~Chapter 6~

~Our Love Story~

The game ended shortly.

I sat on the sofa, looking at the band Zelo gave me.

'What should I do...' I thought as I turn the band around my wrist over and over again.

"Are you okay Song Ji?"

A voice called out.

I looked up.

"Oh... Hey Aron." I said as I continue to play with my band.

"Looks like you have a problem." He said as he sat down beside me.

The others were in the kitchen helping BaekHo with his baking.

"I think so. Can you help me a little?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Sure. So, tell me." He said as he placed his hand around my shoulder.

"It's about just now. Between my Zelo and me. You know, the confession thing. I have no feelings for him. I treat him as my brother, thats all. Maybe... maybe he thought I like him because I am close to him all the time and maybe I did some intimate actions like hugging him. So... I need to explain to him but how? I don't want to ruin our friendship because of this love stuffs." I told Aron fiddling with my band.

"I see... Should we ask the others too?" Aron suggested.

"More brains to think of a solution." He added.

I nodded. We proceeded to the kitchen. They were helping BaekHo to bake some muffins. Even JR is helping him.

"Hey, we have a little problem to ask for you guys to help."Aron said, his arms are still hanging on my shoulder.

Aron explained the situation to everyone.

"Oh... You could just return the band to him and tell him you don't like him." Ren said.

"Yea. Or you could message him or something." BaekHo added.

"Maybe going up to him is easier. It makes things clearer and saves time." Minhyun suggested.

"Just go and tell him." JR said.

'This is the first time he says something to help me.' I thought, looking at him.

JR just looked at me for a second and turn away.

"Kamsahamida! I'll go tell him now." I said turning away.

"You need us to go with you?" Aron asked.

"Anni. Go and help BaekHo with his baking. BaekHo! I want one of those too!" I said before leaving.

"Okay!" BaekHo replied.

I walked towards Zelo's house. Minny and Kimmy weren't around.

'Don't tell me they are still sleeping.' I thought as I took out my phone.

I stood outside Zelo's house and I called him.

"Annyeong Zelo. Please come out of your house. I need to talk to you." I said before ending my call.

Zelo came out shortly. He smiled.

I gave him a emotionless expression and gave him back the band.

"Mianhe Zelo. We can only be friends. I have no feelings for you." I said passing him the band.

He stared at me.

"Not...not even a chance?" He said looking at the band.

"Mianhe. You don't know the consequences of being with me. We can only be buddies." I said turning away.

He grabbed my hand.

"Jinjia? Isit because of that JR guy whom you spent the night with?" He said.

'Looks like he heard the conversation earlier.' I thought.

I turned back and looked at him in the eyes.

'He will continue to pursue this matter. I have to make him...stop.' I thought.

"Yes. It's because of him okay?" I gave a fake explanation.

He looked at me and releases his hand. He's eyes is getting wet.

"I'm sorry Zelo. But we only can be friends." I said turning away.

'Sorry to hurt you like this buddy, but this is the only way to make your feelings for me to be dead.' I thought as I walked back home.

Minny and Kimmy were in.

"Oh?Back so early?" Minny asked.

"I need to change this to return to my friend." I said pointing to the shirt and pants I'm wearing.

I borrowed these from Ren last night.

I changed and bathe. I asked Minny to help me wash the clothes and dry it.

I fold the clothes neatly and placed it in a plastic bag.

"I'm out for a while." I said leaving the house.

I walked to NU'EST's house and entered it.

"BaekHo! Where's my share?" I shouted when I saw Ren eating a muffin.

"Ren, here's your clothes I borrowed. It's washed by the way." I said leaving the plastic bag with Ren before going to the kitchen.

"BaekHo, where's my share?" I asked peeking my head into the kitchen.

"Here! Merry Christmas! Although it's a bit late." He said passing me a muffin with 'Merry Christmas' on it.

"Kamsa!" I said before taking a bite.

"Omo! It's damn nice!" I exclaimed showing a thumbs up to him.

He smiled and turning back doing his work.

I returned back to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

"So, how it went?" Minhyun asked as he sat down beside me.

I swallowed my food and looked at him.

I explained what happened to him.

Aron,BaekHo and Ren appeared from nowhere and shouted.


"What?" I asked,confused.

"You... Interested in JR?" Ren asked.

"Nahh, I was just making a reason." I said, taking a bite on my muffin.

"That's sad..." Aron said,pouting.

I stayed until evening before returning home.

~Aron's POV~

I had dinner together with NU'EST.

After dinner, JR went to his room.

I dragged the others into my room and we sat in a circle.

"Guys, we have an investigation." I said trying to look smart.

"What thing hyung?" Ren asked.

"What have you observed during the game?Between JR and Song Ji." I said looking around.

"JR blushed when Song Ji gets close with him. Song Ji blushed too." BaekHo replied happily.

"Hahahahaha! That's the first time seeing uri leader blushing!" Minhyun laughed.

BaekHo,Ren and I stared at Minhyun coldly.

Minhyun stopped laughing and looked around.

Seeing our 'Don't-you-get-it' looked, his eyes widened.

"WAIT, THE BOTH OF THEM BLUSHED?!" Minhyun shouted.

Ren slapped his arm and asked him to lower down his volume.

"According to my years of observation between boys and girls, boys or girls blushed when someone they likes get close to them." I said,trying to sound professional.

"So..." Minhyun said.

"You mean..." Baekho added.

"Uri leader likes Song Ji and Song Ji likes uri leader?" Ren said.

I nodded.

All of them gave a 'OMG' look on their faces.

"Let's go and ask." I said standing up.

They followed behind as I exit my room and headed to JR's.

I flung opened the door and looked at JR.

His eyes widened.

I pulled him down on the floor.

"Shut the door guys!" I shouted.

"KIM JONG HYUN! YOU HAVE AN EXPLANATION TO DO." I growled as the others sat around him.

"What?" JR said looking,confused.

"You like Park Song Ji." Ren said.

"Nooo..." JR said,trying to act serious.

A faint pink was seen on his face.

"You are blushing hyung!" BaekHo shouted,poking his face.

"I'm feeling hot!" JR protested.

"It's air-conditioned in here and the weather outside is cold." Minhyun replied.

"Tell us, uri leader. We'll keep a secret." I said, patting his shoulder.

"Why must I?" JR replied, as he tried to stand up.

Ren,BaekHo and Minhyun pulled him down.

"Please~" Ren pleaded.

"We promise to keep a secret." BaekHo said.

Minhyun and I nodded.

JR looked at us and gave a sigh.

"Fine. I have this strange feeling with I get close with her. I feel like protecting her. My heart beats quickly when she get close to me." JR finally said.

"This is LOVE~" Ren chirpped.

"Uri leader is in LOVE~" Minhyun said jumping around.

Soon, we were chased out of JR's room because we are making too much noise teasing him.

We went back to my room.

"Mission Impossible. Get the both of them together." Aron said as he closes the door and turned around.

~End of Aron's POV~

I tossed and turned in my bed. I can't sleep. My mind keep reflecting the image of JR and me getting so close.

'Urgh!! Why is this feeling back?' I screamed in my head as I sat up.

I ruffled my hair.

I decided to ask Minny what is this feeling.

I knocked on his door before turning the knob.

"Minny..." I said opening the door.

He wasn't asleep. He was reading.

"Yes?" Minny asked as he closes his book.

"I need to talk to you." I said closing the door.

I always tell Minny my problems I'm facing everytime. I trust him a lot. Well... Kimmy is too protective of me. I did tell him once and he over-reacted.

"What's that strange feeling when you get close to the opposite gender?" I asked,sitting on his bed.

"What kind?" He asked, putting his arms around me.

"The acceleration of heartbeat and blushing." I replied.

"That shows you have feeling for the other gender. Why? " He said.

"Nahh. I was just curious." I replied,standing up.

"You liked someone right?" Minny asked.

"No, just that strange feeling to him. Anyway, I wasn't even close to him." I replied.

"If you want to have a boyfriend, I won't object but Kimmy..." Minny said.

"I know, don't tell him anything. Plus, I won't get a boyfriend." I said exiting his room.

Finally, I felt relieved.

I cuddled in my bed and fell asleep.


January 2

School starts.

Minny's screamed caused me to wake up.

I went to wash up and wore a black tee and a dark blue jeans.

"Yay! No more uniforms!" I shouted as I put on my shirt.

I tied a pony tail and left my fringe dangling on the right side of my face.

I put on a star-shaped necklace. It was my lucky charm.


I have been contacting NU'EST except JR. They start to pester me recently. I haven't been talking to Zelo after the incident.

I grabbed my packed bag and went down for breakfast.


After breakfast, I left my house.

NU'EST was waiting outside for me.

"Hey guys!" I greeted waving my hand.

"You should start calling us oppas, we are older than you." Ren replied, putting his arms over my shoulder.

"I'll never,ever call any of my guy friends oppas." I replied.

"Pish." Ren replied.

"Let's go."Aron said smiling.

We walked a shortcut to school,which BaekHo found.

All this while, Ren and Minhyun was pushing JR towards me.

BaekHo and Aron were laughing away.

I gave them a 'What-The-Hell' look and turn away.

We entered the school and the whole school turned quiet immediately.

BaekHo hung his arms around my shoulder.

"Act cool and calm." He whispered.

I nodded.

We headed to the General office to get our locker numbers and our class number.

"Hey! We are at the same row of lockers." Ren exclaimed.

"And JR hyung's is beside Song Ji's." BaekHo added after looking at our numbers.

"What the hell?" I said before heading to our locker.

"I think she's the new recruit." "She's just Grade 1." "How could she be so close to the oppas?" "But she's a girl."

The whisperings were pissing me off.

I placed my bag inside the locker and took out my books needed for the first few lessons.

I slammed the locker door and turned at a bunch of people whispering.

I shot them a glare.

"Enough of the whispering! If you want you could tell it in my face!" I shouted at them.

They were frozen.

"Get to your class now!" I shouted.

They took off running to their classroom.

"Nice one on your first day!" Aron praised me.

"Seriously? Just because I'm a girl I can't join you guys?" I said.

"We need to go to class now." BaekHo said waving goodbye.

"See you after school." I said,waving back.

Ren came to me and leaned to my ears.

"Remember, your trail of a month starts today. Perform well my friend." He whispered before joining the others.

'Noted.' I thought as I walked to my classroom.

I went to a empty desk and sat down.

The class was rowdy.

"Annyeong. Nice to meet you. I'm HyungSu." a voice greeted me.

'HyungSu?' I thought as I looked up.

It's HyungSu, the guy who confessed to me and got rejected by Kimmy.

"Hey! It's been a long time!" I said standing up and hugged him.

He hugged back.

"You looked prettier." He commented.

"Thanks. You look cooler." I said pointing to his fringe.

"Meet my friends." HyungSu said dragging me to a newly group of friends he just met.

Soon, through a few boys, I met the whole class's boys. The girls... I can't be bothered.

"Wait, are you the girl who joined NU'EST?" My new friend, GwangHo, said loudly.

The whole class looked at me.

I nodded.

"Ahhh!!" A screamed broke out.

I turned and saw a group of girls surrounding me.

"You? Part of NU'EST? OMG! Please be my friend!" One of the girl exclaimed.

"Fine." I said stretching my hands out for a handshake.

Their eyes widened.

The other girls started screaming and trying to be my friends.

"SHUT UP!" I shouted.

"If anyone is to scream again, I'm going to hit you. Try me." I said looking at them.

They became quiet.

"I'm friends with everyone. Okay?" I said.

They smiled and cheered.

"Get to your seats people!" The teacher entered.

"Good morning class. I'm your form-teacher, Miss Lee." The teacher introduced herself.

To be continued.

~End of Chapter 6~

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MinhosLover #1
Chapter 18: Yes!!!!!!!!!
Rosiee_shawol #2
I miss this story and just finished it in a few hours~ I hate reading like seriously and I've tried to read many fanfic s but it completely lost my interests and now I'm back. This is My first time reading a fanfic till the end, loved this story, so cute :)
Chapter 20: where's te sequel???? >____________<
Chapter 19: pls continue to the next episode hope this wasn't the final of this storyyy
KpopLifeMusic #5
Chapter 19: SEQUEL! YESS~ <3 I'm sooooooo in LOVE with JR <3 <3 <3
Hi guys! I've got the story written :)
http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/276917 DO READDDD!!
Chapter 19: so sad.....
i almost crying from this ending...
sequel soon please....
KeKe79 #9
Chapter 19: what is the title of the sequel?
Heyinpiniteu #10
Chapter 18: Update please~