First Love

Can You Smile?

The next day I decided it was time for me to go back home and stop staying at Kris’ place. I knew my grandparents were probably extremely worried about where I’ve been for a week especially since I hadn’t contacted them. I didn’t even have my cell phone to contact them. Well I guess I could’ve used Kris’ phone but I just never got around to asking.

            At the moment I was folding all the clothes that Kris had lent me during my stay. I made sure to clean them and everything. My school uniform was clean as well but it had a bunch of rips and tears in it. At least it was still wearable. Right as I was about to leave Kris a note telling him that I was going back home he walked in to the apartment.

            “Hey Tao.” He said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Are you going out somewhere?”

            “Umm…yea. I was just about to write you a note. I decided to go back home today.”

            “Oh…” He said as his smile dropped from his face. “Are you tired of staying with me?” He asked hesitantly.

            “No, no, no. It’s just I live with my grandparents and I know they’re worried about me.”

            “Yea you’re probably right. Well how about we go over there together.”

            “It’s ok. I don’t want to trouble you anymore. I mean you’ve already done so much for me and…”

Soon I felt a pair of lips on top of mine. Kris had leaned in to kiss me and when he pulled away his smile had returned.

            “You talk a lot. Did you know that?” He said teasingly. I just put my head down though and apologized not catching his teasing tone.

            “I didn’t say that for you to apologize. Anyway the reason I want to come with you is to make sure my boyfriend gets home safe.”


            “Yea. What did you think you were to me? I don’t just kiss people for no reason.”

            “No…it’s just that it’s different when I hear you say it.”

He pulled me into a tight hug at that moment and I let out a small gasp because I wasn’t expecting it.

            “You’re adorable do you know that?!” He said as he tightened his hold on me.

            “Too…tight.” I breathed out and he let go immediately.

            “Anyway let’s get going. I don’t know how far your house is so we better get moving. Do we have to take a bus to get there?” He asked as we walked out of the apartment. I nodded my head and kept silently walking besides him.

            “Hmm… I should have enough money for both of us to take it. I mean you don’t have any money on you right?”

            “No…they seem to have taken everything from me after they beat me up. At least I still have my school ID.”

Kris then took my hand into his as we were walking. I tried to pull it away but he just held onto it tighter.

            “K-Kris people will see.”

            “Let them. I want people to know that I’m dating the cutest guy in the world.”

I felt my face heat up when he said that and lowered my head so that I was staring at the ground.

            “Aww are you blushing Tao?” He teased.     

“No.” I said as I turned my head away from him so he couldn’t see.

He let out a small chuckle and continued to pull me along to the bus stop. Once there I told him which bus we had to take and we waited until it showed up. He swiped his card twice to pay for me and then we went to the back of the bus to sit together. The bus was fairly empty at the moment but I knew it would probably get crowded soon enough.

            As we were sitting Kris put one of his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. I once again tried to put some space in between us because I didn’t want people to know that we were in that kind of relationship.

            “Tao why do you keep trying to pull away from me?”

            “There are people around Kris. What if they see?”

            “Like I said before. Let them. If they have something to say then I’ll handle it. I’m not going to let them keep me from being affectionate with you.”

            “I don’t understand why you like me so much after only knowing me a week though.”

            “I don’t know why either but there’s just something about you that makes me want to stay with you and be with you all the time. I guess we’re just connected by the red string of fate.”         

            “Do you actually believe in that?” I asked questioning him.

            “Of course. I mean why else would I have gone to that rooftop that day even though I was tired and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. Something told me to just go up there that day instead of going straight home. That’s how I found you.” He said as he kissed the side of my head.

            “I guess.”

            “Let’s talk about something else though. Hmm…Oh why are you staying with your grandparents? Where are your parents?”

            “In heaven. They died when I was twelve in a car accident.” I said quietly.”

            “Oh I’m sorry.” He said as he tightened his hold on me to comfort me.

            “It’s ok. Nothing can be done about it now. But yea my maternal grandparents offered to take me in. So I’ve been living with them. I try not to cause them too much trouble and help as much as possible since they are aging. It seems like it’s never enough though.”

            “I bet they appreciate everything you do for them Tao.”

            “I wish I could do more though. One day I will get a good job and make sure to pay them back for everything they’ve done for me.”

            “Aww my boyfriend is so thoughtful.” Kris said as pulled me into his chest and started to hug me as tight as possible.

            “Can’t…breathe…” I said and he let go again. “Jeez Kris you’re going to kill me if you keep hugging me like that.”

            “Well we wouldn’t want that now would we?” He said smiling at me. I just turned away from him to look out of them window.

            “Are you ever going to show me your smile?” He asked me.

            “Maybe one day.”

            “Well I can’t wait for that day to come.”

We rode the bus for a little while longer until it came to my stop. After getting off the bus we walked hand in hand to my grandparents’ house. I went up to the door and unlocked it, glad that at least they didn’t take my house keys as well, and walked in. As Kris and I were taking our shoes off in the foyer I heard footsteps coming near us.

            “Zitao! Zitao is that you?!” I heard my grandmother’s voice call out. Soon she was in front of us and pulling me into a tight hug. I had to bend down to hug her since she was only about 5’0 ft.

            “Oh my God! Zitao! Your grandfather and I have been so worried! We even called the police. I’m so glad to see that you’re safe!” She said as she hugged me as tight as she could. I soon felt my shirt dampen and figured that she was crying. So I pulled away to wipe my grandmother’s tears.

            “Grandma I’m sorry. Please don’t cry.”

My grandfather soon came out and I introduced them both to Kris. I told them what happened after we sat down and how Kris took care of me. They were very thankful to Kris and offered him money but he politely turned it down.

            “Tao’s friendship is more than enough payment.”

            “I’m so glad that you have such a kind and handsome friend Tao. But I really think we need to transfer you out of that school. You’ve had so many problems since you’ve been there.” My grandmother said.

            “Yes. We don’t have much savings but we should be able to find a way to pay for you to go to a private school.”

            “No. Grandma and grandpa you’ve already done so much for me. It will be alright. I’ll be able to handle myself.”

            “I don’t know. I don’t feel comfortable sending you there anymore.”

            “It’s alright. I’ve studied Wushu before my parents died. I can use some of that training to protect myself. It’ll be fine.”

            “Yes and I don’t live too far from the school so I’ll pick him up when the day is over and make sure he’s alright.”

My grandparents seemed to think about it for a minute before agreeing to continue to let me go to school. It’s not like I wanted to go to that school any longer but I also didn’t want to have to trouble them to pay for a private school.

            After discussing that they invited Kris to stay for dinner which he did and after dinner he was about to go home. I offered to walk him to the door and right now we were both standing outside of the house holding hands.

            “I’m going to miss having you at my place Tao.”

            “Well I can stop by tomorrow after school.”

            “You better.” He said and then looked behind me. I was about to turn my head to see what he was looking at but before I had the chance to he leaned down to place a soft kiss on my lips. I pulled away quickly though.

            “Kris! My grandparents might see!”

            “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help myself. I’ll see you tomorrow though. Have a good day at school and please be safe.”

            “I will.” With that Kris walked out of the yard and back down to the bus stop as I went into the house. I leaned against the door after I closed it to try and calm my beating heart. Every time he kissed me my heart would speed up. I wondered if this is what people would call ‘love.’ 

Crappy chapter is crappy. I'm sorry that this chapter wasn't as good as the other two but I'm trying to move things along and give you a little background into Tao's life. Will try and make future chapters better. 


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But I am working on the next chapter it just won't be up for a while


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pleaseletthiswork #1
Chapter 9: This is sadness. :c it beautiful, but it makes me sad. Nooo taoooooo. Sweeti~~~
anyways this story was fantastic. So thank you for finishing it! It is always a shame if a story id not finished. Hope you are doing wonderful
Chapter 6: Sorry for leaving so many comments but this is really exiting and I LOVE the chemistry you manage to show between Tao and Kris. It is so freaking good. AND WHEN TAO STARTED GRINDING ON KRIS. That was the best moment so far. And kris' reaction 10/10 was gold.
Chapter 5: OUUUUUU LAYYYY i see what you did there. Second player in the game. Nice move.
But i also hate it because my poor Tao is in such a ty spot. I cannot. Hope everything will play out fine.
Chapter 3: It wasnt crappy it was really very cute. I love the small interactions and touched Kris and Tao exchange. In between this actually bad situation of Tao being bullied this somehow is just fluff and i love it.
Chapter 2: Woooow everything from kris taking care of him to the ffreaking confession. I cannot this is amazing. I am so glad i found this. Sneaky kris with the water ;))) that was a good move ahhahahahah those 98% i was laughing so hard. Thank you for making my day brighter
Chapter 1: OHHHHHH YES. FREAKING YES. the first chapter is already amazing. I love how you started the story off. With what people say about Tao and how he hates to hear it.
I can't wait to keep on reading
biasesinmylife #8
Chapter 9: Authornim! Can u right another sequel of lay pov after tao's death. Maybe he find out that he really really love tao and he regrets it so much...
Chapter 9: i just want to know one think.... what Lay did when he found out Tao was dead, i just want to see his reaction :|