Chapter 1 - New Friends - Loves at First Sights

EXO Kingdom

The king and queen of each 3 kingdom was bestfriends. They will often meet at Water and Unicorn Kingdom. Kris,Tao,Xiumin and Chen already met Suho and Lay's childs,Kai and Sehun. The 6 of them agreed to let their princes met in the Kingdom of Water and Unicorn so their sons can pick who they want to married.

The next day, Suho and Lay told Kai and Sehun that later on they will meet the princes from the Kingdom of Ice and Lightning and the princes from the Kingdom of Dragon and Time. Kai and Sehun was so excited. Suho and Lay told them to play in the garden,there they will meet the other princes. 

After 5 minutes, a carriage from the Ice and Lightning Kingdom arrived.The two prince came out of the carriage. Kai was totally star struck at one of the prince then he snapped back to reality and automatically introduce himself first.

"Hi! Im Kai,im one of the princes of Water and Unicorn Kingdom"

"Im Thehun, Kai'th younger brother" he said shyly.

"nice to meet the both of you I'm Chanyeol,Im one of the prince from the Ice and Lightning Kingdom."

"Im Kyungsoo but you can call me D.O ,Im the youngest prince of Ice and Lightning Kingdom"

"Oh so he's name isD.o." Kai said in his mind.

The 4 princes got to know each other and play happily,as for Kai... he cant take of his sight from D.O,D.O does the same...when Chanyeol and Sehun see it, they began teasing the two and end up being chased by Kai and D.O .

After 3 minutes, the 4 stops running when they heard a sound of a horse. They saw a white ponny stop infront of them. 

"pretty ponny!" Sehun said

"Awww....cute little Sehun" Chanyeol,D.o and Kai cooed

A boy suddenly went down from the back of the horse. The four of them are amazed. 

"Hi! Im Kai,im the eldest prince of Water and Unicorn Kingdom,this is my little brother Sehun" Kai said while pointing at Sehun. Sehun  still had his eyes on the horse but then he was staring to a male who he thinks is an angel. 

"Hi Im D.o. im the eldest prince from Ice and Lightning Kingdom"

"Im Chanyeol the youngest prince of the Ice and Lightning Kingdom"


"Oh~ its nice to finally meet you guys,im Baekhyun,prince of Dragon and Time Kingdom" the boy with cute and chubby face said. Chanyeol cant keep his eyes of Baekhyun for he admit,he felt his heart beat fast.

"Is he ok?" Baekhyun said pointing at Sehun

"Sehun-ah,what are you staring at?" Kai,D.o and Chanyeol said.

The 4 of them came beside Sehun and this time they saw a white horse. Chanyeol,Kai and D.o. are now like Sehun also stun.

Baekhyun look where they are looking and said "Hyung! over here!" then the white horse came near beside the white pony,the male went down the horse,a servant took the pony and the horse to the stable. 

When they have the clear view of the boy who went down the white horse,all of them widen their eyes and drop their jaw open.

"There you are Baekhyun,I was looking for you" he said as he ruffle Baekhyun's hair and Baekhyun hug him in return. 

"Guys!" Baekhyun said and snapped them back to reality.

"O-oh were sorry! we just couldnt believe there's an angel here!" Chanyeol,D.o,Sehun and Kai said while pointing at the boy.

"He looks like an angel but he's not an angel,He's my brother" Baekhyun said while breaking the hug and staring at them

"SAY WHAT?!" Chanyeol,D.o. and Kai said for they couldnt believe he's Baekhyun's brother.

"Forgot to Introduce myself Im Luhan,nice to meet you all" the angelic boy said and all of them admire his voice.

Baekhyun introduce each of them in his brother.Unconsiously,Sehun walk towards Luhan.He keeps staring at Luhan and said "your pretty" Sehun said while holding on the hem of Luhan's shirt. Luhan suddenly chuckled and ruffles Sehun's hair and it made Sehun's heart beat fast and Luhan's heart does the same.


After 5 days,all of them agreed and play again,they became close already. They have a fun time. "Lets play Confession Game" Kai said and they all agree.Chanyeol admits he had a crush on Baekhyun,Baekhyun also admits he had a crush on Chanyeol.Kai admitted he like D.o and D.o likes Kai also. Then its Luhan's turn and he said "I like all of you,I'm very happy to meet you guys especially Sehun" he said while giving the rare warm smile that all people admires and looks at Sehun. 

Sehun suddenly blushed when he saw Luhan's rare smile,he became serious and said 

"I Like You! Thehun wantth To Marry Luhan hyung when Thehun growth Up" out loud

Baekhyun,Chanyeol,D.o.and Kai were suprised at what Sehun said

"Is this kid for real?!" Baekhyun said

"I hate to admit it but he's sincere when he said something especially with that face." Kai said

"He's cute! I want him to be my younger brother" Baekhyun said

"I-I...I like you too Sehunnie" Luhan said while hugging Sehun happily.

When the day ends and its time to go, Sehun wont let go of Luhan,he even cry just to beg his parents and Luhan's parents to let Luhan stayed in their kingdom. Kris,Tao,Suho,Lay,Chen,Xiumin,Chanyeol,Baekhyun,Kai,D.o and Luhan cant stand to see Sehun crying  for he cant handle it anymore when Luhan is away and they think Sehun is so cute.Luhan was hugging and comforting Sehun.

"O-oh! Honey! I cant stand Sehun! He's so cute! Can we please let Luhan stay?" Tao said

"I cant stand it either,if its ok with you guys, Luhan can stay here for a while." Lay said

"Hmmmm...if its ok with Kris" Suho said

Kris kneel down and ask Sehun "Sehun,do you really like Luhan?" he ask him calmly and Sehun nods

"Ive decided, Luhan...stay with Sehun" Kris said

"Kamtha!" Sehun said and hug Kris.

"Oh this kid...take care of Luhan for me,ne?" Kris said and Sehun nods then Sehun and Luhan hugs each other happily.Kai,D.o,Chanyeol and Baekhyun also beg. Since theyre parents thinks they found their partner,they let Kai stay in D.o 's place while Chanyeol is staying at Baekhyun's place. They were all happy.



this is my 2nd fanfiction!

stay tuned~

about their age here? theyre all 10, only different in months though xP luhan being the oldest in month and sehun is the youngest ^^

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Boywhocriedwolf_12 #1
Chapter 1: Aww . Sehun is so cute
pls support my 3rd new fanfic! here is the link:

here is my first fanfic:

thanks for supporting x3
Chapter 14: Very great
oshin1994 #4
Chapter 14: Sis !!! Daebak ...(y) .. Make a New ...keke^^
Chapter 13: Oh my god, alpacaris~
YouLostMe #6
Chapter 14: The royalties are now kpop/cpop singers History~!
Chapter 13: Wahhh!!!! Ace!!! Kris appa and Ace
Chapter 10: AWW they are so cute! specially luhan and sehun! but i don't understand something.... When they grew up? or they are still kids?
And sorry for my bad english, i speak in spanish
MishaRen #9
Nice.. Hikaru and Kaoru. LOL I love that anime ^^