
You Took Care Of Us, Now Let Us Take Care Of You

...Uh, hiyah? Hehe, I late, aren't I? /goes to the corner and sobs/

Okay, okay, I admit I forgot about working on the revisions for this fic because of school and my LMKY fic. Seriously, I have zero writing funk. It disappeared when I realized how much pressure I put on my brain. Forcing myself to write a draft halfheartedly is okay, but if I was forcing myself to write a real final draft for posting, then I lose heart because my terrible, pitiful, boring writing makes me want to face-desk myself. Can you feel my frustration? I'm ranting at the past me for dumping all this work on my shoulders.

Reminder: No stealing or copying or translating or plagiarizing my fic! I will make your life miserable if you do...

Repost: 7/17/15





Eunsun should’ve guessed that a bunch of boys classified as ‘aliens’ would be a handful.

The shift from guarded behaviors to ones of attentive curiosity was slow and gradual as they became more used to their surroundings as the hours passed. The same concept applied to getting comfortable with Eunsun—the princes’ soon-to-be adoptive Earth mother.

It was busy and loud in the cramp kitchen that also served as the dining area. Once the twelve boys had realized that the food Eunsun cooked was edible and delicious, they wolfed down the pancakes like starved beasts and quenched their thirsts with glasses of tangy juice. It’d been days since their last full meal, so this delectable feast was a godsend to them. Eunsun hummed merrily as she flitted about in her apron, hovering by the hot stove or mixing up ingredients by the counter. Hearing a dozen of hungry boys eat her cooking like it was ambrosia made her glow with appreciation and delight. When Yixing and Sehun personally voiced their intolerance of spicy foods to her, she was surprised and happy that they openly addressed her on their own without your nudging insistence, and then she dutifully whipped up a set of normal pancakes and drenched them in syrup for the two boys. Since the dining table only seated a maximum of eight (if you disregarded elbow room) people, the older brothers—Yifan, Luhan, Yixing, and Xiumin—opted to eat standing by the kitchen counter.

“The appliances here are bulky in shape and drab in design,” Luhan stage-whispered to Yifan, eyeballing the stove and microwave with disappointment. The lighting of the kitchen was decent, but it wasn’t what the princes were accustomed to. “Perhaps they’re from an old era?”

“Earth is said to have collected antiques,” Yifan whispered back doubtfully. “Look at the house—it looks very old and plain. But, then again, Earth’s technological advances differs from ours.”

Their conversation was abruptly diverted when Xiumin started to choke from inhaling his food too fast. Yifan quickly thumped his brother’s back until his coughing and choking subsided. Everyone else laughed at the foolish spectacle.

When breakfast was done, Eunsun had to wash the mountain of plates, cups, and silverware that’d accumulated. As she did the tedious chore, you came over and peered over her shoulder. The opened faucet gushed out a steady stream of steaming water. Bubbles amassed and expanded, forming a wobbly, translucent cloud above the water.

“Do you want to help me wash dishes?” Eunsun inquired after seeing your puzzled yet intrigued expression.

“I’ve...never really washed dishes before,” you admitted, biting down on your bottom lip with a pinch of embarrassment. Being a princess, you were taught to never do a servant’s work unless you were on your own. But now you were basically a commoner on Earth, so that meant you would have to start picking up the slack that you normally wouldn’t do, like doing the laundry or cooking meals.

“Really? Well, it’s not that hard.” Eunsun began instructing you, “First you wear rubber gloves to protect your hands. Next, you mix hot water and dish soap together, then you soak the sponge in it. With the sponge, you scrub at the dishes as thoroughly as possible then rinse all the soap off. See?” She smiled at you. “A good hygiene results in a better health.”

“Alright, I’ll do it,” you offered, glad for the explanation. The woman handed you a pair of yellow rubber gloves to slip your hands into, and once you were prepped, you began copying her scrubbing movements.

“Can one of you boys be a dear and clear the rest of the table?” Eunsun asked over her shoulder. “Here’s a hot, damp towel to wipe it down with.”

Suho came forward helpfully, albeit skittishly. “I’ll do it, miss.” The water prince blushed a modest pink when Eunsun expressed her thanks, and you grinned slightly as he earnestly cleaned the dining table, the tips of his ears still flushed with color.

At the table, Xiumin was snacking on a bowl of assorted fruit offered to him by Eunsun. Up on their feet, Yixing and Chen observed the pictures and decorations that were aligned on the walls. Yifan was out in the living room, surveying the bookshelf that was tucked away in a forgotten corner. Sehun, Kai, and Kyungsoo were glued to the nearest front window, pointing and marveling at the view with innocent eyes. Tao was currently blinking at a TV screen, and his reflection mirrored on the blank surface copied that action.

“What’s dis?” he asked quizzically. It couldn’t be a mirror, for it was a big black box with a thick, dark screen and a frame that had buttons on it.

Chanyeol also eyed the TV with an odd expression. “A glass box? A large router? Ooh, maybe a magic mirror!”

Baekhyun had been examining the remote and, without thinking, he suddenly pressed the soft, squishy button out of curiosity.

“AAH!” Tao squealed, and then jumped behind Chanyeol when the TV blared on with color and sound. It was currently displaying a movie.

Chanyeol gasped loudly and pointed at the appliance. “THERE’S PEOPLE TRAPPED INSIDE THE BOX!”

You, Suho, and Eunsun had rushed out of the kitchen at the fire prince’s shout. Eunsun calmly assessed the situation and was quick to explain what was making the boys so flabbergasted.

“Oh, no, boys. That’s a TV, meaning television.” She placed her palm on the flat surface of its boxed frame. “It’s plugged into the outlet because it’s an electrical appliance. It shows you movies, news, commercials, and a lot of other stuff.” She inclined her head at Baekhyun who was holding the remote with fascination and surprise. “The remote controls it.”

“GIVE ME THE REMOTE!” was Chanyeol’s immediate demand. When Baekhyun refused to give up the hand-held device, a wrestle for power ensued between the bickering two. Meanwhile, little Tao was absorbed in watching the movie, mouth agape and eyes entranced. This bright, colorful was love at first sight.

“A ball?” Luhan murmured out loud to himself upon discovering a soccer ball from a nearby storage closet. He thought it was interesting with its hexagonal shapes and black-and-white coloring.

“That’s a soccer ball,” Eunsun clarified as Luhan nudged the ball between his feet experimentally. “You play it with the sport that it’s named after.” The woman pursed her lips thoughtfully, thinking back. “I forgot I had that. I used to play when I was younger...”

Having heard one of his most favorite words (one of them being ‘food’) of all time, Xiumin bounded into the hallway and latched onto Luhan’s arm. His elfish eyes were bright and hyper. “SOCCER?! You have that here? Let’s play, Luhan!” he demanded enthusiastically.

Eunsun waved out her hands frantically before a kick could be initiated. “Wait a minute! Not in the house! You can play outside in the backyard. It’s a bit cramp out there, but it should be fine.”

The two older princes listened to Eunsun amiably, promising not to cause any trouble while playing outside.

“These characters are similar to ours,” Yifan murmured idly as he flipped through some random books and articles. His sharp eyes analyzed every piece of detail in the current book that he was skimming through. “This one has a different set of characters than the others I’ve read through, but the text still looks faintly recognizable...I can almost read it...”

Eunsun raised a brow at the tall young boy who secluded himself in a quaint, quiet corner. “The first few books are in Korean,” she stated as she stepped towards him. “The one you’re holding now is a Chinese dictionary. Is your written language similar?”

Yifan shifted uncomfortably around the human. “Uh, yes, almost.”

Eunsun tapped her cheek musingly. “I have to remember to teach you all Hangul...”

“Why is there a big building in front of the house?” Kyungsoo spoke up, his cute, round eyes probing for an answer.

Eunsun joined the three young princes by the window and chuckled at the question. “That building was built there specifically. It used to be a huge, empty lot, but a few years ago, it got replaced by my bakery. It’s takes less time to get to work from here.”

Kyungsoo’s cherubic face lit up. “Bakery? Can I bake?”

“You like to bake?” Eunsun asked, surprised that such a small, young kid who was also a prince had such an interest.

From where you were leaning against the wall by the window, you smiled softly and gently said, “Kyungsoo loves to bake. He always spends his time making pastries for us and his parents.”

“Yes!” chimed the beaming earth prince in agreement. He turned to Eunsun with a pleading expression. “Please can I bake?”

Eunsun adored the boy already. Now she had someone close who shared the same passion as her! “Of course,” she replied. “I’ll take you there soon. Okay, Kyungsoo?”

“Okay?” Kai repeated, confounded by such an unfamiliar word. Was it Earth slang?

“It basically mean ‘alright,’” the woman explained. She smiled at the boy’s puzzlement and thought the way his features scrunched up was cute.

About ten minutes later, Eunsun had assembled the group that wanted to visit the bakery. The group consisted of you, Suho, Yixing, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Tao, Kyungsoo, Kai, and Sehun. Yifan and Chen decided to join Luhan and Xiumin in their soccer game. (Actually, Yifan’s intention was to see if Xiumin had made a mess yet.)

“Good morning, boss!” greeted the two employees when the door’s bell rang and the bakery’s owner entered with one teenager and eight kids in tow. The store was empty since the morning rush had already ended.

The female employee gasped in recognition at the kids. “The orphans! They’re okay!”

You detected the worry underlined in her exclamation and bowed sincerely at her. “Thank you for nursing us back to health.”

She blinked in mild surprise at your formality, but a relieved look crossed her face. “No problem! I have five younger siblings, so I know how to take care of little kids!”

The male employee shrugged lightly like it was no big deal. “I used to babysit a lot and I volunteered at a daycare before working here, so yeah.” His words were casual, but there was a fond gleam in his eyes as he stared at the boys.

“Daycare?” Baekhyun parroted with unfamiliarity, much like as Kai did.

“Ah, wait!” Eunsun exclaimed, going for a quick save. “I just remembered that I need to talk to the two of you!” She awkwardly ushered her workers to the back of the store while you took the opportunity to speak to the princes secretively.

“My princes,” you cautioned in a hushed voice, “you mustn’t say anything that will give away our identities. We cannot let anyone unprivileged know that we are not from this world. Act casual, and if you don’t know what the humans are talking about, just let it pass.”

“Alright,” they all whispered back in reply. Moments later, Eunsun and her workers reappeared from the back and took their customary positions behind the front counter.

“Waaaaaah! Look at all the pretty food!” Tao sang blithely. He and Chanyeol had their greedy faces planted in front of the glassy display shelves.

“Would you like to try some?” Eunsun asked, feeling joyful at their cheerfulness. It was like the boys had shed their defensive shells to morph into their true forms.

Chanyeol and Tao nodded fervently. “PLEASE!”

While the female employee handed Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Tao, Kai, and Sehun some treats to snack on—with Suho watching over them as they gobbled down their offered pastries messily, cream and crumbs coating their chins—Eunsun led you, Yixing, and Kyungsoo to the back past the metallic double doors that had circular, porthole-like windows.

Back there was a baker’s dream world.

It was a bedazzling sight to behold—a stainless steel kitchen with pristine white walls and a glossy gray floor. There were countless rows of stoves, ovens, sinks, tables, and refrigerators, organized in a fashion that meticulously marked whose territory was whose. Shelved carts were stationed near the doors, bearing freshly-made pastries and different types of cakes. The aroma in here that permeated every square inch was simply mouthwatering.

Kyungsoo felt as if he’d reached enlightenment. “Am I in heaven?!”

Eunsun, pleased by your reactions of her proud bakery, eagerly showed you all around and also explained the basic guidelines of the kitchen. Then the male employee was summoned to teach Yixing and Kyungsoo simple icing and decorating techniques. Seeing how involved the two artistic princes were, you smiled fondly. It was a relief to see them engaged in an appealing activity that effectively took their minds off of home.

Eunsun joined your side where you stood several feet behind the three males engrossed in cake designing, and she put her hands on her hips in a satisfied manner. “Well, what do you think?” she asked. “Not so bad for a human?”

“I see you put a tremendous amount of effort and time into your job,” you praised, totally honest. “Your employees seem to like having you as their boss.”

“Yes, well, all in a day’s of hard work—years, actually.” She glanced over to you. “I had study in school, attend classes, get practice, and gather experience. It took a long time, but I got where I wanted to be—here.”

“I’ve never worked like that in my life,” you admitted, wringing your hands together awkwardly. “I mean—I was technically a student, studying magic and honing it to the best of my abilities, but I had no official job or goal that makes use of my sorcery. I’m a princess.”

The way Eunsun stared at you became more intense and objecting. “But, Aris-ah, if you weren’t such a talented sorceress, you wouldn’t be standing here today, unharmed and alive. You may not have a job or a goal that pertains to what you’ve been studying, but here on Earth, where you now stand, it’s proof of the amount of effort and sacrifices that you had to go through.” She laid a warm hand on top of your cool, fidgeting one. “Besides, I can help you find an occupation or goal in life to study for. There’s a lot more out there than magic and war and being a princess.”

I have a mission, though, you thought glumly, but that glumness was not regretful. As long as war rages on between EXO and Techcron, I am bound to protect and serve the princes. They are my one and only priority, and I will carry on this mission of mine until my very last breath.

But, aloud, all you said was a murmured, “I guess.”

The human squeezed your limp hand reassuringly. Her warmth was welcoming, but it didn’t entirely defrost your gloominess. “Don’t worry, Aris-ah. You’ll build on it—becoming human. Soon, you’ll see what I see.”

You weren’t uplifted by her pep talk, but you nodded in acknowledgement. “Thank you, Eunsun.”

But, on the inside, you contemplated, Could I—we—be truly human with our knowledge of the universe and how we cling so strongly to our pasts? Will we ever fit amongst these humans of Earth, knowing as we live unharmed our people are being harmed? It seems so wrong.

And so, you came up with a conclusion. Although every step of your long-listed plan had already been checked off the moment you stepped on Earth, there would have to be one more step added to the sequence—the last stage, the last task. It had to be done soon, before it was too late.

To become human. To live without worries.


Since it was such an unexpected last-minute idea on your part, you decided that you were going to need someone to be your support and preferably your back-up for your own ease of mind. So, that late afternoon, you took Eunsun aside when she wasn’t busy and explained your plan to her in a hushed, clandestine manner. With each firm, purposeful word that quietly poured out of your mouth, the woman’s expression changed—from subtle confusion to profound astoundment and then outright objection.

No matter how much Eunsun opposed your idea, there were no buts. It had to be done either way.

After a minute of tense contemplation, a grave frown tipped down Eunsun’s lips; she was greatly troubled by your sudden, one-sided proposal. “ just doesn’t sound fair.”

You shook your head grimly. “Nothing is fair,” you said softly, but with a harsh, bitter edge. “It’s not fair that we fled while our people had to fight. It’s not fair that we’re safe while they’re getting hurt.” You paused for a painful moment before whispering in a thick, hoarse voice, “It’s not fair that we were forced from our own homes and families.”

Your speech stupefied Eunsun, reminding her of the obstacles and sacrifices you had to go through that were still fresh, unhealed wounds to your heart and soul. “But Aris-ah,” she pleaded anyway, “if you do this, won’t they lose something precious to them permanently? Is it really the best choice of action?”

Again, your response was a solemn head shake. There was no changing your mind, for you have already weighed the pros and cons with a careful yet deliberate hand. “No, I have to do this,” you persisted. “Besides, the spell isn’t exactly permanent, but it’s definitely affective and long-lasting. And hopefully, this is the last spell I’ll ever need to do.” You stared down at your hands pensively, still unable to believe that these longer, stronger fingers were yours. “I won’t cast the spell on myself,” you said. “One of us needs to remember—to make sure that it wasn’t some nightmare.”

“Not a nightmare,” Eunsun murmured, deciphering your words. “But a reality.”

Your fisted your hands then dropped them to your sides. When you raised your chin, beautiful eyes with a vivid light bore into the older woman beseechingly. “Please, Eunsun,” you begged in a small voice. “Please be my...alternative if anything goes wrong in the future. You at least know our plight if not more than that, and it should be enough. Having you as my substitute and reassurance...if something were to happen to me and I am no longer around, it will ease my heart to know that you will protect and shelter the princes in my steed.”

Unable to refuse you, especially when she was your only source of comfort and support left, Eunsun grasped your hands in her warm ones and squeezed them gently. “Of course, Aris-ah,” she finally agreed. “Anything for you. I just wish it didn’t have to come to this. It’s like stripping someone of their identity.”

A crime. That’s what you were doing. Knowing that made something delicate inside you break. “I know,” you choked out, lips quavering in guilt. “I know it’s terrible of me, but I have to. I have to take away the pieces that make me whole.” Your clenched your eyes shut as your slender frame trembled with warring emotions. “I have to make them disappear—these people who are the only ones that keep me sane anymore.”

“You poor girl,” your would-be mother whispered sympathetically. She instantly gathered you into a tender embrace, patting your back consolingly as she murmured soft words of reassurance against your temple.

Eyes still clamped shut, you rested your cheek against Eunsun’s shoulder. Precious memories from your past reflected behind your eyelids. Seeing these memories you cherished so much made your heart ache awfully, like it might crumple under pressure.

I wonder if my heart can take anymore suffering, you mused forlornly as you were being comforted.


Just by looking at them, you could visibly tell that the princes were well-distracted by human activities.

Tao, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun were completely in love with the TV, their captivated gazes glued to the blaring screen as they spent the day watching dramas and shows. From time to time, their gazes would be momentarily broken from their newfound love when a fight over the ‘magical’ remote was warranted.

Like the sporty boys they were, Luhan and Xiumin had committed themselves to soccer. Having learned the Earth version of the game from Eunsun, they instantly became devout players, practicing their moves and honing their techniques for hours on end and sweating buckets as a result.

It was nearly impossible to tear Kyungsoo and Yixing away from the bakery’s kitchen. The culinary two wanted to learn everything there was to know about baking. They became quick friends and attentive students of the male employee who taught them all kinds of things with zeal.

In their own quiet corner, Yifan and Suho were absorbed in reading, their attention solely focused on whatever book or reading material they could get their hands on. They wanted to become familiar with Earth’s written language quickly and also learn some mannerisms and speech styles if possible. So there they sat, on the couch, studying like studious scholars with their legs curled up to their chests and an opened book in their possession. Other books and articles were littered around their seated forms.

Adjacent from Yifan and Suho in an armchair was Chen. He didn’t mind being excluded from paired up activities since he preferred being on his own; he liked having his own bubble where he could ponder and daydream without disruption. By his armchair was an end table that had a radio sitting on top of it. Eunsun had turned it on and left it on a station that played appealing music. Chen, like the placid soul he was, relaxed and listened to the songs musingly. It was more than often he would skillfully catch a song’s beat and would start humming to it.

Kai and Sehun had become entranced with devices known as video games, which were introduced to them by the male employee. Although the game systems were old, they were still fun to play with. The two youngest princes were situated upstairs in Eunsun’s bedroom where their game system was hooked up to her TV. They were lying on their stomachs on the carpeted floor, their fingers wildly mashing at the controller buttons as they tried to beat each other in a racing game. Whoops of joy and groans of defeat could be heard from even downstairs.

You were envious how the boys could preoccupy themselves without much of a hassle. They were either doing something productive, relaxing, or entertaining, rather than doing something that was emotionally and physically damaging to one’s heart.

When evening rolled around, Kyungsoo and Yixing returned from the bakery and enthusiastically presented the treats they’d learned to make. Their treats looked and smelled amazing, as if they were made by a professional. Famished, the princes devoured the delicious pastries, the wonderful taste of fruit, cream, and sugar overriding their taste buds.

“Hmm, these treats are so good,” Baekhyun sang blissfully.

“You boys shouldn’t be eating so many snacks before dinner,” Eunsun chastised lightly as she cooked dinner. “You’ll spoil your appetites.”

“It’s fine,” you reassured her with a small smile. “They have huge appetites.”

“I hear they call sweets ‘candy’ here,” Kai spoke up, blinking with peculiarity. “What an odd word.”

“But these are cakes and bread,” Kyungsoo piped up, pointing at the freshly-baked goodies that were dwindling fast.

Chanyeol waved his hand dismissively. “Who cares? I’ll eat all the goodies!” He beamed broadly.

The princes laughed at their silliest brother. You mustered a warm chuckle, but it didn’t sound wholesome. Eunsun’s observant gaze flitted over to you worriedly, but she didn’t call you out for your halfhearted behavior. Instead she acted like a professional actress, chiding and fussing over the twelve boys. Soon, dinner was served, but you hardly ate anything and then excused yourself from the table when you felt inclined to.

“I just need to check my bags,” you told Suho when he inquired why you were leaving their midst so early in the evening. He accepted that excuse, and you patted some of the princes’ shoulders as you passed by them. “I’ll be upstairs.”

Like you had claimed, you rushed up the narrow staircase and slipped into the room you shared with the princes. After you mindfully locked the door, a tired sigh spilled from your lips. You crossed over to one of the twin-sized beds, sat down on it, and then pulled your traveling bags onto your lap. Gently, you took out the two mythical eggs that contained little beasts within them and placed them on the soft mattress of the bed. The shells were unharmed and still warm, so you deduced that the babies were alive and healthy. Next from your bags, you produced the jewelry box Queen Ming had given to you.

The polished box gave you mixed feelings. Tucked away in its locked confinements were twelve precious, rare badges; they were symbols that belonged only to a certain set of individuals.

Your fiancés.

“They were supposed to receive these when Sehun—the youngest—became thirteen,” you murmured to yourself forlornly. “But I guess that won’t happen now.” You caressed the smooth sides of the box before unlocking the latch and lifting up the top. A plush navy material had been stitched inside the box, artfully creating a bed for the beautifully-crafted emblems of shiny silver. They glinted with a refined finesse under the light, displaying their inherent regality with a sleek glare.

The glint that glared off the shiny badges reflected in your dark, stoic eyes.

“Guess I’ll use these,” you whispered, and the muscles in your body deflated at that decision, your shoulders dampened with the burden of a remorseful spirit.


Later on, the two bathrooms that were available in the house (excluding Eunsun’s master bathroom), were flooded with a small sea of bustling bodies. Queen Ming’s sons occupied one bathroom while Queen Kyungsoon’s took the other. It was a tight fit with six boys shoved in a cramp and confined area that obviously lacked elbow room. Having already cleaned up, you were currently leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom located downstairs filled with Queen Kyungsoon’s sons, watching after them in fond amusement. In the upstairs bathroom, you could hear Xiumin’s dumbfounded question regarding the beneficial usage of a toothpaste and Chen’s mumbled response of “Just—use—it,” between his brushing.

Chanyeol beamed into the mirror, flashing his trademark pearly whites, and winked approvingly at his squeaky clean appearance. “I love brushing my teeth!”

Suho examined a toothpaste tube oddly. “I am confused towards these labels that say ‘super whitening’ and ‘cavity prevention.’ Do the humans of Earth really have a bad sense of hygiene?”

“AAAH! SEHUNNIE HAS RABIES!” screamed Kai and Kyungsoo when Sehun pretended to stalk after them like a predator with a frothy beard of foam accumulating from his mouth. Chanyeol and Baekhyun shared snickers while Suho grabbed a wet towel to rub of his baby brother’s ‘rabies.’

Since it was nearing nine-thirty, you herded the boys for bed, and they didn’t complain being that they were completely exhausted from experiencing what it was like to be a human for a day. Like the night before, all of you congregated into a single room with the two twin-sized beds pushed together to form a bigger bed. Blankets and pillows were also spread out on the floor. You all cushioned yourselves on top of each other, creating a squished, tangled mass of limbs.

All was silent, but no one was asleep.

Tao fiddled with a pillow. “Will we actually live here like this every day?” he asked plaintively.

Yifan patted his younger brother’s head. “I don’t know, Tao, but most likely. The woman seems to have taken a liking for us.”

You sighed resignedly when you detected Yifan’s stubborn mindset through his offhanded tone. Even though Eunsun was kind and caring, the flight prince hadn’t warmed up to her despite the fact that he’d agreed to be housed by the human lady.

“Eunsun informed me about the adoption papers,” you spoke up tonelessly. “Soon, we’ll be officially under her wing. She says that our ‘surnames’ will become ‘Kim’ and that she’ll try to enroll us in school.”

“Surnames? School?” Baekhyun repeated, sounding vexed. “That’s...a lot of things to handle.”

“We’ll get through it,” Suho assured gently.

“Wait a second,” Yixing blurted out abruptly, then turned over on his side to shoot a quizzical look at you. “If Kim Eunsun is adopting all of us as her children...then does that mean you’re becoming our sister?”

Your face was suddenly guarded, closed off to prevent any reaction-invoking expressions. Consequently, that had an even bigger effect than any other expression. Twelve pairs of eyes widened at the obvious answer, and everyone shot up from where they lay.

Your whispered “yes” barely left your lips before a raucous onslaught of objection and protests were thrown at you.




“Shhh!” you warned, a finger to your lips. All the princes stopped yelling at the top of their lungs and jostling the bed, but they all continued to accuse you with fierce, opposing glares.

“You can’t be our sister!” Yifan hissed out vehemently, his sharp eyes narrowed with venomous disapproval.

“Yifan, you don’t—”

“It’s wrong! We’re not blood-related!” Xiumin inserted heatedly.

“If you would let me—”

“I cannot be your brother when I am your fiancé,” Luhan griped, his hands clenched and vibrating with outrage.

“STOP IT!” you finally screamed in defiance. Your sudden fit of rage stunned the princes speechless. Harsh breaths escaped your parted mouth as you tried to calm yourself. You forced your tone to be temperate as you said, “Princes, I know we’re not related and I know we’re actually engaged, but here on Earth, those aspects have been revoked.” Simultaneously, they opened their mouths to protest, but you silenced them with a hand. Now your tone was stern as it was pleading. “Also, you need to consider the fact that I am now older than all of you, and despite how safe we are as of the moment, I am still bound to a mission, which is making sure that the twelve of you live. Don’t you see? The marriage has only been...set aside. And if I ever got adopted by someone else, how will we know that I won’t be there all the time? Would you rather have us separated?”

Logic alleviated them from their tantrum, but they were still frustrated and fervently opposed. But only now they had more to reconsider, especially from your point of view.

“No,” Kai eventually grounded out, each word biting and clear. “I don’t want to be separated.”

“But what about your real brothers?” Suho asked, the question eliciting a grimace from you. “What would they feel if they found out about this?”

“That is uncertain for,” you replied neutrally. “Besides, the adoption only labels us as siblings on paper, but we all know the truth. As long as we have that, then...”

You trailed off weakly, but the princes understood what you meant. Our love isn’t one of family but one of true love.

Chanyeol grabbed at his curly hair and shook his head until it looked like it might topple off his neck. “I can’t stand it,” he muttered in panic. “I can’t stand it.”

“We have no other choice,” Yixing whispered delicately, although his own conclusion ate at his heart. “If she’s our sister, then she’ll be able to be close to us without a problem.”

Sehun scooted over closer to you so he could cling to your arm. “I want you to thay wit uth,” he sniffled, his lisp pronounced since he was upset. Just thinking about you not being physically there anymore frightened the little prince to the core.

Xiumin and Yifan exchanged tense looks before the latter exhaled a low sigh. “Fine,” he groaned in defeat. “Then so be it. Here on Earth, we’re siblings.” He pinned you with a smoldering look. “But remember this, Aris: anywhere else and to anyone else, you’re ours.”

A bleak smile from you was your response. “I have no objection to that.”

It was unsaid that the argument caused all of you to be wary and apprehensive, but about half an hour later, you all began to drop out like lights. Baekhyun kept yelping in his sleep, and Chanyeol would sniffle like a dog. Tao and Kyungsoo whimpered as the existence of nightmares made their reappearance. Kai refused to budge from your side, but it didn’t matter since he was a deep sleeper. Chen tossed and turned restlessly. Sehun hogged all the blankets. The only normal quiet sleepers were Suho and Xiumin.

The last four still awake were you, Luhan, Yixing, and Yifan.

Unfortunately, you were wide awake. Worrisome thoughts were to blame; they raced around in your mind like speeding cars with full fuel tanks. Not far from where you lay, you could see Yixing’s skinny back while he stared vacantly out the window. On your right was Yifan, who had one arm draped protectively around Tao whose head was pillowed on his chest. Next to Yifan was Luhan. The telekinesis prince wordlessly comforted Sehun in his nightmarish sleep as he gently his little brother’s messy bangs away from his slack face.

The four of you knew the other was awake, but none of you dared to break the silence, especially after settling such a heated altercation. You blankly stared up at the ceiling, lidded eyes tracing the edges of shadows while Yifan stole glances at you, entranced by your still form and beautiful profile enhanced by the moonlight. After closing his eyes, Luhan’s breathing evened out into a rhythmic tempo. Meanwhile, Yixing had barely moved at all, until he finally flopped onto his back and glanced over to you with a gentle, wistful expression.

“Aris?” he whispered.

You blinked at him. “Yes, Yixing?”

“I know it’s your mission to protect us, but...” He hesitated. “But even if it wasn’t, would you still have...fled with us without a single regret?”

Picking up on his inner torment, you softened. “Of course, and don’t think any different.”

In the dim moonlight, Yixing’s dimpled smile was faint but unmistakable. “I knew you would.” Then a minute later, his eyes drifted closed, and he fell sleep, more assured.

Luhan and Yifan had heard everything.

“You really do love us,” Luhan murmured without opening his eyes.

“Love is a powerful thing,” you murmured back. “I love you all unconditionally.”

“Don’t I know it?” Luhan chuckled lightly before falling silent.

At last, it was just you and Yifan.

There were no words, no movements from your fiancé. He just laid there beside you, his body relaxed as he stared at your angelic face mere centimeters from his. He marveled over its delicate contours and soft features. So natural, so beautiful. So young, so timeless. So captivating, so unremembered.

It could’ve been only you—the person he fell in love with.

Making sure not to disturb the others, you carefully reached up to brush your fingertips under his weary but intense eyes. He enjoyed the cool touch that sparked every one of his nerves.

“Go to sleep, Yifan,” you gently urged him and graced him with that sweet, loving smile. The very sight of it aimed at only him released a swarm of butterflies in his stomach and had his heart leaping out of his chest.

Aris...” Your name escaped his lips as oblivion lured him into the darkness. Your angelic face disappeared from his sight.

As your beloved treasures slumbered unsuspectingly into the night, you counted it as a selfish wish as you soundly stayed there amongst them, soaking in the beautiful purity of their presences and ingraining it deeply into your soul. You enjoyed this moment to the highest possible degree without breaking it—at least, not yet you didn’t. You marveled over their slack, innocent faces, listened intently to their soft, musical breathing, and relished the knowledge that these boys were truly and explicitly in love with you. And so, finally...

It was time.

In one expert try, you raised your hand and casted a heavy sleeping spell on the princes to ensure that they were deeply submerged in oblivion. When you slowly sat up, no one budged or jolted at your movement. Convinced that no one would wake, you gingerly slipped out of the bed, detaching yourself regrettably from their warm bodies. With a nurturing smile, you went around fussing over them—tucking them in, brushing aside their bangs, and giving each of them a lingering kiss on the forehead. It was as if they knew about the kiss, faint, dreamy smiles lacing their lips. You chuckled in amusement, but the sweet giddiness disappeared quickly.

Oh, how you savored the movement.

You crossed over to your bags dumped against the far wall and took out the jewelry case that was mindfully hidden in one of them. Then you knelt on the floor beside the makeshift bed, the fancy case settled in front of your bent knees.

This is for the best, you firmly reminded yourself in order to iron out your wavering resolve.

Inhaling a deep, gusty breath, your rattled nerves and racing mind calmed, but your heart was still unsettled. Even so, you ignored the aching heaviness in your chest and opened the jewelry case so that the badges were visible to you, their silver complexions and unblemished. Brought up to the forefront of your mind, you envisioned that one particular page in your grandmother’s spellbook. In an instant, you began concentrating.

The incantation was like music when spoken in your soft, melodious voice. At night, it could’ve been a lullaby. You extended your hands out before you towards the helpless, unconscious princes.

One by one, a sliver—a mere thread, really—materialized in the dimness and removed themselves gently from their owner’s foreheads, glowing a mystical white as they idled midair like fireflies. You beckoned with curled fingers, and the floating threads fluttered daintily over to you. The twelve shining slivers gathered into a swirling circle between your cupped hands; it was as if you were carefully holding something so delicate, so dear to you in your hands that you were afraid it might break at the slightest application of pressure.

After all, these memories were pricelessly precious.

You murmured more words, soft and smooth, as you lowered your cupped hands down to the jewelry case placed before your knees. Each one of the suspended thread of captured memories floated languidly into a designated badge. Those glowing slivers absorbed themselves into the emblems to rest, vanishing from existence.

Done, you silently closed and locked the box, but on the very top of it, with your index finger, you traced a seal on it for further protection. The magical seal shimmered a myriad of colors before ebbing away into nothing.

“There,” you whispered, voice almost cracking in agonizing grief. “I made the nightmares go away.” Your throat was clogged up with constricting emotions, your eyes watering up at the same time. “No more running. No more monsters. No more heartaches, my beloved princes.”

You nearly broke down sobbing.

“No, I mean, my brothers.”

Those words had to be gasped out through stifling whimpers and oncoming tears. But it had been a stern shove of determination on your part, to devote yourself to bear the burden wrought by your own selfish decision.

Love is really a powerful force, you mused bitterly, feeling your chest being ruthlessly punctured with the white hot stabs of a heartache. All of your hurt and anguish and grief gushed through the gaping wound as blood. makes you do crazy things, even nonsense like giving up your love. But, to me, my love for all of you is the very meaning of absolute.

You reluctantly stepped out of the abnormally quiet room with dragging footsteps. You were still weeping in plain sight without bothering to cover it up. Gathered in your arms was anything related to EXO or SHINee—bags full of clothing and trinkets. These items could not be in any of their possessions if they were ‘human.’ 

Unable to help it, you slumped against the bedroom door and weakly slid down onto the floor as your legs finally gave out.


Eunsun ran over to you in alarmed concern, taking in the dreadful, heartbreaking sight of you miserably sobbing with tears streaking rapidly down your pale face. She steadfastly gripped your shoulders, urging you to lift your bowed head. “Did you...did you do the spell?”

Not sure that you could speak coherently, you could only nod feebly in mute response.

“Oh, you brave girl,” she said before hugging you tight, letting you cry on her unstaggering shoulder.

“’ll t-take three da-a-ays f-for their minds adjust without th-their stolen m-m-memories,” you stammered through unstable, hitched breaths. “A-a-along with the...the sl-sleeping spell.”

That meant three days of waiting.

Three days to mourn.

Three days to shed your tears.

And hopefully, you would shed no more in the end.

Goodbye, my fiancés. I love you.





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UTCOU, NLUTCOU: My last assured repost of my winter break. Here's Chapter 39!


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Chapter 47: Missing this story :( this my 5th time to re-read this story :( are you still there authornim? Hope you are doing fine..
Chapter 47: authorniiimmmmmm :(
Sooyong #3
Chapter 8: I miss this (╥_╥)
will this ever be updated??
Chapter 47: Left me hanging. Hope u updste soon. This is a binge read
Chapter 47: Authornim you have to update this! Don't leave me hanging!
Chapter 47: Authornim you have to update this! Don't leave me hanging!
ShinSeulAh #8
Chapter 47: omg i need u to update this pls
ShinSeulAh #9
Chapter 47: omg i need u to update this pls
FanaticFangirl #10
Chapter 47: Please don't let her die!!!