Chapter 8

Babysitter Naekkoya!


The day of HimChan’s arrival my dad made me get up early so we could pick HimChan up from the airport. If it was me he would’ve told me to take a taxi -_-.

“Fix your face, JoonHong,” my father chided, “You know HimChan would want you to be happy.”

My eye twitched and I scowled even more. My dad rolled his eyes and we headed out to the car. I shoved my earphones into my ears and laid my head back to catch up on my sleep. All too soon I felt someone prodding me awake.


I reluctantly opened my eyes to see HimChan grinning at me.

He hugged me and whispered in my ear, “Ready for me to make your life hell?”

I pushed him off.

“JoonHong! Respect your brother! You haven’t seen him in months!”

“I dunno what I did, Dad,” HimChan said, feigning hurt, “I just wanted a welcome back hug.” He frowned then winked at me when Dad wasn’t looking. I scrambled into the backseat but HimChan decided to sit next to me so we could ‘bond’.  I squished myself in the corner of the car to avoid him and earned myself a glare from my dad.

“Honestly, JoonHong! You deserve some sort of punishment!”

“Nah, Dad,” HimChan said, “Give him a chance. I’ve been away for a while.”

“Speaking of, how is school going?”

HimChan and my dad started discussing his amazing grades while I tried my best to ignore them.

“How long are you staying?” I interrupted rudely.

“Just a couple weeks. I miss you guys and I got ahead enough that my teachers allowed it.”

Little prick had everyone wrapped around his little finger…

“Why do you ask?” HimChan wondered. “JoonHong-ah, I can stay longer if you want~!”


HimChan smirked and stuck up his middle finger.

“Dad, will HimChan be watching me instead of the sitter?” I asked worriedly.

“You have a babysitter?” HimChan tried not to crack up and I gestured slitting his neck.

“That’s all up to HimChan,” my dad said dotingly. “You are not his sole priority, JoonHong. Your brother has friends he’ll want to visit and spend time with. HimChan, don’t feel burdened by your brother. I hired a sitter for a reason. She might even be there while you’re there so it’s less stress for you.”

“She?’ HimChan asked, his eyes sparkling with interest.

“Yes, Kim HyunA. She’s a college student and a bit too urban for my liking but she was the best of the worst.

I hated when my Dad talked about HyunA like that and I clenched my fists. HimChan noticed and raised his eyebrow.

“I think I’d like to meet the sitter, Dad. Maybe I can even ensure she’s up to your standards. I only want the best for JoonHong.”

“You know what HimChan? That’s a great idea. I’ll be on another trip in a couple days and she’ll be over then. See how lucky you are, JoonHong? Who else has a superb brother like HimChan?”

HimChan returned neck-slitting gesture and smiled smugly.

Ugh, why me?



After a couple weeks I got a message from Mr. Choi saying I was needed every night that week from Wednesday to Friday and that I would be evaluated by someone who was also staying at the house. Why was this dude always shrouding everything in secrecy? Who was going to be evaluating me? And what were the criteria? I could not afford to lose this job. Literally. But if Zelo had any say in this I knew he wouldn’t let me down. On Wednesday evening I got a paid taxi to Mr. Choi’s mansion. When I rang the doorbell the door was flung open and Zelo threw his arms around me.

“Noona~~~~!! I missed you so much!!”

“Aww, Zelo, I missed you too!” As soon as I said I realized how true it was. I had missed him.”

“Well, hello there,” a husky voice said.

Zelo frowned and looked over his shoulder. I was too short to see over Zelo's shoulder so I looked around him and tried not to let my jaw hit the floor.

First YongGuk, now this guy! How many hot guys did Zelo know? How many guys would I have to suffer through not dating?

The guy pushed passed Zelo (a bit rudely, I thought) and bowed low to me. I raised my eyebrows at Zelo and he rolled his eyes. Hmm, he doesn’t like this guy?

“Annyeonghaseyo,” the guy said in his husky voice, “I’m HimChan, JoonHong’s older brother.” No wonder he’s so good-looking, he’s Zelo’s brother. WAIT DID I JUST THINK THAT?

I introduced myself and he smiled warmly.

“Are you the one that’s evaluating me?” I asked him.

“I sure am. But I think you’ll pass with flying colours,” he said, winking at me. I squirmed inside. Greasy, much? This guy wasn’t down-to-earth like Zelo and YongGuk.

“Can I get you anything to eat? Drink? We have a top-class chef now that I’m here. Just a little something my dad got for me.”

So Zelo didn’t deserve someone to cook for him?

“Er…no thanks. Zelo, let’s get started on your homework.”

“You actually call him that? Zelo?”

“Why shouldn’t i?”

“It’s stupid. He’ll never amount to anything with silly dreams of being a rapper.”


I narrowed my eyes at HimChan and grabbed Zelo’s hand.

Zelo can do anything he wants to do. The only reason he wouldn’t succeed is because he has people like you putting him down.”

“I’m being realistic.” HimChan hissed, gritting his teeth.

“No, you’re being pessimistic. Zelo has potential.”

HimChan snorted.

“Zelo, can we start your homework before I have to slap this guy?”

We started up the stairs when HimChan grabbed my hand from Zelo’s. I violently pulled it back.

“What the hell is wrong with you? You can’t give me attitude like that! I can get you fired!”

“Oh, my bad.” I said, widening my eyes like I really cared. I bowed. “Joesonghabnida.” I apologized, in the most mocking voice I could muster.

Zelo and I retreated to his room.

“Zelo, how can you stand him? I know he’s your brother but ­ugh. He’s such a prick, I should’ve –”


I stopped and looked at him. He gave me a small, genuine smile.

“Thank you for defending me.”

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So I just realized the chapters I had were really short. I decided to erge them so instead of the fic being 20 chapters it'll be 10 or a bit more. sorry!!


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Chapter 1: Haha! He is so uptight about grammar, and then he says 'This phone will only be used for my son and ME to contact you and vice versa.' Man, Mr. Choi, do you not see what you did there?! 'My son and ME. ME, ME!' no, sir, it is 'My son and I.'
I read this 2 years ago, when I didn't have an account here. I just wanted to say: I love it! Thank you so much for taking your time to write this amazing little story. I greatly apriciate it, and I would love to say: AWESOME!
ThereIsNoTomorrow #3
Chapter 14: I love it! :)
Hyunlover #4
Chapter 14: It's one of the best fanfics i have read
Chapter 14: Love this pairing. Age matter only when you mind. But once you overcome that, age wasn't the reason for stopping to love that person
iluvkpop28 #6
Chapter 14: wow nice fanfic!! keep up the good work! ^^ i love this story!
SA_StudentMinzy #7
haaaaaa love this story haha zelo so cute
IerahLoL #8
Chapter 10: cute couple even hyuna is the pedo noona... :)
I love hyuna!!
OH EHM GEE!!!! THIS IS THE BEST! I hope, after people read your fic, they'll have an inspiration to write fics about Zelo/Hyuna. I now LOVE this couple! Thank you! MAKE A SEQUEL!! :)
rbtigersm #10