Up and away

Only fools


“Road trip anyone?” Everyone looked at Jongin like some insane person saying the worlds about to end why would he even think of something like that? “Are you sure they checked your head properly Jong? I mean a road trip? Why?” Kris asked while putting his hand on top of Jongin’s forehead only for it to me slapped away “I just wanna leave for the weekend to clear my head, plus when we come back I need to find somewhere to stay” Jongin replied, snuggled next to Kyungsoo. Kris sighed knowing Jongin he wasn’t going to take no for an answer “Alright I’m in, who else?” Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s hand flew up in excitement, Tao just shrugged and agreed “This could be fun” Tao looked at Kris smiling to himself “Where are we going?” Jongin smiled brightly happy all of them wanted to go “Tao, it’s not about the destination. It’s the journey that’s important” Jongin replied before everyone left.

Tao walked into his house, Luhan looking at him strangely “Why are you home?” He asked putting down his book “Jongin had to get go to hospital” Luhan’s eyes widened “Oh my goodness is he okay? Where’s Kyungsoo? Does he know?! Oh I should tell Sehun they are friends after all, Kris! Did you know about Jongin wait of course you did wait what about Chanyeol oh god” Luhan was rambling on and on until Kris put his hand on his shoulders “LULU CALM DOWN” Kris shook him harshly trying to make him snap out of whatever he was on “Okay, okay I’m fine now” Luhan sat down on the couch to regain his breath “everything’s fine, just a few stitches Tao go pack I’ll down here” Tao nodded and ran upstairs. Kris sat next to Luhan “How can all of us be friends but I’ve never meet Tao before last week or so” Kris asked. It was weird he thought, None of us had really meet Luhan’s family let alone Tao until recently “We have before, but you were to in love with Henry to notice him” Luhan said calmly “But then again Tao didn’t really notice you either, so you two are even” He laughed making his way to the kitchen to find something to drink “I want the best for Tao, he’s like a brother to me. I’ll never forgive you if hurt him so if you just want this to be some rebound I suggest you end this now before he falls even more for you” Luhan locked eyes with Kris like some stare down, Kris had never seen Luhan like this so serious and cold. To be honest it scared the hell out of Kris “I want to be with him; this isn’t lust though I’m scared it is for Tao since he’s young but I trust him with my life, my heart…… I promise I’ll protect him with everything I have” Kris meant every word; he was putting a lot on the line again. Falling for someone he had only met it was frightening but he didn’t want to back away from this.

He wanted Tao. Nothing else mattered.

It was funny because Tao had come down with his bags packed with he heard the whole conversation they were having. Tao could help but smile at Kris’ words, it meant so much to him hearing those sweet words ‘I love you’ Tao whispered to himself before entering, “Ready!” He yelled making Kris jump and Luhan laugh at Kris trying to regain his balance “You staying with Kris this weekend Tao Tao?” Luhan asked sweetly while drinking some green tea “Jongin wanted a road trip” Kris said rolling his eyes “and you know how he gets when he had an idea” Luhan nodded knowing what Kris meant “Well have fun!” Before they walked outside towards the car Tao turned “Clean up before I get back, I don’t want to come back seeing white substance on the walls” Kris’ eyes widened as Luhan just blushed like a tomato “Shu…shudup!” was all Luhan could say before slamming the door “Sehun and he stole my innocence” Tao said to Kris before driving over to Kyungsoo’s place.

The drive to the house was silent, just being with each-other was comfortable they didn’t need to speak. Kris’ words were still swirling in Tao’s mind, Tao smiled finding Kris had pulled his hand into his own and intertwined them together. Both hands fit perfectly like a missing jigsaw puzzle was now complete, Tao didn’t want this moment to end but reality struck him hard and fast “We’re here” Kris said not wanting to let go of Tao’s hand but did anyway, Tao pouted at the sudden loss of warm “JONGIN-AH! Hurry up!” Kyungsoo yelled from the door pulling two bags with him “Hey, are you guys going to ride with us or the Baekyeol car?” Kris asked taking the two bags from Kyungsoo’s hands “I need to go with Chanyeol and Baekhyun since Chan can’t drive long distance, Jongin wants to ride with you so good luck with him” Kyungsoo laughed. Minutes later Chanyeol pulled up honking the horn loudly “Let’s go guys! Beat traffic” Baekhyun rolled his eyes “Channie, there’s always traffic”

Kris P.O.V

So there we were, on the way to lord know where. Jongin happily sitting at the back of my car texting Kyungsoo who was in the other car, Jongin was in love. That was certain since they’ve been together for so long it’s weird that he can stay committed, everyone thought they would never work because Jongin was well Jongin. The bad boy did nothing but screw the first thing that moved also flirting with anyone and everyone. Then there was Kyungsoo, he was a good kid with the highest score. Never missed school yeah you could see how they wouldn’t work out but they did. People say opposites a track and those two together. It was a match made in heaven.

*flash back*

“I love him” Jongin said to me, it was the first day Jongin seen Kyungsoo walking in the cafeteria I rolled my eyes at his sentence “You just ‘love’ his body that’s all” I replied while walking into the cafeteria with Jongin following suit “I mean it.”

Two weeks later.

I was listening to my ipod playing Ghost of you – My Chemical Romance letting the guitar and drums drown out the sound of the world, it was rather peaceful until Jongin walked (more like ran) into me screaming something “HES DATING THAT BASTARD!” I looked at him, frowning at his loud mouth “What the hell are you talking about Jong?” Jongin rolled his eyes and pointed towards to people, what I could see it was Kyungsoo and… wait is that “Kim Kibum? Firstly, why do you care, secondly stop stalking him and thirdly how do you even know that? Jongin didn’t answer he just stared at them, walking across the field laughing I’ve never seen Jongin look so…… heartbroken? Kibum (or key) turn towards us Kyungsoo doing the same Jongin looked down at the ground not seeing Kyungsoo’s concerned face “Kris! Hi!” Key waved coming closer with Kyungsoo “How’s it going Key?” I asked trying to be polite unlike the pabo sitting next to me “it’s good! You? Oh is your friend okay?” Key turn his attention to Jongin who seem looked like he was going to die “Just ignore him, he’s throwing a fit. Anyway how is Jonghyun?” Key laughed while shaking his head “that crazy Dino’s doing well, it’s our two year anniversary today, I was just telling Kyungsoo about how you and me meet him at the library, how he…” “Dropped all the books on Luhan’s head then falling off the ladder and onto you” Kris finished Keys sentence and laughed at the memory. Jongin’s head flew up connecting it with Kyungsoo’s face “I-I’m so sorry, let me take you to the nurse office” he said taking Kyungsoo away quickly “Is he okay?” Key asked again I just shook his head “He’s in love”

*end of flash back*

I laughed at that memory which in turn made me look like a mad man “what’s funny” Jongin asked sitting himself in the middle seat “How you and Kyungsoo meet” Tao looked at us curiously wondering why it was funny, Jongin blushed trying to hide his embarrassment “Why is that funny” Tao asked, Jongin shot me a glare not wanting me to tell him “He nearly broke Kyungsoo’s nose with his head” Jongin groaned as he curled into a ball “Shut up, lets never speak of that day again” I just chuckled at Jongin’s childish ways but still it was cute, people think he’s a cold kind of person but to me he’s the most awkward person beside Chanyeol. But I guess that’s what makes up our friendship.


Arrh, short update >.< sorry I’ve been busy with my school work and everything forgive me.

Okay now that they’ll on the trip what’s gonna happen? I won’t say where they’re going it’s just gonna be some place ^_^ well enjoy and go see my oneshots while you wait for updates kthanks :)


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OMO GUISE. I have an update for ya'll~ i'll try get it up tonight (:


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Chapter 13: Update sooon puhlease :(
Chapter 3: Why shouldn't there be M there should always be M Lolol
Hachi77665 #3
Wee I like it!!!!
Japanda #4
omgsshhhh their meetings are sooooo sweet!!! update soon
Cookie7 #5
Aawww BaekHyun was cute! ChanYeol is so can I say cold hearted? Lol "maybe it's the best for them" how can he say something like that lol so mean
Everything here is so so precious. Their friendship, their relationships, their personality, just.....everything! Thanks for sharing. 'Will be looking to your next updates.:")