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A loud knock was heard through SHINee’s dorm. No one was home except for Jonghyun who was taking a shower.

“” he swore as he heard the knock. He turned off the water and quickly put on his jeans before running towards the door. He opened the door to reveal Rachel, she was looking down at the ground but as the door was completely open she looked up. She immediately started to blush at the sight of Jonghyun just wearing jeans, his upper body still damp from the shower.

“Rachel!” he smiled “you’re early”

“No…actually I’m late” Rachel held up her phone in front of Jonghyun. It was 13:15, she was supposed to be over at 13 sharp.

“Oh, sorry I didn’t realize” Jonghyun stretched his arm up to ruffle his hair “Come in”

Rachel looked down at the ground as she entered the dorm. She did her best to avoid looking at his body. The two walked in to living room.

“I’ll just get something to wear” Jonghyun smiled “make yourself comfortable” Jonghyun turned around and walked in to a room.  He soon returned with a white t-shirt covering his upper body. Rachel had sat down at the couch that was placed in the middle of the room.

“So what’s up?” Jonghyun asked as he sat down beside Rachel.

“Have you read the paper today?” Rachel turned her body so she was facing Jonghyun.

“Yeah” Jonghyun chuckled.

“Why the happy face?” Rachel cried.

“They think that we’re dating” Jonghyun cooed and nudged her

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Great storie so far !!
Great storie so far !!
Annilla #3
Chapter 10: "hanging out time" Bästa någonsin!!
Annilla #4
Chapter 7: FLÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖF!! Vill läsa mer!!
Annilla #5
Chapter 5: hahaha älskar när jag frågar om hon vet vilka SHINee är ^^ Uppdatera snart~~ <3
Annilla #6
Chapter 3: Älskar det~~ Uppdatera snart~ <3
Annilla #7
Chapter 2: Update soon~~<3