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“Do you really need to go?” Rachel looked up at Jonghyun.

“Yes” Jonghyun looked down at Rachel.

“It’s not fair” Rachel pouted “I don’t want you to”

“But I have to”


It had gone a week since Rachel had said goodbye to Jonghyun at the airport. He was leaving to go to Japan and it . They hadn’t been away from each other before for this long and Rachel started to miss him a lot. She couldn’t even call him since she had lost her phone the night they had gone to swim. It most have been left at the beach. Jonghyun had gone looking for it but had failed to find it.

What made it even worse was that Melissa and Blair had gone home, leaving her completely alone. Their holiday was over and they had to go home but Jonghyun had insisted that Rachel should stay. So she did.

Rachel spent her days in the hotel since she couldn’t show herself outside anymore. SHINee fans recognized her now that she was dating one of the members.


It was late afternoon when someone knocked on her door. Rachel walked up to the door and opened it.

“Rachel!!” Key and Taemin chimed. The two threw themselves on her “We’ve missed you so much!”

She had missed them too, she hadn’t seen them since Jonghyun left.

“What are you doing here?” Rachel laughed.

“We’re here to you to our dorm” Taemin held out his hand.


“You’re coming with us wheatear you like it or not” Key smiled until he noticed what Rachel was wearing “But we need you to change your clothes first, I don’t want anyone to see me with you and those clothes”

Rachel and Taemin looked at each other before they started laughing.

“I’ll get change”

Twenty minutes later they were on their way. Rachel was wearing a white dress with lace at the top, a pair of brown sandals and her hair in a braid. Key had been very pleased with the outfit.


As they entered the SHINee dorm Rachel immediately spotted Minho and Onew on the couch in front of the TV that were showing a football game. Minho was holding the remote while Onew tried t

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Great storie so far !!
Great storie so far !!
Annilla #3
Chapter 10: "hanging out time" Bästa någonsin!!
Annilla #4
Chapter 7: FLÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖF!! Vill läsa mer!!
Annilla #5
Chapter 5: hahaha älskar när jag frågar om hon vet vilka SHINee är ^^ Uppdatera snart~~ <3
Annilla #6
Chapter 3: Älskar det~~ Uppdatera snart~ <3
Annilla #7
Chapter 2: Update soon~~<3