t e n

A little closer to heaven

I closed my locker only to find Kai leaning against the wall.

"Whoa!" I jumped as I clutched my chest.

"KAI! You gotta stop doing that."

"Come on Minji, admit that you like it." he smirked while reaching out for my books. I gaped at his actions.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I held firmly onto the books but he easily slipped it out of my arms.

"Helping you carry your books." he replied nonchalantly as we started walking to our first class of the day.

"Why? You never help me carry my books."

"Let's just say I owe you for helping me get a high distinction." I scoffed at this.

"Puh-lease, like you've never gotten a high distictinction before."

"Well I have. But my partners always keep making me miss the mark for the pair work."

"Hah, so this just proves how good I am of a partner."

"No disageements there." he admitted as he turned round the corner towards the chemistry lab. To think, we've never talked to each other over the past few years and now here he was, admitting how good I was of a partner and carrying my books. 

"Hey, how come you've never talked to me before this year?" I asked as we entered the class and took our seats next to each other. He pondered over this question for awhile before he shrugged his shoulders.

"You've never really caught my attention."


"No! That's not what I meant! It's more like-"

"I'm just kidding, Kai." I laughed while smacking his back.

"You just weren't those loud, bimbotic types who were seeking for attention all the time. That's probably why I didn't notice you, but I knew your name. Top dancer for the ladies category. Our names are beside each other on the plaques in the Hall of fame."

"Ah I see. I was just curious." At that moment Luhan and Lee Ah walked into the classroom. Chemistry. It was the only class we had together. The only class I would be able to see my bestfriend and Luhan. Lee Ah glanced over her shoulder and perked up immediately when she saw me. 

"MINJI!!!" she squealed while running to me. She threw her arms over me and squezed the oxygen out of my lungs.

"Lee...Lee Ah...I...can't...breathe."

"Whoops! Sorry! I just missed you so much!" 

"Girl, it's only been a few days."

"Yeah but still! I miss seeing you evey second of the day!"

"Um... Lee Ah, I suggest you control your gay."

"Hey! You're my best friend and I need to make sure you're okay every second, every minute and every hour of the day." Lee Ah whined.

"That's my job now." A deep husky voice spoke up beside me. Lee Ah narrowed her eyes before shaking her head.

"So that's how you wanna play it? Bring it on. Kim. Jong. In." she said intimidatingly.

"Oh I'm bringing it on, alright." he said as he got up from his chair. Lee Ah flinched and stretched her arms out in front of her.

"On second thought, maybe next time." She said before she gave me a peck on my cheek and ran back to her seat next to Luhan. Kai looked at my with raised eyebrows.

"She's gay for you." I feigned hurt and smacked his arm.

"No she isn't! She's as straight as a ruler. She just likes to outwardly show her affection. Believe it or not, she used to go boy-watching every week at the mall, and she'd drag me with her."

"I don't believe it."

"What part do you not believe?"

"The part where you'd follow her go boy-watching." I socked his arm and he merely laughed while rubbing his arm. The teacher soon came in and the lesson started. I was lost in the middle of the lesson and decided to think about what Kai had said just now. Thinking about it made my stomach churn and feel all weird and tingly.....


"I need to make sure you're okay every second, every minute and every hour of the day."

"That's my job now." 


.....It's probably just the hunger pangs.





School was done and I had to rush home to do the chores and help my father with his motorbike. I had dashed out of class as soon as the bell had rung and I was making my way to the front gate. I was frantically searching my phone in my bag and wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Considering how fast I was walking, I bumped into someone causing me to fall on my . 

Okay I get it I'm really accident-prone.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going and I-" I panicked as I went on my knees to pick up the things that had fallen out of my bag.

"Minji? Hey hey, chill. It's fine." I looked up to see Luhan with his handsome face and his earphones plugged into one ear.

"Lu-Luhan?" He laughed as he helped me pick up my lipgloss which had fallen out from the pocket of my bag.

"We keep meeting like this. You're really clumsy, you know that?" 

"I- well I.. yeah I know." I admitted as I took the bottle of lipgloss and thanked him.

"You going somewhere?"

"Yeah, I'm running late to get home right now."

"Oh, you have a curfew?"

"No, just things that I have to do; chores mostly."

"Ah I see, I shouldn't hold you back any longer then."

"Uh-um, do you stay around here?" I mentally facepalmed myself for asking such a stupid question. 

"Kinda, I stay near Lee Ah actually. Around that neighbourhood." 

"That's....far." I laughed.

"Yeah but when you have company, its not that far." he smiled and I immediately knew he was talking about Lee Ah.

"You waiting for Lee Ah?"

"Yeah, she just went to the library to borrow a few books. She'll come out soon."

"Okay then. I probably should get going now, don't want my dad to worry. Sorry, again for bumping into you."

"No, its fine. Just be careful on your way home."

"I will." I smiled as I waved and started my brisk walking again. I suddenly remembered something and turned around.


"Yeah?" he asked as he looked up from his iPod.

"If you see Kai, tell him I had to rush home to help my dad."

"Okay will do!" he gave a thumbs up.



Kai's POV

"Aish, this Song Minji. Always forgetting important stuff."  I mumbled to myself as I grabbed her wallet and phone when I woke up to find myself in an empty classroom.

"Didn't even wake me up. Psht. Some friend." I carelessly slung my backpack over  my shoulder and strolled out into the hallways. I headed towards the main entrance and a familiar figure standing in front of the gates immediately caught my attention. His left hand was in his front pocket while his other hand was holding on to an iPod.

"Lu!" I called out and the figure abruptly turned.

"Oh?" he said as he took out one earpiece out from his ear.

"Jongin-ah"  I rubbed my eyes as I lazily walked towards him.

"Jongin-ah, kwenchana?"

"Oh, I'm fine. Just tired." I lifted my head as I stopped in front of him.

"Hyung, have you seen Minji? She forgot her wallet and handphone." 

"Yeah I literally bumped into her a few minutes ago. She said if I saw you, I were to tell you that she had to rush home to help her dad."

"Okay, thanks man." I looked around me before turning back to Luhan.

"Hyung, who are you waiting for?" 

"I'm waiting for Lee Ah."

"Ahhh, I see now." I smirked at him while playfully pushing him. 

"Aish, seriously you, Kim Jongin. It's not like that."

"Not like what?" A goofy grin soon appeared on my lips.

"We're not...together."

"But you like her." he stiffened as soon as those words came out of my lips.

"I...I think...I might?" 

"That's cool, hyung. Go for it."

"But I don't know how. Teach me, Jongin. I don't know how to woo a girl."

"Its simple, it works on every girl out there. Use skinship."

"But she's not like any of the girls out there. She's genuine. Just like Minji. They're both genuine." He was right. Minji was genuine. 

"Then use your instincts. Do what you feel like doing. If you don't know what to do, you ask her. I don't think she's the type to mind. Its called reverse psychology. Oh, she's coming. Tell me what happened later okay."

"Alright Jongin ah, I'll text you later."

"Hey guys. Were you both waiting for me?"

"No actually I was just leaving." I say.

"Okay then, you sure you don't wanna come?"

"Come where?"

"We're going to go get some ice cream in town."

"Hold up, so you guys are going on a date?"

"NO!" they both said simultaneously before clearing their throats and looking away awkwardly. 

"Okay whatever, that kind of stuff doesn't interest me anyway. Later." I said as I walked away from the two of them.



I arrived at Minji's house and  knocked on Minji's door before I waited for her to open it. Soon enough, I heard a faint voice from behind the door. The door swung open, revealing a sweaty Minji in gloves, a black tank top and denim shorts.

"K-Kai?" she furrowed her eyebrows. 

"What are you doing here?" she glanced behind before stepping outside and closing the door behind her. 

"You forgot your wallet and phone AND what kind of person doesn't wake her friend up before leaving school, huh?" 

"Oh my gosh, thank you. I didn't notice it was missing!" she took her things from my hands.

"And I'm sorry! I just had a lot of chores to do here, as you can see." she gestured to all of her.

"I had to wash the toilet, scrub the floor and clean the kitchen. I still have yet to cook dinner for those pigs. Plus, I still have to help my dad fix his motorbike because my brother isn't home. We can't seem to get the accelerator to work." she murmured the last part to herself.

"I can help you."

"You can? How? You don't know how to cook."

"Hey, don't be so sure about that. Anyway I wasn't talking about the cooking, I was talking about the bike."

"You know how to fix a bike? My dad couldn't even do it."

"Motor bikes and dirt bikes are almost the same. I used to work part-time at a repair shop when I was 16. I think I still have it in me. Let me help." I watched her purse her lips as she contemplated for a bit.

"Ugh okay fine. But only because none of us seem to have the ability to do it." she opened the door for me and gestured for me to come in. 

"The bike's in the garage. Follow me." I followed her to the back of the house where the garage was.

"Dad, Kai's here. He said he could help fix the bike." She turned to me and whispered that she had to get back to work and I nodded. 

"Oh Kai! What a pleasant surprise." Mr Song said as he rolled out from under the motorbike. I greeted him respectfully as he wiped his hands with a piece of cloth before coming over to pat me on the back. 

"Yes, its nice to see you again. I didn't think you'd actually come back after what my son said to you but you did and I'm thankful for that. So," he started as he brought me towards the bike. 

"What do you think?" he gestured towards his bike.

"Woah, is that a Harley Davidson?!"

"A beauty isn't she."

"Yeah! You must have spent a fortune on her."

"I saved up so much just to buy her. She's been with me for 16 years. Still looks as good as new, doesn't she?" I ran my hands against the contours of the bike and smiled to myself.

"She's my dream bike, sir. I've always wanted a Harley for myself but I still have yet to get my driving license."

"Work hard then, son." he patted my shoulder and got back to work under the bike. 

"Its been weeks and me and my son...can't seem... to fix the accelerator of the bike. you think you could take a look at it?" he said as he tightened some nuts and bolts.

"I'll try." I said as he rolled out and gave me a chance to look at it.

"Oh I see the problem here," I said as I examined the bike. 

"Pass me the wrench please, sir." I loosened the throttle cables and backed the screws all the way out. I then removed the switch housing from the handlebars and inserted lubricants on the front and back end of the cable. I put in the switch housing again adjusted the throttle cable closest to the bike all the way out. I adjusted it until the butterfly on the carburetor is completely level. 

"Okay, test it out now." I said as I wiped my hands on the cloth. I grabbed my bag and swung it over my right arm. Mr Song took the bike off the lift and put it on its kick stand. He turn handle bars all the way to the left before opening the throttle all the way. It should made an audible snapping noise, and it did.

"My word! How did you learn how to do that, Kai?"

"Well, I've done this a few times."

"Great job, son! Would you like to stay for dinner tonight?" 

"No, actually my mother is bringing us out to eat today. However, I greatly appreciate your offer."

"That's a shame, Minji's a great cook."

"I'm sure she is. I'd love to try her food some other time though. I'll get going now. You might want to keep testing out your bike and adjust the bolts if it doesn't make the snapping sound, sir."

"Yes, alright. Thank you for everything, Kai. I owe you."

"That's alright sir, I don't expect anything in return. I will come visit again."

"Of course! Anytime!" I bid him farewell and went back up to say goodbye to Minji. I saw her setting up the table for dinner and walked over to her.


"Oh? Hey. That was fast. Be careful, I just mopped the floor!"

"I got it. I could say the same for you by the way, you know, the cooking." 

"Oh that. Well, I cook simple dishes."

"Of course you do."

"Ha ha, very funny. How's the bike?"

"It should work now. If it doesn't, call me, but I doubt you'd need to. Anyways, I'll take my leave now."

"Oh Kai wait, aren't you gonna- AHHH!" she shouted as she slipped and fell forwards onto me. The impact had made her head knock into mine, causing her lips to involuntarily touch my own. Both our eyes widened when we realised what just happened. 

"I-I'm sorry...I-"

"You told me to be careful but look who's the one that slipped." I said as I tried to steer away from the topic.

"Well, I'm sorry. How was I supposed to know what was gonna happen." She frowned as she hit my chest lightly.

"Minji!! Has Kai gone home ye-" Mr Song faltered when he saw us in that position on the floor. We both immediately scrambled up on our feet. I fought the red tint that was creeping up my cheeks.

"D-dad! I just...fell." Instead of flaring up, he merely laughed and turned back towards the back door. 

"Continue as you were. I didn't see anything~" Minji turned to me and scoffed.

"That was weird. He usually gets angry." I looked at her flushed face and bit back a smile.

"I'll leave now." She walked me to the front door and said goodbye. I leaned against the threshold and smirked. 

"Don't pretend as if you didn't like that kiss." I winked and I walked down the steps of her porch.



a/n: To all my subscribers, I'm so sorry for not updating! Here is a super long chapter for you guys! Please spare meeeee~ COMMENT PLEASE! SARANGHAE~

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hiatus till year end exams are over; October! so sorry!! pls be patient


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Chapter 13: Update soon author nim .I love it.
kyunism #2
Chapter 13: I started to love this story already ^^
TonTonaeh #3
Chapter 12: Update soon author-nim<3~
TonTonaeh #4
Chapter 11: I love it!!!!! Please update soon~~~~~~~
mimau19 #5
Chapter 10: Please update soon!! Love it! <3
Chapter 10: OMG update soon!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: This is getting good! Update soon!
Chapter 4: I love watching So you think you can dance too :D
Chapter 4: Please update :'( its too good.