e i g h t

A little closer to heaven

Kai's POV

I awoke but kept my eyes closed. It was Saturday. Three days after I encountered my sister and her ex-boyfriend. I was ignoring her pretty well since I didn't talk to her for two years, it was quite easy to ignore her. Min Ji was still confused about the whole relationship between Cheska and Min Woo but I told her to worry about her ankle first. If she doesn't heal by this coming friday, we're doomed.

Our lives seem to be interlinked and i don't even know why. Over the past few days, my sister's words have been dancing around in my head. It's true that I've changed. I myself feel it. I've changed for the better. My new years' resolution for the past two years was to be a gentlemen. That was also my grandfather's last wish for me before he passed away of cancer, two years ago before Cheska had left for America.

I used to visit my grandparents everyday after school. My grandfather was not proud of what my sister was teaching me. He always used to say 'That's no way to treat a lady, Kai', 'Learn to be a gentleman.' or  'You can think for yourself'. He used to tell me the stories of the old days when he used to be a heartthrob and when all the girls would swoon over him. My grandmother was the only one who loved him for who he was and not because of what he looked like.

The day he died, my grandmother gave me a box of all his old journals that were still in pristine condition. She told me that he wanted me to have them. When I opened the most recent one, he wrote about my behaviour. He felt shamed, embarrassed, disgraced even though I was the one making all the mistakes. I found a note on the last page of the book which said, 'If you don't change yourself, who will?' From that day onwards, I wanted to become a better person.

A few weeks after that, Cheska had gotten her scholarship. She taught me ways on how to become a good player and I finally realised how she was such a bad influence on me. I quarelled so badly with her that I didn't even talk to her till the day she left Seoul 2 months later. I couldn't bring myself to call her noona anymore. The countless number of hearts I had broken, when I was merely 16 made me reflect on how much I needed to change.

My eyes shot open upon the buzzing of my phone.


"Kai!" I heard Min JI's voice on the other line.


"My ankle feels much better today! I can't make it any day after school next week because of 9 of our individual projects that are due the following week, sooooo I was wondering if we could practice today."

At that moment, I remembered what my sister had said yesterday.

"Heard from mum that you've got the hots for his sister." I felt my ears burn at her statement. She noticed my flushed face and gave me a victorious smile.

"Its only been a few days, Kai. Get over her. Go back to your playboy state that I know you miss."

Why was I even embarrassed when Cheska mentioned Min Ji? Was it really true that I'm starting to develop...feelings for Min Ji...No. NO. Sure she was cute and pretty, and a good dancer and has a lot of moodswings but no, I can't...like her...right? That can't be. I'll just pretend it didn't happen. I sighed heavily.

"You know the way to my house."

"Are you okay, Kai? You sound...troubled."

"No, not at all. Just........come."



Min Ji's POV

I arrived at the glass door of Kai's house and rang the doorbell. I saw Auntie Kimmy rush towards the door and beamed at her. Ever since the day my brother and Kai confronted each other, my father demanded that I treated Kai better because of my brother's behaviour.

"Hey there Min Ji! I heard from Kai that you were coming over today, please have a seat, I'll make you some herbal tea to get rid of any fatigue in your body for optimum performance. Just a moment dearie." she said as she disappeared into the kitchen.

"Hey, you're here." I heard a low husky voice call from behind. I spun around and saw Kai in a wifebeater and sweatpants. His hair was lightly tousled as if he had just gotten out of bed. He looked....hot to be honest. I found myself staring at him longer than I should've and immediately tore my eyes away from his body. He fixed his hair and took a seat next to me. I coughed uneasily and looked everywhere else except in his direction. He put his hands behind his head and lifted his legs onto the table. I turned at his sudden movement and found him looking at my bare legs since I was wearing shorts in such cold weather.

"You came...in that?" he stated gesturing to my shorts and thin coat.

"Uh..w-why not?" I stuttered. I STUTTERED. I don't stutter unless i'm nervous!

"Wait here." he got up and walked into a closet near the entrance and came out a few seconds later. He unfolded a white blanket and draped it over my legs.

"Uh.. thanks?" I uncertainly said. He rubbed the back of his nape and casually sat next to me again.

"Well I don't want you catching a cold before the presentation day." Then the air grew awkward. I would've said something but I could afford to oggle at Kai right now. Luckily Auntie Kimmy soon came out with tea and snacks.

"Okay guys! Eat up, you'll need all the energy you can get for the last practice. I have to start preparing for the opening of the shop now. Hwaiting!" she pumped her fist in the air and walked out of the glass doors. I looked at Kai and laughed.

"I didn't remember her being all cutesy like that."

"She isn't, she just does it to make you feel welcome." We both laughed and stopped when the clicking of heels could be heard from the stairway. I gasped and stood up as Kai mouthed, 'Cheska'. The clicking got louder and I turned around only to come face-to-face with the girl that stole my brother's heart and crushed it.

"Well, Kai didn't tell me we had company." She smiled, giving off a fake aura. Her face was all made up and she was wearing a pair of black stripper heels with a bright-red mini-dress to match her nails. Instead of having sleek black hair like my brother had described, she had dyed brown hair with streaks of blonde hair. She looked like a total . I had no idea that my brother was into girls like this. She tossed her hair carelessly over her shoulder and smirked.

"Not what you'd expected?" She asked twirling around. "Your brother must have made it seem like I was an angel, didn't he?" She walked closer to me and tilted my chin.

"Well, you're a pretty one, aren't you?" She stated examining my features and sent glances towards Kai which I couldn't understand.

"You picked a good one this time, Kai. let's see what you can do." She tightened her grip on my jaw.

"Stop hurting her, Cheska. What good will it bring you?" I heard Kai say as he yanked me away and protectively hid me behind him.

"What good will it bring me? None. But what good will it bring you? Plenty." she circled around us and laughed.

"Why are you being so protective, Kai? Usually YOU'RE the one causing them to moooooaaan and grooooaaaan." she dramatically emphasised, although I wasn't scared or suprised with what she was indirectly telling me. I had expected it, but Kai....for now, I knew he wasn't the old Kai who did useless things with girls. I realised that, he DID change. And I'm the first girl who has ever seen this new side of Kai. Maybe it's because we have our family connections, or maybe because we're....friends. Yes, he may be snobbish sometimes, annoying most of the time, but he's my friend now.

"He used to bring home two no- even three girls home at the same time. AND-"

"You know what? Stop." I started and both Kai and Cheska turned around to look at me.

"I don't care about what Kai has done in his past. We all make mistakes, and you were my brothers'." I stopped and walked forward and looked her in the eye.

"I'm not scared of you, heck, I'm not even intimidated by you." I inched closer. "Because in the end, we're all humans after all." We had a staredown for a few seconds before Kai pulled me away and dragged me upstairs.

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hiatus till year end exams are over; October! so sorry!! pls be patient


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Chapter 13: Update soon author nim .I love it.
kyunism #2
Chapter 13: I started to love this story already ^^
TonTonaeh #3
Chapter 12: Update soon author-nim<3~
TonTonaeh #4
Chapter 11: I love it!!!!! Please update soon~~~~~~~
mimau19 #5
Chapter 10: Please update soon!! Love it! <3
Chapter 10: OMG update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: This is getting good! Update soon!
Chapter 4: I love watching So you think you can dance too :D
Chapter 4: Please update :'( its too good.