
Raising twins....DOUBLE TROUBLE!

After feeding both Jiyeon and Jihoon, Hara and Junhyung were totally exhausted. After dinner, they checked on Jiyeon and Jihoon. They were both asleep. Junhyung turned off the lights and a small lamp that was on the small table next to the bookshelf. They quietly came out the room. Hara took a deep breath and looked at Junhyung. He looked down at her and grinned. Hara smiled back at him.

"We are doing good so far.", Junhyung said while walking into their room.

Hara nodded and laid on the bed. "I'm so tired.", Hara said with her eyes closed.

"Get ready to sleep. I'm gonna sleep too.", said Junhyung as he walked into the bathroom.

Hara changed into her pajamas and went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. Junhyung was in the shower.

"Why can't you shower in the morning? It's like 12 AM...", Hara said while looking for the toothpaste.

"Because...Didn't I tell you? I have to fly to Malaysia for a fanmeeting and fansigning tomorrow.", Junhyung told her while washing off shampoo off his hair.

"Oh.... You are leaving me...", Hara said quietly.

"I will be back in three days sorry...", Junhyung apologized.

"It's okay.", Hara told him.

"I promise I will take care of the babies all by myself when I get back.", Junhyung explained.

Hara laughed and finished brushing her teeth.


Hara and Junhyung fell asleep right when their heads touched the pillow. They slept very well until Jihoon started crying.

"WAHHHHH!!", he cried.

Junhyung heard the cries and woke up. He rubbed his eyes and grabbed his phone and went out of the room. He opened the babies' room and lights and shut the door. He set his phone down on the bed and went to Jihoon's crib. Junhyung picked him up and held him close. Jihoon kept crying.

"Shhh...", Junhyung said while rocking Jihoon. Jihoon stopped crying. Junhyung's eyes kept closing slowly. It was 2:35 AM, he has only been sleeping for about 2 hours. He had to be at the airport by 7:30 AM. Junhyung sat on the rocking chair with Jihoon in his arms and looked at him. Jihoon was wide awake, he was staring at Junhyung. Junhyung touched his cheeks and smiled.
Junhyung stood up to put Jihoon back in the crib. As soon as he put him down, he started crying again. Junhyung picked him back up and held him. Jihoon then stopped crying. Junhyung was soooo sleepy. He peaked into Jiyeon's crib, she was sleeping very comfortably. Junhyung decided to lay on the bed with Jihoon. Junhyung carefully set him down on the bed near the wall and Junhyung laid beside him. He put blanket over Jihoon and himself. Junhyung faced Jihoon and stared at him. He wasn't crying. Junhyung was relieved. They both fell asleep after awhile.


Junhyung's phone vibrated. He picked up the phone and looked at it. It was a text message from Yoseop.
"Yong Junhyunggie. Meet us at the Airport at 8:10AM."
Junhyung replied back and looked at the time. It was 7:00 AM. He looked and saw Jihoon sleeping. Junhyung fixed the blankets and kissed his cheek. He twitched a little but continued sleeping. Junhyung smiled.
So adorable..., Junhyung thought. He slowly picked him up to put him back in the crib. Jihoon kept sleeping. Junhyung quietly put him in the crib and took a deep breath. He was still tired. Junhyung grabbed his phone from the bed and walked out of the room. He closed the door carefully.
"Junhyung-ah, you were in there?", Hara's dad asked from the couch.

"Hehe yeah. Jihoon was crying in the middle of the night so I went in and slept with him on the bed. He's in the crib now.", Junhyung told him.

"Why didn't Hara wake up? You should've slept more since you are flying to Malaysia today.", he said worriedly.

"Haha it's fine. I bet Hara was really tired. I just let her sleep.", he answered.

"Alright. Go ahead and get ready.", Hara's dad said.

Junhyung smiled and walked into their room. Hara was still sleeping. Junhyung went to her and put blankets over her. He stared at her and brushed back her hair. She was deeply asleep. Junhyung walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. After doing that, he grabbed a bag from the closet and packed stuff. His manager had his suitcase so that was all set. Junhyung changed into jeans, put on a shirt, then a sweater, then a thick gray jacket. It was freezing outside. Then, he put on socks and grabbed his tennis shoes and walked towards the bed. He kissed Hara and smiled. He walked out of the door and said goodbye to Hara's parents and kissed the babies goodbye. He finally head out of the house and drove to the airport.

When he arrived, it was 8:13 AM. He got out of the car and saw their van parked in front of the airport main door. Junhyung put his sunglasses and earphones, and his hat on. He walked in and there were camera flashes and fans. He found s and manager hyungs so he walked towards them. On his way there, he took presents from fans. He smiled and finally met up with them.
"Yong Junhyung, you aren't that late for the first time.", one of the manager hyungs said.
Junhyung nodded and laughed. At 8:30 AM, they got on the plane. Dujun sat beside him.

"Yah do you have any pictures of your twins? What's their names??", Dujun asked curiously.

Junhyung took his phone out of his back pocket and unlocked his phone. His wallpaper was a picture of Jiyeon and Jihoon in their cribs when they opened their eyes for the first time.

"Jiyeon and Jihoon. They are cute right?", Junhyung asked proudly.

"Hahahhaa woah they are the mini Hara and Junhyung!", Dujun shouted. The members gathered around and looked at the picture.

"They are so cute!", Yoseop shouted out.

"Oooo Yong Junhyung, you are a dad!", Gikwang exclaimed. Junhyung laughed.

Junhyung slept through the whole flight. He was so exhausted and he had a back ache. Even though he was tired and in pain, he had to work! He looked at Hara and the twin's photos and gained strength.



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Chapter 3: such a daebak story ! <3
Hello there!
sorry to mess here,
check out my latest vampire love story
"Dear my Hara,don't come closer" its junhara <3 !
leave some comments as you wish,so i can improve :)
gomawo ^^
hara_ya #3
she act shy, but she really want him~
her mind keep blank, luckily, junhyung not give up on her so fast~
junhara clap2!!
--photogenic #4
It's so romantic~
I love it!
JunHara foreverrrrr
hara_ya #5
they so romantic till the end
hope jihoon will be good brother towrd his two sister
love junhara
hara_ya #6
yup~ this story is quite diff from other fic

that was really a great night for junhara family~ how i wish its all real~
luminatorr #7
omg this is actually one of my most favorite fan fic considering how it doesnt need to contain any special romance at all and just a family revolved story. love it!! cant wait for the upcoming chapters!
hara_ya #8
awwww~ jiyeon n jihoon really a fast learner~
when they start walk their own, its really tired to watch them all the time
they must be damn tired, hope the twins not so naughty~
hara_ya #9
i can totally imagine all of that~
coz my nephew just turned 1 year old yesterday~

i love how junhyung take care of his twin even his tired..not many man will become like that~ junhyung is so caring

he n hara got strength from their twin like how junhyung got strength from hara call
emilynad #10
this story so sweet i like it....