► Prologue I — Sector Three

► A Game of Equilibrium — "May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor."

Rain trickled down the sleek black motorcycle helmet onto small shoulders. It must have been a girl since most men in sector three would have been much taller than she was. Her small frame hopped off the side of the parked motorcycle and ran into the convenience store. Shivers wracked her body as she ran behind the counter to hug the polo wearing cashier. The light green fabric stuck to his fair skin and he frowned down at the helmet wearing girl.

“You’re going to catch a cold if you don’t find yourself some whole pieces of clothing for spring’s bizarre weather changes.” The male said, looking down at her with concern.

The girl merely shrugged her shoulders and proceeded in taking off the heavy head gear that she had been forced to wear. She shook her light blonde locks and let the ends gather some rain off of her wet clothing. She was only clad in a pair of worn black skinny jeans that had developed holes everywhere and began to fade over the years, and a large red flannel shirt that once belonged to her brother. She looked down at her shoes that were soaked and muddy.

“Jiyeon, take care of the till while I get this kid a change of clothes.” The male yelled over to his female co-worker. Jiyeon frowned.

“Ma said that she isn’t any good, Baekhyun. You should listen to your parents and drop her while you can.” She said lowly. The smaller girl roughly shoved her aside as she walked by her.

Baekhyun shook his head and brought the blonde to the back of the convenience store into the staff room. It was small with a cement floor and lockers lining the walls despite the fact that there were only four workers – the owner, Baekhyun, Jiyeon and another girl who worked different shifts from Baekhyun. Shuffling through his spare locker, he pulled out a pair of sweats and a white long sleeved shirt.

“You know, your name may contain the word rain but that doesn’t mean you’re immune to it, you know?” Baekhyun said, looking for matching socks in the tiny compartment. He made reference to the ‘Bi’ part of her name. “Son Yoonbi, what am I going to do with you?”

Yoonbi chuckled and kicked off her shoes to reveal pruney toes and small feet. Grabbing the new clothes and placing them on a seat, she began to take off her wet clothes. Baekhyun avoided her direction though they were close enough not to care about such trivial things, he was still a male and she was still a female. He wondered if she even really saw him as a man instead of just her best friend. His peripheral vision caught sight of her shivering body and he tensed. She wouldn’t be considered really pretty at all to others, especially comparing her to someone like the mayor’s daughter. But she had her pretty aspects which made it that much harder to keep himself restrained. Baekhyun’s mind wandered to what Hyukjae would say if he could see the thoughts that ran through his mind at the moment and couldn’t help but laugh at the obvious reaction he’d get.

“Bi, what am I to you?” he asked seriously. She only laughed at his serious tone and gave him a rough pat on the shoulder.

“You’re my best friend, Baek.” She said obviously. Yoonbi handed him her wet clothes so that he could put them in the small dryer next to the dirty sink.

Baekhyun’s face flushed looking at the pile in front of him, dark blue caught his eye but he quickly threw the clothes in before he could think anything further. He tossed her one sock that he had found in the locker and told her to find the other – reminding himself that he should check the locker later in case she forgot to close it knowing how forgetful she was.

It wasn’t the least bit quiet – it was sector three after all – and the loud sirens of counties guarding every inch of the sector’s borders was something that could be heard all day and night. If it wasn’t someone causing a riot, it’d be someone planning a riot. Counties had eyes and ears everywhere so planning riots had to be done in super-secret – too bad most of the sector’s inhabitants were crazy loud. Yoonbi grinned when she heard the yelling of hoards of people. The sector was also densely populated despite the constant injuries and deaths from rioting. She wanted in on the riot, but looking down at her attire and what she lacked underneath it, she decided she’d sit this one out.

After finding the other sock, she put it on and walked out of the back room. Jiyeon sent her a sharp glare, one that she returned. No one in sector three seemed to like her. With only three people out of thousands on your side, it was hard to live. She shuffled over to Baekhyun and sat on him, taking him by surprise.

“You have any food?” she asked bluntly.

“Do you need it? For someone so small, you’re heavy.” He teased which earned him a kick to the shin. He winced slightly feeling her heel hit his shin but held her around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. “Tomorrow’s the reaping, you know?”

Yoonbi turned her head to look at him with a raised eyebrow. “So?”

So, how many times has your name been entered in the ball of doom?” he asked worriedly.

“A few.” And that’s all it took for him to overflow with concern. Yoonbi noticed him biting his lip and knew immediately what worried him. Now, Yoonbi wasn’t the brightest girl, but when it came to her best friend she was confident she knew him better than anyone else – well, that’s what she thought anyways. “It’s nothing to worry about. I’ve been lucky the past five years, and I’ll be fine again this year.”

Loud footsteps made their way into the store. The pair turned away from each other to look at the stomping fiend. Grinning slyly at the two of them, the male suddenly began to pout. Baekhyun suddenly felt extremely glad that the shirt was so big on Yoonbi to shield her from the eyes of the lecherous man.

“Lenny, why don’t you let me hug you like that?” he whined loudly.

Yoonbi frowned at the nickname he had given her. “Yah, Bang Cheolyong. I give you an awesome nickname like Mir, and what do I get in return – Lenny?” Yoonbi snapped.

Cheolyong just smiled at his childhood friend and slammed down a few bucks. Both Baekhyun and Yoonbi knew what he wanted. It wasn’t uncommon for someone from sector three to smoke, and it also wasn’t surprising that Cheolyong got his cigarettes at a cheaper price than others – of course he brought them food at a cheaper price in return. Yoonbi opened the small packet and pulled out two before handing it to her friend.

“You should quit.” Baekhyun said after Cheolyong left.

“You never know, tomorrow might be the last time I get a cigarette from this store.” Yoonbi said. She tucked one cancer stick behind her ear and slipped the other between her lips. The dryer sounded and it was her cue to change. Hopping off of Baekhyun’s lap, she briefly pulled out the cigarette to kiss his cheek and pulled a lighter off the counter. 

Taegu and Tevin's area, keep out!


So...here's the first teaser written by me, Tevin...
Uh...I hop this wasn't too crappy because I wrote it pretty quickly.
With all that has happened on AFF, don't worry
So the teasers will basically be about  what life was like prior to the reaping
Yeah, when the real chapters will be up it'll be about the reaping for the first two
A lot of it will be about the prepping for the games
SInce there will be dying you can expect the later few chapters to be quite...
Yeah, I actually find it quite irritating to look at Georgia font when it's tiny...despite my A/Ns being in this font
SO I asked my brother which looked better and he chose Verdana over Tahoma
SO, I don't know what Taegu's gonna use but my chapter updates will be in size 11 Verdana

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Chapter 11: hey there! i just wanted to say that
i've changed my username from thesupremeleader
to narcissistic. i also moved my app over here:

Chapter 11: It's going to start!!!!!!!!!! This is the best thing that could happen to me in a period fool of school exams xD
you my friend, are one ____ing amazing person for having kept applications open for so long.
i cannot even sit down and wait for the story to start
ho mah gawd.
Chapter 11: EXCITED!!! XDDDD
It's finally closed!!
Looking forward to the story!!! XDDD