First date

Only fools


*Third person P.O.V*

The weekend ended without and dramas, they all enjoyed just hanging out without no rules or guidelines. Kris even took Tao on a tour of the small town they were staying in; it was also their first ‘official’ date together.



*flash back

“...And that place over there was where Jongin first saw Kyungsoo” Kris was walking with Tao in the small town, showing him where Chanyeol, Jongin and him would hang out when they were little “I thought they meet at school?” Tao questioned, “They did meet at school, but Kyungsoo use to live in this area before moving to the big city” Tao made a cute ‘ooooh’ face before continuing their tour.

They then went to the lake and fed the ducks; Kris was showing off as he was feeding the ducks only for it to blow up in his face because a group of ducks decided to gang up on him, trying to steal the bread packet Kris began to panic and ran screaming like a little girl. Tao couldn’t stop laughing for a good hour or two. After that Kris took Tao to the only restaurant in town for dinner before grabbing some Ice-cream.

The sun was setting slowly as the two walked along the bank, hands cupped perfectly together enjoying their Ice-cream.

A few blocks down, they walked past a playground Kris continued to talk about their past when Tao suddenly stopped. “You okay?”Kris turned to face Tao who was staring into space “huh? Oh nothing, it’s just... you’ve grown up with Chanyeol-hyung and Jongin right?” “Yes, we’ve known each other for years...why do you look worried?” Kris lifted Tao head to see him biting his bottom lip “It’s just....never mind, it’s stupid” “Tao....” Kris slowly moved towards Tao lips only to linger there and kiss the top of his forehead “If something is bothering you, tell me. I won’t think it’s stupid” Tao blushed slightly before speaking “It’s not that I’m bothered by it but... curious?” His eyes darted everywhere but at Kris, why was he about to ask something that could only break his heart? He just needed to know “Curious about?” Tao gulped and sat at the park bench that was nearby.....

“Did...did you ever like them? L-like ever wanted to date them?” Tao began to play with his fingertips nervously. “By them I assume you mean Jongin and Chanyeol?” Tao nodded and heard Kris sigh loudly oh no “You see Tao Chan- would you look at me please” once again Kris lifted Tao’s head so their eyes would meet “Chanyeol and Jongin are well...Chanyeol and Jongin, I’ve only ever seen them as my brothers and they’ve only seen me as theirs....” Kris paused letting the answer sink in before speaking again “I know I talk about them way to often then a normal male should but they’re not just friends, they’re also my family. If it wasn’t for Jongin, I’d probably wouldn’t be here; He was the one who let me cry on his shoulder when my parents died, he might be young but he had an old soul, he knows pain and knows how to comfort people. Chanyeol has always be the ray of sunshine through the clouds and rain, he would always be there when we needed to smile. They’re my little brothers so is Kyungsoo and Baekhyun, but none of them will ever fill the gap that you have” Tao looked at Kris a tad confused of what that meant “You fill up all my pain and suffering I’ve been through with happiness, I’ve never felt like this before and I promise. Huang Zi Tao that for as long as you want me I will be your shoulder to cry on, you sunshine through the clouds and rain and most importantly the one who wants you to be happy” He then cupped Tao’s face and kissed him lightly on the lips then his nose.

Tao’s heart flipped summersaults in his body, those words were so simple yet had a huge impact on him. He could feel tears begin to fall as he felt Kris’ lips on his nose “you mean alot to me Kris, I-I don’t know what I’d do if you decided to just up and leave me. Please don’t leave me I-I just couldn’t.....” tears began to fall with ever sentence Tao tried to say which only turned into sobbing “Shhhh, baby don’t cry I’m here and I’m not going anywhere” Kris cooed, letting the younger cry in his arms “you prwomish?”Kris heard through his shirt “If you said promise then yes, I promise” Kris to whisper sweet nothings into the boys hair until he finally stopped.

Kris looked at Tao and wiped the stray tears away “Shall we go back to the house” Tao nodded as they began to walk back.

‘I’m falling in love with you Huang Zi Tao... please love me back’ Kris whispered that night to his panda sleeping soundly in his arms before drifting off to sleep as well.

*end of flash back*



Tao was smiling like an idiot. He was now back at home watching Sehun playing the x-box 360 “Did you enjoy your weekend panda?” Luhan asked “Yeah it was fun! Kris ge and I went on a date as well” Luhan’s eyes lit up like the 4th of July “OMO! What did you two do? Was he a gentleman? Where did he take you for dinner? Did he pay? How about gifts w-” “Babe! One question at a time your confusing the poor boy” Sehun yelled without taking his eyes off the screen “uh, we feed ducks and went to this really awesome carnival that was in town that weekend, had dinner and yes he paid umm had Ice-cream walked around a bit more before heading back to the house” Tao smiled again at the memorise that were shared “aigooo~ that’s so sweet, Huuunie~ we should go out on a date we haven’t had one in so long” Luhan complained “We’ll go tomorrow?” Sehun said causing him to be flung onto the couch by a very excited deer “Pleeeeeeease~ I love you!” Luhan squealed as he gave him a bone crushing hug.

“So Tao, have you and Kris had yet?” Sehun asked after Luhan went off to get something to eat thinking his boyfriend couldn’t hear him “uh-” “NO! My little panda wouldn’t give out on the first date?!” “But you did?” “OH SEHUN!” “It’s true, you were all over me when I w-” “Too much information guys and NO we didn’t I have more self control then you Luhan” Tao saw Luhan’s face go bright red “shut it you”




A/N – HOLY CRAP I’M BACK. My lovely readers are you still here? I’ve missed you all /sobs/

Before I start *bows deeply* I’m so sorry for not updating I was studying for my finals and couldn’t find any motivation to keep writing this (I nearly gave up on it too) but I didn’t and here you go~ sorry that it’s a very short update ;w; *does sorry sorry dance* how do you like their first date pretty fluffy right? :D oooh I’ve also started a new TAORIS related fic as it has all sort of idols in it too like big bang, B.A.P B1A4 f(x), 2NE1, SNSD anyone I can think of really go check it out if you’re interested

Well this is a very long author-note please enjoy my update and hope to see you soon <3


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OMO GUISE. I have an update for ya'll~ i'll try get it up tonight (:


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Chapter 13: Update sooon puhlease :(
Chapter 3: Why shouldn't there be M there should always be M Lolol
Hachi77665 #3
Wee I like it!!!!
Japanda #4
omgsshhhh their meetings are sooooo sweet!!! update soon
Cookie7 #5
Aawww BaekHyun was cute! ChanYeol is so can I say cold hearted? Lol "maybe it's the best for them" how can he say something like that lol so mean
Everything here is so so precious. Their friendship, their relationships, their personality, just.....everything! Thanks for sharing. 'Will be looking to your next updates.:")