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Rachel woke up the next morning in her hotel room. Rachel walked out to the kitchen where Blair was just starting to make pancakes.

“Well that was fun” Blair said.

“Yeah it was. They were really nice” Melissa said, she was seated by the table watching as Blair ran around in the kitchen.

“And Onew like you” Blair cooed.

“Stop it” Melissa blushed.

“He basically looked at you the entire night” Rachel said as she sat down at the table beside Melissa.

“How would you know that?” Melissa asked “You ran off with Jonghyun”

“Did something happen?” Blair asked, wiggling her brows up and down.

“No” Rachel stuck out her tongue at Blair which only made her laugh.


After the girls had eaten their pancakes they got ready for a day of shopping.

“Can we go to a store that sells water?” Melissa asked.

“There’s one over there” Blair pointed at a small store by the end of the street.

“I’ll wait outside” Rachel said as they reached the store. The two girls entered while Rachel stayed to look at her surroundings. It was a beautiful day as the sun was shining and there were no clouds in the sky.

“Rachel” Blair said. Rachel turned around to see Blair holding a magazine in her hands.

“What is it?”

 “You’re in the magazine…” Blair held the magazine so Rachel could take it. On the front of the magazine was a picture of Rachel walking hand in hand with Jong

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Great storie so far !!
Great storie so far !!
Annilla #3
Chapter 10: "hanging out time" Bästa någonsin!!
Annilla #4
Chapter 7: FLÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖF!! Vill läsa mer!!
Annilla #5
Chapter 5: hahaha älskar när jag frågar om hon vet vilka SHINee är ^^ Uppdatera snart~~ <3
Annilla #6
Chapter 3: Älskar det~~ Uppdatera snart~ <3
Annilla #7
Chapter 2: Update soon~~<3