



“Why did you lie to me, Yun?. I give you all the things I had, but in the end this I get. Am I not good enough?.” JaeJoong was crying after I told him the lies that I created. I can’t see him broken like that but I had to do it for his sake.

“You just a , Jae. I don’t care what you did for me. Get the off my life. I hate to see your face.” I’m sorry, I had to do this. Only this can I do to protect you, I’m not that strong to see you get hurt by your own flesh blood, Jae.

“It’s over. I already find someone else and she was better than you are. I’m sure, you can find someone better than me.”

“That’s why you didn’t comeback at night, you go and date others. I’m really a forgettable thing in your life. A thing that you already had enough to play with, I’m sorry. I wish we never know each other.” He was crying and I was the reason for his cry. I’m sorry, I break our promise for making you cry because of me. I didn’t have any choice.

I saw he run to the car park and get into his car. He was driving while crying. It will be only one place he will be. I look at my phone and look for the contact. I push the name and wait for the contact to accept my call.

“YooChun ah. He will be going to yours, I’m sorry but please don’t say anything about his family and me.”

“I will, YunHo ah. Don’t worry.”

End of YunHo POV


YunHo hand up the call, the only things he can do was waiting for Jae. He needs to get Mr.Kim agree with about their relationship. Since Mr.Kim said he will do whatever to break them apart even it will take him to kill his own son.

Living in the world alone since fifteen years old was enough to teach him not to break JaeJoong’s family away. Even it will take him to sacrifice his own love, he will because JaeJoong’s family was his family too.

Without he realize, he was crying. “I’m sorry, Jae. I know I hurt you a lot but you will be more hurting if you know the truth.” He sobs alone in the house that he buy just to live together with JaeJoong. He wasn’t a rich man, he just a full time composer at a small entertainment house before he quit and decide to move away from Seoul. It will take time but he will do whatever it takes to make sure JaeJoong was alright.

A loud music was coming from his hand phone, he looks at it. He decides to pick up the call since it was YooChun. Almost two hour since JaeJoong was away maybe YooChun was going to inform him about JaeJoong.

“Hey, Chun.”

“YunHo!! Something happen. Jae accident, get ready now. JunSu will pick you up he was on the way already.” A panic voice comes from the caller.

“WHA..” Clearly it wasn’t something he wants to hear from YooChun. He runs to the front door. Luckily, JunSu arrive at that time. He gets in and JunSu drive away to the hospital, both didn’t say anything.




“How’s Jae?” YunHo asked the doctor who just finish the operation.

The doctor pull off his mask, “Are you his relative?. He was losing a lot blood and there was an infection happens. We need to do a major surgery as soon as possible.”

“Just do whatever it takes to save him.”

“I need his relative signature.”

“I will call them as soon as possible.” YooChun said since YunHo just silent knowing that he can’t answer that request.”

“I will take my leave now.” The mid thirties man said while walks away from YunHo and YooChun.

“Don’t worry, YunHo ah. I already asked JunSu to call auntie about this.” YooChun said. YunHo understand that very much what YooChun was telling, it means Mrs.Kim will be here as well as Mr.Kim. He can’t think anymore, how he’s going to face Mr.Kim.

“I don’t think they want to see me here, Chunnie ah.” A low baritone voice finally comes out from YunHo’s mouth. It’s really hard for him to be in the situation like this. It’s not like he deserve to be beside JaeJoong anymore since they just broke up and he was the main factor JaeJoong involve in the accident.

“Don’t say something like that, YunHo ah. I’m sure, he wants to see you when he wake up soon.”

“YooChun ah!! How’s Jae?” Suddenly a middle age woman comes between them with JunSu following from behind. YunHo’s face clearly looks shocked. Mrs.Kim…

“He needs to do a major surgery and we need your signature as his relative, Mrs.Kim.” YooChun said.

“YunHo.. Are you okay?.” Mrs.Kim asked the young boy, she knew that YunHo and JaeJoong were lovers.


‘Why didn’t she hate me, like his husband?.’ YunHo looks into Mrs.Kim side, he was wondering is the woman just alone here.

“Mr.Kim?” As YooChun could read what was on YunHo’s mind, he asked the woman himself.

“Business is more important to him, he didn’t care even one of the family members dies.” She said as she knows her husband really well but that she didn’t know was what his husband does to their son.

“Get yourself a rest okay. You look tired.” Mrs.Kim said to YunHo as she leaves to the doctor’s room.

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-ONE- Finally posted as Unforgettable side story feel free to read and know more about YunJae's ending..


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Babyjung86 #1
Chapter 7: Lovely 😻
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 7: Eh why Yun slam the door to Jae's face? isn't he wait for Jae all this time... well the ending just so nice! Who know Jae finally can convinced mr kim to come around.. maybe in other time its better for Yun to be just honest n confide Jae to solved their problem together rather than make -eventually- counter productive sacrife.. But really admire his love either way €<€ Thank you for writing n sharing this Author nim :D :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 6: Aw finally Jae.. as always tvxq voice will always bring magic to ur deepest heart :D
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 5: Aw Uknow-Hero just so cute! *spazzing*
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 1: Oh Yunho ah T.T
snow_meow #7
It is a nice story with a happy ending
lovely... :)
finally jaejoong's appa approved yunjae relationship,i love happy ending..

thank you for your hardwork dear author-nim, write more yunjae please..take care and have a nice day!
thank you very much for explaining,~

me if I'd like to read about u-know and Hero >w<

thanks for the update ^^