Chapter 7

Babysitter Naekkoya!


I just had to kiss him. How could I not? He was too inviting. But I was starting to think my attraction to YongGuk was just physical. He seemed like a cool guy and everything but when I thought about him it wasn’t anything emotional. He was just…y. More could have happened but…Zelo. I was starting to get confused. Why did I feel so guilty? I hadn’t thought about it up to now. If anyone should feel guilty it should be YongGuk, I wasn’t Zelo’s best friend. I was his babysitter. When I got to my floor I knocked on SoHyun’s door.

“Hey~” I smiled.

She pursed her lips. “Hello.”

“Look I’m sorry about earlier and YongGuk and I decided it would be wrong for us to date. So that’s it.” SoHyun immediately lost her stern look.

“I’m sorry, too. Are you sad?”

“I dunno. I think I just like YongGuk because he’s hot. If there was something else I guess I’d feel worse.”

She nodded.

“I kissed him.”

“Mwoh? On the first date?”

“>_< I couldn’t help it.”

“Control yourself! What if something else had happened?”

“I wouldn’t have had on the first date!”

Just then a girl we didn’t know walked through the hallway. Her eyes were judging me.  SoHyun and I smiled awkwardly. I quickly stepped into her room. “That is not hallway conversation!” I hissed.


I huffed. “I’m just pissed right now.”


“I don’t understand why Zelo has such a hold over me. I can get why YongGuk should feel bad but…I kind of feel like I shouldn’t date anyone because he likes me. He’s a little kid.” I remembered him crying. “And I think he’s more fragile than he lets on.”

“You know, when you told me about him…it sounded like you too had a lot of fun…” She looked at me slyly.

“No, SoHyun. No. I do not like him. He’s a child.”

“He’s 16.”

“I’m 19.”

“When is his birthday?”

“I don’t know! This is not happening!”

“Your cheeks are getting red.”

“Because I’m angry! I don’t like him!”


I felt like flipping a table.

“If he was older would you go out with him?”

“I. DON’T. KNOW. That’s why I’m angry! I don’t know and I don’t understand!”

“Calm down!”

“Calm down? I just gave up a hot guy for a kid! A kid! And I don’t even know why I did it!”

“Yah~ don’t call him a kid.”

“SoHyu –”

“Do you remember yourself when you were 16?”


“He’s young, but he’s on the verge of something. And maybe he’s turning 17 soon?”

She was trying to make me feel better, because she thought I liked him.

“It’s ok, Sohyun. It doesn’t matter. I don’t like him.” I hissed.

I stormed out of her room and retreated to mine. Damn kid. Messing up people’s feels. Music. Music would help. I plugged in my earphones and put my IPod on blast.






“GO AWAY!” I screamed at my dad.


“What the hell?? It’s Sunday!!” Really, what the hell?

My door was thrown open and my dad came rushing in. I reluctantly sat up. My dad had a big grin on his face. That was weird.

“What are you so happy about?” He just grinned wider.

“Guess who’s coming for a visit?”

Oh no, oh no. Only one person made my dad this happy. Noooooooooooo.

“Don’t tell me it’s –“

“HimChan! Your brother is gracing us with his presence! He’s coming this weekend! Oh my goodness, I have so many preparations to make! I’ll have to fix up his room, bring in a chef, maybe have some entertainment brought in…”

He walked out of my room still muttering excitedly about all the things he wanted to do for my brother. My disgusting, perfect brother. HimChan was everything I wasn’t. He was smart, respectful, charming and extremely good-looking.

He was at Harvard studying law while I was a just an average student. He always respected my dad’s decisions while I detested every word that came out my dad’s mouth. I didn’t understand because HimChan was the one who had informed me that dad was the reason mom died, how could he still respect him? That was why we hated each other. I wanted nothing to do with dad and he still loved him.

But what pissed me off the most was that HimChan was so fake. He acted sweet to me whenever anyone was around then as soon as we were alone he me acted like the little prick he was. I was straight up. I never played nice with HimChan and it made me seem like the villain. It looked like HimChan was just trying to be friendly and I was being rude. Ugh. That’s what I get for being real.

I flopped back in bed. I was about to call YongGuk but I realized it was too early and he would murder me. Plus I wanted to find out how his “date” with HyunA went. Ugh, I really liked her. Not just because she was hot (even though that’s what first caught my attention) but she was really sweet. When we went through my music and she helped me with my homework I got all warm inside. She seemed genuinely happy to be around me and I didn’t get that a lot. At school, people either up to me or hated me because I was so rich. Besides YongGuk, HyunA was the only other person that seemed to like me.

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So I just realized the chapters I had were really short. I decided to erge them so instead of the fic being 20 chapters it'll be 10 or a bit more. sorry!!


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Chapter 1: Haha! He is so uptight about grammar, and then he says 'This phone will only be used for my son and ME to contact you and vice versa.' Man, Mr. Choi, do you not see what you did there?! 'My son and ME. ME, ME!' no, sir, it is 'My son and I.'
I read this 2 years ago, when I didn't have an account here. I just wanted to say: I love it! Thank you so much for taking your time to write this amazing little story. I greatly apriciate it, and I would love to say: AWESOME!
ThereIsNoTomorrow #3
Chapter 14: I love it! :)
Hyunlover #4
Chapter 14: It's one of the best fanfics i have read
Chapter 14: Love this pairing. Age matter only when you mind. But once you overcome that, age wasn't the reason for stopping to love that person
iluvkpop28 #6
Chapter 14: wow nice fanfic!! keep up the good work! ^^ i love this story!
SA_StudentMinzy #7
haaaaaa love this story haha zelo so cute
IerahLoL #8
Chapter 10: cute couple even hyuna is the pedo noona... :)
I love hyuna!!
OH EHM GEE!!!! THIS IS THE BEST! I hope, after people read your fic, they'll have an inspiration to write fics about Zelo/Hyuna. I now LOVE this couple! Thank you! MAKE A SEQUEL!! :)
rbtigersm #10