
Raising twins....DOUBLE TROUBLE!

At 6:25 PM, JunHara dressed Jihoon and Jiyeon. They were gonna drive to a nice park that was 15 minutes away and walk around there. They dressed Jiyeon into a blouse that Junhyung's mom bought her and white flower shorts that a fan bought for them. Then, they dressed Jihoon into a shirt that had a picture of power rangers and some regular shorts. After that, Junhyung got the strollers out to the living room.

"Are you ready?", Junhyung asked Hara. She was packing a bag of baby things in case anything happens.

"Yup.", Hara answered while zipping the bag.

Junhyung picked Jihoon and Jiyeon from the couch. He put Jihoon on one seat and Jiyeon on the other seat. This stroller was made very nicely, the seats faced each other so Jihoon and Jiyeon looked at each other while Junhyung pushed the strollers.

"Wait. Aren't we gonna put the strollers in the car trunk?", Hara asked.

"Yeah we are.", Junhyung replied while buckling them up.

"Then why do we need to put them in now?", Hara asked. She was confused.

"Because we need to get down the elvator and stuff and we have lots to carry. Might as well just put them in the stroller.

"Ohhh okay.", Hara understood.

They got out of the apartment building and found Junhyung's car. Junhyung took Jihoon out first and put him in the car seat. Hara took Jiyeon out and put her in the car seat. After that, Junhyung folded up the stroller which wasn't that hard because he practiced many times before. After folding them up, he put it in the trunk. Hara and Junhyung got in the car and drove off.

"You buckled the babies right?", Junhyung asked Hara while driving out of the neighborhood.

Hara nodded.

About 15 minutes later, they arrived at the park. There were many playgrounds, walking trails, pretty fountains, and benches. Junhyun set up the strollers again and put the twins back in the stroller. Hara put the little sun cover up thing (sorry i dont know what the name of that is...it's in strollers the top part to cover the baby when they are sleeping or when there's sun.) over the stroller. They didn't really want to spread their babies' faces in public plus, the sun was still out. They just closed it half way.

Junhyung pushed the strollers while Hara walked next to Junhyung. Junhyung and Hara talked and enjoyed the fresh evening air together. There were lots of people since today was a Saturday. Thankfully, Junhyung and Hara brought hats and sunglasses. They put them on and kept walking. JunHara saw a whole bunch of young kids running around.

"Oppa I can't wait to see our babies like that.", Hara said while staring at them.

Junhyung laughed and nodded. He peaked in the seats to see how they were doing. They were both just sitting. Junhyung reached into the basket full of toys and took two out. He gave one to Jihoon and one to Jiyeon. They grabbed it and laughed. Junhyung smiled and started pushing the strollers again.

"Can we go sit somewhere?", Hara asked.

"Sure.", Junhyung answered and looked around. He turned the stroller back and walked to the benches. Hara followed.

There were benches along the side of a large concrete area. They sat in one of them and rested. There weren't a lot of people in this area. Hara stood up and took Jiyeon out of the stroller. She was holding the doll and putting it in .

"I bet they hungry now. That's why I packed some food hehe I'm smart.", Hara said happily.

Junhyung also took Jihoon out of the stroller and played with him.bHara reached in the bag and took out two applesauce and handed one to Junhyung. She took 2 spoons out and gave Junhyung one. Hara fed Jiyeon and Junhyung fed Jihoon. They both loved the applesauce. Then, Hara took out 2 fruit cups for babies and gave Junhyung one.

"So this is dinner for them?", Junhyun asked while putting a piece of fruit in Jihoon's mouth.

"Yeah. The doctors told me the menu. And then right before bed, they have to drink a bottle of formula.", Hara told him.

"Ohhhhh.", Junhyung replied.

After feeding the twins, they decided to start walking back to their car now since it was getting dark. Junhyung put Jihoon in the stroller but then he started crying and stretching his arms out. Jihoon wanted Junhyung to hold him. Junhyung picked him back up and his cries stopped.
Meanwhile, Hara had put Jiyeon in the stroller. Jiyeon didn't complain, she just sat and played with a toy. Junhyung walked with Jihoon in his arms while Hara pushed the strollers.

After awhile, they finally got to their car. Junhyung put Jihoon in his carseat and Hara put Jiyeon in her carseat. Junhyung folded the strollers up and put it in the trunk. They drove back to their house. Junhyung parked the car and they got out.

"Let's just leave the strollers in the car.", Hara suggested while taking off Jihoon's seatbelt.

Junhyung nodded and picked Jiyeon up from her carseat. Hara picked Jihoon up and they walked to the elevator. They finally arrived at their house.

"Jiyeon-ah, Jihoon-ah~", Hara's dad said when they walked in. Junhyung handed Jiyeon to Hara's dad and Hara handed Jihoon to Hara's mom.

"We will change them back to their pajamas, you guys go rest.", Hara's mom told them.

Junhyung and Hara walked into their rooms and got changed into comfortable clothes and got ready for bed even though it was only 8 PM. They got all of that taken care of and sat on the bed and the TV.

"Ahhhh that was fun.", Hara said to Junhyung.

Junhyung smiled and pulled Hara closer to him. She ended up on his lap, with her legs around Junhyung's stomach & back and she faced him. Junhyung put his hands on Hara's back so she can sit up and face him.
Hara smiled and they whispered to each other.

"I miss the days when you only paid attention to me.", Junhyung told Hara quietly.

Hara laughed and brought her face close to his. "I always pay attention to you.", Hara told him.

Junhyung grinned and brought his lips to hers and they met. Junhyung kissed her for a long time. He missed it so much.

"Can you guys feed the babies a bottle of...", Hara's mom said as she opened the door. She stopped herself and closed the door quickly. JunHara stopped kissing and Hara jumped out of his lap.

"Fe...feed t..the...babies...formula..they..are about to s...sl..sleep.", Hara's mom stuttered. She came in at the wrong time. Junhyung hid his face and turned red. Hara laughed.

"Come on. Help me feed them the bottles.", Hara said while getting up.

Junhyung got up and walked out of the room with Hara. They got 2 bottles of formula ready and took them into the kids' room. They were on the playing mat playing with toys. Junhyung picked Jihoon up and put him on his lap on the bed. Junhyung put the bottle in his mouth and he started drinking it. Jihoon put his hands on the bottle and Junhyung slowly let go. They taught the twins to drink it by themselves. Junhyung watched him drink his bottle and then looked up to see Hara. She was also watching Jiyeon drink her bottle. After that, they played with them for a few minutes and changed their diapers because they pooped.

Finally, they were whining and JunHara assumed that they were tired. Hara picked Jiyeon up from the ground and held her close to her so she would fall asleep. Junhyung also did the same thing. About 5-10 minutes later, the twins fell asleep in their arms. JunHara set them down on their cribs and put their blanket over them. They the small lamp and shut off the lights. Junhyung quietly closed the door and smiled.

"They are finally asleep.", said Hara.

Junhyung nodded and they walked in their rooms to sleep.

It was finally resting time for them. They turned off the lights and talked in bed. A few minutes later, Hara fell asleep in Junhyung's arms comfortably...



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Chapter 3: such a daebak story ! <3
Hello there!
sorry to mess here,
check out my latest vampire love story
"Dear my Hara,don't come closer" its junhara <3 !
leave some comments as you wish,so i can improve :)
gomawo ^^
hara_ya #3
she act shy, but she really want him~
her mind keep blank, luckily, junhyung not give up on her so fast~
junhara clap2!!
--photogenic #4
It's so romantic~
I love it!
JunHara foreverrrrr
hara_ya #5
they so romantic till the end
hope jihoon will be good brother towrd his two sister
love junhara
hara_ya #6
yup~ this story is quite diff from other fic

that was really a great night for junhara family~ how i wish its all real~
luminatorr #7
omg this is actually one of my most favorite fan fic considering how it doesnt need to contain any special romance at all and just a family revolved story. love it!! cant wait for the upcoming chapters!
hara_ya #8
awwww~ jiyeon n jihoon really a fast learner~
when they start walk their own, its really tired to watch them all the time
they must be damn tired, hope the twins not so naughty~
hara_ya #9
i can totally imagine all of that~
coz my nephew just turned 1 year old yesterday~

i love how junhyung take care of his twin even his tired..not many man will become like that~ junhyung is so caring

he n hara got strength from their twin like how junhyung got strength from hara call
emilynad #10
this story so sweet i like it....