Moving in | Sooyoung visits!



You woke up on 6:30 A.M. and drags your feet to shower. You brushed your teeth and decided to went with blue today.

Simple and kawaii~ You had couples of toast bread and a glass of delicious hot milk for breakfast. Right after you done with the dishes, your phone beeps. It’s stated ‘Uncle Soo Man’.

“Hello? Ajusshi?”

“Minah-ya~~ Hello!”


Soo Man went to a serious tone. “Minah, I am terribly sorry. Bad news for you.”

Your tone changed to a serious one too. “…..What is it?”

Ajusshi kept silence for awhile. You can hear he took a breath. “You.. you have to move out.”

WHAT! BUYA?! NANNI?! 3 different kinds of ‘what’ escaped your mouth. “But uncle! Where should I stay?? I have no place to go. And you know unnie is super busy!”

While you were on the phone, a knock came from your door. As you were still talking, you went to the peek hole and peeked. It’s Kris! Your eyes became rounder and you can feel your heart throbbing. 

You told him, “Just a sec! Chakamannyo!” and told uncle Soo Man, “Uncle, I’ll figure a way out later okay? And you can tell me the reason by then. I’ve gotta hang up now. Bye.”

You opened the door and as you saw through the peek hole, Kris was standing in front of you. He’s in a suit.

“Mornin’ cutie pie.” He winked at you. Before you could reply he walked towards you, making you took few steps backwards. He went inside you house and sat on your sofa. 

C-cutie pie….. I thought it was cutie face before. Is he gonna call me with all names that starts with cutie?

“Hey! Don’t just barged into a girl’s territory!” You pouted and cutely ‘sulked’.

“Hahahaha that’s cute, you know.” He chuckled. “Well A GIRL was in the boys dorm last night.” He smirked.

“Because A BOY invited her for a dinner~” You’re not giving up. 

Hmp. He thought. He gave up and stands. “Okay, I was just observing your ‘territory’.”


“You are just new here, so we don’t want you to move out. So we’re thinking-“

“Wait! How did you know about this?” You were surprised. Not to mention, you know my name as well!

“We accidentally overheard your conversation. Mian.”

You stayed silence. Doesn’t even know what to said after that. Kris took your hand and pull you slowly into their dorm. Right on time Tao opened the door and your other hand were taken by Chen. They all surrounded you. Chen, Luhan, Lay and Xiu Min started singing Into Your World(Angel) while Kris and Tao started snapping their fingers to the rythem of the song. The acapella version.. daebak.

You smiled heavenly and started to chuckled a little. The boys seemed happy seeing the brighter you. What if.. what if I live with them?

That thought of yours disappeared when Kris’s voice crashes into your mind. “We were thinking.. if you don’t mind to stay with us. You know-live with us.”

HOW DID THEY READ YOUR MIND? LOL. “That’s exactly what I’m thinking now! …will it be fine to be honest?”

Luhan took your hands and hold them. “Minah-ya, we are being honest right now. Live with us!”

The others nodded in agreement. You smiled again. “Gomawo~~! Yeorobunn SARANGHAE!” You randomly said it. You’ve SAID IT.

They all smirked and grinned watching you. “Aigoo~ uri Minah~” Kris played with your hair. Now it’s all messed up.

Instead of you moving inside their dorm, they were the one that moved into yours. They choose their partners and rooms. Lay, Luhan, and Xiu Min in one room while Tao, Kris, and Chen in another.


*phone beeps* Sooyoung’s name appeared.

“Anneyonghaseiyo, Sooyounggie?”

“Yo, Minahhhhhhhh~~ I can’t believe you got accepted!! I want to see you again! Yesterday was quite short. Gimme your address!”

Uh-o. You panicked. Won’t the boys mind? But anyways you gave her your address.

“When are you coming?” you asked and she replied, “I’M COMING NOW!! Huuhuuhuu! See you then! Saranghae!”

“W-wait! Sooyoung-ah! Soo-” She hung up.

Great. Sooyoung’s on her way. You didn’t even know what you should do and where to start! The boys went out for their daily schedule, won’t be back ‘till dinner.

You just made your place looked neat and tidy. You then went to the kitchen and made some lemonade juice in a glass jug. You kept it cool in the refrigerator.


You questioned yourself. “Is that Sooyounggie?”

You continued “Chakamann~ I’m coming!”


You got pissed there. You opened the door. “I SAID WA-” You stopped.


“MINAH-YAAAAA!!” It’s Sooyoung! She was smiling so brightly excited seeing you.

You giggled. “Yah, you sure know how to pissed me off.” You both chuckled.

You invited her inside and both of you dropped yourselves on the couch. 

“It’s been YEARS we haven’t met each other. I miss you chingu-ya!” Sooyoung told you.

“Yes it is. Gosh I miss you too! More than you know!” You replied her.

The whole evening you girls spent talking and giggling about the past while satisfied your dried throat with the lemonade you prepared earlier.

The clock shows 7 P.M. and voices of boys could be heard. That couldn’t be them, could they? I mean, they’ll be back on dinner time! Now’s only 7 P.M.

“Aigoo! Those boys ruined our evening, hmp.” Sooyoung complained. You just kept quiet.

Suddenly you could hear the sound of the door unlocking. IT’S THEM.

Kris entered first. “Uri Minah-ya~ Your oppas are home~” You flinched a little and turned to see Sooyoung’s expression.

Her eyes were round and got bigger. She looked at you and turned back to them.

“K-Kris? Kris EXO?!” She asked in disbelief. 

“Dae? Dugguseyo..?” Kris asked her back. 

The other members entered and saw Sooyoung. “A guest?” Xiu Min asked.

You got up from the couch and pulled Sooyoung too. “Yeorobunn, let me introduce you to my bestie, Sooyoung. She’s in the same school as me.”

Sooyoung greeted them quickly. “Anneyonghaseiyo! Choi Soo Young imnida.”

“Anneyonghaseiyo~~” They all greeted her too.

“You live together?” Sooyoung randomly asked. And she’s curious too.

You were about to answer the question when Luhan answered it. “Yup. We’re together.”

You, Sooyoung, and the rest of the members looked at Luhan with big rounded eyes. Luhan was blur at first but then he caught up. “N-No! I mean we live together now..”

He shrieked. Everyone released a relieve sigh. Later you and Sooyoung prepared the dinner while the boys showered up. 

At the dinning table, you observed everyone. Sooyoung blends in easily with EXO. As you observes everybody, you noticed that Sooyoung showed an interest in Xiu Min. Sooyoung-ah, you like him? ;)

It’s almost 9 P.M., you sent your bestie to the door. “I wanna send you home.” You told her.

“Eyyhh kenchana! I could go back by taxi.” Sooyoung hesitated you.

“Ani, let’s go.” You ignored her excuse.

“But then you’ll be going back by yourself!” She gave another excuse. But this time the excuse were facts. 

“Then we’ll go with you.” A familiar voice interrupts.

You turned and you saw Xiu Min. Smiling like a dork. You could even see his gums. Beside him was Lay. He didn’t say a word. The another person was Tao. He only smiled.

You shrugged and agreed. The five of you left the dorm and off to sent Sooyoung home. You could see that Sooyoung chatted with Xiu Min the most. You accidentally eavesdropped Tao’s and Lay’s whispering. 

“Hyung, look at Xiu Min. He’s nervous..!” Tao chuckled a bit.

Lay’s eyes were watching them. And then he smiled.


What a sweet smile!

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Chapter 12: I LOVE THIS
AIraSakura #2
thank you fireworkrainbow >/./< it's really my FIRST FANFICTION XDDD
this story was really cutte :3 <3 i liked iit alot!