► Sector Three

► A Game of Equilibrium — "May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor."

Oof” she coughed out as the club met her stomach. She snickered and looked up at her attacker before spitting in his face. The slimy red substance hit his cheek, sliding down his cheek onto his uniform.

“Always causing trouble before the reaping, aren’t you, child” the county spat as he circled her tied form. Yoonbi just laughed maniacally as he kicked her leg roughly. “Citizens of Sector Three, this is the result of your rioting!” he sent another kick to her leg.

The people looked up at the stage dispassionately. “Stupid county, you thought they’d actually give a ? You’re talking to Sector Three here!” Yoonbi yelled, earning her a smack to the face. The rope was biting into the skin around her wrists and ankles, and the wooden pole she was tied to was beginning to splinter up her back. She cursed the counties for taking her flannel shirt and jeans – all part of the humiliation she knew all too well – leaving her only in her boy shorts and tank top.

Yoonbi winced at the feeling of the concrete of the stage rubbing against the open wounds of her legs. The county just laughed at her statement and grabbed her hair, pulling her up letting the splintering wood scrape her back further. Yoonbi shrieked in pain only to be silenced when the county slammed her head against the pole.

“You hear that?” Yoonbi wheezed. “Nothing. Not even a gasp. You guys are getting old, no one cares anymore. You target the same girl, attack her just as you always have. No one cares or ever did.”

The large man’s foot collided with Yoonbi’s ribs surely snapping a few. She squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her teeth. She wasn’t about to let them win. “What’s the worst you’ll do? Break a few more ribs?”

The furious county grabbed her face by her chin forcing her to look at him. “You’ve got a pretty ugly mug.” She said with a cackle. The county pulled his free arm back and sent his strong fist flying at her face. Her face already began to bruise but just as he revved up for another hit, someone had run to the stage.

“Stop!” the intruder yelled. “Please, just stop!”

The county smirked. “See, not as tough as you make yourselves seem.” He said releasing her chin. Yoonbi fell limp breathing deeply. She knew exactly who it was. Her ears were ringing so she couldn’t hear the voice properly but she knew who it was – the only person willing to help her in a situation like this.

“Bacon, just in time for the party.” Yoonbi said weakly once her good old pal reached her. “Better scram before that county has a cow and wrecks your pretty face.”

“Just stop being stupid and apologize.” Under any other circumstance, Baekhyun wouldn’t give in to the counties – he’s a part of Sector Three after all – but he couldn’t stand seeing Yoonbi like this. He it up every other year but this time, she was just asking for it.

“Don’t go soft on me, boy.” She said, coughing up a bit of blood. “Now get off the stage, I got a score to settle with this county.”

“Listen to the brat, we don’t need to implicate any other civilians.” The county said.

Before Baekhyun could say anything to get himself in trouble, Yoonbi cut in, “And suddenly you Capitolians care about the normal people here in the Sectors?”

The county stepped roughly on her leg putting most of his weight onto it. Yoonbi couldn’t even make a sound anymore. She was out of breath, and so out of energy that her pain receptors seemed to have worn out too.

“You…ve…had your…fu…n.” she breathed. “Now…lea…ve…me…you………mo…fo…”

“You still have energy to speak, punk?” the county laughed. Before he went any further, something buzzed against his leg. “We’re not done with you.” He said, spitting on Yoonbi’s head. As he left, Yoonbi used all the energy left in her to yell,

“Looks like you DO have better things to do! Didn’t think you guys actually did anything but harass us Sector folk!” The county glared at her but let his judgement rule over his desire to beat the girl some more.

Baekhyun fumbled with the rope and tried to untie her as the populace retreated back to their homes. “Hyuk, Mir, come help me!”

The two males ran up to the stage to aid their friend. Eunhyuk pulled out a pocket knife and cut the ropes. Yoonbi’s kneeling form fell forward unconscious. They hauled her onto Mir’s back and brought her to the parking lot where she last left Brock earlier that day. She was shaking from the cold and her wounds were bleeding out. Luckily for her, she had parked Brock in the convenience store lot.

Baekhyun ran into the convenience store and grabbed out the first aid kit behind the counter. They cleaned her wounds and patched her up. Baekhyun looked at her with gentle eyes as he disinfected a cut on her eyebrow.

“Byuntae Bang Cheolyong, go get her clothes from the stage.” Baekhyun ordered. He and Mir were friends but he didn’t want him seeing anything. It wasn’t because he didn’t trust Mir, it was just because he didn’t want any other male to see her – hell he didn’t even want Eunhyuk there.

“I’ll go keep Mir company.” Eunhyuk said, patting Baekhyun’s back. Eunhyuk understood by the look in Baekhyun’s eyes that he wanted to be left alone with her.

Baekhyun thanked him and flipped Yoonbi over on his lap. He carefully dragged her tank top up and pulled out a pair of tweezers from the kit. He plucked out all the splinters and wiped her back with disinfectant wipes. Rubbing some ointment onto her cuts, his hands lingered on the large tattoo on her back.

It was a gift from the boys to her and she was more than happy to accept it. She began to stir on his lap and awoke with a jolt. She pulled down her shirt and sat up on Baekhyun’s lap resting her head on his shoulder. “Thank you.” She whispered.

“No problem. Let’s check out your ribs.” Yoonbi turned towards him and straddled his legs. She lifted up her shirt just enough for Baekhyun to rub ointment on the bruises on her stomach. She gasped in pain once he reached her ribs. “They definitely broke a few. We need to take you to a hospital. And I don’t care about any objections you have.”

Mir and Eunhyuk brought her clothes and helped get them on her. The car ride to the hospital was silent and awkward no thanks to Mir.

“So…it was a little soon to be doing the nau–” Eunhyuk smacked Mir who was next to him. “I guess it was too soon for jokes too…” 

Ayo, buing buing
Whuddup kiddies? Long time no see!
So, I figured since Taegu made a chapter teaser thing
Just to get to word out.
I am actually really excited to start but we really don't have enough  applicants.
We can't even write anything about the reaping since we need to know the chosen ones
You know, so we can see who we'll be putting out on the field.
So spread the word, kids! Andandand finish up your apps!

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Chapter 11: hey there! i just wanted to say that
i've changed my username from thesupremeleader
to narcissistic. i also moved my app over here:

Chapter 11: It's going to start!!!!!!!!!! This is the best thing that could happen to me in a period fool of school exams xD
you my friend, are one ____ing amazing person for having kept applications open for so long.
i cannot even sit down and wait for the story to start
ho mah gawd.
Chapter 11: EXCITED!!! XDDDD
It's finally closed!!
Looking forward to the story!!! XDDD