[6th Entry] First 'date'


“This or this? What do you think, Unnie?”, Yoona asked the others as she held a dress in front of me. It probably was the tenth dress they had tried on me. Slowly it began to be annoying.

“Unnie~ just let me put on any dress! I don’t want to try anymore.”, I finally began to whine which made Yuri shake her head. “Tch, tch, tch, my lovely Seo Joohyun. How can you not care for what you wear when you have a date?”

“It’s not a date! You come along, too!”

“But still the goal is to impress Jung Yonghwa.”, Sunny said. I put my hands on my hips and tilted my head, raising an eyebrow. “Since when is this the goal of the evening?”

“Not only the goal of the evening. The goal of ... of... your goal!”, she then said and grinned, “Since you like him you should try to make him think good of you.”

“I- I already told you that I don’t like him! He is nice but... but... he is nice.” Blushing again I let myself plop onto the bed, “Please, don’t force me to embarrasse myself.” Unfortunately I had managed to do so myself often enough already.

Yoona laid an arm around my shoulder. “Don’t worry Joohyun-ah. You won’t embarrasse yourself. He’ll think you’re cute.”

I just let out a small sigh before smiling at my friends. “Alright, which dress next?”



I couldn’t believe how nervous I suddenly was as we were standing in front of the karaokebar. They weren’t even here and my heart was already beating like a jackhammer.

With you were Yuri, Sunny, Yoona and Yoona’ boyfriend Taecyeon. The others had said to maybe come later. Since Yonghwa would also bring some friends the group would be quite big and with so many people it wouldn’t get awkward, would it?

“Joohyun-shi!” I immediately straightened myself and turned around.

Yonghwa walked towards us with three other guys, waving his hand.

“Sorry for the wait.” “N-No problem, we weren’t waiting long.”

“Since we’re all together now let’s go inside.”, Sunny suggested and went in.

We rented one room and ordered some drinks as Sunny took the initiative and announced: “Okay, everybody~ Since we don’t know each other well yet, let’s make an introduction round! Everyone has to introduce him or herself and sing a song. And since I’m already standing here, I’ll make the start~” We applauded her and watched her short performance. When meeting new people it was always good to have Sunny with you. She was great in making new friends and such an open-minded person. I admired her for that.

Yonghwa’s friends were Jonghyun, Minhyuk and Jungshin. They had been friends for a long time already and it seemed like their friendship hadn’t been hurt by Yonghwa’s absence.

As it was Yonghwa’s turn to sing a song I was more than impressed. His voice was so great! Without knowing I stared at him with a smile on my lips listening to his song.

“You’re a really good singer!”, I then told him as he sat down beside me again.

Yonghwa blushed a little and rubbed the back of his neck. “Thanks.” “You should become a singer!”, Yuri told him and I nodded in agreement.

“Well, he actually is the lead singer of our band.”, Jonghyun told us and we looked at them with big eyes. “You have a band?”

Yonghwa nodded with a grin: “Let me introduce to you: CN BLUE.”

“Wah...”, I made amazed. The others then began to talk to the guys.

“Since when are you a band?”, I asked curiously. Yonghwa thought about that a moment. “For some years now. Since middle school. Though we haven’t played together since I’ve moved to Japan.”

“You lived in Japan?” He nodded. “At the end of middle school I moved there with my mother and now I’m here again.”

Yonghwa then told me more about their music and his time in Japan. Listening to his voice somehow made me more than happy. And the way he told me about music, this passion in his eyes casted a spell on my.

I think that was the first time I conciously felt attracted to him.



As night fell onto the city we decided to end our little party and go home.

“It was really fun today.”, Yuri said and we nodded in agreement. “We have to definitly repeat this and then the others can hopefully come, too.”

“Get home safely! See you next time!”

After saying goodbye to each other our ways parted. I couldn’t deny that I was a little dissapointet in how we parted. But what had I wished for? It was just normal to say goodbye and then part ways.

Totally in my thoughts I walked down the street as someone suddenly grabbed my shoulder.

Shocked I turned around and began to hit the person with my bag. “No! Let go of me! You ert!” “J-Joohyun-shi! I-It’s me!” I hit at the person again, hitting right into the face as I recognized the voice. “Huh?” “Ouch....” “Yonghwa-shi!”

He smiled weakly and held his forehead where the bag had hit him.

“Oh no, I’m so sorry!”, I exclaimed and wished to sink into the ground out of embarrassment.

“I’m alright, I should’ve called you.”, he grinned again, “But really, like this no ert would be able to get you.”

Now I blushed even more. “Ah, but what are you doing here?”, I then asked.

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, I thought it’s not good to let a girl walk home alone at night and yeah....that’s why...”

Somehow this guy made my heart beat fast again and again – and it made me happy.

“Oh, really? Well uhm... my house is just around the corner.”, I told him and pointed into the direction.

The surprise was clearly written on his face. “Really? ....but still, I’ll bring you.” He grinned again and with a touched smile I began to walk again.

Though our walk was short it felt like it would never end. And I wished it would never end.

As we turned into the street my home was we saw a moving van from afar.

Surprised I tilted my head. “Is this your house? It seems like you’ve got new neighbours.”

“Yes...seems so...”, I looked at the house for another moment before turning to Yonghwa with a smile again, “Thank you for taking me home.”

“No problem. And next time I’ll directly go with you.”, he said and laughed.

I also chuckled a bit. The fact that he said the next time made me happy.

“Get home safely.”, I told him and waved my hand. Yonghwa nodded with a smile and then left. I watched him walking down the street and I’m sure that he also watched back before turning around the corner.

Today I had learnt so much about him...

With a happy smile I walked to the doorstep as the door of the neighbours house opened.

At the sight of the person stepping out my eyes widened and I almost dropped my keys.


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Chapter 11: wat will happen next ?
Chapter 10: Kyuhyun just ruined the moment.... damn
Chapter 9: Auww thats too short ^_^
Chapter 8: I root for yongseo..... yong hwaiting!
HeRShEly #5
Chapter 8: I don't know who to support,but this is a yongseo fanfic right? Update soon~
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 7: Aw~ Kyuhyun is Seohyun's friend. Uhm..don't know my own reaction right now. :/
cnsdGirl #7
Chapter 6: Woah! Kyuhyun is her brother? o_O

Update soon! :D
cnsdGirl #8
Woah!!!!!!! EXCITED!!!!!!!!!
First ' date ' !!!!!
Update soon.!!! ^o^
cnsdGirl #9
Huah! My heart pounding when they talk. I know I just reading but, I imagine it and I very excited!!
Update soon! :D