
Raising twins....DOUBLE TROUBLE!

*About a month later, JunHara had moved out of Hara's parents house with their twins. They moved to a expensive apartment neighborhood. They bought an apartment. It had plenty of space for the family. It had 4 bedrooms.

Junhyung was back in Korea from the US. Beast had concerts in LA, NYC, and San Fransico. When Junhyung got back, he was given a break.
It was 1 PM and Junhyung was STILL sleeping. Hara was doing all of the chores and take care of the twins all by herself. She understood that Junhyung was tired from all the concerts but she wished he would at least help her a little.

Junhyung knew he had to and he felt bad for not helping but his body kept telling him that he needed to rest. Junhyung continued to sleep for the whole day.

Hara held crying Jihoon with her right arm and made a bottle of formula with her other hand. Jiyeon and Jihoon were almost 9 months old, still very young. Hara became frustrated after awhile. She hurried and made Jihoon a bottle and put him on the playing mat in his room and gave the bottle to him. As soon as she gave the bottle to him, Jiyeon started crying from her room.
Hara quickly stood up and ran to Jiyeon's room. Hara picked her up and realized that she had peed. Hara changed her diapers and gave her some fruit gummies. Jiyeon started eating them excitedly. Hara was relieved. She got up and went out of Jiyeon's room.
Hara couldn't take it anymore. She needed Junhyung to help her.

"YAH YONG JUNHYUNG HELP ME WITH JIHOON AND JIYEON PLEASE.", Hara yelled as she walked into their room.

Junhyung twitched and opened his eyes.

"Wait... A few more minutes...", Junhyung said quietly.

"You are not the only one tired in this family! I am tired too from all of this. You are the father here so you need to help me!", Hara screamed.

Jihoon started crying from his room.

"GET UP.", Hara said seriously and slammed the door and walked out to get Jihoon.

"UGHHHHHHHHH!", Junhyung said loudly and threw his pillow across the bed.

Hara picked Jihoon up and put him in his cradle swing. Hara got a soft toy car out of the toy box and gave it to him. He took it and started playing with it. Hara sighed and walked out. She went to Jiyeon's room to check on her. She was standing and leaning by her big dollhouse and playing around with the dolls. Hara was proud of her for standing up already. She smiled and walked out of her room. She picked up toys and clothes in the living room and vaccumed the house.

As time went by, Hara was getting mad because Junhyung continued to sleep. She really understood that he is really tired. BUT, Hara had been takin care of the twins all by herself when Junhyung wasn't home. SHE was exhausted too. Her mom or Junhyung's mom sometimes came over to help but that was sometimes. She couldn't take it anymore. She stopped the vaccum and barged into their room. Junhyung was still sleeping.


Junhyung was also frustrated. He sat up rudely and threw the blanket away.

"I'm awake. There.", Junhyung replied with an attitude. He was usually very cranky when he was tired. 

Hara was upset. She went out of the room without a word and slammed the door closed again. Junhyung shook his head and sighed. He rubbed his eyes and walked into the bathroom. He took a shower and got out.

He came out of the room and saw Hara holding Jiyeon and cleaning the toys off the living room floor.
He could tell that she was mad. He quietly went into the kitchen and drank some water. He walked out and went into Jihoon's room. It was a total mess. He had toy cars, trains, and stuffed animals everywhere. The blankets inside the crib were all messed up, his clothes laid on the ground. Jihoon was crawling around on his mat and played with his toys.

Junhyung picked Jihoon up and threw him lightly up and catched him. Jihoon laughed and was enjoying it. Junhyung kissed him and put him back down. He started cleaning his room. Junhyung's eyes kept closing but he tried to stay awake to help Hara. He was kind of mad at her though.

Meanwhile, Hara was cleaning Jiyeon's room. Her room wasn't as bad as Jihoon's. She cleaned everything with Jiyeon in her arms because Jiyeon kept whining and crying when Hara wasn't paying attention to her. Hara just kept her in her arms and cleaned. It was 2:25 PM, Jiyeon fell asleep in Hara's arms. Hara put her in her crib and walked out.

Junhyung had also put Jihoon to sleep. Junhyung was still cleaning his room and stayed quiet so Jihoon wouldn't wake up.
Hara went into her and Junhyung's room. Their room was much bigger in this apartment. Hara made her & Junhyung's bed then made the other bed that was in the other side of the room. It was the bed that was in the kids' room at Hara's parents house. Ever since Jiyeon and Jihoon got their own rooms, they put that bed in here so the twins can sleep on it just in case they whine at night. It was actually a smart idea.

Hara finished cleaning their room and their bathroom. She finally had time to sit. She sat on the bed and put her head down and covered her eyes with her hands.

Junhyung peaked in the room and saw her. He slowly walked towards her and sat next to her.

"Soo....are you done cleaning?", Junhyung asked quietly.

Hara did not answer. She kept her head down.

"Yah...answer..", Junhyung said while pulling her shoulders up so he could see her.

When Junhyung saw her face, there were tears in her eyes.

"Are...are you...cr...crying?", Junhyung asked surprisingly.

Hara didn't say anything.
Junhyung looked at her for awhile and wiped her tears. "Don't cry....", Junhyung told her.

As soon as he said that, Hara turned her body towards him and hugged him. Junhyung wrapped his arms around her.

"Oppa... I didn't know it would be this hard... I didn't know.", Hara cried.

Junhyung hugged her tightly. "I didn't know either. But, we love our Jihoon and Jiyeon right? We love them to death. I gain strength from looking at you and them. Even though they make your life tougher, just know that they are our children. That's how I hold in my anger and tiredness.", Junhyung explained. "And I'm sorry for not helping you. And I really mean it.", Junhyung continued.

Hara nodded and finally stopped crying. She let go of him and Junhyung looked at her. He gave her a warm smile.

"Remember, when you feel terrible in so many ways, just think of our kids. They are cute and ours. Ours forever.", Junhyung whispered.

"Okay. Thanks for being here for me. You are the best.", Hara told him. She finally smiled.



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Chapter 3: such a daebak story ! <3
Hello there!
sorry to mess here,
check out my latest vampire love story
"Dear my Hara,don't come closer" its junhara <3 !
leave some comments as you wish,so i can improve :)
gomawo ^^
hara_ya #3
she act shy, but she really want him~
her mind keep blank, luckily, junhyung not give up on her so fast~
junhara clap2!!
--photogenic #4
It's so romantic~
I love it!
JunHara foreverrrrr
hara_ya #5
they so romantic till the end
hope jihoon will be good brother towrd his two sister
love junhara
hara_ya #6
yup~ this story is quite diff from other fic

that was really a great night for junhara family~ how i wish its all real~
luminatorr #7
omg this is actually one of my most favorite fan fic considering how it doesnt need to contain any special romance at all and just a family revolved story. love it!! cant wait for the upcoming chapters!
hara_ya #8
awwww~ jiyeon n jihoon really a fast learner~
when they start walk their own, its really tired to watch them all the time
they must be damn tired, hope the twins not so naughty~
hara_ya #9
i can totally imagine all of that~
coz my nephew just turned 1 year old yesterday~

i love how junhyung take care of his twin even his tired..not many man will become like that~ junhyung is so caring

he n hara got strength from their twin like how junhyung got strength from hara call
emilynad #10
this story so sweet i like it....