Chapter 3

Thin Line Between Love and Hate

It shouldn't have bothered him. Yunho vehemently told himself that he didn't care. The doctor could have done whatever she wanted to Jaejoong and he wouldn't have bat an eyelash. But why was it that when the ed Jaejoong's uniform shirt and got rid of his pants to check for any possible injuries he might have received from the fall, he just completely exploded?!

Out of fear or maybe she went out to call for reinforcements, the doctor left him fuming by Jaejoong's bedside.

Yunho inwardly growled as he clutched his face in his hands. He hated the emotions that always associated themselves with Jaejoong. But to his annoyance, he couldn't seem to do a single thing to fight it. Instead, he ends up doing bat crazy kind of things, like snap at the school doctor for one or announce to the whole school his non-existent affair with their prodigy.

He didn't know what came over him. His mind had kept saying that he did what he did to ruin Jaejoong's reputation, to have his fellow students and teachers alike shun him and not get within a ten-foot pole because he was now a known homo. But there was always that stupid voice in his head, telling him that he did that for the sole reason that it drove him mad seeing anyone get within Jaejoong's personal space.

That smile should be just for him. Those gentle eyes should have been directed only at him!

Fury and bitterness were igniting flames in his heart and mind, and the room's temperature was further making his skin burn. Yunho loosened his tie. It was suddenly hard to breathe. After ing his uniform shirt, he threw it across the bed.

He hated everyone. He absolutely hated everyone for being so close to Jaejoong. And Jaejoong for allowing it.

Yunho crawled onto the bed on all fours and hovered atop Jaejoong's body, gazing down into that beautiful face that had never left his dreams ever since this insanity began. His hands caressed his sides, loving the feel of his bare skin beneath his fingertips. When his thoughts managed to catch up with what his body was doing, Yunho could only cursed at himself in rage.

Quickly, he jumped out of bed and resumed his sitting position on the empty chair by Jaejoong's side, feeling absolutely ed up. He wanted so badly to get out of the stuffy room. But the thought of leaving Jaejoong in there, alone, nearly-half with the chance that another soul might see him in such a vulnerable state and get weird ideas was making Yunho see red.

He decided to help him out, even just this once. Or twice actually, since he was also the one that carried Jaejoong in his arms all the way to the infirmary. Standing up, he was just about to fix Jaejoong's shirt, when the beautiful male stirred and his eyes fluttered open.

Several things happened almost all at once.

And true to his word, Yunho ended up doing the craziest thing again. It wasn't like he was trying to make Jaejoong think that something happened between them, or that he was capable of ually abusing him while he was unconscious. The words just came out of his mouth. His stupid mischievous side acted up at the wrong time.

He didn't even have enough time to comprehend how the hell they ended up in this position.

"Ow! Get your claws off me you damn cat!" Yunho was lying flat on his stomach with a furious Jaejoong straddling his lower back, seething and just sounding overall pissed. His shoulders were starting to really hurt, courtesy of Jaejoong's sharp fingernails.

"You ing what did you do to me!" Jaejoong demanded, relentless in his actions as he continued to claw at Yunho's skin. He didn't seem to notice that Yunho was already starting to bleed or the fact that his pained hisses were increasing by the second.

With a menacing growl, Yunho braced himself on his arms and twisted his body around. He trapped Jaejoong's wild hands in between his own as he propelled himself upright, reversed their positions and pinned him none-too gently on the bed. He held Jaejoong's arms firmly on either side of his head as the latter continued to thrash in his hold. "Let go of me you er!"

"ing calm down for a second will you!" Yunho reiterated, hissing at the painful stinging on his back.

Jaejoong glared hard at him in return, his eyes welling up and filled with unshed tears.

The sight caught him off guard and Yunho's strength seemed to have quickly deserted him. His hold loosened and before he had the time to react, Jaejoong pushed his body forward and lunged straight at his face as if trying to get something he could sink his teeth into. Unfortunately, Yunho's neck was pretty close and Jaejoong ended up biting him fiercely on that spot.

Yunho's answer was a pained yelp as he fought Jaejoong off his neck. " ! That ing hurts!" he heatedly cursed. In a split moment, Yunho fell painfully on his back and the other man was on top of him, crushing him with his weight again.

Jaejoong disentangled his mouth from Yunho's neck and began to pound at his chest in a fit of rage. "I hate you. I hate you!"

Yunho grunted, the new pain on his neck along with the scratches on his back further worsening his mood. So what if he messed up with his head? Fact remained that he didn't do a damn thing to warrant such a reaction out of Jaejoong. With another growl, Yunho forced himself up, gripped the side of Jaejoong's head and bit him hard on the neck.

An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. And in this case, a bite for a bite.

Yunho intended to get back at him with his own assault.

The gesture seemed to have shaken Jaejoong out of his angry fit. He gasped harshly and stilled in his hold.

For a moment nothing was said, until Yunho uttered his words.

"I didn't do anything." Yunho whispered by his ear after he released the skin in between his teeth, but not before the bruised flesh as he felt tremors of shivers course through Jaejoong's body. Yunho couldn't for the life of him understand why he was explaining himself. "It was the doctor that took off your clothes to make sure you didn't have other injuries."

Jaejoong's heart was ramming in his chest and his ears were pounding but somehow he caught Yunho's words. "T-the doctor?"

"You collided with a wall in the cafeteria during lunch. You passed out and I took you here in the clinic."

He took a sharp breath, feeling a a bit relieved with Yunho's clarification. "Y-you didn't do anything? It was really the doctor?"

Yunho sighed and rubbed Jaejoong's back, surprising himself of his new-found gentleness. "Yes, I was just messing with you."

Jaejoong had no reason to believe what Yunho was saying, and yet he was. Maybe it was because the soft caresses on his back were pretty damn comforting. Against his better judgment, he went lax and slumped against Yunho's body, feeling drained.

"Anyway, why did you freak out like that? You seriously acted like a girl." Yunho asked and Jaejoong stiffened in his hold.

God! Talk about embarrassing. "You scared me." was Jaejoong's simple reply as he bit at his lower lip.

He guessed that he had been thinking too much of how evil Jung Yunho was that the thought of him and in the same sentence wasn't so hard to believe anymore. Jaejoong believed that he was capable of doing anything as long as he pleased it. Add that to Yunho being shirtless and him in nothing but shorts and an ed uniform shirt when he gained consciousness.

Anyone waking up to that kind of situation would simply freak out, regardless of gender.

"I'm sorry." Yunho had to mentally smack himself for apologizing. The hell? He never apologized before. Ever.

Jaejoong wasn't short of showing his surprise either. Pulling back, he sent Yunho a confused glance. "Did you just say sorry?"

"Shut up." Yunho grumbled under his breath, avoiding the teasing smile that was beginning to creep up on Jaejoong's face. He felt his face go hot at the visual. It made something in his stomach jump. Not a comfortable feeling at all.

"Haha! You're blushing." Jaejoong pointed out with an amused laugh.

"I'm not." Yunho quickly denied, scowling darkly. His eyes roamed from Jaejoong's chest to the lower part of his body and began to wonder if the other guy even realized that he was sitting on his lap so comfortably with nothing but his tight pink shorts on.

"Awww, so cute." Jaejoong further teased. "You're seriously red."

"You never struck me as the boxers kind of guy either." Yunho shot back with a smirk. He pulled the ends of Jaejoong's shirt a little upward to reveal the cute little thing. "I don't know, but pink shorts with fluffy bunnies seem to suit you."

Jaejoong's eyes widened. He looked down and gasped in dawning realization of how incredibly intimate and oh so wrong their positions were. And oh god, Yunho saw his undergarments. But he liked bunnies and the color pink. That wasn't a crime!

But he guessed it wasn't exactly what you'd call a normal guy would wear. Jaejoong flushed a deep red. "Y-you... t-that's not..."

Yunho tutted with a grin. "Who's the one blushing now?"

Jaejoong quickly hauled himself off Yunho but he was quick to pull him back down, smirking. "Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"No." Jaejoong quickly replied, looking at everything but Yunho's eyes as he struggled. "Let me go."

Yunho's grip tightened, his gaze hardening. "You know under normal circumstances, you'd be bruised and blooded by now."

For the hundredth time he went rigid in his hold. Just when he thought Yunho was becoming a human being. "W-what?"

Raking fingers through Jaejoong's hair, Yunho grabbed the silky strands and jerked him forward, their faces inches apart as he murmured against his mouth. "You're the first one to ever make me bleed that still breathes easy a few minutes later." Yunho the hickey that he made decorating Jaejoong's neck. "Why do you make me do things I normally wouldn't?"

Jaejoong gulped. The dark look in Yunho's eyes was starting to scare him all over again. He recalled clawing his back, biting him on the neck in his fit of rage and oh god, Jaejoong desperately wanted to flee right at that moment. But then there was a part of him that argued about how he saw Yunho as. Just earlier, he had been gentle with him after all. "W-what are you talking about?"

"I hate you." Yunho growled, locking his gaze with Jaejoong.

Jaejoong swallowed thickly, shuddering at the flames in the other's eyes.

"I hate everything about you. Your voice, your smile, your eyes, your skin, the way you always appear so perfect!" Yunho tugged at his hair tighter, almost rooting the scalp and Jaejoong winced in helplessness as Yunho continued on with his rant.

"I hate the way you walk. The way you talk. I hate the way you pout!" Yunho's eyes drifted to Jaejoong's mouth. "I hate your lips the most." His thumb rubbed against the crimson petals. Because I can't stop thinking about how delicious you would taste.

"Yunho, let go. You're hurting me." Jaejoong pleaded, distressed. A part of him wanted to believe that Yunho had a side to him that wasn't always out for blood, but then these sort of things happen and Jaejoong always ends up at the drawing board.

Yunho was confusing him.

"Just this once... I'd like to know." The near silent words reached his ears. And Jaejoong's confusion only worsened, his eyes widening in shock when Yunho without warning closed the gap between them and kissed him hard on the mouth.

As if on cue, the door to the clinic room swung wide open revealing the doctor and a good amount of students on the other side, whose eyes were bulging out watching the scene, the two occupants on the bed no noticing their sudden arrival.

Jaejoong wanted to push Yunho off and strike him across the face for making such a pass on him. But when Yunho began to caress his waist the same time he shoved his tongue into his mouth, Jaejoong was reduced into a whimpering mush instead.

A camera flash went off.

Biting on the pink appendage, Yunho's tongue roamed and tasted the corners of his mouth, and with expertise, causing Jaejoong to moan in between their parted lips. With a nibble on the lower petal, Yunho released him with a wet smack.

"Nhh-ahhh.." Jaejoong went limp on his arms, face buried on Yunho's neck, trying to catch his breath. If people thought that Yunho only excelled in fighting. Then they were sorely mistaken. Because damn! Yunho was one hell of a great kisser.

"Yun-ah..." Jaejoong breathlessly whispered against his skin, feeling like his heart and mind were going to explode.

"The two of you!" The doctor shrieked as she stormed towards them. "I will not allow such rotten behavior in my clinic!"

Jaejoong and Yunho's heads snapped towards the door. At the sight of everyone's slack-jawed expression, and the furious, almost disappointed look that the doctor was giving him, Jaejoong began to resemble someone who was about to die of a heart attack.

Yunho regarded them with a bored, agitated look before glaring at the school physician. "You just made it to my black book ."

The Student Council President continued to look at everyone in stark horror.

"What the hell are you all looking at? Get lost you ers!" Shielding Jaejoong from their eyes, Yunho grabbed the doctor who let out a startled yelp and shoved her outside before slamming the door shut, locking it. For the doctor's reinforcements, they sure were useless, Yunho observed. "Get dressed Jaejoong or do you want to me to put your clothes back on for you?"

"You! You just kissed me!" Jaejoong exclaimed, coming out of his stupor. He looked at Yunho with disbelief, eyes panicking. "A-a-and, and they they saw it!" His body trembled. "This can't be happening!" he screamed, pulling at his hair. "My reputation is ruined!"

"Anyone ever told you, you're too - "

"You really are the worst!" Jaejoong cut him off as he directed Yunho with fury-filled eyes. "I hate you!"


"He did something to me. I swear it was mind-control or something!" Jaejoong banged his head on his desk out of frustration or out of sheer fear. Sure he already sorted it out in his mind that he definitely wasn't straight during their second year when he started having a crush on his sunbae, the previous Student Council President. But he hadn't even really come out to himself yet and he didn't think he ever will because people's prejudices scared him less, especially what his parents' reaction might be.

And now everyone was thinking that he was a bleeding homo. So what if it was true. It didn't mean he wanted the world to know.

"Jaejoong-sshi, we understand." One of his council members consoled. "It's Jung Yunho we're talking about here after all. He's cunning and just plain evil." Gentle hands began rubbing his back and sure enough, the caresses made him think of the person he so didn't want to think about right now. That ing bastard. "There, there Jaejoong-sshi, you're going to be just fine."

"So I guess that rumor Jung started was not true either was it?" another one of s asked their fellow council friend. "I mean, it couldn't have been true, he's the devil incarnate. And our President and him in the same sentence is just plain wrong."

Jaejoong slowly lifted his head, revealing his tear-stained cheeks. He sniffed. "What do you mean rumor?"

"Ah, see? He didn't even know of it. Look at that face, so innocent. He's completely and totally not capable of such a thing."

It grated on his nerves how everyone liked up to him without really going through measures just to make sure if he was indeed okay. More of less, their tones were always patronizing because they knew Jaejoong would never snap at them.

A male council member gagged. "Jung was claiming you as his lover during lunch. And was threatening everyone to not get within a 50 meter radius from you. He must be desperate. That disgusting so called bad queer. He had the nerve."

Wait, was he missing something? Jaejoong adjusted his bent glasses and blinked at them. "Are you saying that Yunho's... gay?"

"Well, he should be. I mean, no straight guy in their right mind would come up with such a nauseating idea."

"But Jung Yunho isn't exactly in his right mind is he?"

"Then again, you're right. He's got a loose screw. I heard his parents killed each other, fighting over money. How pitiful."

"Yeah, from what I heard, he's a product of severe child abuse. That must have messed up his head."

"He's been in and out of juvenile hall. How pathetic."

They all laughed.

"If you ask me he's nothing but worthless scum. Legendary my . All he has power over is his fist."

Jaejoong's gaze hardened. How could they hold up that kind of conversation, laughing at another person's expense with straight faces? Hearing such harsh talks from what he considered friends made him realize that they never really were his friends at all.

"Tch, to think Jaejoong-sshi is going to get involved with that pathetic excuse of a human being."

"Not likely."

"Ah it's fun to talk smack about him when he's not around."

"He's mental. If we talk like this in his face, he'll go on a rampage and we'd be in the hospital by now."

A chorus of shudders erupted. "I just hope he didn't have to attend our school. I wish he gets booted out. That loser."

"ENOUGH!" Jaejoong snapped, rising up from his chair as he glared heatedly at his council members. "You should be ashamed of yourselves!" he spat, fists clenching. Somehow, it hurt him too, thinking that Yunho had experienced such tragedies in his life.

"You're saying that this Jung Yunho has such a painful past and there you all are laughing about it like it's some kind of joke? His parents are dead? He grew up getting beat up by his own family? Now think about it for once if you had been in his position! Would you find it so ing amusing?!" Jaejoong's heart clenched as tears misted his eyes. No matter how horrible a person was to the public's eye, it didn't gave them any right to talk trash about them. "I can't believe I'm actually hearing this from all of you!"

With those words leaving him, Jaejoong turned and stormed out of the room, suddenly needing to see Yunho as soon as possible.

He felt terrible. That gentleness in Yunho's actions that he had witnessed earlier, it had been really there. He didn't imagined it.

The night that he had researched for Yunho's background, he had been so absorbed on his 'gangster' reputation' and hadn't bothered to dig deeper. Jaejoong had extensively looked up Yunho's records on his gang fighting days, forgetting about everything else. He had been too overwhelmed with fear, solely focused about the number of people that ended up in the hospital because of Yunho.

Unconsciously, he judged him, thinking that he was pure evil without trying to understand why he did the things he did.

But Yunho, now Jaejoong somehow understood, must have felt it best to hide his true self beneath a layer of cold masks for obvious reasons. He didn't want to be bothered with pain or the emotions of being hurt, considering he had plenty of it while growing up. So it was almost always very hard to catch a glimpse of that kindness that he must have buried within his heart.

Jaejoong's head craned from side to side, desperation evident in his eyes and body language. The last harsh words he spat at Yunho rang in his ears. He didn't mean a word of it! He had just been overruled by his emotions. Minutes passed. And as he ran across the school grounds and caught sight of a familiar figure standing at the ledge on the rooftop, Jaejoong's heart nearly stopped.

It felt like the world was crashing down on him. Raw fear coiled around his body at the realization of the one person he thought he hated jumping off, dying, leaving him for good. Jaejoong didn't understand the pain in his heart nor why were his eyes stinging with tears. But at the back of his mind he knew, that it was something about Yunho. And before he was given the chance to ponder over his actions, his feet moved on it's own and he was already rushing up the stairs, taking two steps at a time.


"I didn't actually think it was true when you said it at lunch in front of our schoolmates. But when I saw the picture posted on the notice board just now, before of course you tore it up, I gotta say man. I'm impressed." Yoochun said with a chuckle as he ruffled his hair. "But you know, it's confusing. Am I missing something here? When did all this happen? I thought you hated him."

Lighting up his third stick, Yunho proceeded to ignore Yoochun's attempts at conversation.

Jaejoong's taste still lingered in his mouth, his scent too strong that even the nicotine couldn't erase it just yet. They were on the school roftoop and Jaejoong's face wouldn't leave his thoughts, the way he looked at him with so much hate. He looked down on the grounds below, wondering if he'd be able to feel his bones breaking and his organs bursting once he drops on the pavement.

"Aren't you supposed to be taking videos of him now?"

The gush of air thrilled him as the feeling of the soft wind brushed across his face. The idea of jumping off was too tempting.

"Man stop looking like you're about to jump. You're going to give me a heart attack here." Yoochun worriedly voiced out, inching a bit closer to his best friend. "What's on your mind? You know you can tell me anything right? I'm here to listen."

The worst part of his life was over. The beatings had stopped, his parents were gone, his gang fighting days were long past forgotten and he was about to graduate soon with his best friend by his side. And yet, just that one look that he received from Jaejoong before they exited the clinic doors, had been enough to awaken the desire to die in his heart.

To jump or not to jump. He wondered if he could just see Jaejoong's face one more time before he ended everything.

Yunho began counting in his head, his eyes fluttering close.

10... 9... 8... 7...

"Man, come on! Get down from there."

6... 5... 4...

"Hyung, I mean it, you're making me pee my pants here!"

3... 2...


He took one step forward the ledge, feeling the strong slap of wind as it threatened to make him loose his balance.

"Yunho-hyung!" "Yunho!"

Eyes snapping wide open in surprise at the voice that joined his best friend, Yunho reflexively whirled around.

In a split second, a body hurtled at him in top speed, grabbing him off the ledge and dragging him into the asphalt clearing of the rooftop. A thud and a pained groan reached his ears before he was able to register who's face it was he was looking down at.


"You idiot!" Jaejoong yelled, chest heaving as he gazed up into Yunho's eyes, his onyx orbs stinging with tears. "Were you going to ing jump just now?!" he sobbed, his collar in his grasp. "You prick! Don't scare me like that!" And before Yunho could understand what was happening, Jaejoong already grabbed his neck and meshed their mouths together in a searing kiss.

Behind them, Yoochun could only gape at the exchange.

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subtitler #1
Chapter 12: An update would be nice....
beccavista #2
Chapter 12: please update...... its the best ever :D
Chapter 12: Can you please continue this story authornim ... Love it soo much ... ~~~ ^^
ettachan #4
Chapter 12: Oh man. How come I just came across this story now. This story is absolutely amazing, and I saddened by the fact that this story may be discontinued TT______TT
nlienhua #5
Chapter 12: very good story , update please
Chapter 12: Omg! Stop here?! :O Author shi~ you can't stop it here *pout* pls update soonnnn~ pls? *puppy eyes*
Chapter 12: waaaaaaaaaaa. Cliff Hanger! Please update sooon Author shii~ kyaaa. This is daebak! Awesome!
Chapter 4: Fudge this is so awesome ! I love this chapter!