Perfect Gift

Can You Smile?

Throughout school the whole next day I was slowly dreading having to meet Lay again on the roof. I just wanted him to give me the pictures that he took yesterday without having to go through a lot of trouble again. Even though that’s what I wanted I knew that wasn’t going to happen. I also had my date with Kris afterschool today that I didn’t want to be late for so as soon as the bell rang signaling the end of the day I went straight up to the roof.

            I noticed that there was no sign of Lay or any of his minions on the roof. I decided to walk closer to the edge and look over the city as I waited for Lay to show up. The city looked busy with people bustling about since it was only three in the afternoon. I wonder what it looked like at night when Kris said he would always come up here. I thought to myself. I soon felt a pair of arms around my midsection and almost felt like I would fall over the edge.

            “Now you weren’t thinking about jumping were you?” I heard Lay’s voice ask. I quickly turned around to face him as I removed his arms from me.

            “Just give me the pictures so I can leave!” I screamed at him and all he did was slowly walk closer to me. I backed away from him with each step he took closer to me until he stopped.

            “Why do you keep backing away from me? Don’t you want the pictures?” He asked with a devious smirk. I stopped backing away from him but still kept my guard up knowing he was going to do something tricky as I stuck my hand out waiting for him to give me the pictures.

            “Not just yet. You know there’s nothing free in this world so if you want the pictures you have to give me something.” He said as he took another step closer to me.

            “W-What do you w-want?”

            “What do I want? Hmm…that’s a good question.” He said as he started to tap his index finger on his chin like he was thinking. “I want you.”

            “What?!” I exclaimed as I backed away from him.

            “You heard me. I want you. You will spend the weekend with me and not see or speak to your boyfriend at all.”

            “I-I won’t do that!” I shouted at him. I wasn’t going to miss my weekend date with Kris to be with Lay.

            “Then I will just have to show him these pictures. Can you imagine how heartbroken he would be to find out that his precious boyfriend is actually cheating on him?”

            “He won’t believe those pictures!”

            “Really? I mean it looks like you’re really into it but again it’s up to you. If can’t stand to do that…well then I really have no choice but to send these pictures to him.” He said as he waved the small memory card in his hand around.

            “Why are you doing this?” I asked almost on the verge of tears. I didn’t want to be with Lay but I also really didn’t want Kris to see those pictures.

            “Because I can and because I want you to be mine. I can’t stand having someone else touching one of my possessions.” He said as if it was normal for him to claim possession over me.

            “You don’t own me! I’m not your possession!” I yelled before turning away from him to leave. He quickly grabbed my arm to stop me though.

            “Where do you think you’re going?” He asked.

            “I’m leaving. Go ahead and show him the pictures! I know he’ll believe me over those pictures.”

            “Are you really so sure?” He asked eyeing me carefully. I saw that he was serious about showing Kris those pictures but I didn’t care anymore. I knew in my heart that everything would be fine so I answered him “Yes, I’m sure.” He released my arm and put his arms up as if he was surrendering.

            “Fine. Go then.” He said and I didn’t hesitate to walk out of the school and to Kris’ house so that we could go on our date.


Lay’s POV

            I watched as Tao walked away from me and just smirked.

He couldn’t possibly think that I would really let him leave that easily could he? You’re going to be with me Tao whether you want to be or not. I thought to myself as I let out a small chuckle and put my plan into action.


Tao’s POV

            I went to Kris’ place with my bag excited about this weekend that we were going to spend together. When I got there though he wasn’t there.

Hmm… his classes must be running late. I thought as I set my bag down inside. I sat on the couch and the TV to find something interesting to watch until he came back. I killed about twenty minutes and he still wasn’t back.

I wonder what’s taking him so long. I thought right before I felt my stomach growl. I guess I should go to the store and pick up a little something to eat. I also pick up something that Kris likes! He’ll be really happy if I come back with his favorite treat! I thought as I quickly put my shoes on and headed out of the apartment.

            As I was walking to the store this man caught my attention. He was advertising his photo shop and noticed that I was checking it out.

            “Hello young man. Would you like to have your picture taken?”

            “I don’t have any extra money.”

            “Still you’re really good looking. I bet you have a gorgeous girlfriend that would love to have a professional picture of you.”

            “I really don’t have the money though.” I said as I was about to walk away but he said something that stopped me.

            “How about I give you one photo for free?”

            “I don’t know…”

            “Come on. It will be fun!” He said as he led me inside and sat me on a stool.  “Alright now just relax and have fun with it.” He started to snap photos and I felt confused not knowing how to sit or pose. The man soon stopped and looked at me.

            “I said have fun. Not be stiff. Ok how about you just smile?”

I nodded my head and placed a smile on my face. He started to take the pictures again and I soon began to relax. When he was finished he told me to pick the photo that I liked best and I picked one that had me with the most natural smile on my face.

            “Good choice. Alright I should have this developed in twenty minutes. You can either wait or come back.”

            “I’ll just come back. I was on my way to the store anyway.”

            “Ok. It will be ready for you when you get here.”

I bowed to the older man before leaving the shop to head to the store. It took me a little while to decide on what snacks I wanted to get but I soon decided on something. As I was about to head to the cashier to check out I noticed a rack of CD’s.  I was perusing through the CD’s when one stood out to me. The artist was Infinite. The name rang a bell in my head until I remembered that Kris said a Korean group called Infinite sang that song that he always hums. I started to pick up each CD one by one looking at the songs list on the back. A lot of them were in Korean or English. I could sort of understand the English words from my English class but soon enough I found an album that said Can U Smile on the back. I quickly picked it up deciding that I would give it to Kris along with the picture I took.

            After I checked everything out I headed back to the photo shop to pick up my picture. It came out better than I expected. I even asked him for a piece of paper and wrote a simple note on it before putting it in the envelope with the picture. I was even able to fit the album in the envelope too since it had enough room inside. I thanked the man again before leaving his shop and heading back to Kris’ apartment. I was so excited to see his face when I gave him his gift. I was just about to walk into the apartment building when I heard someone call my name. I quickly turned around and saw Lay standing behind me.

            “W-What are you doing h-here?” I stuttered out as I slowly started to back away from him.

            “Are you not happy to see me Tao? That makes me so sad.” He said overreacting as he clutched his chest acting as if he was hurt. I just continued to back away and was about to run into the building but he quickly grabbed my arm tightly. I tried to jerk my arm away from him but he wouldn’t loosen his grip.

            “P-Please let go.” I said still struggling.

            “Actually you and I are going to take a little trip. So how about you be nice and just come with me.”

            “N-No! Just l-let go!”

He didn’t though. I soon saw Kris coming down the street and was hoping that he would see and save me. Lay seemed to notice my reaction and he turned around to see what I was looking at before quickly dragging me into a nearby ally. He put his hand over my mouth as he pushed his body weight onto me before whispering in my ear “Stay quiet or I’ll hurt you.” I stared at his eyes and saw that he was serious. So even though I wanted to yell I kept quiet hoping that he would let me go after I gave into what he wanted.

            Lay poked his head out and looked around before removing his hand from my mouth. He took my hand and started to pull me in the opposite direction of Kris’ place.

            “W-Where are you taking me? I have to go see Kris.”

            “You can just forget him because for the rest of today you’re going to be spending time with me.” Was all he said as he continued to drag me along. I tried multiple times to get away from him but my lack of strength was playing against me. I’m just hoping that he’ll let me go soon enough that I can spend time with Kris and so that he won’t think I stood him up. 

Ok guys I haven't abandoned this story. I've just been really busy!! This story will be over in another one to two chapters though. Again it was supposed to be a oneshot but has gotten surprisingly long. I hope this chapter wasn't too bad and you guys are still liking the story! Anyway until next time everyone! 


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But I am working on the next chapter it just won't be up for a while


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pleaseletthiswork #1
Chapter 9: This is sadness. :c it beautiful, but it makes me sad. Nooo taoooooo. Sweeti~~~
anyways this story was fantastic. So thank you for finishing it! It is always a shame if a story id not finished. Hope you are doing wonderful
Chapter 6: Sorry for leaving so many comments but this is really exiting and I LOVE the chemistry you manage to show between Tao and Kris. It is so freaking good. AND WHEN TAO STARTED GRINDING ON KRIS. That was the best moment so far. And kris' reaction 10/10 was gold.
Chapter 5: OUUUUUU LAYYYY i see what you did there. Second player in the game. Nice move.
But i also hate it because my poor Tao is in such a ty spot. I cannot. Hope everything will play out fine.
Chapter 3: It wasnt crappy it was really very cute. I love the small interactions and touched Kris and Tao exchange. In between this actually bad situation of Tao being bullied this somehow is just fluff and i love it.
Chapter 2: Woooow everything from kris taking care of him to the ffreaking confession. I cannot this is amazing. I am so glad i found this. Sneaky kris with the water ;))) that was a good move ahhahahahah those 98% i was laughing so hard. Thank you for making my day brighter
Chapter 1: OHHHHHH YES. FREAKING YES. the first chapter is already amazing. I love how you started the story off. With what people say about Tao and how he hates to hear it.
I can't wait to keep on reading
biasesinmylife #8
Chapter 9: Authornim! Can u right another sequel of lay pov after tao's death. Maybe he find out that he really really love tao and he regrets it so much...
Chapter 9: i just want to know one think.... what Lay did when he found out Tao was dead, i just want to see his reaction :|