[4th Entry] Flirt...?!


As the bell rang I tensed up. During class I had tried to not interact in any way with Yonghwa. I had cought myself glancing at him sometimes and unfortunately he had cought me two times.

Now I was even more nervous to talk to him.

“Seo JooHyun-shi?” “Yes?!”, I asked surprised and quicly focused to get back into reality.

Yonghwa was standing in front of me: “Is everything okay?” “Of course! I was just a little bit absent-minded. Well, uhm, I guess I should show you the school now.”

“You don’t have to, if you don’t want to.”

I smiled at him weakly: “Why should I not want to? Let’s go, I’ll show you this building first.” Quickly I packed my things and led him out of the room.

While I showed him around and explained the rules of the school I got more and more comfortable. Like that I hadn’t had the time to think about what to talk about our about how I had embarresed myself today.

I led him to the spords field and to the small school garden. As we reached the beds underneath the cherry blossom trees I remembered our meeting this morning and blushed.

God, please don’t ask about what happened this morning, please!

“It’s a nice little garden. Who takes care of it?”

I let out a silent sigh of relief. “The gardening club. But the cooking club also plants some vegetables.”

He looked at it a little bit more before we continued our walk and went back towards the main building.

Yonghwa had put his hands in his pockets. I wondered where he came from and what had led him here.

“Are you always too late?”, he suddenly asked.

“Wha-“, totaly taken by surprise as he suddenly asked, I was stuttering but then I burst out, “No! It was the first time! Actually I’m always punctual! My alarm clock didn’t work and then I had to-“

Yonghwa began to laugh: “Don’t worry, I just wanted to tease you a little bit. You don’t seem to be the type to break the rules.”

With my mouth open I looked at him. Disbelieving. Then I felt how my cheeks began to burn and quickly turned my head away. “That was mean.”

His face got into my view and I took a step back.

“I’m sorry, okay?”, he said with a worried look. If it was possible my face got even more red. I only nodded which made him grin wide.

“Thanks for showing me around, Joohyun-shi. Can I call you like that?”

I nodded again. “Great. And just call me Yonghwa. Laters!”

And then he turned around and went back into the building.

Still overwhelmed I stood there as suddenly someone grabbed my shoulders and turned me around.

“We saw everything!”, Sunny said and grinned wide. Yuri who was standing beside her nodded, “Since when do you flirt with guys?”

“I didn’t flirt with him!”, I said indignantly.

“Oh really? And why did you get so worked up when he asked if you come late often? Normally you would stay calm. Seems like it’s important to you how he thinks about you.”

“That’s not true!” What where the two of them talking about? I crossed my arms and pouted, “You aren’t fair...”

“Aw~”, Yuri said and hugged me, “I like it if you use your aegyo! Espacially if you don’t intend to!”

“Hey, don’t try to take away my title as the ‘aegyo queen’!”, Sunny said jokingly.

Laughing we went into the building, got our things and waited for Yoona and the others before we went back home.

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Chapter 11: wat will happen next ?
Chapter 10: Kyuhyun just ruined the moment.... damn
Chapter 9: Auww thats too short ^_^
Chapter 8: I root for yongseo..... yong hwaiting!
HeRShEly #5
Chapter 8: I don't know who to support,but this is a yongseo fanfic right? Update soon~
cnsdGirl #6
Chapter 7: Aw~ Kyuhyun is Seohyun's friend. Uhm..don't know my own reaction right now. :/
cnsdGirl #7
Chapter 6: Woah! Kyuhyun is her brother? o_O

Update soon! :D
cnsdGirl #8
Woah!!!!!!! EXCITED!!!!!!!!!
First ' date ' !!!!!
Update soon.!!! ^o^
cnsdGirl #9
Huah! My heart pounding when they talk. I know I just reading but, I imagine it and I very excited!!
Update soon! :D