Chapter 7

Thin Line Between Love and Hate

"Would you stop it? I'm too tired to do this." Jaejoong whined, a cute pout decorating his cherry lips.

Yunho chuckled. "If you don't stop pouting, I swear I'll eat you alive."

"You've been eating me the whole morning pabo." Jaejoong drawled.

"Don't tell me you're already tired this early?" Yunho tutted. "You're being overly dramatic again."

Jaejoong's pout deepened. "Am not!"

"And I don't quite recall you complaining about me eating you earlier."

Jaejoong flushed, gaze snapping to another direction. "I'll just pretend I didn't hear you say that."

Yunho simply laughed.

Jaejoong sighed like he was about to give in, but still very much didn't want to. ""Is this gonna take long?"

"It's not gonna end that fast Jaejoongie. I told you I intend to do this with you the whole day. So deal with it."

"The whole day?" Jaejoong gasped dramatically, arms flailing. "Oh why did I ever agree to do this with you!"

"Stop acting like this is your first time."

"It isn't. But most times people just do it to me from the back or the side. But not in this angle. Your face is distracting."

Yunho smirked. "Look at me all you want. Besides, what good is it for me if I can't see your face while we're doing this?"

"You said this is going to be fun and pleasurable." Jaejoong muttered, scowling.

"It is. But you're being difficult so you can't enjoy it like I do."

Jaejoong huffed out a breath. "This isn't giving me pleasure in the least bit Yunho-yah. You're a pain in the !"

"Well, it's your that's in pain not mine." Yunho replied with an eyeroll. "Just let me do this right and you won't get hurt."

"I'm already in pain." Jaejoong groaned low in his throat. "You're really not going to quit do you?"


Shoulders drooping, Jaejoong mustered up his cutest pout up to date. "Yunho, I don't like being in front of the camera."

"Yah! What did I tell you about that pout?"

Jaejoong stuck his tongue out at him.

Yunho's right hand, the one he was using to hold the camera tightly dropped to his side. He let out a sigh and shrugged.

Ever since he began doing the documentary at breakfast, Jaejoong had been wearing the sour lemon look. He didn't like being in front of the camera, that much Yunho could tell. And he empathized with that. But he had to admit, recording Jaejoong, seeing the open expressions that he was showing on his footages, the way he pouted, scrunched up his eyebrows in a frown, even the occasional glare, he wanted to document every little thing about him, watch it over and over again, remember every detail, burn it to his memory.

To be honest, he was documenting Jaejoong for self-satisfaction alone. Not because of some stupid project.

The mere thought that he was gonna have to give these tapes to Shim Changmin by Monday for editing, so the student body could watch the small mini movie on Tuesday about their beloved Student President, was already making his blood boil. He could just repeat the year for all he cared. He didn't want to give anyone the liberty of seeing Jaejoong like this. No one.

But then just imagining Auntie and Uncle Park's faces once they find out about him flunking stirred guilt in his chest.

And so he knew that he was left with no choice. Yet still, how could he seriously resist Jaejoong's pout?

Yunho turned the camera off and placed it on the nightstand. "Okay fine." he finally agreed as he held Jaejoong's hand and entwined their fingers. Jaejoong couldn't help but widely grin in victory. "No cameras while you're getting dressed because you asked nicely."

"Yay!" Jaejoong exclaimed, literally glomping him before he proceeded to change his clothes.




When they arrived downstairs and the maids who were cleaning the furniture paused in their worked to greet them, Jaejoong tried to yank his hand away from Yunho's grip. But Yunho's hold on him was tight. Jaejoong pouted. With a sigh, Yunho let him go.

He was gonna try to be a bit more understanding, that's what Yunho had decided. He didn't want to suffocate Jaejoong. And he didn't want to jinx anything. He's noticed that Jaejoong was already very tolerant of his advances whenever it's just the two of them. But whenever they were with others, the other man always without fail stiffen. Yunho sighed. He'll give him his needed time to adjust.

After all, he could be patient if he wanted to.

Besides, the reason he wanted Jaejoong to be humiliated and hated before was because he was a bitter loser who thought he could never have him. And thus he started the whole "he's my lover" act. But it wasn't the case anymore. He has Jaejoong now and it was nobody's business but theirs. It was fine if no one had to know.

"You're going to help in cleaning. It's a school effort Yunho." Jaejoong insisted with a determined expression as they walked.

It was a Saturday today but since from what Jaejoong had told him (because he was too uninterested with what the teacher was saying yesterday) the Department of Education was going to be visiting their academy to evaluate their facilities and the teachers' teaching capability on Monday. They needed to prepare the school, clean the classrooms, surroundings, the gyms, the gardens etc.

Yunho directed him with a bored look, hands digging to his pockets. "I'm going to be trailing you the whole morning. Give me one good reason why I should do the extra menial work and help in cleaning the school. I'd rather sleep on the rooftop on my free time."

Jaejoong lightly punched him in the shoulder. "I thought you said we were friends now."


"Friends help each other."


Jaejoong's face fell. "Fine. Don't." He took longer strides, grumbling under his breath. "I guess it's better that you keep your distance since I have a feeling that the students would still be talking about what happened yesterday at the clinic and the gym anyway."

Yunho flinched at hearing the words. He felt quite guilty for what he had done at school yesterday afternoon. Jaejoong put great regard to his reputation and he knew that if he didn't do damage control any time soon, it's going to be very bad for him.

He sighed again. Where did all his I-couldn't-care-less attitude go? This wasn't like him. He shouldn't care about Jaejoong's reputation. But why was he actually already thinking of fixing things? Yunho inwardly groaned. Damn it. Why couldn't he say no to Jaejoong?

"Fine. I'll help in cleaning." And will try my best to not tease you in any way possible, he added as an afterthought. If he didn't give the students any reason to think that the rumors of them dating were true, he was quite sure that it would eventually die down.

Though he wondered if he actually had the needed self control to not want to get within Jaejoong's personal space.

Jaejoong smiled brightly with his reply. And Yunho thought that, the task he set himself to do was pretty damn near impossible.




"I just don't see why I have to ride with you when I had an extra car at home." Jaejoong complained again as soon as they reached the school's gate, earning them wide-eyed, shocked expressions from the students that were already there. "Everyone's looking Yunho."

So what if they were? Let them look. Besides, after this he had to ing act like he didn't care about Jaejoong on a personal level.

"Oh my god, is that Jaejoong-sshi with..."

Several gasps were heard.

"... Jung Yunho!"

"Don't tell me the rumors are true!"

"They're really dating?"

Jaejoong lowered his head, hoping for the ground to swallow him whole. The stupid helmet wasn't helping, they still knew it was him. He bit at his bottom lip, eyes screwing shut, hiding his face from the students' sharp eyes. The ing pains of being popular.

"There was a picture yesterday on the notice board of them kissing you know."

"And yesterday at the gym, I heard that Jaejoong-sunbae was... was... oh my god I can't even say it."

", don't tell me our Student President is a freaking ."

The body pressed behind him went rigid as he felt the arms wrapped around his waist showed signs of letting go. Slowing down the engine, Yunho growled and gripped Jaejoong's hands tight with one hand. "Don't be stupid. You'll fall if you don't hold on to me."

Blatant conversations of their uality and how disgusting it was floated about them. Jaejoong felt a whimper leave his lips.

When they arrived at the parking lot and the engine slowed down to a stop, with a heavy heart, Yunho decided to execute his plan. Pulling the helmet off his head, he got off his bike and gestured for Jaejoong's helmet as well. Several students lurked nearby.

"Yah, why are you so slow? Give that to me!" Yunho roughly pulled the helmet off Jaejoong's head, his expression dark.

Yunho's voice startled Jaejoong, he looked at him in mixed confusion and maybe a bit of hurt. The scowl that he often saw Yunho wear to school was on his face again, directed solely towards him. Did Yunho get mad at him for what happened just now? "Y-Yunho..."

"Aish! Get off my bike." Yunho held Jaejoong's arm in a bruising grip. "Bet's done. I don't have any reason to be nice to you."

Jaejoong looked at him with widened, baffled eyes. Why was Yunho acting this way? "B-bet? What bet?"

Yunho smirked. "For a Student Council President you sure are slow. Pretty stupid if you ask me. I said a bet. You sure know what a bet is do you?" Yoochun walked towards them and Yunho cocked his head at the other man. "I won Chun. 3 months lunch is on you."

""Dammit!" Yoochun gritted out in what sounded like disappointment. When he received the quick phone call earlier from Yunho, the plan gave him quite the shock. He said he didn't want Jaejoong to get hurt? But that was what he was exactly doing right now. If the betrayed, pained expression he was seeing at Jaejoong's face was anything to go by. Yunho sure was doing stupid things for him.

"You said it was impossible. But it was a piece of cake baby." Yunho's smirk widened more, but his eyes spoke of another thing.

And Yoochun noticed this. But he had to act along. "You wanker. I didn't think you'd actually pull it off. What method did you use?"

"That's only for me to keep a secret and for you to grovel and beg for."


"You love me."

Jaejoong looked in between them, a growing dread coiling itself around his heart. Yunho and... Yoochun? A bet? He got off the bike, feeling his apprehension rise at the idea that he was getting. No, that couldn't be. Yunho wouldn't. "What are you talking about?"

Yunho's gaze snapped back to him. He rolled his eyes at the other's distraught expression. "Sorry Kim. Had to make everyone believe that we were dating and also convince you to become friends with me. I was getting bored since I'm not with gangs anymore, so I thought I'd have a little bit of harmless fun." His jaw clenched, the lies coming out of his mouth tasted like venom. "It was all a joke."

Jaejoong stared at him, unmoving, the betrayed expression slowly turning that of chagrin. A joke? He didn't want to believe it. It couldn't be true and yet, Yunho already admitted. Jaejoong felt his heart break. Everything... had all been an act?!

Yunho turned to Yoochun as he took out the camera from his bag. "Here. Tell Heechul-nim I quit doing the documentary on him."

"What?" Yoochun barked, catching the thrown device. Okay, this was just bordering on psychotic. "You won't be able to graduate!"

"Tough. I could always go back to the streets." Yunho said in detachment before pulling out his cigarette stash. "Following his every move is too tiring for me. I can't stay another night in his place. The lifestyle of the rich and the famous isn't my cup of coffee."

Jaejoong's lower lip trembled menacingly. It was taking all of his self control to not spill tears right in front of everyone.

Why did he actually thought that he liked this man, to the point of making friends, letting him do whatever he pleased, from his passionate kisses to the sizzling touches that made his skin burn up to the things that they did at home. He knew he shouldn't have expected anything less from someone like Yunho. But he felt it. Everything that happened between them up until several minutes ago when Yunho made sure that he didn't fall off, had been sincere. He was certain that this Yunho wasn't the real him at all.

So why was this happening? And why did it hurt so much?

After lighting the stick, Yunho stood directly in front of Jaejoong and blew a smoke on his face that had the other man into a coughing fit. He gripped Jaejoong's neck like he wanted to crush it with his hands before he leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Jaejoongie."

The gentle tone that Jaejoong knew was reserved only for him elicited a low gasp from his throat.

"Don't believe whatever I just said." Yunho murmured, voice dripping with remorse. "Sorry, it was last minute. I had to think fast."

Yunho pulled back and looked around the students, a cynical smirk on his lips. "Hah! Fooled you all. ing idiots, you should see your faces right now." Then his expression darkened, the gang-leader persona taking full control.

Giving Jaejoong one last meaningful look, he slung an arm around Yoochun's shoulder, challenging him. "No retort? You're sad."

Jaejoong inwardly smiled, finally understanding the reason behind Yunho's sudden change of behavior. "And you're a sick puppy."

Yunho's eyebrows knitted together as he growled. "What did you just call me?"

"I've always known it was a bet you retard." Jaejoong replied, rolling his eyes. "But hey, since Heechul-nim already threw this project on the two of us, I thought I'd let you do your idiotic prank. Sure makes things easier for me. Since getting into an argument with you all the time isn't what I wanted to do for the weekend." he smirked and fished out the phone from his pocket, before waving it across Yunho's face. "Being your friend isn't so bad. Especially when it meant I could make you wear bunny printed pajamas as I pleased."

Yoochun squinted at the small cellphone monitor. In there was Yunho's picture sleeping in cute blue bunny pajamas. In an instant, the young man looked like he was about engage himself into a very long laughing fit. "Dude? Seriously? Bunny printed pajamas?"

Yunho's eyes were wide. "You didn't!" He tried to snatch the phone away but Jaejoong quickly retreated a few steps back.

"Oh I did." Jaejoong smirked in evil glee, before he turned around and ran towards the main building.

", , !" Yunho exclaimed and rushed after him. "Yah! Give that back to me or you're dead!"

Jaejoong broke out into a full run. "Hah! Make me !"

Cursing was becoming natural to Jaejoong. Yunho grinned, purposely slowing down as to not catch up with the other man so easily.

So apparently, everything had been a bet and their beloved Jaejoong-sshi and that Jung guy weren't really dating. At least that was what the student body understood. And if Yunho was hated or feared before, after learning of how he played the Council President, the students now loathed and despised him and were already pretty much mentally thinking ways of getting revenge.

The reason behind why Yunho had been stalking their Jaejoong-sshi with a camera ever since yesterday also finally made sense. He was doing it for his flunking grades in order to graduate and not because they were involved.

With those in mind, an end was quickly put to the rumors. Besides, every Jaejoong fangirl preferred it that way.




Jaejoong ran inside the boy's bathroom. Yunho followed suit as he caught up with him.

After making sure that they were alone, Yunho cupped Jaejoong's cheeks and once again assured him that everything he had said were just to do damage control over the mistake he did. Jaejoong felt warmth at knowing that Yunho looked out for him. However, shortly after, Jaejoong broke into tears as he voiced out how worried he felt when he thought that Yunho might actually had just been good to him all this time because of a stupid bet, and how he didn't understand why Yunho's harsh words brought his heart so much pain.

Yunho's smile could be compared to the sun. He grabbed Jaejoong's waist, not wasting a moment's breath as he kissed him passionately. When they parted, Jaejoong was panting, mouth thoroughly kissed. "You'll only hurt yourself if you think too much about it."

Jaejoong rested his head against Yunho's chest, exhaling deeply. "Just please, don't scare me like that again."

Nuzzling his hair, Yunho held him tighter, elated with the realization that Jaejoong felt so strongly for him. "Don't worry, I won't."

Pulling back, Jaejoong rewarded him with a sweet smile.

A smirk crept up Yunho's face. In a flash, he took the phone from Jaejoong's hand and deleted the pictures that the smaller man took of him. Jaejoong tried to get his phone back but Yunho kept it away from his reach. After making certain that the pictures of him were all deleted and that his bad- reputation was intact again, they instantly got into a mini-squabble.

Jaejoong was grumbling about how much of a jerk Yunho was and that he wanted to keep those pictures, and why did Yunho have to do such a mean thing! He made threats about how Yunho better prepare himself because he wasn't going to give up, and the next time he was going to catch Yunho doing or wearing something cute, he was going to take a video of it and post it online.

Yunho trapped him between the wall and his body as he shoved his tongue into his mouth, cutting him off from his yammering. A surprised moan rose from Jaejoong's throat when he felt Yunho's groin rub against him. When the lip-lock ended, the smaller man was glaring, his cheeks a beautiful shade of red. Yunho laughed at such a cute expression before swooping down again to kiss him senseless. Jaejoong didn't seem to mind it this time. He threw his arms around Yunho's neck and kissed back just as hard.

The passionate kisses and the heavy touching lasted for a few minutes. It was only put to a stop when several footsteps and the boisterous laughter of male students passed by the boy's bathroom, a reminder that somebody could walk in on them any second. Quickly pulling apart, both young men took in big gulps of air. Jaejoong's buttoned down shirt was half undone while his hair was tousled as if he just got out of bed after doing naughty things in it. Opposite him, Yunho was in a similar state.

In a heartbeat, fingers raked through hair in an attempt to make it look like they hadn't just fiercely made out. Hands quickly worked on their half-done shirts to at least make them look presentable. A few short kisses were shared at the last minute. Once they appeared normal, Jaejoong went out first. Several minutes later, Yunho got out as well and walked to the other direction.

As Jaejoong made his way towards the main building, he ran into Junsu. Widened eyes were directed at him. Junsu asked if he was having a fever because his face was flushed pink and why did his mouth looked swollen? Jaejoong's blush deepened at the bubbly boy's comment. He assured him that he was fine and though Junsu looked uncertain if Jaejoong was really feeling okay, he let it go.




Having heard the little scene that Jaejoong and Yunho did at the school's parking lot, they were immediately called to the faculty room and had a good earful. Well, at least Jaejoong merely listened while Yunho was the one being showered with Heechul's spit as he droned on and on about Yunho's future and his sister's going to be disappointment and how he wasn't going to effing change his mind.

The news spread across campus and nobody questioned it anymore when they saw Yunho trailing Jaejoong wherever he went. From the Meeting Room as they made plans for the welcoming party of the Evaluators, to the cleaning of the gym, the classrooms - Yunho served as Jaejoong's shadow. He kept his distance. Jaejoong went on with his responsibilities. Things worked out pretty well.

But that only lasted until noon when Jaejoong didn't like how the banner on the front part of the main building's wall was set up.

Yunho was having lunch by that time with Yoochun inside their classroom in peace since the rooftop was off limits.

Jaejoong was supervising the one that was perched on the extension ladder putting the balloons on the huge banner. But the student couldn't seem to do the right angle that he wanted. In frustration, Jaejoong volunteered to go up the ladder and do it himself.

Everybody had been skeptic about it. The surrounding students were worried for their sunbae. But Jaejoong insisted that they better let him do it because it wouldn't sit well with him if everything wasn't perfect. It only took one beautiful smile and everybody melted.

Going up the ladder, Jaejoong set off to do his task. The first few minutes had been okay, even though everybody watched in growing concern as their Student Council President carefully tied the balloons at the angle that he wanted on the banner.

Then suddenly, everything made a sharp turn.

One balloon popped. The deafening bang caught Jaejoong by complete surprise and he lost his balance. The ladder fell to the ground the same time Jaejoong was able to grab at a ledge. The students could only look in horror. Jaejoong was left dangling in the air.

A series of commotion happened one after the other. The girls screamed. The boys panicked. Some pulled the ladder up again but it turned out that it hadn't been set up properly and the fall affected it's mechanism. Several screws were lost to the ground.

A few seniors rushed off to go find another ladder. Underclassmen began to cry. "Oh my god! Somebody do something!"

Jaejoong held on tight as much as he could, panic overwhelming him. Damn it. Why did he insist to do the decorating himself? The harsh gush of the afternoon wind slapped at his cheeks and at his hair. Tears began to sting his eyelids. His arms were beginning to hurt. No, he couldn't die like this. Not this young! Not when he finally found someone that truly loved and cared for him.

Yunho instantly filled his thoughts. A harsh gasp left his lips. Yunho. Where are you, Yunho? Jaejoong's heart threatened to give out but he tried his best to keep his cool. He was failing though. His hands shook, in fact his whole body trembled. Yunho, help me!

Another set of screams were heard.

The students looked on as a male student came out of a window from one of the classrooms, holding tightly on the wall as to avoid falling. He began to jump from one ledge to the other and appeared to be going to where their Student Council President dangled.

Though the teachers felt relieved that a student was doing something to save their prized gem Kim Jaejoong and was doing such a heroic act, what he was doing was simply downright dangerous. Who would be in their right mind to do something like that?

"Oh my god! What is he doing?"

Jaejoong couldn't see anything else but his arms that were gingerly clutching at the ledge. What was who doing? Can't they see he was dangling there? Why wasn't anyone trying to help him?! He knew he couldn't hold on much longer. Salty liquid trickled down the corner of his eyes in painful reality. Nobody would come to his rescue in time, he was going to fall and die in an instant.

"Everyone, it's Jung Yunho!"

Jaejoong looked to his right and his vision was immediately met of a gravely looking worried Yunho who was trying to get onto the last window that he was quite sure he wouldn't be able to cross. "Jaejoong! You idiot. I turn one second and you're already in trouble."

What was he doing? Oh no. Why was Yunho here too? Was he? Jaejoong's eyes widened when a thought dawned on him. No, no, no, no! Jaejoong's heart was suddenly filled with fear for the other man. What if he fell and died because of him? "Yunho-yah. Go back!"

"Are you stupid? Why would I do that?" With forceful determination, Yunho crossed the last window and shakily landed on the ledge.

Jaejoong could only gape in terror at what he just witnessed, his tears intensifying. Yunho was serious in rescuing him.

"Those people below are useless." Yunho grumbled as he reached out for Jaejoong's rather still far figure. "Can you jump from there?"

"I can't!" Jaejoong replied, completely stressed out. The distance was impossible plus, - "I'm barely holding on here."

"! Jaejoongie, don't you dare let go of that ledge."

Jaejoong could only whimper.

Yunho's gaze looked about in a frenzy. The growing fear in him, of loosing Jaejoong just because of a stupid fall, every fiber in his body was leading him onto overdrive mode and a major adrenaline rush. Eyes zeroing in on the banner, an idea struck him.

"I'm going to jump towards you, make sure you grab on to me tight when I do okay?"

He didn't have much energy left in him. Jaejoong didn't really have a choice but to listen to Yunho's instructions. "O-okay!"

"When I tell you to let go, you let go of the ledge you hear me?"

Jaejoong's cry mixed with his yell. "Okay!"

Mustering up all the strength he had in him, Yunho jumped from his spot and onto Jaejoong's figure. "Let go!"

Trusting his life entirely in Yunho's hands, Jaejoong did what he was told. He uncurled his fingers from the ledge. Instantly, he felt Yunho's body collide with his own. He grabbed him, wrapping his arms around his torso, clinging for dear life, eyes tightly closed.

"I gotcha." Yunho's somewhat relieved voice reached his ears.

Jaejoong held onto him impossibly tighter. "Yunho-yah."

Clutching at the banner, Yunho pulled the edges and it tore up in his grasp. The huge rip continued on and on as they went on a fast fall towards the pavement. Everyone looked with bated breath. The ends of the banner reached it's limit by the 2nd floor, which was still pretty far from the ground. Yunho's hand was bleeding from the friction but he couldn't care less. After securing Jaejoong's body, he let go of the torn up banner and fell on his back with a harsh pained grunt with Jaejoong safely nestled on top of him.

Excruciating pain exploded in Yunho's world. His vision began to bleed red. He wanted to scream but couldn't. Something was pulling him to unconsciousness. Suddenly, Jaejoong pulled back and was instantly directing him with his tear stained face. Yunho smiled despite the pain, thankful that Jaejoong wasn't hurt. Slowly, he reached out a hand and brushed his cheeks. "You're such... a crybaby."

Jaejoong held his hand with his own. "Yunho." His broken voice, and the widening fear in his eyes confused him. "Yunho!"

Yunho's eyes fluttered open and close. His outstretched hand dropped to his side. Everything was rapidly turning black. "Jae..."

Yoochun finally arrived from his trek all the way from the fourth floor, breathless and panting, eyes alarmingly widening by the second as he dropped to his best friend's side. A female student fainted. The P.E teacher was quickly telling everybody to call 911.

The student on the ground went limp, his eyes drifting shut. A pool of blood was slowly forming by his head.

Upon seeing the red liquid, Jaejoong felt his whole world collapse.

No. That couldn't be - "Yunho, open your eyes. Please, open them. Yunho!"

But his pleas fell on deaf ears.

A tidal waves of emotions flooded his chest.

Palming Yunho's face, he pulled him close and hugged him tight as sob after sob escaped his throat. Touching the back of Yunho's head, blood tainted his shaking fingers. Tears fell like torrents of rain on Yunho's closed eyelids.

Without warning - Jaejoong screamed. "YUNHO!!!"

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subtitler #1
Chapter 12: An update would be nice....
beccavista #2
Chapter 12: please update...... its the best ever :D
Chapter 12: Can you please continue this story authornim ... Love it soo much ... ~~~ ^^
ettachan #4
Chapter 12: Oh man. How come I just came across this story now. This story is absolutely amazing, and I saddened by the fact that this story may be discontinued TT______TT
nlienhua #5
Chapter 12: very good story , update please
Chapter 12: Omg! Stop here?! :O Author shi~ you can't stop it here *pout* pls update soonnnn~ pls? *puppy eyes*
Chapter 12: waaaaaaaaaaa. Cliff Hanger! Please update sooon Author shii~ kyaaa. This is daebak! Awesome!
Chapter 4: Fudge this is so awesome ! I love this chapter!