Only Tears

Can You Smile?

"I heard he does Wushu.”

            “I heard that he’s killed ten people before just for looking at him weird.”

I haven’t killed anyone.

            “Why would they let someone so dangerous go to this school?       

I’m not dangerous.

            “He always looks so mean. Like he’s going to blow up the school any day now.”

I’m really not mean. Just talk to me and you’ll know that.

            It was the same thing every day. The same gossip going around but it always seemed to get worst and more twisted as time went on. I went from having killed one person to ten now. I hated the way people judged me. No one ever took the time to actually get to know me because they were too scared of my appearance.

            I slowly walked to my locker with my head down trying to tune out the whispers coming from the other students in the hall. Once I reached my locker I started entering the combination to unlock it. Right when I was on the last number I felt a tap on my shoulder. I slowly turned around to see a cute girl with wavy hair standing behind me.

            “Umm…Y-You dropped this…” She said as she held her hands out in front of her which held my student ID card. I was so surprised someone had actually come up to talk to me that I ended up staring at her for a minute like an idiot.

            “T-Thank Yo…”

            “Dao-Ming don’t talk to him! He’s dangerous!” Another girl said as she ran up and pulled the cute girl away from me. She dropped my ID on the floor and I slowly bent down to pick it up. I looked toward the direction that the girl had gone with a sad heart.

            And here I thought I might actually be able to have a decent conversation with someone. In the end I could barely get out a thank you. I thought to myself as I turned back to my locker to open it and retrieve the books I needed for my first few classes.

            My first few lessons went by normally, or at least what was considered normal for me. I had spit balls and paper balls thrown at me every time the teacher wasn’t looking. I even had my chair kicked so hard that I fell out of it and my teacher yelled at me for being disruptive to the class.

            Yes it was true that a lot of people in the school feared me because of the rumors but there were also a lot of people that bullied me because of them too. At first it was because they wanted to see if they could take down the known toughest guy in school but once they realized that I didn’t like to fight back and cried easily they made it a game to see how many times a day they could make me cry. Today was no exception but I had gotten used to such small tactics by now that they couldn’t get to me to the point that I would cry. They still made me upset and sad but they didn’t make me cry.

            Lunch time soon came and as soon as the bell signaling our lunch period rang I grabbed my stuff and ran up to the roof. No matter what kind of weather I always found myself eating on the roof. It was my only moment of solitude where I could get away from the rumors and the stares. Right as I was about to walk up the stairs that led to the roof I bumped into someone and knocked them down.  

            “Oh I’m so sorry.” I said as I helped the person up. I noticed that it was a guy but this person was really pretty for a guy. He had fair skin and such innocent looking eyes. He looked up at me and his eyes went wide. I prepared myself to have him run away from me now but instead he picked his lunch box off of the floor and bowed to me.

            “I’m s-sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking.” He said in a low voice that I could barely hear him.

            “It’s ok. Well I should get going.” I said surprised I was actually able to say more than three words to someone without having them run away. As I started to walk away from him though he grabbed the hem of my shirt. I turned around to see him with his head down holding his lunch box to his chest.

            “Umm…I was actually coming to look for y-you. I wanted to ask if…if we could possibly…have lunch together.” He mumbled out. I had to listen extra carefully just to try and catch everything he said.

            “Y-You want to have lunch…with me?” I questioned to make sure I heard right. He simply nodded his head and gripped onto my shirt tighter. I didn’t question why he was holding onto my shirt so tightly. Instead I questioned why he wanted to have lunch with me. The single most ignored and bullied student in the school? I decided not to ask him that though.

            “Ok.” Was all I said and then we both started walking up to the roof of the school. I brought him to my secret corner that had a ledge over our head so it blocked us from the sun. It was a nice spot far away from where other people would be and when the weather was bad the ledge would help to protect me from the elements.

            The roof was actually a pretty popular place as well to have lunch when the weather was nice. That was another reason that I chose this corner to hide away in. I slowly started to open my lunch box and so did the pretty boy next to me. We ate in silence for a little while until I decided to finally ask the question that’s been bugging me for a while.

            “Why did you want to have lunch with me?”

He looked up at me before looking back down into his lunch box and I could have sworn that his cheeks turned a tint of pink.

            “It’s because I wanted to get to know you Tao gege.” He said softly.

I felt my stomach do a tiny flip as a smile broke out on my face. Maybe I can actually make a friend today! I thought to myself.

            “Well we can start off by learning each other’s names. You obviously know mine but I don’t know yours.”

            “It’s Luhan.”

Luhan and I talked for a little bit and I found out that he’s a freshman and an only child. At one point during our conversation his phone vibrated and he sent off a text. Probably to one of his other friends.

            “Sorry about that gege. My friend was wondering why I wasn’t in the cafeteria. I just told him I was having lunch with someone else today.”

            “Oh. You should have had lunch with your friend so that they don’t have to eat alone.”\

            “He’ll be fine. I mean we eat with a group of people anyway.”

            “It must be nice to have friends.” I muttered out. I didn’t expect Luhan to hear it but he did.

            “I don’t know why people are so mean to you. You’re really nice and not scary at all.” He said as he gave me a small smile.

For the second time that day a smile broke out on my face as I realized that I was actually having a conversation with someone and they were being nice to me.

            “Actually Tao gege…” I heard Luhan say.

            “Yes Luhan.”

            “Well the real reason I wanted to have lunch with you is because…” He stopped and started to play with his fingers. He seemed nervous and that in turn made me nervous. Was he put up to this by someone? Is that what he wants to tell me? That he doesn’t really want to be friends with me.

            My smile slowly started to leave my face as I thought these things. It made me sad to think about almost making a friend and then in the end still not having one. I didn’t want him to be nervous anymore so I decided to speak up.

            “It’s ok Luhan.”

He looked up me with a shocked expression. “It is?” He asked.

            “Yea, I mean if you don’t want to be friends with me then you don’t have to. I’m sorry that your friends put you up to this.” I said trying to keep my voice from sounding sad but I couldn’t help it.

            “No!” He exclaimed and it was now my turn to be shocked. “No one put me up to this. What I was going to say is…IlikeyouTao!” He screamed out the last part so fast that I wasn’t able to catch it.


Luhan took a deep breath to calm his nerves before speaking again.

            “I said that I like you Tao.”

I felt my stomach do little back flips when he said that. He actually did want to be my friend and it made me the happiest person ever.

            “So you do want to be my friend?!” I said in a cheerful voice but he shook his head and that left me confused.

            “I don’t understand. You said that you liked me.”   

            “Yes but not as a friend…Tao I have a crush on you.” He whispered the last part out but I was still able to catch it.

            “So…that means…you…and me?” I couldn’t even put together a complete sentence. Luhan then took my lunch box off of my lap and replaced it with himself as he sat on me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I didn’t know what to do. I had never been in a situation like this before.

            “I’ve liked you for a long time Tao but I’ve just been too scared and shy to talk to you. Do…Do you like me Tao gege?” He asked as he stared into my eyes.

            I didn’t know what to say. I’ve never dated anyone or had them confess to me. And Luhan…well he was a guy. How can two guys be together? But I guess if it means I can have someone by my side that cares for me, it wouldn’t be too bad to be with him. He was cute for a guy after all.


            “I…I like you Luhan.” I whispered out.

The next thing I knew Luhan had pressed his lips onto mine and started to kiss me. I didn’t know what to do so I just sat there and let him do what he wanted.

            “Gege I thought you said you liked me.” He said after he noticed I wasn’t responding.

            “I do…I mean you’re cute but I’ve never done anything like this before…so I don’t really know…” I trailed off.

            “It’s ok. Just put your arms around me first.”

I did as he said but he shook his head and pushed them further down until they were right on his waist.

            “Put them down here and then all you have to do now is kiss me. Just follow the motions of my lips.”

He pressed his lips to mine again but this time I tried to copy his moves and kiss him back. Luhan pulled away again though.

            “Gege you have to open your mouth for me ok?”

I was confused but did as he said and opened my mouth slightly. He then slipped his tongue in and continued to kiss me. It felt like he was trying to eat the inside of my mouth as his tongue roamed everywhere. I once again tried to copy his actions and started to push his tongue with mine. He soon let me into his mouth and I did the same thing he did to me. It felt strange but in a good way. Luhan then started to move his hips back and forth against me and it made me let out a small gasp as I broke the kiss.

            “Lu-Luhan…st-stop…I’m getting hard.” I stuttered out as I tightened my grip on his hips.

Luhan didn’t listen and kept creating a delicious friction between our crotches rubbing together. He moved to my ear and nibbled on the outer shell before whispering “Gege I want you to my mouth. Right here on the roof.”

            I couldn’t believe what I just heard come out of his mouth. I was starting to think he wasn’t as innocent as he looked. I was about to lean in to kiss him again when I heard voices come near us.

            “Well, well, well, look at what we got here.”

Luhan jumped off of me once he heard the other guys voice and moved away. I stood up as well and pushed Luhan behind me. I wasn’t going to let my new friend boyfriend get hurt by these bullies.

            “It seems like the toughest guy in school isn’t only a crybaby but also a .” Lay spat out at me. Him and the other two people with him were almost like my personal bullies. They always found a way to hurt me at least once a day. His other two bullying buddies were exchange students from Korea, Chen and Xiumin. I thought Koreans were supposed to be nice but I was sure wrong because they were just as ruthless as Lay.

            “J-Just leave us alone!” I said practically shaking but still determined to protect Luhan. Lay leaned to the side to glance at Luhan before he smiled.

            “Good job Luhan. We’ll leave you and your friend Sehun alone for now.”

I turned around to look at Luhan but his head was down.

            “Lu-Luhan w-what are they t-talking about?” I asked praying that what I was thinking wasn’t true.

            “Oh you’re little boyfriend here only did all that stuff with you because we told him to. We promised to not bully him and Sehun if he did. So in reality he has no feelings for you we just wanted him to confirm our suspicions that you were indeed a .”

I felt my heart fall into my stomach. I thought I had actually met someone that could at least be my friend but it turns out that he was put up to it just like I thought earlier. As I was wrapped up in my despair I didn’t notice Lay advancing towards me until I felt a fist hit my face. I didn’t even have enough time to shield myself before I felt another punch land against my face.

            “ing ! You enjoyed making out with Luhan didn’t you?!” Lay spat out as he pushed me to the ground. I tried to hurry back onto my feet but he quickly stepped onto my chest.

            “Why don’t you use your Wushu training huh?! Do you enjoy getting beat up?! Are you some kind of masochist?!” He said as he pressed his foot hard into my chest. It hurt. It hurt so much but I still didn’t fight back. I did Wushu because I liked it not because I ever wanted to use it against somebody.

            I soon felt the pressure of his foot lessen against my chest as he removed it but as soon as I thought it was over I felt I kick being delivered to my stomach. Tears welled up and spilled out of my eyes. The rest of the guys surrounded me and started to place kicks and punches all over my body. I curled up in as tight of a ball as possible to try and defend some of the blows. Through my tears I noticed a pair of feet running away. It was probably Luhan. Even though he set me up for this I still kind of hoped he would do something to help me.

            “ing ! You’re ing disgusting”

Two kicks to my back. Please someone help me.

            “There’s no place in this world for people like you!”

A hard kick to the stomach. It hurts, I can hardly breathe anymore. My vision going in and out. The next thing I felt was a hard tug on my hair. I could barely make out the face of the person pulling my hair back.

            “Why don’t you just die you piece of ?!” They said before they landed a hard punch to my face and dropped my head back down.

The blows just kept coming and coming. I had already lost hope that someone was coming to save me. No one cared about me so why would they come. My vision started to go black but I welcomed the darkness with open arms because it was able to take me away from the pain.

No One’s POV

            “Whoa guys! I think we should stop now! He’s passed out.” Xiumin pointed out.

            “ing . Passes out quick like a too. I wasn’t even done with you yet you little !” Lay screamed at Tao’s unconscious body before spitting on it.

            “Yo we should check and see if he’s alive! I can’t go to jail man. I doubt the Chinese penal system will have mercy on a foreigner.” Chen stated getting nervous.

            “Dude no one is ing going to jail over this . Look he’s still breathing!” Lay said as he kicked him again. “Whatever let’s go. It’s no fun beating someone up that’s unconscious.”

They all started to walk away from the broken boy on the roof. Xiumin was the only one that turned around to look at his broken body starting to feel bad for leaving him like this.

            “Xiumin what are you doing?! Hurry your fat up already!” Lay screeched out his command and Xiumin quickly followed behind the other two guys leaving the beaten boy on the roof whose tears continued to slowly fall from his eyes. 

This story was only supposed to be a one shot, maybe a two shot but it seems like it might be a little longer than that now.  I wanted to try my hand at something angsty. I don't feel like it came out that great but it should get better later. I also can't believe I got so many subbies from just a summary. Seriously, is it because it's an EXO related fic? Probably. Anyway I thank you for subscribing and hope you enjoy this story. 


P.S I'm on an infinite kick with the names aren't I? Can You Smile and Only Tears? Whatever just pointing that out for people that didn't catch it. 

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But I am working on the next chapter it just won't be up for a while


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pleaseletthiswork #1
Chapter 9: This is sadness. :c it beautiful, but it makes me sad. Nooo taoooooo. Sweeti~~~
anyways this story was fantastic. So thank you for finishing it! It is always a shame if a story id not finished. Hope you are doing wonderful
Chapter 6: Sorry for leaving so many comments but this is really exiting and I LOVE the chemistry you manage to show between Tao and Kris. It is so freaking good. AND WHEN TAO STARTED GRINDING ON KRIS. That was the best moment so far. And kris' reaction 10/10 was gold.
Chapter 5: OUUUUUU LAYYYY i see what you did there. Second player in the game. Nice move.
But i also hate it because my poor Tao is in such a ty spot. I cannot. Hope everything will play out fine.
Chapter 3: It wasnt crappy it was really very cute. I love the small interactions and touched Kris and Tao exchange. In between this actually bad situation of Tao being bullied this somehow is just fluff and i love it.
Chapter 2: Woooow everything from kris taking care of him to the ffreaking confession. I cannot this is amazing. I am so glad i found this. Sneaky kris with the water ;))) that was a good move ahhahahahah those 98% i was laughing so hard. Thank you for making my day brighter
Chapter 1: OHHHHHH YES. FREAKING YES. the first chapter is already amazing. I love how you started the story off. With what people say about Tao and how he hates to hear it.
I can't wait to keep on reading
biasesinmylife #8
Chapter 9: Authornim! Can u right another sequel of lay pov after tao's death. Maybe he find out that he really really love tao and he regrets it so much...
Chapter 9: i just want to know one think.... what Lay did when he found out Tao was dead, i just want to see his reaction :|