
Raising twins....DOUBLE TROUBLE!

It was finally December 19th, the day JunHara had been waiting for. It was a chilly day, Junhyung and Hara had just woken up. Jiyeon and Jihoon were still sleep in their rooms. The party started at 5PM but JunHara had to be there way earlier. Hara quickly cooked breakfast for the family. Her cooking skills has improved so much, Junhyung was proud of her.

When Hara was done cooking, the twins were awake. Hara went to Jiyeon's room and took Jiyeon out of her crib and put her in her highchair in the diningroom. Then, she went to Jihoon's room and took him out to the diningroom and set hin down on the highchair. Hara grabbed their plate of scrambled eggs, just a little bit of rice, and their bottles of formula.

Hara finally started eating and Junhyung was half way done. His eyes were half closed while he was eating, he looked very tired.
After the family was done eating, everyone took a shower and got ready to head out.
They arrived in regular clothes (their party clothes were at the buffet.) Junhyung held both kids in their arms because they ran around too much while Hara held the things that they needed. They went up the elevator and when the elevator stopped at the 8th floor, there were balloons from the entrance and on.

"Woah...", Junhyung whispered.

"Woah..", Jihoon copied his dad.

Junhyung looked at him and kissed his cheek.

There was a HUGE sign that said: Happy 1st Birthday to our amazing twins, Jihoon and Jiyeon AND their awesome dad, Yong Junhyung.

As soon as he saw his name, he turned around and looked at Hara.

She smiled. "I called them and told them to add your name too.", she said to him.Junhyung laughed and walked into the dressing room. They set everything down and Hara went out to the front desk to ask them a couple things.She walked down the hall and it was decorated in gorgeous lights. She found a lady up at the front desk staring at the computer screen.

"Umm hi, may I ask something?", Hara said politely.

The lady looked up and gave her a kind smile. "Yes~ How may I help you?", she asked.

"Umm, I called a few weeks ago and told the lady that we wanted security guards at the front. They are available today right? Just making sure.", she explained.

"Yes yes yes. I heard about that. You guys need security guards because reporters are gonna show up right?", she asked Hara.

"Yes. That's right. Thank you.", she replied.

"No problem~ Oh, and just to tell you, the chefs are cooking the foods right now, if you were wondering.", she told her.

"Oh, thanks.", Hara answered.

"My pleasure. Let us know if you need anything else.", she said while sitting back down to continue working.

Hara nodded and grinned. She walked back into the dressing/waiting room.

When she opened the door, there were make-up artists and people that did hair. Junhyung was getting his hair done and the kids were jumping around and screaming.

"Jiyeon, Jihoon. Sit down please.", Hara said in a friendly voice.
They kept jumping and bothering the people around so Hara picked them up and set them on the couch with their toys. Hara looked at the time and it read 3:50 PM. About an hour left until the party starts.

"Hara-ssi, are you ready to start on your makeup?", one of the artists asked nicely.

"Oh yes.", Hara replied while walking to the chair.

Junhyung and Hara were all done with their hair and make-up and the babies were also done with their hair. After that, Junhyung changed the twins into their party clothes. Jihoon wore a black suit with a red bow tie while Jiyeon wore a white dress and a small, shiny crown on her hair. They looked absolutely adorable. Almost to the end of the party, they would all switch into "Hanboks", Korean traditional clothes to end their party. JunHara were excited.

The people were setting the tables up, getting the music ready, and the dvd all set up. Junhyung looked outside the window and saw lots if people arriving. There were camera flashes and news reporters everywhere at the front. He his lips and took out his phone. Junhyung's name was #1 and Hara was #2 for hottest news. He clicked on his name and saw a whole bunch of articles. The titles were:
"Yong Junhyung-Goo Hara's twins first birthday....at an expensive buffet."
"Kpop idols show up for Yong Junhyung & Goo Hara's twins' 1st birthday"

He clicked on one of the articles and read it. They announced the name of the twins and explained how JunHara spent so much money on the celebration.

"It's 4:55.", Hara told him while holding Jihoon's hand. "Almost time to go out."

Junhyung nodded and put his phone back in his bag.

He straightened the kids' outfits and their hair. They looked in the mirror for the last time and when the clock hit 5:00 PM, they headed out.
Junhyung held Jiyeon and Hara held Jihoon. As they walked down the hall, it was dark with party lights and they saw the entrance of where everyone was sitting. LOTS of people were on the table, waiting for the party to start. Junhyung snapped his fingers and the lights in the buffet turned off. The guests whispered to each other and JunHara hurriedly walked to the front, where the stage was and sat down on their fancy chairs. In front of them was a BIG cake and ballons.

A few seconds later, small lights and the screen and the DVD played. It was a picture slide show with words. The first slide was a picture of JunHara's paparazzi photo.

"June 28th, 2011. It was the day we confirmed our special relationship."

The next slide show was a picture of their selca.

"We had lots of break up rumors but we stayed strong. We weren't broken up!"

The slides kept going. The guests were concentrated and laughing at some slides.
Almost to the end...

"Our twins, Jihoon and Jiyeon were born. We kept them private because we were afraid they would be treated differently from other people. Now they are finally 1 years old. Some people here have probably seen our kids but most people did not. Here are pictures of them~"

The next slide was a picture of the twins at the hospital when they first opened their eyes.
"Awwww", people shouted.

Pictures of them went by slowly. Second to the last slide was a picture of them at 8 months. It was finally the last slide.

"Are you guys ready to see them now in real life?..... :)"

Some people shouted YES!

The screen turned off and it was super dark. About 3 seconds later, the lights all and the spotlight turned to the stage. Junhyung and Hara bowed to the guests and the twins were sitting on the baby chairs.
The guests were family members/relatives, B2ST members, Kara members, Super Junior members, Shinee members, their close SNSD members, MBLAQ members, 4Minute members, APINK, BTOB, FTisland, IU, lots of solo singers, JunHara's childhood friends, actors/actresses, and a lot of more. They all clapped and shouted "The babies are so cute!!" as soon as the spotlight turned towards them.
JunHara grinned and the kids just sat there all confused.

Hara picked up the microphone from the table. "Thank you all for coming tonight and I hope you enjoy all the events we provided and of course, the foods!", she exclaimed.

Junhyung took the microphone after Hara was done talking. "We have giftbags when the oarty is done so please remember to pick them up before leaving~"

They nodded and clapped.

The party went on, there was music, the twins went around and was held by a lot of people which made them cranky but they followed along nicely. Everyone was dancing and eating the foods and talking to each other. Junhyung and Hara aldo spent time with their family and friends and had a blast. Loud music, disco lights, everything was fun.


The party was ending, JunHara and the twins went back into the dressing room to change to Hanbok. They needed to blow candles now. After changing into them, they went back out and they were all seated now. JunHara brought the kids on stage with them and the happy birthday song was about to come on when Hara yelled out, "Wait! I have something to say!"

The staff of the buffet moved his finger out of the play button to let her talk. "As most of you know, it's Junhyung oppa's birthday too. So...can you guys add his name in the song too when you sing it? Hehe.", she asked. Junhyung looked at her and mouthed "Thank you." Hara gave him a smiled and turned back to the audience. 

The guests shouted yes and Hara told the staff to turn the song on.
Everyone started singing.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Junhyung, Jihoon, and Jiyeon...Happy birthday to you!!!", everyone sang altogether.

Junhyung smiled and bowed.
Junhyung and Hara blew the candles because the twins were too young to know how to blow. Everyone clapped and whistled and congratulated them.

The party was FINALLY over and everyone left. The reporters were still outside to get interviews from people who attended.
"The twins are absolutely adorable and I hope they grow up very nicely. Today was the best night ever.", Beast members said.
"The party was awesome! The best 1st birthday celebration I've ever been.", Shindong told the reporter.
"The gifts are very nice. I hope everyone in the family are happy.", Onew said.

Meanwhile, Junhyung and Hara were changing back to their normal clothes and got ready to head out. The twins were so exhausted they fell asleep right when everyone were leaving the hotel. Hara changed the twins' clothes to winter clothes and set them down on the couch for a second. Junhyung and Hara put their hat and sunglasses on and wore their think jackets and went out of the waiting room. Junhyung held Jihoon with his right arm and he held Jiyeon with his left arm. Hara took out 2 blankets from her bag and put one of each over them. Their faces were hidden because it was too cold outside plus the camera flashes would wake them up. Jihoon and Jiyeon continued sleeping with their faces down on Junhyung's chest. Hara and 2 of her manager oppas carried their gift bags (there were tons) and they went down the elevator. As soon as they walked out of the building, camera flashes were everywhere and reporters came closer but the security guards & Hara's managers blocked them and helped JunHara get to Junhyung's car. They guided them to their car and Junhyung quickly put the twins in their car seats and Hara got in the back with them. The managers put ALL the bags and presents in the trunk and moved out of the way. Junhyung got in the drivers seat and started the car. He backed up and drove out.

Tonight was the best night for Junhyung & Hara, the twins, and the guests. It wad unforgettable. JunHara could not believe Jiyeon and Jihoon were growing so fast...



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Chapter 3: such a daebak story ! <3
Hello there!
sorry to mess here,
check out my latest vampire love story
"Dear my Hara,don't come closer" its junhara <3 !
leave some comments as you wish,so i can improve :)
gomawo ^^
hara_ya #3
she act shy, but she really want him~
her mind keep blank, luckily, junhyung not give up on her so fast~
junhara clap2!!
--photogenic #4
It's so romantic~
I love it!
JunHara foreverrrrr
hara_ya #5
they so romantic till the end
hope jihoon will be good brother towrd his two sister
love junhara
hara_ya #6
yup~ this story is quite diff from other fic

that was really a great night for junhara family~ how i wish its all real~
luminatorr #7
omg this is actually one of my most favorite fan fic considering how it doesnt need to contain any special romance at all and just a family revolved story. love it!! cant wait for the upcoming chapters!
hara_ya #8
awwww~ jiyeon n jihoon really a fast learner~
when they start walk their own, its really tired to watch them all the time
they must be damn tired, hope the twins not so naughty~
hara_ya #9
i can totally imagine all of that~
coz my nephew just turned 1 year old yesterday~

i love how junhyung take care of his twin even his tired..not many man will become like that~ junhyung is so caring

he n hara got strength from their twin like how junhyung got strength from hara call
emilynad #10
this story so sweet i like it....