Chapter 1

Thin Line Between Love and Hate

Pale alabaster skin, slender fingers, deep, large doe-like eyes, high pinkish cheekbones, midnight black hair, red pouting lips along with the popularity and personality that earned him the position as the academy's Student Council President - Yunho never really gave a about Kim Jaejoong before. But right now, he just badly wanted to snap the guy's neck and see up to what degree could his perfectness withstand.

"Stop glaring man. You'll burn holes." Yoochun, his best friend said as he leaned against his locker door, giving Yunho a dubious look."What did such perfect creature, especially molded by God himself, ever do to you?"

Yunho tore his gaze away from the distance and glared at Yoochun instead. "Get lost." He shoved his books inside his locker, slammed it shut and turned to leave. "I don't have time for your preachings Yoochun ah."

Yoochun worriedly gazed at his best friend's retreating figure.

The title of being Yunho's best buddy was actually merely self appointed, because Yunho never really thought of Yoochun as his friend, let alone best friend. He was simply this annoying neighbor who resembled a leech that kept sticking to him and so Yunho had no choice but to tolerate his existence.

But there were days that Yunho was just downright scary that Yoochun has to think twice if he should risk his life talking to him. He sighed. He guessed he shouldn't be surprised. After all, Yunho had such great examples while growing up. Yunho's parents gambled, smoked, got pissed drunk and each night, Yoochun always heard muffled yelling and cursing, along with Yunho's pained cries coming from across the street.

It was a terrible environment to grow up in as what his mother said. At a young age, Yunho learned to pickpockets, drink and smoke. At one point he even got involved with gangs.

It was his way of getting his parents' attention. Yoochun still remembered the time when Yunho told him once how he longed for his parents to look at him as their son. But he'd only get harsh beatings from them in return.

A few months ago, Yunho's parents died.

It was depressing, how they argued over money and ended up killing each other. Yunho had been completely apathetic at the funeral. His eyes had been empty, cold, almost lifeless. When asked if he was doing alright by Yoochun's mother and father, Yunho merely gave them an almost haunted smile, saying good riddance.

From then on, Yunho lived by himself, survived through instant food, Mrs. Park's home-cooked meals on occasion and went to school only because Mr. Park had been a generous soul.

But Yunho hated going to school, saying how he hated mingling with the snotty rich kids who think so high of themselves. And what was the point of attending anyway? Yunho didn't dare make future plans seeing as he didn't think that much far into it. He could die the next day for all he cared.

Such mindset always troubled Yoochun. They were only 18 years old yet Yunho already gave up on life. He wouldn't put it past him to commit suicide just because he felt like it or because he got bored.

Yoochun cared for Yunho and loved him like his own brother. And so he never gave up trying to be a good friend. Even if it makes him look like a deranged stalker as he followed the other boy wherever he went.

"Hey man wait up!" Yoochun called out, jogging towards his best friend.

Yunho walked just a tad bit faster, obviously wanting to avoid him but Yoochun full on broke into a run and caught up. "Didn't I say get lost?!" Yunho snapped once Yoochun grabbed him by the arm.

Yoochun felt like shrinking from the hatred he saw in Yunho's eyes but as he had been dealing with the angry boy for the last 11 years of his life, he smiled instead, hoping Yunho would calm down.

"How about we go to the arcade shop today?"

"I can't." was Yunho's tight-lipped response as he jerked his arm away from Yoochun's hold.

"Huh? Why not?"

"I have detention." Yunho turned to leave again. Before Yoochun could open his mouth for a retort, Yunho craned his neck and looked at him through narrowed-slits. "Follow me again Park Yoochun and I swear, I don't care if you think we're friends." Yunho hissed. "Because I will cut you."

Yoochun paled. He knew better than to cross a Yunho that made threats.

"Fine dude. Whatever works for you."

"Good." Yunho drawled and went on his way.

The bell rang and Yoochun lost sight of Yunho amidst the swarm of students suddenly flooding the hallway.


They were in the same year, both graduating students, complete opposites in everything as what he had observed. Jaejoong didn't know why, but every time he accidentally made eye-contact with that student, it always gave him the shivers. Well maybe he did know. Those eyes alone could strip him bare.

But why did that kid always looked at him with such eyes? He couldn't have given him any reason to hate him did he? He was always friendly with the students, acting his role as the Council President, giving smiles and encouragements when they seem to be in bad spirits. So why?

Whatever. Jaejoong slumped further in his seat. He didn't want to think about that guy anymore, he had bigger problems in his personal life to think about. Leaning against the chair, Jaejoong morosely sighed as he wondered if his umma and appa would attend his high school graduation this year.

But maybe it would be better if he didn't raise his hopes up. After all, since when had those two ever attended anything in his short 18 years of life. Even his birthdays. They weren't there. It was always either a luxurious gift or a stupid birthday card. But never their presence.

Jaejoong could count with two hands the times they were ever complete, the three of them.

The door slammed open and if it this wasn't the seventh time he had been appointed to look after Jung Yunho's detention class, he would have jumped out of sheer fear. Especially when the first thing you'd see once the door opened was a dark aura matching an equally dark scowl that could freeze your very soul.

But Jaejoong had kind of gotten used to Yunho's intimidating presence. And at this point while he was in the middle of another sulk, he couldn't really care less about that delinquent.

Yunho fell heavily on an empty chair, dropped his head on the desk and proceeded to ignore his very existence.

Jaejoong adjusted his thin framed glasses and cleared his throat. "Mr. Jung Yunho."

No response.

He tried again. "If you would just hold your head up and listen to my instructions."

With his head still on the desk, Yunho gave him the finger and mumbled a simple. " off."

This having to act as the ever understanding Council President always took a toll on him whenever Jung Yunho was around. Eyebrows knitting, together into a frown, Jaejoong's jaw clenched as he stood up and pulled a chair to sit on, placing it directly in front of the desk that Yunho was occupying.

"Yah!" he said, shaking his shoulders. "Listen to me when I'm talking."

Yunho didn't budge and continued to stay silent.

With an annoyed grunt, Jaejoong rested his head on the wooden material as well in order for him to at least see Yunho's face, with every intention to tell him about how much of a jerk he was acting.

But the words died on Jaejoong's lips once the side of his head connected with the desk.

Yunho's eyes were closed, his expression relaxed, mouth half-parted. And now that Jaejoong was close to him, he could hear the other's soft intake and exhale of breath. The soft gush of air from the open windows caressed Yunho's hair, brushing the soft strands. Jaejoong's eyes were drawn next to the beauty mark on his upper lip and his bow shaped mouth. They... looked extremely... kissable. Jaejoong realized that - Yunho was an incredibly handsome fella without the scowl and the glare that he wore to school.

The Student Council President nearly choked at his train of thought. His eyes widened and he abruptly sat upright, his heart suddenly ramming against his ribcage, feeling heat rising in his cheeks.

"What the hell am I thinking? So stupid."

"Do you usually watch people when they sleep?" Yunho's deep voice pulled Jaejoong out from his thoughts.

He turned to Yunho who was now at eye to eye level, their faces merely inches apart. "I... I wasn't doing such a thing." Jaejoong denied as he hastily pulled back, quite frightened with the close proximity between them and the sneer decorating the lips that he had just thought kissable.

"I wonder if your neck is as fragile as it looks."

Jaejoong blinked, looking lost. "I beg your pardon?"

"Your neck." Yunho repeated, gripping him by the nape. "It looks so soft. Makes me wonder if it'll break easy."

Jaejoong's fingers were instantly on the hand crushing his windwipe, his eyes widening in panic. But Jaejoong wasn't given a chance to full turn on panic mode because Yunho already let go and gave him a sardonic smile.

"Scared ya didn't I?"

Coughing as he massaged his sore neck, Jaejoong didn't give an answer and glared at Yunho instead.

Yunho placed both elbows on the desk and rested his chin under his folded arms as he looked him up and down.

Not that he would ever admit it but Jaejoong had become his obsession the past two months. He used to always hear talks about him, of how he was admired and nearly worshiped by every student and teacher in this blasted school. Yet Yunho didn't care about this sorry son of a back then.

Though he had to admit that when he finally saw the famous Kim Jaejoong for the first time, he practically took his breath away. But he repeatedly told himself that it didn't mean anything. And for a while it worked.

Jaejoong was merely an existence that he ignored on a daily basis.

But now...

Yunho inwardly growled as he watched him stand up from his chair and walked over to the table in front of the class. He had no idea how his indifference became to obsession.

It was only just little things at first. He noticed how Jaejoong had the habit of drumming his fingers on his thighs whenever he was restless, or how he would endlessly chew at his bottom lip if he was nervous, or whenever he laughed, the way he always covered his mouth with his hands.

To his annoyance, those little things grew without his notice. And before he managed to gain control over his pathetic self, he already developed the desperate need to always see Jaejoong every damn day of his life.

Jaejoong was perfect. No matter how much he might deny it. He could see it. Jaejoong's beauty, his body, his brains. In his smile and in his voice. Everything about him was just perfection personified.

And he hated him with all his heart.

Because ever since he realized he wanted him. It made it more glaringly obvious that he couldn't have him.


"Your grades are dropping. What would hyung think? That I fail as a teacher? Jung Yunho this isn't acceptable." Kim Heechul, his professor, and the younger brother of Mr. Park's wife, Yoochun's parents, ratted in on him endlessly.

Yunho merely rolled his eyes at the other's exaggerated dramatic sigh. "I'll just stop going to school then."

Heechul glared at him. "You don't understand at all. Choonhyun-noona cares for you a lot. And I can't have you repeating this year and not get your diploma. It would break her heart. Why can't you see that they're just looking out for you."

The Parks were warm, kind-hearted people. He got that. But most times he tends to forget. Especially when he was alone and just completely angry with the world. Yunho placed both hands in his pockets and shrugged as he looked outside.

He didn't want any part of this anymore. But he guessed he owed it to them. "Fine. What do I have to do?"

Heechul resumed grading the test papers. "Good. You will be doing a project to compensate for your absences and low marks. As to what it would be, I'll tell you tomorrow. But for now, help me with these."

Yunho sat on a chair and did what his stupid professor have him do, giving in to his fate for the time being.


"Hyung, what happened to your neck? It's purple!" Junsu, the Social Activities Representative cried out once he was close enough to his friend.

"It's nothing Junsu." Jaejoong said, dismissing the bubbly underclassman's concern as he smiled.

"What do you mean nothing? It's huge. Did someone bully you?" Junsu asked with curious, worried eyes.

Yunho's dark eyes flashed in Jaejoong's thoughts and the shivers came almost instantly. After their little get together in detention class, Jaejoong had vowed to himself that he wasn't going to come within fifty foot radius with the weird kid from that day onwards. He didn't want to risk getting his neck snapped. Yunho looked like a person that could do it with ease.

Jaejoong's fingers closed around his neck, feeling a sudden tight sensation inside his chest as he began in his pace. "I told you I'm fine Su! Would you just stop asking?!" His tone came out more like a yell but he couldn't deal with the other's cheerfulness right now.

Especially when he felt like his heart was going to give out whenever he thought of that particular boy.


"What do you mean I have to work with him?!" Jaejoong all but shrieked the next day inside their classroom, completely dropping the mask of the reserved immaculate student as he slammed his hands on the teacher's desk. Class has ended and the only ones left were him, their proffessor and the very reason why he couldn't get a good sleep the previous night.


"It means that you will have to work with him. Or more likely you'd both have to work with each other Mr. Kim Jaejoong." the professor said patronizingly while flipping his hair. "I've talked with the board and they all agree to the idea. As what we already know, you're at the top list of the popular students in this school and everyone is just dying to know you better."

Jaejoong still refused to believe what he was hearing. Just when he resolutely told himself to avoid the devil incarnate!

"What better way than to make a documentary on your life for three days hmm? From your life here in school, to what you eat, what you wear, where you like to shop or hang out. Basically, Jung here is going to just trail your every move. Tomorrow is Friday, the starting date of the documentary then Saturday and Sunday. Make sure it's done by Sunday night. Hand Shim Changmin the tapes on Monday for editing. So when Tuesday comes we can watch the documentary."

"Don't we at least get any say in the matter?" Jaejoong asked helplessly. Though there was the reasuurance that his friend Changmin was the one going to be doing the editing, and cut out all the embarassing things that might come up, it still wasn't putting his heart and mind at ease. Jung Yunho was still going to be the one trailing after him with a camera.

And how creepy was that!

"The student body was already told about this project so you can't back out anymore Mr. Kim."

Jaejoong turned to Yunho and heatedly asked. "Don't you even have anything to say?" He thought he hated him. Judging from how Yunho had naturally contemplated on breaking his neck, shows quite a lot about how much Jaejoong was hated.

So why wasn't Yunho saying anything at all to show how much he despised this recent development?

Yunho listened in silence at the exchange.

He hated every aspect of this idea. Yet somehow he couldn't open his mouth to protest against the absurdity.

"I'd take it that your silence means yes. So then, I'm counting on you both. And Yunho, make sure to get good footage alright? Your grades depend on it young man." With those words, Heechul exited the classroom door.

Jaejoong was glaring as they looked at each other. "You're doing this for your grades?"

Yunho looked back at Jaejoong, eyes trained on his mouth then at his bruised neck.

Slowly, a smirk crept up on his lips. He didn't answer the question and began to take steps toward the door, with Jaejoong spitting profanities behind his back.The minute that Yunho disappeared out the school gates, Jaejoong just desperately wanted to crawl into a hole.

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subtitler #1
Chapter 12: An update would be nice....
beccavista #2
Chapter 12: please update...... its the best ever :D
Chapter 12: Can you please continue this story authornim ... Love it soo much ... ~~~ ^^
ettachan #4
Chapter 12: Oh man. How come I just came across this story now. This story is absolutely amazing, and I saddened by the fact that this story may be discontinued TT______TT
nlienhua #5
Chapter 12: very good story , update please
Chapter 12: Omg! Stop here?! :O Author shi~ you can't stop it here *pout* pls update soonnnn~ pls? *puppy eyes*
Chapter 12: waaaaaaaaaaa. Cliff Hanger! Please update sooon Author shii~ kyaaa. This is daebak! Awesome!
Chapter 4: Fudge this is so awesome ! I love this chapter!