
Only fools


 Third person P.O.V

Kris was praying that this week would go as slowly as possible on the pure fact he wasn’t ready to confess his feelings to Tao because he knew that he had four days with him and by the time those days are finished he’s going to have to say something or else Tao would just walk away which is what Kris doesn’t want. But how is he meant to say these said feelings? It’s been nearly a year since he was in a relationship maybe he’s forgotten what to do, or maybe he wasn’t ready.

Kris had been pacing back and forth for about 2hrs before he slumped down on his couch and stared blankly at the T.V letting his thoughts take over, it was a Thursday evening and Kris had done the same thing since Monday afternoon. Come home; try and study, eat something, paced around the living room for 2hrs, stare at the T.V that wasn’t on and think. It wasn’t the most productive way to spend your day but Kris could never think straight at school with basketball practice and study he only had this time to think.

“Well at least Henry isn’t here anymore” Kris laughed knowing it’s the least of this problems, he was about to get up when his phone suddenly vibrated on the coffee table making Kris jump out of his skin at the loud vibration. His heart beat quicken when he seen who the message was from.

From: Luhan :3

KRIS, are you avoiding Tao Tao T_T

Time: 9.32pm

Kris’ chest tightened as he read the text, he’s been so caught up in his thoughts that he’d been keeping his distance.

To: Luhan :3

No of course not! Why would you say that? ^^;

Time: 9.33pm

After he sent the kind of white lie he was about to text Tao but then said he’d wait for Luhan to reply

From: Luhan :3

Then explain why Tao thinks you want nothing to do with him hmm? He’s been coming home upset since Tuesday afternoon what’s going on >.< It kills me to see him crying :(

He was fine on Monday great actually then when he came home he just… IDK stopped looking happy I guess. I heard him last night and just before, he’s crying in his sleep calling out to YOU! Kris help me out here the sounds of him crying is painful. Did he tell you about his dream? He dreamt you left him in the middle of the street; he probably thinks it’s coming true. T_T

Time: 9.38pm

The latter sat there staring at his phone while tracing his fingers over the word that made him feel like a knife pierced his chest and right into his heart crying. “He’s… crying o-over me..” His voice became shaky no knowing what to do right now, his body couldn’t move like someone had bound him to the place he was sitting  “No one’s ever cried over me before” tears began to gash down as he buried his face in his hands sobbing hysterically, no words could explain what his was feeling since no one had really cried for him before, sure Jongin was there when his parents died but he cried with him which made things easier, but now what was he meant to do now?

To: Luhan :3

I’m coming over.

Time: 9.45pm

He didn’t give Luhan time to reply before he leapt off the couch, grabbed his keys and a jacket and bolted out of his apartment not caring about the public thought of him at that moment all he knew was that Tao was crying in his sleep because of him and that he’d have to confess tonight before things got any worse.

Luhan P.OV

“Dammit Kris, why did he have to like you?! Out of all the people I could hook him up with he meets you and BOOM head over heels” I wave my hands in the air walking in and out of the kitchen “Babe, can you stop it walking around I’m trying to watch running man” Sehun said swerving his head left to right so he could see the T.V.

 “It’s just like him to be like this, once someone fancy’s him he’ll shut that person out and wait for them to get over him I should’ve warned Tao Tao…” I sat down next to Sehun who immediately put his arm around me as I buried my face in his shirt “I hate to see him so upset” Sehun began to rub my back in a comforting motion trying to me to relax  “I know shh… he’ll be okay Kris does like him I can see it” He kissed my forehead then went back to watching TV. Then Kris replied “He’s coming over?” Sehun questioned looking at the text “he does know Tao’s sleeping right?” I nodded and re-read the message not sure what to do or say “Let’s just wait and see” I said as I resumed my place next to Sehun.

Third person P.O.V

Not long after Luhan got up to grab something to eat he heard a light knock at the front door, “Damn I was hoping it was the pizza I didn’t order” Luhan said while gesturing Kris to walk through “You should’ve told me to grab pizza instead of this” Kris laughed as he handed some steamed buns to Luhan and a very hungry maknae ran out of the living room “BAOZI~” Sehun bounced towards the door grabbing the plastic bag out of his boyfriend then kissing his cheek “Thanks Kris hyung!” he skipped back into the living room “I miss Minseok and Jongdae” Luhan finally spoke looking at Sehun eating “They’re doing fine in the states when I last heard from them” Kris responded wondering over to the kitchen.

 “Why are you here Kris” the older of the two looked at Kris with a serious expression on his face also looking a bit angry which was only natural if you someone just came over to your place in the middle of the night for no real reason “I-I… I don’t k-know” Kris’ voice started to go shaky again as the feeling of his words begin to get caught in his throat “I’ve never had someone cry over me, now…. Knowing he’s upset because of me I acted on impulse to come over and comfort him although he’s asleep I…” his voice was less shaky but more or less a whisper. Luhan understood completely “Go up and talk to him” Luhan patted Kris’ shoulder “Wake him up, explain and comfort him” Kris nodded and walked upstairs “first door on the left” was the last thing Luhan said before disappearing towards Sehun.

Kris slowly made his way towards the door heart beating out of his chest at a crazy and unhealthy rate, he slowed as he carefully opened the door no wanting to wake Tao up just yet. Tao’s back was faced towards Kris he was sitting upright looking out the window a few sniffs escaping from time to time “You’re stupid Zi Tao…” “I hate you Wu Fan” Kris’ chest tightened when he heard those words “what am I saying?! I like him!! Stupid love at first sight” Tao started to sob again “Zi Tao…” Kris whispered which made Tao jump out of his skin “What are doing here?! And why are you in my room!?” Tao jumped up and pointed his wushu sword at Kris’ throat “WOAH! Tao put. The sword. Down.” Kris lifted his hands while backing away from the pointy object “Why are you here”

 In the dim light Kris could see Tao’s eyes red with full of emotion anger, sadness, love, hate everything seem to be swirling around in Tao’s dark orbs making him look like a lost panda. Kris carefully pushed the sword down and pulling Tao into his arms squeezing the younger tightly as Tao began to cry into his shirt “I’m sorry Panda; I’ve been lost in my own world lately over thinking that’s all don’t be upset..” Kris stopped talking as his heart began to slam into his chest and since Tao was still leaning on him he could hear it beating like crazy “Now. Before I say this you need to know that it’s not because you’re upset I really mean this” Kris pulled Tao from his chest forcing him to look into his eyes “Zi Tao. I like you I’ve been distance lately because I didn’t know how to tell you since we were going to be together a lot I knew this wouldn’t be easy, but Luhan he texted no don’t get angry at him thank him later anyway, when  he told me I just needed to see you make sure you were okay and now.. don’t hate me for these fe-” Tao had to shut him up so he pulled Kris down to capture his lips making Kris stumble but soon respond “I like you too” Tao panted out trying to catch his breath Kris smiled then kissed him “Good”

Tao hugged Kris for a few moments before speaking again “Now what?” Kris stood there thinking not wanting to leave Tao but not going into anything so fast “Right now, we sleep you look tired plus we school tomorrow” Tao simply nodded and kissed Kris again leading them to his queen sized bed. Tao snuggled up into Kris letting out a sigh “We’re not having huh?” Kris laughed and peaked Tao’s cheek “maybe next time”



Haaaarooo :3 yes it's back yay I hope AFF doesn't delete it again I might cry ;A;  but I'll try update soon and yes for all you people THERE WILL BE ! maybe the next chapter so watch this space ^____^



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OMO GUISE. I have an update for ya'll~ i'll try get it up tonight (:


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Chapter 13: Update sooon puhlease :(
Chapter 3: Why shouldn't there be M there should always be M Lolol
Hachi77665 #3
Wee I like it!!!!
Japanda #4
omgsshhhh their meetings are sooooo sweet!!! update soon
Cookie7 #5
Aawww BaekHyun was cute! ChanYeol is so can I say cold hearted? Lol "maybe it's the best for them" how can he say something like that lol so mean
Everything here is so so precious. Their friendship, their relationships, their personality, just.....everything! Thanks for sharing. 'Will be looking to your next updates.:")