► A Game of Equilibrium : Harlequin Ling Lun

∞ ⋮ narcissistic's applications ⋮ mass post

××× A Game of Equilibrium ×××


You've got to go through it to get to the end of it.

Username : thesupremeleader

Profile link : here

Your name : miranda is fine.



I'm more than just a piece in their Games

Name : harlequin ling lun

Age : 19

Gender : female

Sector : sector two



You don't forget the face of the person who was your last hope

Ulzzang / Model : arisa mizuhara

Links : should i still fill this out? i filled this out before but you had already chosen a picture for the tributes pictures.

Backup Face : --

Links : --

Height : 165cm

Weight : 65kg

Other : she has blue scales along the right side of her face as well as blue scales around her eyes. she has natural dark blue eyes.



You've got about as much charm as a dead slug.

Personality : 

Behind the Name - Ling Lun, such an interesting name with an interesting background. In Chinese, Ling Ling would mean a humorous actor or buffoon. In our case, it is the exact opposite. Having been named after a jester, Ling Lun's parents believed that she would become a playful and happy child. At a young age of 3, the family was separated, leaving Ling Lun and her mother to the researchers while her dad went to a mental institution. In Sector Two, she was known as the child who never smiled; always the one with the poker face. It is often often she would give a slight smile but really, she didn't mean it. Well, she would smile seriously once every blue moon. Maybe it was because she was a mistake that her parents made that she never smiled. Or maybe, she just didn't like to smile. Whatever the reason was, it sure isn't going to surface any time soon.

You’re Supernatural! Extraterrestrial! – Being a native of Sector Two, there’s bound to be something inhuman in her, right? Chemicals mixed in with her genetic buildup, wiring in her body to microchips in her brain…almost anything you could think of! Okay, so she’s not a superhuman but she has been experimented on. To be honest, she's the result of an experiment, not experimented on. I’ll go into detail about what happened later but now, I’ll focus on how it has affected her. Like I said before, she was a mistake. That mistake resulted in her looking like a freak, a walking lizard. She was shunned in her sector, only having a few handful of friends who would accept her for who she was. She was lonely as a child, holding a grudge against that world. Hating it for that matter. She could never forgive those who turned her into what she became. That person, the one responsible for the terrible life she leads is none other than her own father.

All By Myself – Ling Lun stuck out like a sore thumb, unique you could call her. It got her attention, yes, but it wasn’t the attention one would like. The attention she received from the others made her feel awkward and ashamed of herself. Making her feel low on the outside and ruining her self-esteem. When she was 5, she knew that she was all on her own. She learned how to fend for herself, live on her own while becoming the most hated person in Sector Two. She looked down on everyone because she thought they weren’t worthy of her or couldn’t live up to her standards. She had high expectations of everyone; it was as if she only wanted perfection. She is a flawed pseudohuman. Nothing about her is perfect at all. Though, she would never admit to being at flawed at all. Because she is independent, she only had one thing in mind: “Myself.” She loved herself more than anything in the world. In fact, her self-pride is off the charts. She thinks highly of herself to make up for the hate she receives from others. Making herself feel good is her number one priority. She loves herself to death, yes, but she's also afraid of herself. She hates looking at her reflection because of what she sees; she wishes she looked normal. Long story short, she is a narcissistic girl who is afraid of her reflection. It sounds rather silly, right?

I’m All Ears – Though Ling Lun is all talk, she is actually a really good listener. People who will actually approach her as if she were normal, she’ll take the time to listen to them. If they have problems, she’ll be there to listen when no one else is. Though she isn’t any good at giving advice because of her poor speaking skills, she tries her best to direct them in a good path. It’s hard to gain Ling Lun’s trust, believe me. Except, those who do gain her trust, she trusts them with all her heart. If someone betrays her, she feels terrible about herself and refuses to talk at all. Sometimes, she won’t be able to sleep with the thought of someone just using her to get somewhere. It's deep bro, way deep.

Someone Come and Carry Me Home – Even if Ling Lun is Sector Two’s biggest jerk, there is an explanation to her jerky attitude. What is it exactly? Loneliness. If there’s one thing that Ling Lun hates, it’s being alone. For all her life, she was alone so she hates her life. She’s insecure about herself so she hides it under her tough front. She is scared of others finding out her weakness and will do her best to shun away her fears. Deep down in her heart, she knows that she isn’t powerful but her mindset likes to think otherwise. Ling Lun isn’t able to balance inner peace and harmony so her only way to deal with her problems is to make herself superior to everyone.

Me? Mad? Why, I’m Not Mad! – Ling Lun has driven off the cliff to insanity. Being a member of Sector Two, she is capable of combing chemicals and other substances to create deadly drugs and medicine. One might even call her mad. She enjoys inflicting pain on others because it helps her heal her own pains in life. She thinks that if she isn’t able to be happy in life, then no one else should be. There’s no way to help her back up to sanity. Those who try will just waste their efforts. She keeps to herself, waiting to come across someone whom she can turn against. Even though she hates being used, she isn’t afraid to use others for her own personal benefit. Ling Lun sees life as a game and since she’s one of the players, she’s not afraid to play dirty. She’ll even cheat to save her own life. Just as it is hard for her to trust people, it’s just as hard for others to trust her. She turns against people when they deem useless to her, sometimes leaving them behind in the dust. She pays the game of life as if it were “every man for himself.” Think about it, though. Isn’t that how life works?

Likes : 

Herself ; scratch that, she loves herself!

Killing ; it’s what Sector Two is known for so she lives up to it.

Experimenting on anything she can get her hands on ; oh the joy!

Inflicting pain on others ; like your friendly neighborhood masochist

Blood ; lots and lot of it

Psychotic movies ;blood, gore and man men? hell yes!

Sharp objects ; one is never too young to handle needles!

Black magic ; you know, voodoo? it’s one of the most fascinating things.

Spicy food ; it burns but the pain is so good.

Talking about herself ; she’s always going on about how superior she is.

Dislikes : [min. 5 max. 10 point form]

People ; she believes that she is better than everyone.

The World ; she isn’t welcome here.

Her parents ; the reason why she is what she is.

Anything joyful ; the thought of something so stupid existing…it makes her laugh.

People who call her mad ; mad? who do they think they are calling her mad?!

Normal ; normality was boring then and normality is boring now.

Users ; she hates being used even though she uses people twice as much.

Trusting people ; no one is trustworthy enough.

Stupid people ; oh and their stupid questions too.

Happiness ; one can live without being happy.

Fears : 


Autophobia ; fear of being alone

Eisoptrophobia ; fear of seeing oneself in a mirror

Eremophobia ; fear of loneliness

Anthrophobia ; fear of people and society



For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first

History : 

The scariest and most feared sector, Sector Two, is where the infamous Ling Lun comes from. Some say that Ling Lun isn’t human and the select few that do believe it, they’re right. Ling Lun the experiment gone wrong. It was around the era when dinosaurs were being put back into question. Can we bring dinosaurs back to life? Ling Wei, Ling Lun’s father was a mad scientist. He wanted to be the one to bring dinosaurs back to life. Along with his wife, Ling Xiao, they began working under the radar trying to see if it could be possible. Late one night, Ling Wei found out that his wife was pregnant. It all went downhill from there. [As I don’t want to cross any religious lines, I’ll leave it to you to figure out what happened. What happened to Ling Lun is against my Catholic beliefs so I’d rather not describe what happened in too much detail.] He decided to use his wife to see if she could give birth to a pseudohuman. Sick? Terribly. Ling Wei was never right in the head to begin with, crossing lines that should never be crossed by anyone. Kronosaurus stem cells were fused with the fetus. In the end, Ling Lun became a hybrid; the first ever human to be born with Kronosaurus genes.

The day Ling Lun was born was the day Ling Wei was locked up in the Sector Two’s mental institute. Ling Xiao and Ling Lun went under many tests and lab checks so scientists could figure out what had be done to give birth to such a thing. Yes, thing. As a child, Ling Lun was always referred to as a thing. Not once was she ever given the chance to be a human. Scientists saw her as another specimen, an animal they could take tests on. She was poked and prodded with needles, scans were taken and cells were always taken from her for research. She was abnormal. Ling Lun never went to school, instead, she was taught by Seth, the android. Seth watched her grow by the years but he never felt anything as he wasn’t human. He was just a machine to watch her progress.

She spent most of her life inside the lab walls but every weekend, she would be let out to the Sector. She was ridiculed of the people in her Sector, laughed and mocked. Often called a freak, a monster to mothers with young children. Kids made fun of her for her appearance, some even made nursery rhymes about her and would sing it whenever she was around. It was funny for them and she would always go back to the laboratory humiliated. Dr. Im Ra Min, her guidance counselor, drilled into Ling Lun’s mind that she would never be a part of society. Ling Lun was like this up until 12 years old.

When Ling Lun turned 13, Ling Xiao was also sent to the mental institution because she was driving crazy in the laboratory. Her mind broke down because of all the medication they were giving her and all the tests they were running on her, When Ling Lun found out what they had done to Ling Xiao, she told herself that she had to get out as soon as possible otherwise she would go crazy as well. Ling Lun knew the entire building from the inside out so she knew exactly how to break out of it. All by herself, she got out and sought out help from anyone who was willing to give her help. There was only one person who she could go to, her best friend, Cho Kyuhyun. He was they only one who would see past her imperfections and help her through it all. She stayed with him for 6 years knowing that Kyuhyun would never sell her out to the scientists.

Kyuhyun did a great job of keeping her from being found until, that is, when the Reaping began.

Family : 

Ling Wei | 48 | Previously a head researcher for Sector Two / Locked up in a mental institute | Sick, Twisted, Psychotic, Mad, Dangerous | Ling Lun never knew who her father was as he was locked up on the day she was born. Though, if there is one thing she knows about her father, it’s the fact that she hates his guts out. Ling Wei loved Ling Lun because that was his child but he never knew what her life was after she was born. He wishes to see her again one day whether it is in person or just on screen. Ling Lun wants him to apologize to her sincerely about how he was sorry for ruining her life. It’s too late for that though, there’s no way he’s ever going to be able to. He’s already messed up from the torture he’s getting from the institute.

Ling Xiao | 46 | Previously a researcher for Sector Two / Locked up in a mental institute | Regretful, Loving, Understanding, Sympathetic, Frustrated | Ling Lun would see her mother on rare occasions. She loves her mom deep down but on the outside, she is still mad about how Ling Xiao went along with the idea to integrate Kronosaurus stem cells in her. Ling Xiao is regretful of what has become of her daughter’s life, every day she wants to take back all the things she has done. Both of them, when Ling Xiao was still in the lab, would talk to each other from their cells. Ling Xiao would always reassure Ling Lun that everything was going to be fine even though Ling Lun knew it wasn’t.

The reaping : 

The results of the Reaping came to be a big shock to everyone. Sector Two’s sector , Se7en, had pulled her name out of the glass bowl. Mind you, it wasn’t because she wanted to. Things just happened that way. To be honest, people of her sector didn’t mind that Ling Lun was tribute. In fact, they were elated that someone so low in the social status was going to be participating in a life-risking game. They thought luck was on their side because they had a half-human/half-monster fighting for them. They had a bigger chance at winning, they thought. Kyuhyun volunteered to take her place but Ling Lun shot him down. She told him that he would have no chance at winning because the only thing he was good at was playing handheld games and that he wasn’t fit. There was no way he would get far in the game. Though he was hesitant, he understood that there was no changing her mind anymore. The most he could do now was hope luck was on her side. 

Sector charm : [what did you bring into the Games that represented your sector? Weapons or anything deadly will get you killed.]

Barcode : Well, barcode "tattoo", as you could call it. Ling Lun was given code just in case she were to run away, they would be able to distinguish her from anyone because of the obvious marking on her body. Now, why would she run away you ask? She's an experiment that was tortured in her own sector, would you not run away as well?



They'll either want to kiss you, kill you, or be you

Best Friend :

 Cho Kyuhyun | 19 | Intern for Sector Two’s Main Laboratory

Devious, Mischievous, Playful, Annoying, Protective

Kyuhyun is one of the only people that Ling Lun has ever opened up to. Ling Lun first met Kyuhyun when she was transferred to a different holding room in the lab. Kyuhyun had brought her the medications in which she was supposed to take. After Ling Lun refused to take it, he decided that he would dispose of the medicine as long as Ling Lun talked to him and would visit him when she was let out of the lab. She said yes but at first, she wasn’t sure if he was being serious. Kyuhyun was in charge of keeping watch on her and was to report to higher authorities if something seemed out of place but he would always lie about her to keep them from doing anything bad. He was an intern at a young age because his father had connections within the lab. They talked inside and outside the lab. After a few years, they became really close; close enough to consider each other as best friends. When Ling Lun turned 15, Kyuhyun realized that he had begun liking her. He felt devastated when Ling Lun was entered into the Games. Ling Lun is attracted to Kyuhyun but she doesn’t realize that she is.

Friends : 

 Park ‘Luna’ Sunyoung | 19 | Botanist

Awkward, Cheerful, Empathetic, Friendly, Outgoing

Luna is one of the few people who Ling Lun is comfortable speaking to. Luna is a very trustworthy person. She’s almost like a sponge: takes in a lot of things but it takes a lot to get anything out of her. She respects Ling Lun’s privacy and won’t do or say anything to hurt her. She often puts herself in Ling Lun’s shoes to try and understand how her friend feels like being a social outcast. Luna first met Ling Lun when Kyunhyun introduced Ling Lun to her. At first, she was taken aback by Ling Lun’s appearance but then she realized that Ling Lun still looked human, just a bit ‘blue’, if you know what I mean. It wasn’t easy for Luna to break through Ling Lun’s shell but that was alright with Luna. She could wait. Luna and Ling Lun are like sisters; they know each other’s secrets and each other inside out.

Enemies : 

▬ Wu ‘Kris’ Fan | 19 | Intern for Sector Two’s Main Laboratory

Judgmental, Silent, Mysterious, Cunning, Sly, Shrewd

Kris and Ling Lun aren’t on speaking terms. Heck, he hates her just as much as she hates the world. He doesn’t like her because Ling Lun and him got off on the wrong foot. They first met in the laboratories. His dad had taken him to work at the lab when Kris was only 5 years old. Anyway, at first, Kris thought that Ling Lun was some sort of rare species. He thought that since animals couldn’t speak, then neither could Ling Lun. He started calling her names like the immature boy he was. Laughing at her, calling her ugly, pulling at her hair…anything that a grade school bully would do. Ling Lun finally had the last straw so she told him to stop. Kris got mad and was slightly embarrassed that he had been wrong the whole time about Ling Lun being an animal.

Rival : 

▬ Kim ‘Xiumin’ Minseok | 19 | Knife Specialist / Tribute for Sector Five

Prideful, Unreliable, Manipulative, Devious, Independent, Self-Reliant

Looks can be deceiving, can’t they? The baby-faced school boy, Minseok, is quite the violent one. Ling Lun and him are alike in many ways: prideful and enjoy other peoples’ pain. Though they have much in common, they hate each other’s guts out. These two defy the laws of multiplication, negative and negative do not make a positive. They’re more like the rules of addition, negative and negative equals a negative. When they were in training for the Games, Minseok kept an eye out for Ling Lun. He thought she was a threat to him because she was a hybrid. He wasn’t aware of the abilities she had against him but he knew that she wasn’t someone he should trust. At all times, he has his guard up so he can’t be jumped from any direction. Ling Lun was warned by Se7en about Sector Five tributes because he said that they were dangerous. Ling Lun is most careful of Minseok because of how quiet and mysterious he can be. He doesn’t talk much nor is she aware of what he is capable of. She sees him as a worthy opponent because they are both power hungry. Whoever comes out first is the winner.

Love Interest : Kim ‘Xiumin’ Minseok | 19 | Sector Five

Personality :

Minseok, a tribute of Sector Five, depends on mostly himself. You could say that he developed his own self-pride. Like most of the people from his sector, he likes to think highly of himself and likes to put himself before others. He’s very careful in talking about himself because he’s afraid of spilling out his personal traits; weaknesses and strengths. If one were to find out his weakness, losing, then it’s pretty much the end of the world for him. Xiumin hates losing; it’s just another trait that took a turn for the worse. It’s not likely that he loses, but when he does, it’s impossible to get a word out of him. The best cure is to just leave him alone until he gets over it. One thing that Xiumin takes advantage of is others’ weaknesses. At first, he approaches them with a friendly front and then once they trust him enough to tell him things, he turns it against them. He’s not entirely evil though; most of the time he will use trickery at desperate moments. He’s pretty calm and collected most of the time. People that are egotistic or prideful are the types of people that Xiumin finds most difficult to break and the most annoying…even though he is a bit narcissistic himself. He just doesn’t like admitting that he is. Xiumin can be a bit of a smart-aleck as well. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind when it comes to setting people straight or really just to annoy them. He can be annoying at times but he likes to watch peoples’ reactions for the fun of it. His comebacks and witty comments can drive one to insanity because he just won’t stop. His sarcasm adds more salt to the wound.

Side Note : Minseok’s role, if referred to in the Hunger Games, would be more like Peeta. Someone that Katniss didn’t meet until the Games except unlike Katniss and Peeta, Minseok and Ling Lun don’t get along.

Relationship :

Ling Lun and him are alike in many ways: prideful and enjoy other peoples’ pain. Though they have much in common, they hate each other’s guts out. These two defy the laws of multiplication, negative and negative do not make a positive. They’re more like the rules of addition, negative and negative equals a negative. When they were in training for the Games, Minseok kept an eye out for Ling Lun. He thought she was a threat to him because she was a hybrid. He wasn’t aware of the abilities she had against him but he knew that she wasn’t someone he should trust. At all times, he has his guard up so he can’t be jumped from any direction. Ling Lun was warned by Se7en about Sector Five tributes because he said that they were dangerous. Ling Lun is most careful of Minsoek because of how quiet and mysterious he can be. He doesn’t talk much nor is she aware of what he is capable of. She sees him as a worthy opponent because they are both power hungry. Whoever comes out first is the winner.

Backup Love Interest : Cho Kyuhyun | 19 | Sector Two

Personality : 

Kyuhyun radiates warmth and happiness, combining the physical energy, stimulation and cheerfulness. He brings spontaneity and a positive outlook on life and is a great person to have during tough economic times, keeping us motivated and helping us to look on the bright side of life. With his enthusiasm for life, Kyuhyun relates to adventure and risk-taking, inspiring physical confidence, competition and independence. Kyuhyun is extroverted and uninhibited, often encouraging exhibitionism or, at the very least, showing-off! A warm and inviting person, Kyuhyun is both physically and mentally stimulating, so he gets people thinking and talking!

Side Note : Kyuhyun’s role, if referred to in the Hunger Games, would be more like Gale. Someone that Katniss has known for a long time and is close friends with. Someone who gets jealous of Katniss and Peeta. In our case, Kyuhyun is the third wheel in the Ling Lun/Minseok love story.

Relationship : 

Kyuhyun and Ling Lun are like brother and sister except…they’re obviously not. Kyuhyun is the only person Ling Lun has ever opened up to and the only person, besides Luna, that Ling Lun trusts to this very day. Kyuhyun has a crush on Ling Lun so he cares for her a lot. He is very protective of her and wants only the best for her. Ling Lun looks up to Kyuhyun a lot since he has taken care of her for as long as she can remember. They trust each other a lot but they act like an old married couple. They’ll bicker over the smallest things but they come together at some halfway point when they do. 



Flight is essential, but I can't let my fear show

On the field : 

Don't think that you'll see much from Ling Lun in terms of close-range combat. If there was one thing Ling Lun learned during her training, it was to wait for an opening or to strike from behind. When she sees an open enemy, she’ll look around first to see if anyone else might come out then she’ll strike. It’s probably a trait from the Kronosaurus cells but she easily gets dehydrated out in the sun. If she stays too long fighting someone, she’ll just leave them and run off to find water. When she’s certain to win, she isn’t afraid to go all out, watching the entire thing wide-eyed. Her heart races and she’s maniacally laughing whenever she’s got the kill. Once her victim has fallen, she has the creeper smile on her face. It doesn’t leave her face for a long time. Whenever she sees a fallen enemy, she’s compelled to just go ahead and rip them apart to play around with their insides. Others that aren’t from her sector find it disgusting while those from Sector Two laugh it off. The smell of dead corpses drives Ling Lun insane and makes her itch with excitement. She would love to just sit there and invade their bodies but she can’t otherwise she would end up dying.

The terrain : 

Water ; Being a hybrid of a water dinosaur, she sure is grateful for having water sensing abilities. Unlike the other tributes who have to have luck on their side to stumble across water, Ling Lun has an easy way out. She is able to find water areas quickly but having to get there is the hard part.

Swampy Areas ; Swamps are very beneficial to Ling Lun having both water and mud. When covered in mud, it can mask your scent so it makes it harder for tributes to find her. Swamps are hidden deep in the forests of the map, making it harder for Ling Lun to find them.

Marshes ; Found near large bodies of water. Marshes are great places to hide in especially since they have tall grasses.

Forests ; Depending on the place of the forest, it can be both a disadvantage and an advantage to Ling Lun. The dry areas could mean death for Ling Lun. The upper hand about forests though is that there is water stored in plants so she could just chew on a few leaves to get some moisture out. It's not a place that Ling Lun would be found in, though. On rare occasions she might go down there for food but that's about it.

Avoid, Avoid, Avoid! : 

Open Areas ; In the Hunger Games, the center of the map was bare. Places like those can get to Ling Lun’s head. The sun can do a number of things to a water creature’s head. Sometimes, it can be deadly.

Desert / Dry Land ; She gets dehydrated easily so dry land is one of the things she’s vulnerable to especially since the sun is literally beating down on your head in the desert. She’d be lucky if the Game makers were merciful enough to spawn an oasis or even a pond when she’s in the desert. Unfortunately, they’re not very sympathetic.

Forests ; Depending on the place of the forest, it can be both a disadvantage and an advantage to Ling Lun. They dry areas could mean death for Ling Lun. The upper hand about forests though is that there is water stored in plants so chew could just chew on a few leaves to get some moisture out.



Here's some advice. Stay alive.

Special skills : 

Agility ; Ling Lun is especially agile in in humid areas or even in water. If someone is after her, she’ll literally lead them to a water based area and go for the kill. Combine her water skills with her quick thinking, you've got yourself a pretty deadly opponent.

Extended Lung Capacity ; Since the Kronosaurus was similar to modern day alligators and crocodiles, she doesn’t necessarily “breathe underwater”. Much like any underwater mammals or reptiles, she has to come up for air at one point. One of the few lucky traits that came in handy for Ling Lun is that she has larger lungs; in other words extended lung capacity. She can hold her breath for a long time, at least half an hour to an hour, before going back up for air. If she goes for longer, she might be seeing that white light at the end of the tunnel.

Strong Jaws / Retractable Teeth ; It may seem odd when you first read it but Ling Lun has another set of teeth. Ling Lun isn’t aware of it before the games but she figures it out kind of early during the Games. Her retractable teeth will take the place of her actual teeth while her regular teeth will retract. They’re very sharp and can be used at will. 

Strengths : 

Locating water ; those who know of her ability will be smart to follow her

Long range combat ; close range combat is okay too but only if it’s a sure-fire win

Underwater combat ; she can stay in there longer than most people so she has the upper hand

Weaknesses :

Sunny spots ; dehydrating. she can stay under the sun for as long as 3 hours but she gets drained easily.

Fire ; she’s terrified of it so she refuses to make fires. she’s cold blooded anyway.

Weapon : 

Syringe Pack ; [Can be attained somewhere in the Game, a weapon of her choice that she can bring, a present from the sponsors.] Ah, the Syringe Pack. A specialty of those from Sector Two. The greatest thing about it is that it is both a weapon and a mini health kit. Really beneficial to whoever has it. The Syringe Pack holds a pack of ten needles with five different drugs: Painkillers, Steroids, General Antidote / Vaccine, Hallucination Fluid and Poison.



Happy [Game of Equilibrium]! And may the odds be ever in your favor.

Anything you'd like to say about your character? : --

Suggestions : Surprise me!

Questions or comments? : Hello, um, I hope you don’t mind that I am applying again. I had applied previously on my other account, AlitleLinsane, but I had a few issues [ full story on my current profile ]. I had a really great time applying for this [ again ]. Anyway as I said before, I hope you don’t mind that my character isn’t fully human. Hopefully that doesn’t ruin my chances of getting in? She doesn’t have powers or anything just so you know. She just has better senses or something. You may have heard this repeatedly but I’m going to say it again - good luck in choosing the applicants and writing the story! I’ll be cheering from the sidelines!

Disclaimer : all subtitle quotes are rightfully Suzanne Collins' 

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don't judge me but this is a very good orginizational idea
tbqh i have now over 1000 blog posts and i s2g at least 50% of them are from applications HAHA /shot
I probably won't steal your idea of making it into a story, because that's not cool uvu
but props to you for organization, bby
will you judge me?
Dont worry, i wont take anything out
i subscribe because tis is pretty c:
flightless #3
wtf is this
she says as she clicks subscribe.
Chapter 9: don't judge me but pan da bae kinda reminds me of panda and bear. e w e