairs "oh i get it" chanyeol said "what" me and baekhyun said in unison facing the tall boy "you are having affair" he said to bacon. "yes now leave" i said pulling bacon away "im going straight now" bacon "i know someone is sleeping on the couch" chanyeol said as we walked into the kitchen.

       we sat out side laying on the couch swing fanning bugs away "im so~ bored~" bacon sung as we swung back and forth "then do something" i told him. he turned facing me "what" i said still facing forward not looking at him "you know your pretty cute" baekhyun said i felt my cheeks heat up lucky im dark "i know" i said showing no signs of a set back. "so you agree" he asked "yes why" i asked him "nothing just asking" he then turned to chanyeol "hyung" he began "dont start" chanyeol said to him i cracked a smile at them "wait what does hyung mean" i asked noticing i here it alot "and yah which sounds harsh" i added

          "hyung is older brother or older guy friend you would say oppa since your a girl" chanyeol said sitting up "noona is what i'll call you a older girl friend or sister" bacon said "you would call a older female noona" chanyeol told me "omma is mom and appa is dad" bacon said i nodded my head getting it "yah is hey" chanyeol said "gotcha" i told them "got what" i notice kai and sehun walk out "oh they were tell my what yah,hyung,oppa,omma, and appa meant" i told him. "oh then you wouldnt mine calling me oppa right" kai told me "sure" i told him "wait she is older than you cause im older and she is my noona" bacon told him "its ok older woman are hotter" he said still flirting.

         "well we came by to ask if you guys want to go to a beach party" sehun asked just then i notice the hispanic girl from a couple days ago "oh erica this is floria" sehun said smiling big he must like her "hello" she greeted "hey" i said hopping she wouldnt tell the guys about my episode that i had a couple days ago "shall we go" chanyeol asked i nodded and bacon clapped his hands in excitement.

   th?id=I4579990633841749&pid=1.7&w=139&h=          my outfit

                we left the house and headed to the beach "thanks for that day" i told floria "no problem but you owe me" she said laugh "dont worry i got you" i told her. we came to the beach and everyone seemed to be having fun. i felt a tug at my hand i was lead to the dance floor by kai. he spun me as we hit it bring me close "so whats up with your girl" he asked me "who lia" i asked he nodded and i laughed "she went some where but dont worry shell be back next week" i told him "when she does hook me up" he said "spoken like a true dude" i told him laughing he looked confused but shook off "just dance for now" he told me.

              i dance with him for a while but he went step up on me so i left. not a strong dancer, i walked over to suho,d.o and bacon as i did i notice floria and sehun getting really close "i see you dance with kai" d.o said "yup but he went to hard for me" i told them and they laughed "well since the girls are flocking him im going in" bacon said smiling i laught seeing he was to cute to go that route.

             "where's chanyeol" i said noticing he was now where to be found "over their " suho said i notice him talking to some girl she was pretty and had brown hair. i bit my lip feeling my heart throb. my view was blocked by a familiar build. i looked up "can we talk" kevin asked me.

          we walked the beach and it was awkwardly quiet "so whats up" i asked him braking the silence "dont whats up me" he said suddenly mad about something  "why" he asked me "why what" i asked him "are you lying to me" he asked me i gave a confused look "what are you talking about" i asked trying to calm down "gabi i know your not erica" he said "i am erica" i told him he caught my arm "no your not" he said to me "yes i am" i told him pushing him away "no your not" he told me squeezing my arm "your insane" i told him getting out of the grip that was hurting me "dont walk away" he said turning me around "let go" i told him "if your not gabi then why did you let her die" he asked i felt my skin boil "what" i asked pissed at this point "you heard me" he said letting go.

         "i understand you were jealous of her but did you have to kill her" he asked "jealous" i asked fuming now "yeah of me and her" he said "now you lost it" i told him walking away he ran in front of me blocking my path "just admit it" he said "admit what" i asked him "that you love me" he said "ok you want me to admit something" i asked he nodded "you are insane and need to see a docter oh and i dont love you never loved you and baby never will" i said i rolled my eye's pushing passed him but stopped a few feet away "oh and gabi knew about you and your one night stand so if she didnt die your "love" would be done" i told him walking away.

         the never off that guy me like him and then the whole your gabi bit such a lonely. why did you let her die those words ringed in my ear as i walked back "erica" i looked to see floria "where did you go" she asked "oh for a walk" i told her trying not to seem distracted "i saw the guy you went with he was cute" she said "he is a pain in my behind and i hope i never see him again" i told her "who got your in a twist" kai asked as him and the others asked coming up to us. "your dad" i said to him "then let me get them out" he said never failing to flirt. i couldnt help but laugh at him "forget about lia so quick" i asked him "she dosent have to know" he said to me.

          i sat on my bed thinking about what kevin said well the part about gabi death being my fault. i bit my lip thinking about it "i should take a shower" i told my self standing. i took my clothes and enter the bathroom i was so enter thought that i walked in on a half chanyeol "oh my" i was hooked at his stomach "sorry" i said still in a daze but managed to close the door behind me as i left.

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ambw_girl3134 #1
Chapter 14: Sequel pleaseeeee .if u need help with it ....i could help*wink
Chapter 14: Awwww this was sho KYUTE ^<^
Awwwww! I had like this kinda of story in my head & I wanted to write it until I just saw your story on the front page -______- *sniff sniff*

Humans do really think the same.
Sincere1041 #4
Chapter 9: Love it so far can't wait to see what happens between erica and channie(: update soon!
Yeollie ^^ I am loving it. Update soon please :D
i really like it=)
Yay another Chanyeol ambw fanfic :)
please update soon !