slight smiles

Only fools


 Kris P.O.V

The following days came and left quicker than expected, before I knew it was Thursday afternoon. As I was about to walk straight out of the school gates when I see Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Tao from a distance ‘dammit Tao’ I could feel my heart began to race, ever since that first time I texted him our conversations seem to grow longer and every time we part ways to go to class or leave the gates (I’m starting to walk to and from school since gas prices are freaking insane!) I feel this pain in my chest like I don’t want him to stay just a little longer.

I shake my head at my last thought ‘just friends Kris, I am no fool’ I tell myself and proceed to walk towards them “AYO WUUDUP KREEEES!?” The tallest one of the group Chanyeol, greets me first as Baekhyun and Tao follow behind talking about some new Gucci bag that came out yesterday “Oh my gosh! How much di- oh hey hyung! Long-time no see huh?” Baekhyun greets with a bow as Tao gives me a little wave I was about to reply when Chanyeol’s voice boomed again “Baekhyun-ah we saw him yesterday, anyway Kris hyung you busy this afternoon?”his boyfriend just pouted and went back to the previous conversation “Yeah, I’ve got work today remember an-” “you work?” Tao interrupted before I could finish.

I felt my face heat up though I don’t know why that question was embarrassing “u-uh yeah, I work at the library a few blocks from my apartment” ‘why am I stuttering? Stupid’ “Wow, would never think of you as a librarian Kris ge” Tao chuckled which only made me feel more embarrassed “Well there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me” “Then I better start finding out more… oh my rides here’s see you tomorrow!” the panda looking boy runs off before I could even think of a comeback to his remark ‘interesting kid, but a real smart as well’

-At Library-

Ever since I left my apartment all I could think about was Tao. He’s really starting to mess with my head when we meet he seemed so shy and now, I don’t even know. Feeling confused I went to go a talk to the owner of the library’s son who was a good friend of mine since I started “Luhan, got a minute?” the one mentioned looked up from the books he was sorting and smiled “always, you alright” I was about to say never mind until he interpreted man, what’s with everyone just butting in before I can say something “don’t even think about saying never mind, you’ve been standing next to the history aisle for the past 10 minutes staring at the adventures of Moby front cover now what’s wrong” Luhan has always known when something was up and tried to help as much as he can. He’s a loyal friend my thankful I’ve met him “There’s this guy an-” “Is our little Wu-fan falling in love! When can I meet him? Is he good to you? How did you meet…..” okay I take that back… I’m not thankful.

Two million years later (it was really only a few minutes but once Luhan has a thought it his head he doesn’t shut up) I’ve finally gotten to reply “Yah! I’m not in love I don’t fall in love” I rolled my eyes as Luhan stopped rambling on about wedding invitations “But it’s about a guy right? Who is he” I stare at Luhan for moment before replying “His names Tao well Zi Tao but yeah anyway he’s just this kid I know at school, that’s all” now it was Luhan’s turn to stare at me collecting the information I just told him then began to his imaginary beard trying to look serious about what ever this situation I was in “and… you like this ‘Zi Tao’ person?” “I don’t know.” He started to look a bit annoyed “Well it’s not that I don’t know I just… I just don’t think I can it seems impossible you know?” I look at the books lying on the counter waiting for some cheesy reply but instead the response was totally different “Have you ask Jongin what he thinks?” “Eah? Why would I ask him” “He is your best friend and I feel like I’m taking away his tittle, he may seem oblivious to certain things but he always knows what to say when it comes to you hence the reason you two are best friends.” What he said make sense but I know he’ll just try and match us together. “Okay I will thanks Luhan”

-Back at the apartment-

Another slow day at the library, at least it’s over now. I came back with some takeout since I was too lazy to cook pulling out one of my favourite books trying to relax but failed, I kept staring at my phone waiting for that one text from a certain panda looking exchange student.

*I lost my mind ~!*

‘Who could that be?’


I really should learn to look at the caller I.D.

“Ge, it’s me”

My heart began to race like crazy. Too scared of what I sound like I just replied simply.


“Hi… uh, you’ll be at school tomorrow right?”

“Of course”

“Oh.. well that was it I’l-”


Why am I stopping him, aish what are you doing to me kid.

“Whoa what!”

“W-why didn’t you just text me”

“B-because I… oh phones gonna die goodnight ge!”

*beep beep*

Once again I was staring at my screen wondering what the hell just happened “I’ll just ask him tomorrow”

-Tao’s P.O.V

My heart was beating like a drum “oh god why did I ring him?!” throwing my phone down beside be as I slid down my bed. I’ve known him for a mere four days! And I’m already starting to like him ‘but he doesn’t take the hints’ I think to myself, he just stands there and takes it with his stare that if looks could kill I would’ve died 10 thousand times, and his smile although he doesn’t smile often he makes an effort to smile.. at me! He’s probably just being nice but Kyungsoo said ever smiles like that to anyone else. Aish I feel like a teenage school girl over reacting but still… I can’t help but think he maybe just maybe feels something for me and doesn’t realise it, with that thought in my head I smiled as I drifted to sleep dreaming of him.




Hello hello! Woow I think Kris is beginning to understand now? Or he’s just stupid and doesn’t know anything *le’sigh* anyway hope you liked it, I’ve gotten more ideas for this now –WOW-HO- and now I’m thinking there should a hmmm what do you think subscribers and silent readers let me know !

Okay, gotta start on the next chapter trying to make it a total fluff and shizz or begin some druma meh? and sorry it's short >_>

Peace and Love – ExoticVIP  

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OMO GUISE. I have an update for ya'll~ i'll try get it up tonight (:


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Chapter 13: Update sooon puhlease :(
Chapter 3: Why shouldn't there be M there should always be M Lolol
Hachi77665 #3
Wee I like it!!!!
Japanda #4
omgsshhhh their meetings are sooooo sweet!!! update soon
Cookie7 #5
Aawww BaekHyun was cute! ChanYeol is so can I say cold hearted? Lol "maybe it's the best for them" how can he say something like that lol so mean
Everything here is so so precious. Their friendship, their relationships, their personality, just.....everything! Thanks for sharing. 'Will be looking to your next updates.:")