Black Moon

Then & Now

"What are you looking for?" Ji Eun asked as she enter her and Yongguk's bedroom chamber with him looking everywhere for the letters he had stashed away yesterday night, "Are you looking for the letters from last night?" He stopped searching as he turned around to look at her with anger in his eyes.

"Where are they?" He tried to sound as calm as he can.

"I burned them away," she replied without hesitating.

"You did what?" He began to walk towards her, "You burned my letters away?" He clenched his fist tightly with her a few inches away from him.

"I want you to remember I am your wife now," she slowly inhale in the air a bit afraid now, "I should be the only women in your life now, what I did was for the best..." she didn't take her eyes away from Yongguk's.

"Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what I can and can't have?" he began to breath heavier now, "Who the hell do you think you are, to enter my life and throw away my belongings!!!" he yelled out loud now, "Who the hell do you think you are to burn away my letters!!!" he raised his right hand ready to slap Ji Eun across the face right when he swung his hand he stopped a few cm's away from her face as her eyes shut closed, "No," he pulled away, "you're not even worth my hands..." he brushed past her and out of their chamber.

"What's with all the commotion?" Madam Bang rushed towards Yongguk who was standing in the cold without his extra layer of coat to keep warm, "why aren't you dressed properly for this kind of weather? Yongguk-ah, answer me."

"I want to be alone...please just leave me alone..." his deep voice mellow as he began to walk towards the front gate of their residence then leaving.

"Are you feeling much better now?" Himchan asked Nicole who had gotten her natural bright skin color back.

"Yee," she smiled as she poured him a cup of hot Jasmine tea.

"That's good, oh did the doctor say anything about your health though?" he questioned her once again.

"Ani," she placed the cattle beside her as she watched her husband gulp down the tea.

"Can I ask you something?" he put down his cup now looking at her.

"What is it?"

"Do you hate me for what I've done?"

"Why would I?" She gave him a reassuring smile, "We can always have more kids..." she lowered her head as she felt her eyes becoming overwhelm with tears. She thought of the baby that had left the world way too early, she thought about her sister in law and niece, how Daehyun had felt not being able to hold your very own child.

"I'm very sorry..." she now felt his arms wrapping around her, "I'm really sorry."

Yongguk got to the top of the hill and stared out towards the river. He sat under the willow tree that lost all of its leafs. He closed his eyes and listen as the cold winter wind whispered into his ears. The thing that held him back from hitting Ji Eun was Nicole and what she had to go through. Ji Eun wasn't a bad person he knew this well. He understood her intention but she had no right to go through his stuff.

"I thought you'll be up here..." he heard a little girls voice as he turned his head to the left and saw him and Nicole when they were younger. Was he dreaming he thought to himself. The little girl was looking straight at him.

"Me?" Yongguk's nervous low voiced questioned the little Nicole.

"Why do you look so sad?" she questioned him.


"Go away..." he heard a little boys voice as he then realized the little him was sitting beside him, was it a dream or was he remembering this?

"Ani," little Nicole sat right down beside the little him, "I refuse to leave if you don't tell me why..." she pouted her little lips as she crossed her arms with her hanbok dressed all dirty.

"Why did you tell Ji Eun to be my wife today when we played house today?" He finally let out the thing that was bothering him, "she isn't the girl I want as my bride."

"You wanted to marry me instead?" her little voice was high yet soft, "I don't know how to cook, clean or how to dress prettily like Ji wouldn't want me as your wife..."

"Aniyo, Aniyo!" he protested, "I mean..." he quickly turned away from her, "aigoooo..."

"Yongguk-ahhh..." she smiled, "Yonggukie..."

He slowly opened his eyes, he realized he had fallen asleep under the willow tree. He knew he had been dreaming. His whole body now felt the coldness wrapping itself around him. How long had he been asleep, going back in time in his dream made him wished he could go back in reality. The snow started to slowly fall, he stood up as he stared out towards the river one last time before heading home.  He turned back to look at the willow tree that stood there alone staring out towards the river so lonely, was he like that? Alone though he was surrounded by everyone...

Nicole stood outside watching clouds moving on by. The moon was hidden away by the dark cloud, the once bright moon had became darken.

"Black moon," she whispered to herself, "please care for him, please shelter him with comfort..."

Nicole slowly opened her eyes from her sleep. Himchan was beside her as she slowly sat up. Inside there was only darkness, the sun had yet not risen. Winter was already long gone, spring was already blooming. The months had passed on by fast, she put her hand on her stomach, she was 2 month pregnant now. Moving on with her life was the best way yet losing her first child and Yongguk back then still cut her like a knife. She felt her morning sickness coming, as she stood up and made her way towards the bathhouse. Before she could get to the bucket in time she felt it coming up as she covered with the sleeve of her white robe.

"Nicole!" Yongguk quickly stood up from his mattress with sweats drenched all over him, in the darkness he stared blankly. He then turned his head to the right and say Ji Eun still fast asleep. He placed both of his hands over his head, "Why?" he asked himself quietly, "I was doing fine after all these months, you chose to come visit me tonight? I tried to remove and forget some parts of you, but in honesty I couldn’t forget you." He covered his face now with both of his hands as he felt the tears slowly seeping down his cheeks."

Nicole stared at her once white sleeves that was now covered in blood. She now felt her stomach turning as if a knife was stabbing her. She then realized, the baby inside of her was now dead. She felt the same feeling she did when she first had her first miscarriage but this time the pain felt excruciating as she fell onto the bathhouse floor covering her own mouth so she wouldn't make any sound. She was in pain and she knew this well...the dead fetus did not come out that's what made it even worse. There was no blood only the blood she had coughed out. Sweats ran down her body, she felt her body heating up as the tears ran down her face.

"You're living well..." Yongguk lied back down beside Ji Eun, "I shouldn't worry about you anymore..." he then closed his eyes.

Nicole felt the tears stream down her face, her heart began to beat slower and slower. She felt her body shutting, her eyes closing and her hands that covered dropped to her side. She could no longer take in the pain that stabbed at her. Blackness became visible.

Himchan awoken, as he sat up on his cotton mattress. Nicole was gone as he then quickly stood up. He rushed outside as he watched the maids and servants rushing getting the chores done. In a far distant he saw his mother and father comforting one another. He made his way towards them. When he approached them he saw his mother in tears.

"Umma," Himchan became nervous yet worried, "what's going on?"

"Himchan..." she looked up at him...then out towards their gate doors as Himchan slowly turned his head to look out, there he saw Nicole with her belongings with her back towards him, she kept on walking away.

"Nicole!!" He yelled out, "Nicole!!" but she did not turn around, she just kept on walking, "NICOLE!"

"NICOLE!" Himchan quickly sat up from his mattress with sweat drenching all over his body, "It was just a dream...just a dream." He then turned to his left side to find Nicole gone, "Where did she go?" He thought as he calmly got out of his bed and walked outside. 

He felt the cold spring wind brushing past him, the servants weren't up yet and the sky was still a bit dark.  He saw the bathhouse door open, she must be in there he thought to himself as he quickly made his way over.  When he opened the door he saw no one, he opened it a bit wider and then there on the floor was Nicole.

"Nicole!" He yelled in horror as he raced towards her clinging onto her weak body tightly against his to give her warmth, "HELP!! I NEED HELP!!" He yelled trying to get the servants attention.

"What it is it!?" Siwan quickly came first as he stared at Himchan and Nicole shocked, "M-master w-what has happened to madam???" His stutter shocked as Himchan tears became visible holding tightly onto her.

"Go...go get the towns doctor..." he could no longer yell only cry, "h...hurry!!" he tried to sound as loud as he could now but his voice falter as he rocked her body in his arms, "H-HURRY!!" he cried as Siwan quickly left.

"What's going on at such an early...." Madam Kim and Sir Kim stood at the bathhouse entrance as they saw Himchan with Nicole in his arms, "Oh...oh no..." she shook her head in disbelief to what she saw, "" she stumbled towards Himchan and Nicole as Sir Kim covered his mouth with tears down his face pulling back his wife giving Himchan space with Nicole, "She's okay right??!! Tell me she's okay!!!" She cried as she slump down hugging onto her husbands legs with tears in her eyes.

The towns doctor came out of Nicole's and Himchan's bedroom chamber as the Kim stood outside in the early morning. All of their heads shot up towards the sliding doors. The towns doctor along with two of his nurses stood in front of them.


"Did she not say anything to you guys?" He asked them.

"Aniyo..." Himchan replied, "Is she okay doctor?" He grabbed onto the side of his arms, "Tell me she's awake...

"She was not suppose to have another child..."


"You're not allowed to have another kid," the towns doctor informed Nicole who sat still, "your body...your body is way to weak now...the damage of your first miscarriage caused this...I'm really sorry." He bowed deeply in regret.

"Ani.." her eyes became filled with tears at the tip, she did not look at him straight in the eyes she stared at the floor of her chamber, "it must be a mistake..." she stated.

"I'm really sorry madam Kim..." he repeated.

"This is between you and I only," she looked up now as the tears stream down her face, "please don't tell anyone else..." she tried to smile, "I'll tell the family myself."

"Yee," he replied, "but please, please listen to me.  You cannot and I repeat cannot try to conceived another child."

------------------------------------------------------------End of Flashback------------------------------------------------------------

But she never told Himchan about what the towns doctor had said to her. Loosing her first child was hard enough, but to hear she was unable to have another child gave her much bitter feelings. She was already pregnant, everything was fine. Her first child was only 1 month old in her stomach this one already made it to 2 months that was what she had constantly told herself.

Himchan pulled his grip away as he took two step back. He didn't understand why she hadn't told him...he now felt guilt knocking him down, if he hadn't hit her then she would've never had her miscarriage, then she and him would've been able to have more kids. But because of his mistake she was the one who had to pay the price.

"Is she okay?" He kneel in front of the towns doctor with his head low. Madam Kim buried her face into her husband chest as he her hair looking up towards the heavens, "As long as my wife is okay I don't care about anything else."

"Where's my Yong Joo?" Madam Jung quickly made her way towards the Kim who was still grieving, "Is she okay?" her eyes were red and watery since the news had gotten to her, Sir Jung and Daehyun came behind her.

"I'm really sorry," the towns doctor finally announced, "there was nothing I can guys should plan for a burial...I'm really sorry." He closed his eyes for a short second as the tears ran down his face, "I'm really sorry."

Himchan slowly stood up shock, as Madam Jung and Kim both cling onto their husbands for comfort crying as the two Sir comforted their wife's with care as the tears ran down their faces. Daehyun stood shock at the news that slowly took a hold of him. His feet slowly moved forward towards Himchan as he clenched his fist tightly.

" could you let this happen!!!" Daehyun grabbed Himchan by the shoulders turning him to face him, "How could you let this happen!!? You were her husband!! You were her husband..." he pushed Himchan away angrily with tears running down his face as he stumble onto the ground hiding his head with his arms, "You were suppose to protect her!!"

Yongguk walked out of his bedroom chamber and took in the fresh air, he looked up at the sky as the grey clouds made it's way in. Weird, he thought to himself, the clouds were coming back? He felt light rain hitting his face, as his eyes wander towards the sky.

"Why has the sky suddenly decided to cry today?" Yongguk thought to himself.

"Her body has turned cold already...the funeral will be today.." Madam Jung informed the Kim's, "though she has married into your family...I am still her mother and I would like to hold her funeral today..." She wiped away her tears..."I no longer want her to suffer..."

"We'll prepare everything..." Sir Kim answered

Nicole's body was cleansed as they changed her outfit into the finest silk hanbok. After everyone was in their white burial clothing they each took turn talking to her lifeless corpse. Sir Kim and Madam Kim enter first saying their last words to her then after that Sir Jung and Madam Jung followed.

Daehyun enter his sister and brother in laws chamber with tears in his eyes as he sat down beside her who looked as if she was just sleeping.

"'s me...your oppa...your oppa who couldn't protect you," his lips quiver as the tears uncontrollably fell down his face, "I hope in your next life you're able to smile and not shed anymore tears...did you know that Yongguk-hyun always loved you from the very first time that he saw you? Did you know it wasn't his decision whether who got to marry Ji Eun or can hate me forever if you want but it was I who told Ji Eun to pretend to had slept with him...that was the only way for him to move on from was selfish of me but I could no longer let him drink you out of his mind for the rest of his life...even now it's only you he loves...imagine how he's going to feel that you're gone now...babo-ah so wake up..."

"Daehyun-ah..." Sir Jung enter the chamber, "may I have a few words with your sister before she goes..."

"I want to look at her once more before I go..." he didn't turn to face his father as he examined Nicole's face one last time..."I love you..." he then stood up as he walked past his father and out the doors.

Sir Jung sat beside his daughters side. As he felt his tears falling down slowly one by one. He held onto her left hand, it was cold and then he knew it was real and was not a dream. His little girl had left him behind first. Though him and his wife had already said their farewell there was something he had not said and wanted her to know.

"My Yong Joo..." his breathing became heavy and constant trying to fight his tears, "my Yong Joo..." he inhale then exhale rapidly, "your appa is right beside you now, don't be scared...don't feel lonely anymore..." his lips quiver as held tightly onto her hands now, "it's all appa's's all my fault...I blame myself every night and everyday and now I will for the rest of my life...the Bang's bankruptcy was cause by me...I caused them to go bankrupt for a short period of time..." he wiped the tears that wouldn't stop falling away, "I had to choose between your fate and theirs, I choose to save theirs, I'm so sorry...because it was you my Yong Joo who had always been so strong I thought you'll be okay with this life but I soon realized your happiness was just a mere imitation...pretending to be okay with it all...Sir Kim had said if I did not give you to his son...then he'll strip Sir Bang of his title and wealth...because I knew there was no other way because I couldn't bare to see my friend suffer such cause I decided that I'll give you to the Kim's, the only way was to make the Bang go bankruptcy so that Sir Bang would hold back the date Yongguk would come and ask for your hands, that is why the day Himchan came and asked for your hand I let you go and the Bang's were told there was a mistake and that they were able to maintain all their old belongings...I'm sorry...I'm really sorry, please forgive me...just know the man that you did marry was rather kind..."

Sir Jung step outside as Himchan who had been waiting patiently for his turn finally enter the bedroom chamber. He stared at her who looked so peacefully at last. He slowly approached her as he then sat beside her. He reached over towards one of Nicole's jewelry box opening it. He took out the jaded hairpin he knew Yongguk had given to her. He closed the box as he grabbed her hand and placed it into the palm of left hand.

"Because I know it's him who you wished had stayed by your who was unworthy of love send you away with regrets of not being able to fully comfort you like him...take his love with you as you take mines too, though your heart has no room for me..." his words stabbed his own hearts because he was sending his wife away knowing she had loved another man, the tears ran down his face, "I'll spend the rest of my days alone...but the time you were beside me and living under the same roof with me was enough...because at least I can say I was fortunate to had married the women that I fell in love another life I hope you can love me the way you loved another life I hope it's me you meet another life I hope you no longer cry but only another life you'll be I don't only send you away but our child too...please forgive me for not being able to care for you nor both of our child...please do not worry about me...please don't be sadden that you did not love me enough, your comfort was enough already...I never got the chance to thank you...and that I did truly truly love you...go on and be happier now...take my love with you even if you do not wish to, take my heart with you even if you do not wish to, because it's only with you that I want to have my love and my heart." He pulled away as he heard the sliding doors opening.

"It's time..." Siwan enter, "I'm sorry Sir."

"Goodbye..." Himchan whispered as he closed his teary eyes and his whole body started to shake as he then bowed before Nicole, "goodbye my love."

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Chapter 15: Gosh I was crying the whole time when I was already at chapter 6. My tears didn't stop until the end. Good iob author nim. I'm glad they got together in the future life.. Aiish this reminds me so much of Rooftop Prince only better since my bias plays the lead. This should be really turned into a drama. Congraaats. Daebaaack
Chapter 15: this story i really don't know what to say but ... make me cry & cry & cry once again till the end yet at the end of end make me Happy *o*
The first story ever that I've upvoted...please keep writing great stories...:)
Chapter 14: I can't remember the last time I cried reading a fanfic....reading this story brought tears on my's really sad n heartbreaking..
Chapter 15: 90% of this story is sooooooo heartbreaking..... all the characters going through so much in the past
Chapter 15: daebak~ one of the best fanfic i've ever read.. ship this couple.. i smile, cry, worried and laugh.. good job chingu!!
alice7 #7
Thank you for the wonderful story . I finally managed to read it. And then I reread everything again. This story is that good !!

So happy that Yongguk and Nicole finally got their happy ending together although I was feeling nervous for them during the part with Jieun.

Thank you so much again and I look forward to your future stories as I always do !! :D
Chapter 15: really love BangCole!!i hope u continue write more story about them!!u are the awesome author..^^
tbnklove #9
Chapter 15: Wow.You scared me for a bit there. I thought they woudn't be together even in the present life. Glad to know that they got married and has a child. Nicole...She always put everyone before her. She never cares about her health but others happiness. Glad that she got her happy ending in the present life.

Thank you for writing this great story. This is a really great story and I really enjoyed it. Thank you so much! :D
end already?? T_T...but i like the ending..they finally so happy!!u write such a great fanfic..i like its so much..!!
hope u continue write more fanfic about BangCole~ ^^