s i x

A little closer to heaven

I gave him a small smile and turned to unlock my door.

"Dad, I'm home!" I called as I tossed my bag on the nearby couch.

"Uh, it might not meet your expectations but, yeah, this is where I live. I'll just make you some fruit juice before you leave since you didn't have a chance to drink just now." I  offered as I limped towards the kitchen. He nodded as he caressed the picture frames by the door. I came into the kitchen to find my father making himself a protein shake. My father is a gym instructor. He's body is as solid as his head. He's pretty ripped for a 45-year old. 

"Hey dad." I greeted as I kissed him on the cheek.

"Heyyyy sugarplum, how are you doing?" I bit my lip and looked at my ankle.

"Uh...fine! Anyway, I brought over a friend. Apparently mum used to know his parents and- "

"HIS parents? You brought home a guy?!" My dad flipped.

"Dad, its not what you think, before you assume anything, I just wanted to tell you that he's Auntie Kimmy's son and we're assigned partners for a dance project which is really, REALLY important to me. So please dad, don't do anything to hurt him." I pleaded.

"Auntie Kimmy? OH KIMBERLY! I remember her. Now, where is this son of hers?" He snapped his fingers as he quickly rushed out of the kitchen. I limped quickly so that I could catch up with him.

"Young man! Are you Kimberly's son?" My dad greeted with a unusual smile. Kai coughed and bowed 90 degrees.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, Kai imnida." He greeted with his low voice. My father gave him a manly hug and slapped his back. 

"You haven't aged a day, son! You look exactly like you did 12 years ago!"

"Um, thank you sir. Min Ji invited me in just for a little while, sir. I won't stay long."

"Yeah, yeah. It's okay! Stay as long as you want you are most definitely welcome here! Sit, sit!" He motioned for Kai to sit while I slid back into the kitchen to make Kai's fruit juice. I made a banana mango milkshake and grabbed my father's protein shake with me. I walked out into the living room to find the both of them laughing. 

"Here you go, Kai. And dad, here's your protein shake." I said as I put both drinks down. 

"Sir, you drink protein shakes?"

"Don't have to be so formal with me, Kai. Call me uncle, and yes I do actually, very often."

"Too often." I grumbled.

"What's wrong with drinking protein shakes?" Kai asked as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Don't you think its unhealthy? There are so much chemicals in there that may be harmful to your body in the long run. Bodybuilders drink those! And do you see their bodies? They're HUGE!" I explained.

"Uh, which is totally awesome!" Kai chuckled. My dad laughed hysterically and held out a thumbs-up sign.

"True dat, bro." I heard from upstairs. We all looked up and saw my brother coming down the stairs. I squealed and hugged him.

"Who's this Min Ji? Your boyfriend?" Min Woo snickered before I slapped his arm. 

"Oh shut up, just go back to America and study, your presence is annoying me."

"For your information sister, we're still having winter break, and I know you missed me which is why I came back!" he said as he pinched my cheeks. I slapped his hands away and pouted. He smiled at me and looked over my shoulder. 

"You're...Cheska's brother, right?" 

"You have a sister?" I asked as I spun around. Kai nodded and replied.

"Yeah, I heard you guys broke up." My eyes rounded as I turned to slap my brother's chest. 

"You have been keeping this secret from your little sister-"

"And dad." my father added.

"-for two whole years?! What kind of brother are you!" My brother ignored my outburst and blankly stared at Kai. 

"It wasn't my fault she cheated on me." Then silence filled the room for a few seconds before Kai spoke up. 

"Its getting late. I have to go. Thank you for your kind hospitality, uncle" he bowed then looked at me. 

"I-I'll send him off." my father nodded before he finished up his protein shake. I furrowed my eyebrows at my brother before slowly walking Kai to the door.

"Thanks for...inviting me in."

"Its no problem...sorry about....my brother. He's been a mess since I last saw him." I apologised before I awkwardly coughed. 

"Okay then, I'll see you in school tomorrow. Rest your ankle. You'll need it for Friday." He smiled before he gave a small nod and slid his hands into his pockets. He nimbly jumped down from my patio and walked away.

"There are steps for a reason...poser." I mumbled as I made my way into the house. I turned into the house to see my brother watching tv.

"What was that! Are you trying to kill my reputation!" I complained as I sunk into the couch next to him.

"They're the same. Like brother, like sister." he muttered.



Hey guys! Just a little update (: Sorry for the delay!

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hiatus till year end exams are over; October! so sorry!! pls be patient


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Chapter 13: Update soon author nim .I love it.
kyunism #2
Chapter 13: I started to love this story already ^^
TonTonaeh #3
Chapter 12: Update soon author-nim<3~
TonTonaeh #4
Chapter 11: I love it!!!!! Please update soon~~~~~~~
mimau19 #5
Chapter 10: Please update soon!! Love it! <3
Chapter 10: OMG update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: This is getting good! Update soon!
Chapter 4: I love watching So you think you can dance too :D
Chapter 4: Please update :'( its too good.