Raising twins....DOUBLE TROUBLE!

Yong Junhyung was a just an ordinary 23 year old when this all started. He started liking a kpop girl idol. She was exactly his ideal type and it was love at first sight. Small-faced, skinny, short, soft & long hair.... She was just gorgeous and cute in so many ways. They started out as just friends. But as time went by, Junhyung wanted to have her as his girl. He became jealous at times when she talked to other boys and he couldn't stop thinking about her when someone mentioned her name. That girl was Goo Hara from KARA.

On the other hand, Hara also thought Junhyung was a friendly, sweet, caring guy. He talked to her a lot and always said hi when she saw him. She didn't have special feelings toward him but suddenly, she started falling for him also. She didn't want to express her true feelings toward him so she just remained quiet. Hara sometimes thought he liked her because of his actions but since she wasn't 100% sure, she just let it go through. 


One day, Junhyung and Hara met for some coffee. Junhyung started telling her how he likes her in a special way. Right when Hara heard that, her heart was pounding. She was sweating. Even though she had interest in him, she wasn't ready. Hara didn't say a word and just told him that she liked him only as a friend. Junhyung understood. 

"Ahhh.... It's okay.... But that doesn't change my mind from liking you.", Junhyung told her after sipping his coffee. He was actually upset of her response but he just didn't want to give up. Something in him told him not to give up. 

"...Eu..eung?", Hara said surprisingly. Millions of things ran through her mind. 

"I said, even though you don't like me, it's okay. But, I'm gonna continue liking you.", he told her bravely. When he blurted that out, he was shocked by his response also. What the heck.... Why am I telling her this....

Hara sat there staring at him. She didn't know what to tell him next. She just blinked a couple times and stood up. "Umm..uh.. I think I need to go now. Thanks for the coffee.", she said and walked out of the cafe. 

Junhyung sat there staring at her coffee and thought about this carefully. He sighed and stood up. Maybe this wasn't a good idea....



A few weeks later, Junhyung and Hara were really uncomfortable meeting each other. When they saw each other at concerts/festivals, it was so awkward. Hara tried avoiding him and sometimes pretended not to see him. Junhyung became a little upset. 

It was a cool summer night when he and Hyuna met at a cafe near Beast's dorm. They were just meeting to talk about 4Minute's new album because Junhyung wrote the lyrics on some of the songs. When they were talking, Junhyung looked at his right and saw Hara and Nicole walking in and taking orders. His eyes widened for a sec and he blinked many times. Hyuna looked at him weirdly and turned to look at what Junhyung was staring at. 

"Oh, it's Hara!", she said happily. 

"Uh..uh..umm yeah. Okay, so we were talking about the album.", he said. He tried to change the subject.

"Oh, yeah yeah.", Hyuna answered while looking at him. 

Hara and Nicole walked to sit in one of the tables with their coffee. Hara saw Junhyung right when she sat down on the table next to theirs. They all greeted. Junhyung and Hyuna continued talking about their albums but Junhyung carefully listened to Hara and Nicole's conversation also. 

"Oh, Hyuna! You look soooo pretty without make up, did you know that?", Junhyung purposely said.

Hara heard it and glanced over at them but turned her attention back to Nicole.

"Umm....thanks oppa.", Hyuna thanked him but stared at him with her confused look. 

"Oh, no problem~ Just stating a fact there. And ummm, you are my best friend you know that right?", Junhyung also said. He was trying to get Hara to hear them. 

"Yeah. Yeeah. We are best friends...", Hyuna answered. 

What is he trying to do..make me jealous? Psh.... Hara thought. She couldn't stop trying to listen to their conversation also. 


A few hours later, Hyuna left Junhyung and he walked out of the cafe. Hara and Nicole also came out a few minutes later. 

"Hara yah.... I gotta go. Mom keeps calling me.", Nicole told her.

"Okay~ See you tomorrow!", Hara told her. 

Nicole waved and hurriedly walked to grab a taxi. 

Junhyung glanced over at Hara and she was walking into the park where the playgrounds were. 


Hara was kinda disappointed for some reason. She didn't know why she was getting jealous of Junhyung and Hyuna's friendship. Hara just walked to a playground and sat on the swing. She swung slowly and kept talking to herself. 

Junhyung walked into the park also and stared at her from the back. He watched her swing and talking to herself. Junhyung snickered and walked towards her. 

"What are you doing here?", Junhyung asked nicely.

"Nothing. Why don't you go hang out with Hyuna?", Hara asked. She was shocked after asking that. 

"Hahaha, what??", Junhyung laughed. "Wait...are you being jealous?", Junhyung asked surprisingly.

"Wh..what?! N..no! Jealousy only happens for people who like that other person!", Hara shouted.

"Oh. So you do like me?", he asked excitedly.

"No! Never! Wh..why would I like you?", Hara stuttered. 

Junhyung stopped Hara swing. Hara blinked a couple times and just sat there. Junhyung went in front of her and bent down. He carefully grabbed her chin with his left hand and placed his soft lips on Hara's lips. Junhyung shut his eyes and kissed her. Hara's heart pounded and she turned red. But, she didn't let go. She was too shocked. 

Junhyung let go in a few minutes and stood back up. "...you aren't gonna hit me right?", he asked quietly. Hara didn't respond. She just sat on the swing and her mind went blank. She stood up without a word and walked quickly out of the park. Junhyung called her name but she didn't reply. Junhyung grabbed her purse that was by the swing and ran behind her. Hara was already in the taxi and the taxi drove off. "She doesn't even have her wallet with her!", Junhyung said to himself. He quickly ran to his car and drove fast to follow the taxi. 

A few minutes later, the taxi and Junhyung's car was driving into Hara's neighborhood. He stopped at one building and Junhyung parked his car near the building. Junhyung got out to see what Hara would do without her wallet. 


"That would be 8 dollars.", the taxi driver told Hara. 

"Oh..yes. Okay.", Hara said while looking next to her. My purse..... Hara thought to herself. 

"Umm... my house is right here so can I run up and get you the money? Sorry...I left my purse at the park...", Hara told him shakingly. 

"What?", he responded. He was annoyed. 

Junhyung realized that she wasn't getting out. He walked to the taxi and tapped on the window. Hara looked and saw Junhyung. She opened the door and stared at him. 

"How much is it?", Junhyung asked while getting his wallet out of his back pocket. 

"8 dollars.", he replied.

"Here is 10 dollars. Keep the change. Come on, get out.", Junhyung said while handing a 10 dollar bill to him. Hara slowly got out and saw Junhyung holding her purse. The taxi drove away. 

"Aigoo... Here's your purse.", Junhyung told Hara as he handed her the purse. 

Hara took it and took a deep breath. "Thank you.", she said quietly.

"Sorry about kissing you. I was just...um....uh...you see, I was...", Junhyung couldn't find the right words. 

Hara gave him a warm smile and nodded. "It's okay. I understand.", Hara told him. 

Junhyung stared at her and grinned. 

That's how Junhyung and Hara's relationship started.... Hara admitted that she liked him also and they started the relationship.



I decided to do a special edition of how their relationship started. Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks! :)

***Check out Beast's new song, Beautiful Night that was released on the 22nd! 

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Chapter 3: such a daebak story ! <3
Hello there!
sorry to mess here,
check out my latest vampire love story
"Dear my Hara,don't come closer" its junhara <3 !
leave some comments as you wish,so i can improve :)
gomawo ^^
hara_ya #3
she act shy, but she really want him~
her mind keep blank, luckily, junhyung not give up on her so fast~
junhara clap2!!
--photogenic #4
It's so romantic~
I love it!
JunHara foreverrrrr
hara_ya #5
they so romantic till the end
hope jihoon will be good brother towrd his two sister
love junhara
hara_ya #6
yup~ this story is quite diff from other fic

that was really a great night for junhara family~ how i wish its all real~
luminatorr #7
omg this is actually one of my most favorite fan fic considering how it doesnt need to contain any special romance at all and just a family revolved story. love it!! cant wait for the upcoming chapters!
hara_ya #8
awwww~ jiyeon n jihoon really a fast learner~
when they start walk their own, its really tired to watch them all the time
they must be damn tired, hope the twins not so naughty~
hara_ya #9
i can totally imagine all of that~
coz my nephew just turned 1 year old yesterday~

i love how junhyung take care of his twin even his tired..not many man will become like that~ junhyung is so caring

he n hara got strength from their twin like how junhyung got strength from hara call
emilynad #10
this story so sweet i like it....