[9th Entry] Anticipation


“3 days no school~ Yay~!”, Sunny said happily and nipped on her strawberry milk.

“3 days to relax.”, Yuri added then, acting as if her ice coffee was some kind of cocktail.

We were sitting in a café close to school where we were waiting for Yoona and Jessica. Next week we’d go on a class trip for 3 days and 2 nights, which of course was a big topic.

“Actually this trip shouldn’t only be for relaxation but for learning more about the culture of our country and – “, I began as Yuri cut me off. “Joohyun-ah, school is over already. You don’t have to act like the class president all the time. Of course this trip is for learning about culture but...,” She then grinned. “What is more important is that Yonghwa-Oppa will be there, too~”

“That again?”, I sighed, “I thought you were finally over it.” “How could we be over that? Never! Never ever! Not until you are going out with him.”, Sunny explained.

“Ah, are you talking about Yonghwa-Oppa, again?” Now Yoona and Jessica had also arrived and sat beside them.

Sulkily I looked at Yoona. “Not you, too...” She shrugged with a smile, “It’s just obvious who you are talking about.”

Resigned I began to stir my iced tea with the straw while the others started to plan events again where I’d play the lead role.

3 days... I’d spent three whole days with him. Maybe our groups would also do something together.

At the thought of seeing him everyday outside of school I smiled unknowingly. And they will take pictures, won’t they? Maybe there would also be one of us... what a nice imagination.

As I then noticed how I was smiling and what I thought about, I quickly shook my head to get the thoughts out of my head. What was I thinking?!

Suddenly the others began to laugh why I looked up from my glass. “W-What?”

“Joohyun-ah~ You’re just too cute!”, Yuri exclaimed, hugging me slightly.

Totally confused I looked at each one of them, but they only continued to laugh and giggle.

Jessica then told me, “Let’s just put it that way: You’re aren’t really good in hiding your thoughts.”

Finally I understood and blushed. Was I really that easy to read?


“Okay... what else do I need?” Walking through the convenience store, I bought things I needed for the short trip.

Passing by the frozen food compartment, I decided to treat myself to an ice cream. Busy with choosing a flavour I didn’t notice how someone stood right beside me. “Just take the one with sweet potato flavour. No matter how long you think about it, in the end you’ll pick it anyways.”

Startled from the sudden voice beside me, I flinched. With big eyes I looked at the person. It was Kyuhyun. “Oppa… what are you doing here?”

He then opened the frozen food compartment and took the ice cream for me. “Helping you to get your ice cream.” This gentle smile I knew since ages was on his lips again. “How long did you plan on looking at the ice cream? I almost feared you wouldn’t take any of this in the end.”

“It’s just that I wanted to give the other flavours a fair chance.”, I explained as he ruffled my hair slightly. “Aigoo, our little Joohyun-ie even is fair to ice cream. But we both know that you can’t resist your beloved sweet potatos.”

“Well…yeah…,” I eventually admitted and took the ice cream.

After paying, we left the store and slowly walked back home.

While walking and eating my ice cream, I glanced at Kyuhyun. He had grown. Of course he had. In those days he had only been a child.

But even though we haven’t seen each other for so long, he still knew me... maybe I just haven’t changed that much?

“If you keep staring at me like that, your glance will drill through me.”, he then said and chuckled. I blushed and quickly turned my head away.

“I got handsome, didn’t I?”, Kyuhyun jokingly asked whereupon I punched him slightly. “Yes you have.” A bit surprised my old friend blinked at me but then smiled. “And you’ve got even prettier.”

I just blushed even more but smiled. Really, Kyuhyun probably was the person who knew me the best.

Even after 10 ten years...  I thought our relationship hasn’t changed but on that sunny spring day I realized that we weren’t children anymore.


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Chapter 11: wat will happen next ?
Chapter 10: Kyuhyun just ruined the moment.... damn
Chapter 9: Auww thats too short ^_^
Chapter 8: I root for yongseo..... yong hwaiting!
HeRShEly #5
Chapter 8: I don't know who to support,but this is a yongseo fanfic right? Update soon~
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 7: Aw~ Kyuhyun is Seohyun's friend. Uhm..don't know my own reaction right now. :/
cnsdGirl #7
Chapter 6: Woah! Kyuhyun is her brother? o_O

Update soon! :D
cnsdGirl #8
Woah!!!!!!! EXCITED!!!!!!!!!
First ' date ' !!!!!
Update soon.!!! ^o^
cnsdGirl #9
Huah! My heart pounding when they talk. I know I just reading but, I imagine it and I very excited!!
Update soon! :D