Chapter 5

Babysitter Naekkoya!


As soon as YongGuk met up with me in my room he whacked me over the head.

“What??” I demanded.

“You kicked me out, you limp noodle! Tell me what was going on in there! And last night!”

I did merong and YongGuk jumped on me and pinned me to the ground.

“Pabo! Give me the details!”

“Yah! Ok! Ok!” I told him exactly what had happened last night and this morning.

“Zelo, you…little ert.” He said when I finished. “I taught you well!”

I smiled happily. “But…really hyung…do you think I have a chance with her? Or will she always see me as a little kid?”

“Well…I don’t know what kind of girl she is-“

“Hyung, that’s it!! You can find out for me! She’ll be more serious with you! Will you go out with her?”


“Jebal…” I did bbuing bbuing.

YongGuk facepalmed. “Ne~”



I looked in the mirror. My bed hair wasn’t that bad, was it? Ugh. I showered and brushed my teeth. I hadn’t expected anyone but Zelo so I hadn’t packed anything fancy. Just my oversize BOY top and denim shorts.


Ah, well. I’d just have to wear it well and I didn’t want to look like I was trying too hard. Now where would these boys be? I went to Zelo’s room. The door was open and Zelo and YongGuk were playing video games. I cleared my throat. Both their heads snapped my way.

“Er…would you guys like some breakfast?”

“Ne~” They chorused then both stood. Whoa, they were both so tall. I suddenly got nervous and scurried off to the kitchen like a mouse. They soon arrived behind me.

“Noona,” Zelo said, “I want an omelette with sweet peppers, onions, mushrooms and cheese!”

Who did I look like? Martha Stewart?

“And what about you, YongGuk-ssi?”

“So polite, HyunA” he said, “You can just call me YongGuk. I’ll have the same as Zelo.”

I nodded and tried not to focus on how attractive my name sounded in his mouth as I began cooking.

“What time is your dad coming back?” YongGuk asked Zelo.

He shrugged. “I don’t care.”

“Well, I’d appreciate it if you gave me a heads-up. You know he doesn’t like me and I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

“Screw him,” Zelo said with more anger than I thought possible. What was up with him and his dad?



Zelo went to use the bathroom after breakfast, leaving YongGuk and me alone in the kitchen.  I nervously pushed my food around my plate and tried not to look at him.

“HyunA~” I heard him say.

I jumped. YongGuk laughed a deep, husky laugh.

“I didn’t mean to scare you.”

I laughed nervously. “That’s ok.” Quit acting like a little girl with a crush.

“Would you like to go out sometime?”


 “I’d like that,” I said, as composed as I could be while in my head I was bouncing up and down on a trampoline. He smiled. So cute~.


(That afternoon)


Yongguk slipped out the back door when he heard my dad pull up in a taxi. I wish he wouldn’t be so responsible sometimes. HyunA had suggested we make my dad a nice dessert for when he arrived. I didn’t want to but for her I did. We went into the foyer to see my dad. He stepped in in his dark blue suit and a briefcase. He glanced at me and then frowned at HyunA.

“Gracious. Child, what are you wearing?” She was still in her oversize sweater and shorts. She looked taken aback. “Please dress properly in my house.” My dad concluded and started to walk away.

“Wait! Mr. Choi!” HyunA called running after him, “Zelo and I made – “

“Do not shout in my house! This isn’t the fish market you’re used to. And never call my son that stupid name. His name is JoonHong.” He his heel and walked away. Even I was surprised. I knew my dad didn’t like people from lower classes than him but he had been especially rude to HyunA. It pissed me off. I turned to her to say something but she shook her head.

“I’ll go now. There’ll be a taxi waiting for me soon.”

“No, don’t go!” Chizz, did I say that out loud?

She smiled. “You’re so sweet. I’ll see you soon don’t worry.”

 She went to her room and collected her things then left. I hated this feeling. I was alone. Alone. I could call YongGuk or text him but it wasn’t the same as having his physical company. HyunA was gone until my dad went away again. It was just me and him, which meant just me. This was when I missed mom the most. Dad was never a talker. When he shut himself up in his office we would watch silly tv shows, she’d listen to the latest songs I liked even if she didn’t like them, she just wanted to be in touch with me, we would talk about anything and everything. Next to YongGuk she was my best friend. Weird for a 16-year old kid but that was my life. I remembered that night when I’d been crying in my room because I missed her. I’d completely forgotten HyunA was in the house. I faked being ok. I was ashamed. I just wanted to know someone loved me and wanted me and needed me like my mom did.



I didn’t let Zelo see my anger when I left. I didn’t want to disrespect his dad. That prick! How could he talk to me like that? And he ignored the dessert Zelo and I made. Call Zelo JoonHong? Screw that. I was doing nothing but what I was being paid to do. I could call him whatever I wanted. And what about what Zelo wanted? His dad didn’t even greet him like a father should greet a son. Sure, he was only gone for a day but he didn’t even say ‘Good night’. Actually, he didn’t say anything to Zelo. Like what the hell? Who treated their son like that? Ugh. When I got back to my dorm I was bombarded by SoHyun.

“TELL ME EVERYTHING!!” She squealed. And so I did.

She literally sat for a minute and soaked up everything.

“So you’re going out with YongGuk?” She asked.

“Well not yet.”

“And what about Zelo?”

“…What about him?”

“Well he obviously has a crush on you. Won’t he be hurt if you go out with his best friend?”


“What if I decided I was gonna go out with YongGuk? Knowing you liked him?” SoHyun continued.

“Ugh, SoHyun, make your morals go away!”

She just gave me that look, like ‘You know what’s right and wrong.'


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So I just realized the chapters I had were really short. I decided to erge them so instead of the fic being 20 chapters it'll be 10 or a bit more. sorry!!


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Chapter 1: Haha! He is so uptight about grammar, and then he says 'This phone will only be used for my son and ME to contact you and vice versa.' Man, Mr. Choi, do you not see what you did there?! 'My son and ME. ME, ME!' no, sir, it is 'My son and I.'
I read this 2 years ago, when I didn't have an account here. I just wanted to say: I love it! Thank you so much for taking your time to write this amazing little story. I greatly apriciate it, and I would love to say: AWESOME!
ThereIsNoTomorrow #3
Chapter 14: I love it! :)
Hyunlover #4
Chapter 14: It's one of the best fanfics i have read
Chapter 14: Love this pairing. Age matter only when you mind. But once you overcome that, age wasn't the reason for stopping to love that person
iluvkpop28 #6
Chapter 14: wow nice fanfic!! keep up the good work! ^^ i love this story!
SA_StudentMinzy #7
haaaaaa love this story haha zelo so cute
IerahLoL #8
Chapter 10: cute couple even hyuna is the pedo noona... :)
I love hyuna!!
OH EHM GEE!!!! THIS IS THE BEST! I hope, after people read your fic, they'll have an inspiration to write fics about Zelo/Hyuna. I now LOVE this couple! Thank you! MAKE A SEQUEL!! :)
rbtigersm #10