s e v e n

A little closer to heaven

"What do you mean?" I was genuinely curious. If I wanted to know the truth about Kai, my brother was the key.

"Well, there's this girl who got a full scholarship there too, her name was Cheska. I met her on the plane on our way to America. She was gorgeous. She really looked like a barbie doll. Her skin was like porcelain. Her long sleek black hair cascaded down her slim back. Her sense of fashion was undeniably good. But the thing I loved about her were her eyes. They were dopey and more or less, like bedroom eyes.

When I bumped into her at the airport, It was like the angels were singing like, literally. So when I boarded the plane and I found my seat, I was curious and I kept thinking about her. But when my seat partner turned out to be her, I thought, 'ah, this must be fate'. So I started little conversations with her and I found out that we were going to the same college on the same scholarship. That's how we became friends. So we hung out... a lot. And I found out that she's Auntie Kimmy's daughter and she had a brother back here, in the same school as you. And I found out that you guys were the same age. She isn't so close to Kai, but she has pictures of her family that's how I knew Kai was her brother." He stopped and took a sharp intake of breath. 

"She told me that he's kinda popular...espescially with girls." he eyed me judgingly. 

"Hey, I know what you're thinking. I'm not one of those girls alright." I raised my hands in surrender.

"She tells me, they often come over to their house and well, you know, she doesn't really like the types he bring over."

"Okay I get it Min woo, now just tell me how you guys broke up." He rolled his eyes and made himself a little more comfortable.

"I'm getting to it. So, in our second year of college, on valentines' day, she confessed to me and I confessed back on white day and that's how we got together. We were in love and all that but last winter, on my way back from school, she called me to tell me that she had stuff to do and not to wait for her. So as I was walking back to my dorm, I decided to stop by a cafe near the library. I told my friend to meet me there since Cheska wasn't coming back till later. I found a seat nearer to the back of the cafe. So when my friend came in half an hour later, he told me that he had mistaken someone near the front door as Cheska.

I told him he was hallucinating and shrugged the matter off. So I went to order coffee for the both of us and that's when I saw it. Cheska was casually sitting next to a guy and she was laughing with him. The guy put his arm around her and that's when I lost it. I just walked out of the cafe and left my friend there. I was fuming. I didn't want anything to do with that girl anymore. The next day I broke up with her in class. I told her everything I saw and from that day onwards, I really couldn't forgive her." Min Woo finished with a deep sigh.

"Oppa..did that really happen?"

"Of course it did, you idiot!" He laughed and knocked my head. "Anyway I just wanted you to be careful, I mean, I've been through this with her. I'm a guy and even I couldn't cope with the breakup. I even had suicidal thoughts. I wouldn't ever let that happen to you, got it?"

"Aren't you being a little too overprotective, Min Woo?"

"Nah, you'll feel like strangling me if you see my overprotective side. Alright, I'm off to bed. Rest your ankle."

"Okay, good night op- wait... how did you-"

"Oh come on Min Ji, I'm your brother. I can't believe dad didn't see you limping. He must be tired today." He casually said as he walked up the stairs to his room.



Kai's POV

As soon as I walked through the door, I was greeted by a familiar scent of Victoria Secrets' perfume. I took another whiff of the air and exhaled deeply.

"Well aren't you home a little early," I sighed as crashed onto the couch. I tilted my head up towards the kitchen and saw her leaning against the door frame. "Cheska."

"Well what great hospitality you have there little brother. What? No 'noona'? So thats how it is now." she said as she admired her perfectly manicured crimson-red nails.

"You didn't tell me that you cheated on Min Woo hyung." I questioned. From the corner of my eye, I saw hear head snap up.

"Hyung?" she scoffed. "So you're actually friends with that loser."

"He was your boyfriend after all. Plus, He came to visit way more often than you ever did."

"Oh puhlease.That goon was just trying to up to mum and dad."

"Answer the question, Cheska." I sat up and looked straight into her eyes. She giggled a little.

"My my, you have grown a lot over the years haven't you pretty boy. What? No girls today?"

"Cheska." My voice came out as a low growl. She laughed louder.

"Fine, fine. I cheated on him because he was getting too clingy okay. Its not my fault he couldn't get over me." She flipped her hair and smirked. "Heard from mum that you've got the hots for his sister." I felt my ears burn at her statement. She noticed my flushed face and gave me a victorious smile.

"Its only been a few days, Kai. Get over her. Go back to your playboy state that I know you miss." She took a seat next to me and put her feet up on the table. "Go back to the Kai, I knew. The guy who brought home girls, played with them a little, then dump them the next morning. Come on Kai. WHERE ARE YOU?"

"That Kai was long gone, along with you when you left for America. Do me another favour will you, sis? Go back to where you belong; out of my life." She scoffed.

"Push me away for all I care. We used to be the best of friends. Playing with hearts and breaking them. We were the best duo. Now look at you, so uptight. So deprived of....satisfaction, temptation, lust. I guess its just a one man show...for now." She sighed softly and got up. "Do what you want for now, then. Just remember, we're bonded by blood. As much as you want to run away, you just...can't." She tangled my hair before walking away. I bit down hard on my jaw and clenched my fists.

"Rot in hell, Cheska."



a/n: Sorry for the extreeeemely late update guys! It was the exams -.- Anyways, the poster up there is a picture of Cheska if you can't visualise her(: Please comment(:

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hiatus till year end exams are over; October! so sorry!! pls be patient


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Chapter 13: Update soon author nim .I love it.
kyunism #2
Chapter 13: I started to love this story already ^^
TonTonaeh #3
Chapter 12: Update soon author-nim<3~
TonTonaeh #4
Chapter 11: I love it!!!!! Please update soon~~~~~~~
mimau19 #5
Chapter 10: Please update soon!! Love it! <3
Chapter 10: OMG update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: This is getting good! Update soon!
Chapter 4: I love watching So you think you can dance too :D
Chapter 4: Please update :'( its too good.