

What happens when Ahn Yooji(You) falls for the midget Lee Byunghyun? You guys are complete opposites personality wise, but come to find that you have more in common than you might think. The cruel world of judgemental people out there may be the reason that brought you two together. But the awkwardness of your height differences may be the reason that splits you two apart. You've fallen hard, but can you really date such a short guy? And even if you had confessed, would he accept such an Amazon? 

Inspired by the Japanese Anime: Lovely Complex

[I do not mean to offend anyone who is religious. I merely used it as part of my humor, I am truly sorry if anything i mention offends you because it was not meant to]

[I do not own any pictures/gifs unless state otherwise]



Ahn Yooji (You)

You're a sixteen year old girl with the height of 6 feet. Yes you've been a tall child ever since. You have a quick temper and always speak your mind. You're pretty sensitive but you never show it because it shows weakness. You've been bullied many times in your whole life that you know if you showed any reaction, it would only satisfy the other party. You attend the Inspirits Academy, a religious school forced upon by your father who happens to be a priest. Somehow, growing up with such a religious background, you managed to become a person who cusses, speaks her mind, and probably breaks at least nine of the ten commandments. You've always wanted a boyfriend, seeing how easily your bestfriend is so happily in love with your brother (although with your strict consent). You and her have been friends forever, until she found your brother. Things aren't the same anymore, it felt like she left you all alone because she only had time for your brother. You were the lonely tall kid again, depsite the fact that your bestfriend said she will be there for you but she rarely is. You understood. You don't come first anymore. Being a tall girl, it was hard to find love since what guy would want to date such a tall girl?

Lee Byunghun (L.Joe)

A sixteen year old boy with the height of around 5 feet. He's a late bloomer, always being shorter than everyone in his class. He's very sensitive when anyone mentions his height, knocking anyone out if they would mention it. Yes, the constant teasing and taunting led him to become this violent solemn person who shuts everyone out. Even his bestfriends, who goes by the names of "Teen Top," couldn't get to him. His depression has lessoned, and he learned to control his anger better, but inside of him, is still that angry boy who just wants to be tall. He doesn't want to be laughed at anymore or have to ask someone to reach for something on a higher shelf for him. His height stripped away his manliness.It hurt him deeply, and everyone in Teen Top knew that. The only girl whom he ever liked turned him down, ignoring him for months after he poured his heart out to her. She was too uncomfortable with the idea thema actually dating, that she started to avoid him. L.Joe was broken after that, making him more depressed. That was the final straw that triggered his inner hate even more. He used to be such a happy kid, but as he stopped growing, everything changed. He was transferred to Inspirit Academy by his parents, because they, being religious as well, thought some more time with "the Lord" would show him the way.


Teen Top

   L.Joe's group of friends since childhood. Chunji, C.A.P., Changjo, Niel, and Ricky. They are known as Teen Top.


Anh Jooni

Your obnoxious brother who's quite overprotective although you're no where near close to him. He's dating your best friend.


Kang Anna

Your best friend since middle school. She was the only one who would talk to you. All the other kids were either too busy being scared of you or making fun of you. You guys shared a sandwich during lunch, talking about nonsense one day and BOOM. Friends for life. 

No JiAe

Queenka of Inspirits Academy.


You were a sixteen year old girl whom has always been towering over her fellow classmates by the age of seven. Your current height at the time was 4 feet, about 5 inches over the average height of a seven year old child. At around sixth grade you grew once again to be 5 feet 6 inches. Around that time of your middle school age, you were given a nickname, which stuck; Amazon. All throughout middle school you were teased and picked up, everyone cracking jokes at your height. To make things worse, you just kept growing! To this very day, as you entered your Junior year in highschool, you had the height of 6 feet! 6 feet! The taunts and the jokes continued, until one day, you had enough. A group of boys who had been throwing stuff at you jokingly said "Hey guys! Let's try to knock this Amazon over!" You had enough, turned around and punched them all in the face. You weren't a fighter, but your anger led you to such violence. You kicked and punched, not knowing what you did, but in the end when you caught your breath, the boys ran away with bloody noses and busted lips. The next day, the incident about you beating upt he boys spread throughout the entire school, making everyone fear you. Your name was officially changed. To what? 


"Not only is she huge! She's violent too!" Kids would say.

Great. Just great. 

That name stuck. Everywhere you went you were known for that name. People recognized you, not by your hair, not be your face, but your height. It was annoying as heck and it didn't help your temper either. So, Godzilla it was.


It was a sunny morning, and to your dismay, you were running late. It was the first day of school, and you had forgot to set your alarm. You had ten minutes to get ready as well as to get to the school, but luckily you only lived a few blocks away from it. You're parents just had to buy a house next to the school for convenience and such to the holy lord. Brushing your teeth as you quickly fixed your hair and uniform before spitting out the toothpaste, you headed out without saying goodbye. Being an the Amazon that you were, arriving late would only drag alot more attention. You didn't need that. You were basically a celeberity at your school. You know, if celeberities were constantly laughed at and got bullied.

"Noo ~" you groaned as you sprinted up to the school gates. 

Of course, they were closed. You shook the bars of the gates as hard as you can but they wouldn't budge. SHIT . You kept trying to shake the gates not noticing that a bicycle was coming at you at top speed. The boy on the bicycle stopped just in time, but his front wheel nudged you a bit in the leg. Broken out of your trance, you looked to what had hit you with annoyed eyes.

"YAH!!!" the boy on the bicycle yelled. "What are you doing?!"

Surprised at how loud the boy was, you screamed back. "YAH! You're the one who hit me!"

He smirked, looking the other direction, disregarding her presence. He had a handosme face, small eyes but pretty full lips with a deep cupid's bow on the top. What shocked you the most was his purple hair. Badass. You hadn't noticed how long you were staring, but when the purple haired boy spoke, he broke your thoughts.

"Do you go here?" he said, gesturing to the school.

"Yeah. Why?" You said, furrowing your brows confused.

"Sneak me in," he said.

"Huh...?" You were still confused.

He sighed, flipping his hair impatient to your slowness. "Can you get me in? This is my first day here and I'm already late as it is."

You blinked at his rudeness. Why is he cussing when he goes to a religious school? Wait... but I shouldn't talk. "Oh well uhm... sure..." You said, not knowing if this was a good idea. Everyone knew who you were, if he was associated with you, he'd have a very good chance of getting caught. "But the only way I know is over these gates... Everywhere else is locked or heavily guarded..." Your voice began to trail off.

The boy rolled his eyes, and stepped off his bike. He was short. No, wasn't the word. He's a midget. A super midget. He was as tall as your chest. He blinked slightly looking up at you, his eyes in amazement at how tall your were. He quickly snapped out of his thought and threw his bike over the gates with ease.

"Whoa! You're strong!," you said in amazement.

He ignored you and started to climb the bars. It was incredible. It was like he was spiderman or something, gripping to the bars while his foot knew exactly where to step. Finally as he reached the top, he jumped down with ease. He smoothed down his uniform and smirked. 

"Your turn," he said cooly, doubting the fact that you could. 

As you reached for the bars and began to climb up, he added, "Don't worry, it'll only take two steps since you're half the gate's height." 

That made you mad. He was making fun of your height. Great. He's one of those . You ignore his remark and start to climb the gates. It was surprisingly easy, no wonder the purple-haired kid did it so cooly. But as you got to the top, you felt a breeze on your skirt. "!," you cussed under your breath.

"Yah! DON'T LOOK!," you said, blushing a little as you made your way down. The boy looked up to see your white that were revealed as the gush of wind passed by. He blushed himself, and looked away, blinking fast at the sight.

"N-no one's looking! There's nothing there anyway," he stuttered. "Lets go," he said as he walked off towards the school not bothering to wait for you.

Grpw: Hey guys, I'm really sorry but I have to but this story on hiatus for now b/c I don't feel like it's going anywhere atm, but I'll eventually finish it~


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Chapter 11: Finaly!!
When are they beining together?
Update soon
eli1030 #3
When is the next update? ^^
miss it so :(
haha Ricky is so cute with the noona thing :p and Chunji knows everything ^^ really love it ^^
aw so cuttie cute off L.Joe to try to get that pig-bunny for here. sweetist thing that a guy can do to a gril ^^

update soon ^^
Uwaa! Please update soon! ^^
Uhh! I really like this story!
Please update soon~~ ^^
update soon ^^ love this story hihi
Awww L.Joe your not short, your..... just not that tall. LOL, JK! But no matter what height you are, your still my bias!
I really like your story! Update soon!