Here it begins

Only fools


Third person P.O.V

“oh and he knows Wushu! You know what that is right hyung, it’s like kung fu pretty awesome huh oh and….” As much as Kris love’s Jongin he can talk a bit too much, also Jonging was also totally obvious to his boyfriend in the back seat looking depressed “Hyung! Are you listening to me?” Jongin ask with an annoyed tone, Kris only ignore him and look in the rare view mirror again “Kyungsoo you want me to drop you at yours after I drop this idiot at his?” Kyungsoo nodded then went back to looking outside once again emotion written all over his face. “Hyuuuuuuung! Tell me what you think about Tao hyung” ‘right’ he thought ‘Tao the Chinese boy.’

*flash back*

“He-hello, I’m Zi Tao but please call me Tao” he voice sounded so scared but his eyes were charismatic looking directly at Kris then gave a little bow and smiled. Kris seemed speechless, not sure what had happened to him “ah, hey Tao I’m Wu-fan but call me Kris” with that Tao’s eyes widened “A-are you Chinese?” Jongin oh’ed and replied before Kris could “Yeah, I forgot Kris hyung is also from China but moved to Canada then moved to Korea” Kris smiled and nodded in response who also seen the most adorable smile from Tao “Can I call you Kris ge?” Tao asked excitedly but Kris could see a tint of pink rising on the younger’s cheeks “Yeah sure”

*end of flash back*

Although the conversation wasn’t very long it’s been replaying in his head ever since ‘Tao’ he thought and a smile crept onto his lips, the boy seemed very interesting yes. He only wanted to know more about the raven hair boy because the mentioned was interesting that’s all and also he’s going to need a friend to help him around the school “Tao’s seems like a good kid” Kris replied after ten minutes of silence “Great! Here’s his number I gave him yours as well call him tonight hyung oh here’s my stop I’ll see you tomorrow hyung, Kyuungie you coming over?” Kris and Kyungsoo looked at each other before Kris spoke “I need him for something sorry, have him tomorrow” Kyungsoo just nodded again and kissed his boyfriend “I’ll come and get you in the morning kay?” Jongin only pouted but agreed and walked towards his house.

After a few awkward silence’s Kyungsoo spoke “Why was Jongin at your place last night?” the question was the reason Kyungsoo seemed not himself since he’s usually the one scolding Jongin for over talking, also trying to play match maker with Kris ever since they came out of the closet “His parents were fighting again, didn’t he call you last night?” “Yeah, but he only said he wasn’t home and he’ll see me at school…” Kyungsoo’s voice wondered off “… maybe, he’s not in love with me anymore” with that he started to ball his eyes out crying hysterically, luckily Kris had pulled up in the McDonald’s car park and pulled Kyungsoo into his embrace.

Poor Wu-fan, since all his friends are in relationships he’s the person they come to for comfort. “Why would you say something like that, he’s only had eyes for you” Kris cooed. He didn’t know why his friend would think something like that, everyone that knew about their relationship knows that Jongin talks about two things, Dancing and Kyungsoo even before they started to date jongin would complement Kyungsoo about everything he does, how his sings and cooks. One time Jongin was talking to Kris about life and how Kyungsoo is perfect in every way.

“Man hyung, you know he makes the best Kimichi spaghetti in the world! I honestly fainted when I had a bite; it was so cute when I woke up on the couch with Kyungsoo cursing into phone to a doctor haha.”

Or another time with they had their first fight Jongin was sitting on Kris’ couch crying his eyes out saying he lost Kyungsoo.

“I-I’ve lost him, I screwed up everything. I’m such an idiot! Stupid jongin stupid! You know hyung, if I had five different lives I could do what I wanted. Be a dancer, singer, actor, doctor even but all those people would have just fallen in love with the same person. Do Kyungsoo”

That night Kyungsoo and Jongin talked over what happened although Kris didn’t know why the fought but they were back to talking that morning. Kris’ knew Jongin well enough to know that there was no way in hell he stopped loving Kyungsoo for Kris personally thinks Jongin has an obsession with Kyungsoo but it’s cute that in a way as well.

Kris was telling Kyungsoo everything about how jongin loved him though Kyungsoo was still sceptical “but he hasn’t been coming to me when things are bad at home anymore, he says because he doesn’t want to be a burden to me but that’s how relationships work! One has a problem and the other helps them through it” He younger sighed and continued “why won’t he tell me what’s happening?” Looking down at the floor Kris replied “that something he needs to tell you not me” Kris patted his shoulder “lets grab something to eat a starving!”

-At home- Kris P.O.V

I’ve been staring at this phone number for 2hrs now “I should call him” I tell myself then glanced at the clock “But it’s late he might be asleep” I’m starting to go insane I swear. After 15 minutes of pacing, pressing call then hanging up I decided to text him “Remember, he’s just a friend you want him to be friends I don’t like him no, he’s interesting” I sigh and press send

To: Zi Tao

Tao? It’s me Kris ^^

After staring at the for a few minutes it buzzed giving me one heck of a shock

From – Zi Tao

Kris ge? Oh hi ^-^ I was gona txt you before but I thought you were sleeping lol

He thought I was asleep? cute. 

To – Zi Tao

Really? I was thinking that as well lol. How did you like your fist day?

From – Zi Tao

It was fun, Kyungsoo’s really nice and Chanyeol hyung is too :)

To – Zi Tao

That’s great! Oh you met Chanyeol as well?

From – Zi Tao

Yeah, he walked into me like actually banged into me keke he got scold by his boyfriend I didn’t catch his name, but he seems friendly

I raised my eye brow, he doesn’t mind gay people?

  To – Zi Tao

That was Baekhyun he’s the friendliest out of the group of us lol, so you don’t mind “us?”

Dammit Wu-fan! You say as if we’re vampires or something

From – Zi Tao

What do you mean, gay? Why would I mind that silly ^^

To – Zi Tao

 Well straight guys usually seem to mind that’s all

From – Zi Tao

Who said I was straight c; I have to go! See you at school Kris ge’ goodnight <3



Okay what just happened? I blinked at my screen for a few more minutes before replying, “He’s gay, does it make any difference to being friends with him right” saying things out loud doesn’t make much of difference because either way, my hearts pounding like a drum.


Azzziah! Here’s the next chapter its short I’m sorry T___T pleaaaase don’t kill me *hides behind tree*

I may make a double update today or tomorrow there we will find out the background story to jongin *confetti*  and more Baekyeol! I just haven’t found a way to bring them in until now :D

Suggest what other cute fluffy things I can to for the couples and Kris and Tao >_>

Comments are welcomed! (: not proof read sorry :(


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OMO GUISE. I have an update for ya'll~ i'll try get it up tonight (:


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Chapter 13: Update sooon puhlease :(
Chapter 3: Why shouldn't there be M there should always be M Lolol
Hachi77665 #3
Wee I like it!!!!
Japanda #4
omgsshhhh their meetings are sooooo sweet!!! update soon
Cookie7 #5
Aawww BaekHyun was cute! ChanYeol is so can I say cold hearted? Lol "maybe it's the best for them" how can he say something like that lol so mean
Everything here is so so precious. Their friendship, their relationships, their personality, just.....everything! Thanks for sharing. 'Will be looking to your next updates.:")